4/27/2015 Instructor Dr. Raymond Rumpf (915) 747‐6958 [email protected] EE 4395/5390 – Special Topics Computational Electromagnetics Lecture #3 Electromagnetic Principles These notes may contain copyrighted material obtained under fair use rules. Distribution of these materials is strictly prohibited Lecture 3 Slide 1 Outline • • • • Wave vectors Polarization Index Ellipsoids Electromagnetic behavior at an interface – Phase matching at an interface – Critical angle and Brewster’s angle – Reflection and transmission • Image theory • Lenses Lecture 3 Slide 2 1 4/27/2015 Wave Vectors Lecture 3 Slide 3 Wave Vector k A wave vector conveys two pieces of information at the same time. First, its orientation describes the direction of the wave. It is perpendicular to the wave front. Second, its magnitude conveys the spatial period of the wave. It is 2 divided by the spatial period of the wave (wavelength). E r E0 exp jk r r xxˆ yyˆ zzˆ position vector 2 2 n k 0 k k x xˆ k y yˆ k z zˆ Lecture 3 k If the frequency of the wave is known and constant, and it usually is, the magnitude of the k vector conveys the refractive index of the material the wave is in. Slide 4 2 4/27/2015 The Complex Wave Vector A wave travelling the +z direction can be written in terms of the wave number k as E z E0 e jkz k k jk Substituting this back into the wave solution yields j k jk z jk z k z E z E0 e E0 e e oscillation growth/decay Lecture 3 Slide 5 and A wave travelling the +z direction can also be written in terms of a propagation constant and an attenuation coefficient as z j z E z E0 e e oscillation growth/decay We now have physical meaning to the real and imaginary parts of the wave vector. k j Lecture 3 k’ = Re[k] phase term 2 2 n 0 k’’ = Im[k] attenuation term Slide 6 3 4/27/2015 1D Waves with Complex k Purely Real k • Uniform amplitude • Oscillations move power • Considered to be a propagating wave Purely Imaginary k • Decaying amplitude • No oscillations, no flow of power • Considered to be evanescent Complex k • Decaying amplitude • Oscillations move power • Considered to be a propagating wave (not evanescent) Lecture 3 Slide 7 2D Waves with Doubly Complex k Real k x Real k y Imaginary k x x x x y Imaginary k y Complex k x x y y y x x y y Complex k y x Lecture 3 y x y x y Slide 8 4 4/27/2015 Polarization Lecture 3 Slide 9 What is Polarization? Polarization is that property of a radiated electromagnetic wave which describes the time‐varying direction and relative magnitude of the electric field vector. Linear Polarization (LP) Circular Polarization (CP) Left‐Hand Circular Polarization (LCP) Lecture 3 Slide 10 5 4/27/2015 Handedness Convention As Viewed From Source As Viewed From Receiver Polarization is taken as the time‐varying electric field view with the wave moving away from you. Primarily used in engineering and quantum physics. source Polarization is taken as the time‐varying electric field view with the wave coming toward you. Primarily used in optics and physics. RCP RCP source receiver receiver LCP LCP source source receiver receiver Lecture 3 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_polarization Slide 11 Linear Polarization A wave travelling in the +z direction is said to be linearly polarized if: E x, y, z Pe jk z z P sin xˆ cos yˆ P is called the polarization vector. aˆ For an arbitrary wave, E r Pe jk r P sin aˆ cos bˆ aˆ bˆ k bˆ All components of P have equal phase. Lecture 3 k k Slide 12 6 4/27/2015 Circular Polarization A wave travelling in the +z direction is said to be circularly polarized if: E x, y, z Pe jkz z P xˆ jyˆ P is called the polarization vector. For an arbitrary wave, j LCP jk r E r Pe P aˆ jbˆ aˆ bˆ k RCP j The two components of P have equal amplitude and are 90 out of phase. k k Lecture 3 Slide 13 Summary In general, a wave travelling in the +z direction can be written as j E x, y, z Ex e jx xˆ E y e y yˆ e j z 1 j H x, y, z Ex e jx xˆ E y e y yˆ e j z LPx LPy RCP LCP Elliptical Ex = ER + EL Ey = ER – EL RH: ER>EL LH: ER<EL Ex and Ey Ey = 0 Ex = 0 Ex=Ey=ER Ex=Ey=EL x 0 0 0 0 y 0 0 -/2 +/2 Lecture 3 Slide 14 7 4/27/2015 LPx + LPy = LP45 A linearly polarized wave can always be decomposed as the sum of two orthogonal linearly polarized waves that are in phase. Lecture 3 Slide 15 LPx + jLPy = CP A circularly polarized wave is the sum of