SPEED POST " NO. TIME BOUND rlcEr-r808/0ur0r+TTc GOVERN}'.EIIT OF INDIA MIMSTRY OT.LABOUR & EMPIITYMEI{T & D.GE&T. *+**!****+** New Delhi, dated the22d January,2015 To the State Appreriticeship Advisors dealing with Apprenticeship Traiuirg Scheme. I lll L Regional Dircctors of Appreaticeship Trainiug _- i<"np* / 'Mumbai -l Cn"iuri / Kolkata Eyderabad / Faridabad- Subjeq$ ProgreP for 102'd 4n India Trade Test of A.pprentices to be held in April, 2015 under the .Appreutices Ac! 1961. Sir, . I an directed to inform you thal it has been decided to.conduct the 102"d Apprentices u1{er the Appreutices Act, 1961 &om 2oth April, 2ol5 as per program given All India Trade Test of uetowit APPRENTICESACT. T961 Datc fiae of Day commcrcemetrt of the Test Sub.lect of Engg. and Non- Subjec{s oftrade Engg. Trades (frade CodeNo. sstenogrephcr{E)'. Assistant' (Irade code No235) Monday 10.30AM -d+ 21.04.2015. trade *Sccrcterial BA m-M.z0t5 of Subjects 02.30 PM Tuesday 10.30AM Practical PracticaV Practical Tlpe writing (iob f,.tr & trI) Typewriting (Job -V I,IL m& rv) -do. -do-. Practical -do- PracticaU Shorthand Dictation Practical- IV @80w?M Dictation Shorthand @ 80 wPM -do. .)., PraaicaV -do- 02.30 PM -do- Shorthand Dictation @ 100wPM 04-2015 -do 23-U.2015 24.04.2015 -do. 25.04.2A$ Wednesday -doThursday 10.30AM Practical 02.30 PM -do. 10.30AM Social StudieV Social StudieV Social StudieV Employability Skitls Employability Skills Employability, Skills Trade Theory Trade Theory Friday 10.30AM Trade Theory -do- 0230 PM WS Saturdiy Cal. Science & Cognate i0.30AM Eagrncering Drawine (Lunch break from 2.00 PM to 2J0 pM for praiUcat fxaurs ontg Note: The Practical test may be conducted only up to 6.30 pM on each day depending upon thi duration ofthe question papur. You are requested to circulate the same to all concerned Trade Testing Center under your control. Yoqrs f4ithfully l ) eu ) tr T 5 D ) Ioint Director of Training For Director of Training GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA \\ of E, No.DET/TRG/TTC/AT ment and S -tI ins. Ka Banealore-S60 029 Ban CR-9 4 /20 1 4- I 5 DATE:28-01-2015 REVISED NOTIFICATION suB:- Submission of App-3ftralf-yearly returns Apprentices completing training during April n:,.0.1:llflr.i 201s 102nd A.r.r.r.," o" in respect of 2015 to appear for . The employers engaging Apprentices in the designated Trades under the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961, are hereby informed that 102od will be held during All India Trade Test for the Trade Apprentices April 2015 only those Trade Apprentices whose contracts are registered with the concemed Divisional Offices within the prescribed date and who are completing the prescribed period of training as per the contract before the commencement of 102nd All India Trade Test during April 2015 . The following minimum Attendance required as prescribed under the Apprentice Act 1961. Apprentices Full Term Short Term (NTC holders) (PMS / STC holders) Practical Attendance RI(Related Instructions) Duration Classes No. of working Days / Week 167 Days 33 Days 1 Year 5 200 Days 40 Days I Year 6 100 Days 20'Days 6 Months 6 83 Days 17 Days 6 Months 5 200 Days NA I Year 5 240Days NA I Year 6 120 Days NA 6 Months 500 Days NA 2 YzYears 5 590 Days NA 2 YzYears 6 400 Days NA 2 Years 5 480 Days NA 2 Years 6 310 Days NA I YrYear Note: PMS / STC holders under SCVT the period of Training is prescribed as per DGET gazette notification GSR 421 (E) Date: 31't May 2011. For 2 Year trades period of ,tppr.oticeship training is 2 years & for I year trades period of Apprentice training is I yz years. (For Diesel trade period of Apprentice training is 2 %yeais) Y::Bri: \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfiles\ATS\April ZOt SWOlRCeitON.ao" I \, Divisional Offices. The Employers shall sponsor the names of ail the eligible Trade Apprentices in the prescribed form of App-3 furnishing the details of apprentices with ac-tual attendance in practical