An Economical Business-Cycle Model Pascal Michaillat (LSE) & Emmanuel Saez (Berkeley) April 2015 1 / 45 Slack and inflation in the US since 1994 40% idle capacity (Census) 30% 20% 10% idle labor (ISM) 0% 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 2 / 45 Slack and inflation in the US since 1994 40% idle capacity 10% 30% 7.5% 20% 5% 10% idle labor 0% 1994 1999 unemployment (right scale) 2004 2009 2.5% 2014 0% 2 / 45 Slack and inflation in the US since 1994 40% 10% slack 30% 7.5% 20% 5% 10% 2.5% core inflation (right scale) 0% 1994 1999 2004 2009 2014 0% 2 / 45 Objective of the paper develop a tractable business-cycle model in which fluctuations in supply and demand lead to I some fluctuations in slack—unemployment, idle labor, and idle capacity I no fluctuations in inflation use the model to analyze monetary and fiscal policies 3 / 45 The model 4 / 45 Overview start from money-in-the-utility-function model of Sidrauski [AER 1967] add matching frictions on market for labor services as in Michaillat & Saez [QJE 2015] ⇒ generate slack ⇒ accomodate fixed inflation in general equilibrium add utility for wealth as in Kurz [IER 1968] ⇒ enrich aggregate demand structure ⇒ allow for permanent liquidity traps 5 / 45 Money and bonds households hold B bonds at nominal interest rate i government circulates money M open market operations impose M(t) = −B(t) nominal financial wealth: A = M + B price of labor services is p inflation rate is π = p˙ /p real variables: m = M/p, a = A/p, r = i − π 6 / 45 Behavior of representative household supply k labor services choose consumption c, real money m, real wealth a to maximize utility Z +∞ ε−1 ε e−δ ·t · · c ε + φ (m) + ω(a ) dt + ε −1 0 subject to law of motion of real wealth da = f (x ) · k − 1 + τ(x ) · c − i · m + r · a + seigniorage + + dt 7 / 45 Utility for real money utility money bliss point real money m 8 / 45 utility Utility for real wealth no aggregate wealth a=m+b=0 real wealth a 9 / 45 Matching function and market tightness k units of labor services v help-‐wanted ads 10 / 45 Matching function and market tightness tightness: x = v / k capacity k sales = = output: y = h(k,v) purchases = = help-‐wanted ads v 10 / 45 Matching cost: ρ services per ad output = 1 + τ(x ) · consumption + proof: y y = |{z} c + ρ ·v = c+ρ · |{z} |{z} q(x) consumption matching cost output ρ ⇒ y· 1− =c q(x) ρ · c ≡ 1 + τ(x ) · c ⇒ y = 1 + + q(x ) − ρ − 11 / 45 Consumer’s first-order conditions costate variable: c−1/ε λ= 1 + τ(x) demand for real money balances: c−1/ε φ (m) = i · 1 + τ(x) 0 consumption Euler equation: dλ /dt 1 + τ(x) 0 = −1/ε · ω (a) + i − π − δ λ c 12 / 45 Equilibrium: 6 variables, 5 equations [c(t), m(t), a(t), i(t), p(t), x(t)]+∞ t=0 satisfy consumption Euler equation demand for real money balances no wealth in aggregate: a(t) = 0 matching process: (1 + τ(x(t))) · c(t) = f (x(t)) · k m(t) = M(t)/p(t) and monetary policy sets M(t) 13 / 45 Equilibrium selection: fixed inflation price p(t) is a state variable with law of motion: p˙ (t) = π · p(t) p(0) and π are fixed parameters given p(t), tightness x(t) equalizes supply to demand 14 / 45 Steady-state equilibrium: IS, LM, AD, and AS curves 15 / 45 nominal interest rate i IS curve (from consumption Euler equation) IS consumption c 16 / 45 IS curve without utility of wealth nominal interest rate i IS iIS (x, ⇡) = ⇡ + consumption c 17 / 45 LM curve (from demand for real money balances) nominal interest rate i LM consumption c 18 / 45 nominal interest rate i LM curve with money > bliss point (liquidity trap) iLM (x, m) = 0 LM consumption c 19 / 45 nominal interest rate IS & LM determine interest rate and AD LM IS cAD (x, ⇡, m) consumption 20 / 45 nominal interest rate IS & LM determine interest rate and AD LM i IS cAD (x0 < x, ⇡, m) consumption 20 / 45 AD curve (x, ⇡, m) = +⇡ (1 + ⌧ (x)) · ( 0 (m) + ! 0 (0)) ✏ market tightness x c AD AD consumption c 21 / 45 market tightness x AS curve capacity: k quantity of labor services 22 / 45 AS curve market tightness x capacity k output: y = f(x) k quantity of labor services 22 / 45 AS curve market tightness x output y capacity k consumption: quantity of labor services 22 / 45 AS curve market tightness x output capacity consumption recruiting slack quantity of labor services 22 / 45 AS curve market tightness x cAS (x) = (f (x) ⇢ · x) · k AS consumption c 22 / 45 AS curve and state of the economy market tightness x overheating economy efficient economy AS slack economy consumption c 23 / 45 General equilibrium output market tightness AS capacity general equilibrium AD slack x c y k quantity of labor services 24 / 45 Dynamical system is a source ˙ ˙ = ( + ⇡) · ! 