two linearly polarized waves that are 90° out of phase. Lecture 3 Slide 16 8 4/27/2015 RCP + LCP = LP A linearly polarized wave is can be expressed as the sum of two circularly polarized waves. The phase between the CPs determines the tilt of the LP. Lecture 3 Slide 17 Why is Polarization Important? • Different polarizations can behave differently in a device • Orthogonal polarizations will not interfere with each other • Polarization becomes critical when analyzing devices on the scale of a wavelength Lecture 3 Slide 18 9 4/27/2015 Poincaré Sphere The polarization of a wave can be mapped to a unique point on the Poincaré sphere. RCP Points on opposite sides of the sphere are orthogonal. ‐45° LP 90° LP See Balanis, Chap. 4. +45° LP 0° LP LCP Lecture 3 Slide 19 TE and TM We use the labels “TE” and “TM” when we are trying to describe the orientation of a linearly polarized wave relative to a device. TE/perpendicular/s – the electric field is polarized perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Lecture 3 TM/parallel/p – the electric field is polarized parallel to the plane of incidence. Slide 20 10 4/27/2015 Calculating the Polarization Vectors Incident Wave Vector sin cos kinc k0 ninc sin sin cos Right‐handed coordinate system x y z Surface Normal 0 nˆ 0 1 Unit Vectors Along Polarizations aˆ y aˆTE nˆ kinc nˆ k inc aˆ k ˆaTM TE inc aˆTE kinc 0 0 Composite Polarization Vector P pTE aˆTE pTM aˆTM In CEM, we make P 1 Lecture 3 Slide 21 Index Ellipsoids Lecture 3 Slide 22 11 4/27/2015 Dispersion Relations The dispersion relation for a material relates the wave vector to frequency. Essentially, it tells us the refractive index as a function of direction through a material. It is derived by substituting a plane wave solution into the wave equation. For an ordinary linear homogeneous and isotropic (LHI) material, the dispersion relation is: ka2 kb2 kc2 k02 n 2 This can also be written as: ka2 kb2 kc2 k02 0 2 n Lecture 3 Slide 23 Index Ellipsoids From the previous slide, the dispersion relation for a LHI material was: ka2 kb2 kc2 k02 n 2 This defines a sphere called an “index ellipsoid.” cˆ The vector connecting the origin to a point on the sphere is the k‐vector for that direction. Refractive index is calculated from this. k k0 n index ellipsoid For LHI materials, the refractive index is the same in all directions. Think of this as a map of the refractive index as a function of the wave’s direction through the medium. Lecture 3 bˆ aˆ Slide 24 12 4/27/2015 Index Ellipsoids for Uniaxial Materials Observations cˆ nO nE nE nO bˆ aˆ nO • Both solutions share a common axis. • This “common” axis looks isotropic with refractive index n0 regardless of polarization. • Since both solutions share a single axis, these crystals are called “uniaxial.” • The “common” axis is called: o Optic axis o Ordinary axis o C axis o Uniaxial axis • Deviation from the optic axis will result in two separate possible modes. ka2 kb2 kc2 k 2 k 2 k02 a 2 b k02 0 2 n n O E Lecture 3 Slide 25 Index Ellipsoids for Biaxial Materials Biaxial materials have all unique refractive indices. Most texts adopt the convention where na nb nc The general dispersion relation cannot be reduced. cˆ Notes and Observations • The convention na<nb<nc causes the optic axes to lie in the a‐c plane. optic axes aˆ Lecture 3 • The two solutions can be envisioned as one balloon inside another, pinched together so they touch at only four points. bˆ • Propagation along either of the optic axes looks isotropic, thus the name “biaxial.” Slide 26 13 4/27/2015 Direction of Power Flow Isotropic Materials Anisotropic Materials P y y k k x P x Phase propagates in the direction of k . Therefore, the refractive index derived from k is best described as the phase refractive index. Velocity here is the phase velocity. Power propagates in the direction of P which is always normal to the surface of the index ellipsoid. From this, we can define a group velocity and a group refractive index. Lecture 3 Slide 27 Illustration of k versus P P k P k Negative refraction into an electromagnetic band gap material. We don’t need a negative refractive index to have negative refraction. Lecture 3 Slide 28 14 4/27/2015 Phase Matching at an Interface Lecture 3 Slide 29 Illustration of the Dispersion Relation 2 2 k k k k0 n 2 x y 2 y Index