and Related Instructions separately for the Basic Training zstrop-noor training for full term Apprenrices. for \TC holders, the actual attendance is also to be considlred till 31-01-201s and probable attendance :i:n 01-02-2015 to till the date of completion of training period. Hence the employers are advised to be vigilant and furnish the necessary information a:e: obtaining further details if any required from theloncerned prir.ip"rrlor""ioiar ornces. Eren. .i there are no eligible apprentices to appear for the All India Trade Teit to be held during April 201-s . the Employers should send a -Nil- report to their respective Divisional offices. The Employers are required to adhere to the following instructions in respect of Regular Trade Apprentices, while submitting App_3 statutory returns. l' The Trade apprentice who completes his / her training on or before 15-04-2015 only should be sponsored for April 20rsAil India Trade rest. 2' The details of attendance particulars of each regular trade apprentice for Basic Training(BT), Shop Floor Training (SFT) and Relarted InstructioniRl) classes should be furnished in the App-3 for all Fu[term Apprentices onry. , 3' App-l and App-lA should be sent to the Principals of the Trade Test Centres one week before the Commencement of the Trade Test. The admission tickets of such apprentices, whose App-1 and App-1A is not received by the principals of Trade Test Centres with in the stipulated time, will not be issued. In case admission Ticket is issued by the Employer, then the Apprentice will not be permitted to appear for the Trade Test, unless the employer furnishes his App-1 and App_lA before the commencement of Trade Test. Along with App-i and App-1A. T'ire Soft ana Uara CODY of Sessilnal Marks of Apprentiges sirould be submitted to the concerned Diuitionul offi"", ulong *ith th" uppli*tionTil rl.o ,.nd th" ,u*" to examination section. ln case of ,o, ,ub*i "ony inimum sessional marks will be awarded to such apprenticeg without ,ry NorE: For the scvr holder Apprentice sessional marks"oo"rpondence. should be awarded for all the 4 subjects. While submitting APP-3 the below given details must be incorporated r ---'--- in App-3 format a) b) 4' 5' 6' Contact No. of concerned person of Apprentice Training of the establishment. Fax No. & E-mail address of the establishment. , All India Trade Test(AITT) for apprgntices possessing N.T.C. will be conducted only for Trade Theory and Trade Praciical. However no tes?examination will be conducted for the subject namely workshop Calculation & Science and Engineerinq Drawing under AITT. The "Candidates Details" Data must be sent in a CD in two different Database of Examination software (i.e. Division Wise) given differentiating Full Term Apprentices & Ex ITI holders, SCVT Apprenlices and the App-3 in the same format need to be furnished in the Hard copy also. In case the establishments are sending their Apprentices to any private BT/RI Centres, they should enclose the details of auendance particulars ol thor" apprentices by obtaining them from the centres concerned. a) Contact No. of the HR Manager /Trg. Manager. b) Fax No. & E-mail address. \!Pc8\pc8\ucfi les\ATS\April 20 I 5\f{OTIFICATION. doc Request for inclusion of names of rrade Apprentices in App-3 at a later date after submission of the same will not be considered. The establishments alone are responsible for such omissions. contract Registration number with date (DD/MM/Yy) and period of training should be clearly indicated against the name of each Apprentice iri App-3, failing which permission will not be given to such Apprentices. The names of the BT/RI centres where the Apprentices has undergone such training should be indicated against name of each Appiintice in the App-3 form. (for all Full term Apprentices only) 10. D- anl //T)^ T---- ffi rad etd ion form 11' Every employer while submitting the duly filled in App-3 retqrn to the Divisional office as per the notification