0 (0) 0 (m) 0 25 / 45 Immediate adjustment to shock ˙ 0 b a 26 / 45 Macroeconomic shocks 27 / 45 nominal interest rate Increase in AD: fall in MU of wealth AD increases LM IS consumption 28 / 45 labor market tightness Increase in AD: fall in MU of wealth output capacity AS AD quantity of labor services 28 / 45 labor market tightness Increase in AS: rise in capacity AS output capacity AD quantity of labor services 29 / 45 Monetary and fiscal policies 30 / 45 Increase in money supply market tightness x AS output capacity low tightness and output depressed AD consumption c 31 / 45 nominal interest rate i Increase in money supply AD increases LM IS consumption c 31 / 45 Increase in money supply market tightness x output capacity efficient tightness AS AD consumption c 31 / 45 Money supply in a liquidity trap market tightness x AS output capacity very low tightness and output very depressed AD consumption c 32 / 45 nominal interest rate i Money supply in a liquidity trap LM in liquidity trap IS LM consumption c 32 / 45 Money supply in a liquidity trap market tightness x output capacity inefficiently low tightness AS AD in liquidity trap consumption c 32 / 45 Alternative policy: helicopter money government prints and distributes M h > 0 aggregate wealth is positive: a = mh > 0 IS curve depends on helicopter money: ε δ +π −i IS c = (1 + τ(x)) · ω 0 (mh ) 33 / 45 nominal interest rate Helicopter money always stimulates AD AD increases LM IS consumption 34 / 45 nominal interest rate Helicopter money always stimulates AD IS AD increases LM in liquidity trap consumption 34 / 45 Alternative policy: tax on wealth government taxes wealth at rate τ a > 0 IS curve depends on wealth tax: δ + τa + π − i c = (1 + τ(x)) · ω 0 (0) IS ε 35 / 45 nominal interest rate Tax on wealth always stimulates AD AD increases LM IS consumption 36 / 45 nominal interest rate Tax on wealth always stimulates AD IS AD increases LM in liquidity trap consumption 36 / 45 Alternative policy: government purchases government purchases g(t) units of labor services g(t) enters separately in utility function g(t) financed by lump-sum taxes AD curve depends on government purchases: δ +π cAD = (1 + τ(x)) · (φ 0 (m) + ω 0 (0)) ε + g 1 + τ(x) 37 / 45 labor market tightness Government purchases stimulate AD output capacity AS AD quantity of labor services 38 / 45 Summary of policies conventional monetary policy sets money supply M M stabilizes economy out of liquidity trap I M → LM curve → AD curve M is ineffective in liquidity trap I LM curve is stuck alternative policies work in liquidity trap I I helicopter money / wealth tax → IS curve → AD curve government purchases → AD curve 39 / 45 Inflation and slack dynamics in the medium run 40 / 45 Simplifying assumptions 1. no money growth 2. no liquidity trap 41 / 45 Directed search [Moen, JPE 1997] buyers search for best price/tightness compromise in equilibrium, buyers are indifferent across markets: (1 + τ(x)) · p = e in any market (x, p) seller chooses p to maximize p · f (x) subject to (1 + τ(x)) · p = e ⇔ seller chooses x to maximize f (x)/(1 + τ(x)) ⇔ seller chooses efficient tightness x∗ if x < x∗ , seller wants to lower p and conversely 42 / 45 Price-adjustment cost [Rotemberg, REStud 1982] seller chooses p, π, and x to maximize the discounted sum of nominal profits Z +∞ κ 2 −I(t) e · p · f (x) · k− · π dt 2 0 subject to p˙ = π · p e 1 + τ(x) = p solution yields Phillips curve 43 / 45 Dynamical system describing equilibrium system of 3 ODEs: law of motion of price (˙p), ˙ consumption Euler equation (˙x) Phillips curve (π), state variable: p jump variables: π, x the unique steady state has x = x∗ and π = 0 system is a saddle around steady state stable manifold is a line: dynamic determinacy 44 / 45 Short-run/long-run effects of shocks increase in: aggregate demand money supply aggregate supply x π p y + + 0 + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 + 0 0 + 0 − − 0 0 0 − − + 45 / 45
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