ellipsoid k ky kx x The dispersion relation for isotropic materials is essentially just the Pythagorean theorem. It says a wave sees the same refractive index no matter what direction the wave is travelling. Lecture 3 Slide 30 15 4/27/2015 Index Ellipsoid in Two Different Materials Material 1 (Low n) Material 2 (High n) 2 2 k x2,1 k y2,1 k1 k0 n1 2 2 k x2,2 k y2,2 k2 k0 n2 n1 n2 Lecture 3 Slide 31 Phase Matching at the Interface Between Two Materials Where n1 < n2 n1 n2 Material 1 2 2 k k y2,1 k1 k0 n1 2 x ,1 Material 2 k Lecture 3 2 x ,2 2 2 k y2,2 k2 k0 n2 Slide 32 16 4/27/2015 Summary of the Phase Matching Trend for n1 < n2 n1 n2 Material 1 2 2 k x2,1 k y2,1 k1 k0 n1 Material 2 2 2 k x2,2 k y2,2 k2 k0 n2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Properly phased matched at the interface. Lecture 3 Slide 33 Phase Matching at the Interface Between Two Materials Where n1 > n2 n1 n2 inc c Material 1 2 2 k k y2,1 k1 k0 n1 2 x ,1 inc c Material 2 2 2 k x2,2 k y2,2 k2 k0 n2 Lecture 3 Slide 34 17 4/27/2015 Summary of the Phase Matching Trend for n1 > n2 n1 n2 Material 1 2 2 k x2,1 k y2,1 k1 k0 n1 1 Material 2 2 2 k x2,2 k y2,2 k2 k0 n2 2 inc c inc c 3 4 inc c inc c Properly phased matched at the interface. Lecture 3 Slide 35 Critical Angle and Brewster’s Angle Lecture 3 Slide 36 18 4/27/2015 Longitudinal Component of the Wave Vector 1. Boundary conditions require that the tangential component of the wave vector is continuous across the interface. Assuming kx is purely real in material 1, kx will be purely real in material 2. We have oscillations and energy flow in the x direction. 2. Knowing that the dispersion relation must be satisfied, the longitudinal component of the wave vector in material 2 is calculated from the dispersion relation in material 2. k x2,2 k y2,2 k0 n2 2 k y ,2 k0 n2 2 k x2,2 We see that k y will be purely real if k0 n2 k x ,2 . We see that k y will be purely imaginary if k0 n2 k y , z . Lecture 3 Slide 37 Field at an Interface Above and Below the Critical Angle (Ignoring Reflections) 1. 2. 3. 4. n1 n2 n1 n2 n1 n2 No critical angle 1 C 1 C The field always penetrates material 2, but it may not propagate. Above the critical angle, penetration is greatest near the critical angle. Very high spatial frequencies are supported in material 2 despite the dispersion relation. In material 2, energy always flows along x, but not necessarily along y. Lecture 3 Slide 38 19 4/27/2015 Simulation of Reflection and Transmission at a Single Interface (n1<n2) n1=1.0, n2=1.73 B=60° Lecture 3 Slide 39 Simulation of Reflection and Transmission at a Single Interface (n1>n2) n1=1.41, n2=1.0 C=45° Lecture 3 Slide 40 20 4/27/2015 Field Visualization for C=45° inc = 44° inc = 46° inc = 67° inc = 89° Lecture 3 Slide 41 Reflection and Transmission: The Fresnel Equations Lecture 3 Slide 42 21 4/27/2015 Reflection, Transmission, and Refraction at an Interface Angles inc ref 1 n1 sin 1 n2 sin 2 Snell’s Law TE Polarization 2 cos 1 1 cos 2 2 cos 1 1 cos 2 22 cos 1 2 cos 1 1 cos 2 rTE tTE 1 rTE tTE TM Polarization 2 cos 2 1 cos 1 1 cos 1 2 cos 2 2 2 cos 1 1 cos 1 2 cos 2 cos 2 tTM cos 1 rTM tTM 1 rTM Lecture 3 Slide 43 Reflectance and Transmittance Reflectance The fraction of power R reflected from an interface is called reflectance. It is related to the reflection coefficient r through RTE rTE 2 RTM rTM 2 r RTE TE RTM rTM 2 2 Transmittance The fraction of power T transmitted through an interface is called transmittance. It is related to the transmission coefficient t through TTE tTE Lecture 3 2 1 cos 2 2 cos 1 TTM tTM 2 1 cos 2 2 cos 1 t TTE TE TTM tTM 2 2 Slide 44 22 4/27/2015 Amplitude Vs. Power Terms Wave Amplitudes The reflection and transmission coefficients, r and t, relate the amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted waves relative to the applied wave. They are complex numbers because both the magnitude and phase of the wave can change at an interface. Eref rEinc Etrn tEinc Wave Power The reflectance and transmittance, R and T, relate the power of the reflected and transmitted waves relative to the applied wave. They are real numbers bound between zero and one. Eref 2 R Einc 2 2 Etrn T Einc 2 Often, these quantities are expressed on the decibel scale RdB 10 log10 R TdB 10 log10 T Lecture 3 Slide 45 The Critical Angle (Total Reflection) Above