shall enclose the outv fiLteJi" p**.iu"o application in respect of each trade apprentice along with othei enclosures specified in respect of trade apprentices appearing the AII India Trade Test. Submission of App-3 after the due date along with application forms from the establishment to the divisional offices shall be accepted with the written permission from the State Apprenticeship Advisor only. I' FAILED APPRENTICES Applications are also invited from the failed apprentices whose contracts of Apprenticeship have been registered in the Divisional offices and eligibie to appear for rhe A.I.T.T. tney ,vr J'vuru should ruu,trL submit the u single application at the concerned I.T.I., satisfying thl following conditions:- 1' u' ' III' Candidates should have completed the Appr6hticeship Training and must have appeared for the Trade Test and failed. 2' Candidates should not have completed 5 attempts subsequent to the first attempt provided such candidates are with in 3 years period from the date of completion of their training. 3' Failed trade apprentices shall submit the duly filled in application along with ientre concemed with enclosures specified, to the Principal of the Trade Test in the due date notified. The above candidates should pay the prescribed fee of Rs 150/-(Rs. one hundred and fifty only) along with application fee of Rs 20l- (Rs. Twenty onryl ana submit the prescribed application form accompanied by a passport size photograph attested by the Employer to ihe concemed principal duly enclosing the photo copies of original Marks card attested by a Gazetted officer. The prescribed application form along with admission tickets can be had from tle office of the Principal of the nearest Government lndustrial Training Institute, where the Trade Test will be held. Since the application form is non-transferable the name or tn" applicant should be written in the application while issuing the application itself. Fee should be paid only at the Trade Test centre and not at the Divisional offices. IV' The Principal of the Trade Test centre must prepare the list of failed apprentices and failed (private) candidates in the pres*ibed format and submfo the statemenr and Alphabetical-9rle-rlv separated admission ticket "l;;;;;ilit" "ppu*,ion and trade wise to the TTC directly within the last date mentioned in this Notification \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfites\ATS\Aprit 20 I 5\NOTIFICATION.doc PRIVATE CANDIDATES Applications are also invited from eligible private candidates to appear for the 102nd All India Trade Test for Trade Apprentices to be held during April 2015 , eligibility for the candidates for appearing in this test as a Private Candidates are as follows:- 1. Candidates should possess National Trade Certificate in the same trade in which they desires to appear for the Trade Test.(ITI pass Marks Card should be enclosed) 2. Candidates must be working in the Trade in which they desires to appear for the Trade Test and possess the minimum Educational Qualification required to undergo Apprenticeship training of the particular Trade concerned. 3. The candidates should possess minimum of 3 years experience in the relevant trade (Excluding basic qualification) in establishments implementing Apprenticeship Training Scheme / small establishments covered under Factories A"t, 1958 o. Registered with any government / local authorities. 4. The candidates have to produce the original Experience Certificate mentioning the details nature of work performed by the candidate during hislher working period along with the copy of their appointment order with the application. The experience certificate should have been issued after the date of this Notification. The Employer who issues the experience certificate must be implementing Apprenticeship Training Scheme under Apprentices Act 1961 as on the date of issuing the prescribed certificates, or under the control of the State Govemment Departments where they are working. The candidates must be working in the establishments situated in the Karnataka State only and under the jurisdiction of State Apprenticeship Adviser, Karnataka. 