the critical angle c, reflection is 100% rTE 2 cos c 1 cos 2 1 2 cos c 1 cos 2 rTM 2 cos 2 1 cos c 1 1 cos c 2 cos 2 This will happen when cos(2) is imaginary. These conditions are derived from Snell’s Law. cos 2 1 sin 2 2 1 n 1 c sin 1 2 n1 Condition for Total Internal Reflection (TIR) Lecture 3 1 n12 sin 2 c 1 n22 n12 sin 2 c n22 n1 sin c n2 sin 2 n12 sin 2 c 1 n22 n2 n1 c sin 1 Slide 46 23 4/27/2015 Brewster’s Angle (Total Transmission) TE Polarization rTE 2 cos B 1 cos 2 0 2 cos B 1 cos 2 sin B 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 We see that as long as 1=2 then there is no Brewster’s angle. Generally, most materials have a very week magnetic response and there is no Brewster’s angle for TE polarized waves. TM Polarization rTM 2 cos 2 1 cos 1 0 1 cos 1 2 cos 2 sin B 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 We see that if 1=2 then there is no Brewster’s angle. For materials with no magnetic response, the Brewster’s angle equation reduces to tan B 2 n2 1 n1 1 2 This is the most well known equation. Lecture 3 Slide 47 Notes on a Single Interface • It is a change in impedance that causes reflections • Law of reflection says the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. • Snell’s Law quantifies the angle of transmission as a function of angle of incidence and the material properties. • Angle of transmission and reflection do not depend on polarization. • The Fresnel equations quantify the amount of reflection and transmission, but not the angles. • Amount of reflection and transmission depends on the polarization and angle of incidence. • For incident angles greater than the critical angle, a wave will be completely reflected regardless of its polarization. • When a wave is incident at the Brewster’s angle, a particular polarization will be completely transmitted. Lecture 3 Slide 48 24 4/27/2015 Image Theory Lecture 3 Slide 49 Image Theory Reduces Size of Models When fields are symmetric in some manner about a plane, it is only necessary to calculate one half of the field because the other half contains only redundant information. Sometimes more than one plane of symmetry can be identified. Image theory can dramatically reduce the numerical size of the model being solved. Reduced model Device is 75% smaller. Model is 94% smaller. G. Bellanca, S. Trillo, “Full vectorial BPM modeling of Index‐Guiding Photonic Crystal Fibers and Couplers,” Optics Express 10(1), 54‐59 (2002). Lecture 3 Slide 50 25 4/27/2015 Summary of Image Theory Electric Fields Magnetic Fields Electric Fields perfect electric conductor (PEC) Magnetic Fields perfect magnetic conductor (PMC) image fields Duality Lecture 3 Slide 51 Image Theory Applied to an Airplane Lecture 3 Slide 52 26 4/27/2015 Lenses Lecture 3 Slide 53 Lenses Lenses are structures that focus electromagnetic waves. Lenses are also used to collimate a beam or diverge a beam. Optical Lens Microwave Lens W. Chalodhorn, D. R. Deboer, “Use of Microwave Lenses in Phase Retrieval Microwave Holography of Reflector Antennas,” IEEE Trans. Ant. Prop., vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 1274‐ 1284, 2002. Lecture 3 Slide 54 27 4/27/2015 Ray Tracing Ray tracing is a graphical technique to determine the direction of a beam that passes through the lens. Lecture 3 Slide 55 Ray Tracing Definitions “Thin” lens focal plane focal point Lecture 3 focal plane optical axis focal point Slide 56 28 4/27/2015 Ray Tracing: Rule #1 The direction of a ray passing through the center of the lens remains unchanged. Lecture 3 Slide 57 Ray Tracing: Rule #2 A ray parallel to the optical axis will pass through the focal point. Lecture 3 Slide 58 29 4/27/2015 Ray Tracing: Rule #3 An arbitrary ray will pass through the focal plane at the same point as a parallel ray passing through the center of the lens. Lecture 3 Slide 59 Lens’s Makers Formula The focal length of a thin lens is approximately 1 nlens n0 1 1 F n0 R1 R2 R1 R2 F Lecture 3 F Slide 60 30 4/27/2015 Death Rays From a Skyscraper The curved glass on a skyscraper in London acts like a lens. In late August / early September, the sun is at just the right angle to focus light down onto the street. Here, it melted part of an expensive Jaguar. 20 Fenchurch Street, London. Lecture 3 Slide 61 31
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