5. 6' 7. 8. Those candidates who wish to appear as Private Candidates have to collect prescribed application form along with admission ticket by paying Rs.2gl-(Rs. Twenty only) from Principal, Govt., I.T.I. coniemed from where ihey wish to appear and submit the same duly filled in to the Principal of Trade Test Centre within the due date along with Trade Test Fee of Rs.600/-(Rs. Six hundred only). Incomplete application is liable to be rejected. They have to fumish correct information regarding Name, Father's name, date of birth, (as recorded in the S'S'L.C marks card) minimum qualification and work experience etc. Since.the' application form is non-transferable the name of the applicant should be written in the application while issuing the application itself as *iit ur in fee receipt. Candidates permitted to appear for the All India Trade Test of Apprentices will have to be present at the specific Trade Testing Centre at their own cost. The Principal of the concerned Trade Test Centre must verif the authenticity of the experience certificate issued by the employer and the enclosed certidcate affested by the Gazetted officers certify in the application as ..RECOMMENDED,,. If the information submitted by the candidate or employer is found to be incorrect or incomplete, the Principal must clearly mention as "NOT RECOMMENDED,, and then forward it to the Divisional Office. The Failed Private Candidates have to pay Rs. 600/-(Rupees Six hundred only) towards Trade Test Fee, along with application fee of Rs. 20l-(Rupees Twenty only) and they should not have completed three years or 5 attempts after their first attempt. Since the application form is non-transferable the name of the applicant should be written in the application while issuing the application itself. \\Pc8\pc8\ucfi les\ATS\April 20 I 5\NOTIFICATION.doc 9' The photo copies encrosed by the private candidates must be attested by the Gazetted officers only (Privat. I aio"i ITC princif"ian"rirri"n will be rejected). ,o is NoT REC,MMENDED, should atso be sent ro rhe H,.:ffi;"I:.. "ro,t.ation The right of permitting private Candidate is reserved Emploi**r r"O Training, Banglaore_29.with the State Apprenticeship Adviser, Department of GENERAL INSTRPICTIONS The Trade Test fee is payable in cash to the Principal of concerned to appear for the Trade Test. I.T.r., from where the candidates desires No *"0.'"ip"yment will be accepted. ",rr.. Trade Test fee once paid wi, not be refunded, or adjusted fbr any future Trade Test- for application. 102nd can FEE_PAYMENT FOR REGULAR PRIVATE (WTTHOUT FrNE) : SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORMS FOR REGULAR AND PRIYATE APPRENTICES FORTHENEXT 40 Days (WITH FINE) +,* : 28-02-2015 (TO ESTABLISHMENT) : 08-03-2015 (ESTABLISHMENT TO DIUSIONAL OFFICE WITH APP-3 & SESSIONAL MARKS IN CASE OF REGULAR APPRENTICES) :' : 05-03-2015 : 09-0$2015 , (ESTABLISHMENT TO GOVT ITI IN CASE OF PRIVATE CANDIDATES) (GOVT ITI,s To DIVISIONAL OFFICE IN CASE OF PRIVATE CANDIDATES) FOR ALL FAILED APPRENTICES 25-03-201s (DrvrsIoNAL 03-03-201s ( From I T I's OFFTCE TO DTRECTORA.TE) to TTC, DET Bangalore-29) N 1st DAY TO tOrh llth DAy _ @ Rs. 10/_ pER DAy DAY TO 30th DAy _ Rs. 100/_ + Rs. 20l_ pER DAy 3lst DAY TO 40th DAy _ LUMPSUM *r. rr0r_ ONLY as oS ,) mentioned qhn.,above :iil:",t ;;;."ffi"& remains same Apprication forms received with fine are to be submitted immediatery through bll,!il"r;l:I**"ll'^*:x'11 jh.^?::,"111ptu,thecandidatesdi \\Pc8\pc8\trcfi lesLATS\Apri I 20 I 5\NOTIFICATION. doc rectly. NO EXTENSION Separate list of ineligible Trade apprentices with apprication office along with the ubou" form shourd arso be sent to tlt. this a 6 COPY TO: l ' The Principar, Industriar Training Institute/Trade Testing and here by strictlv instructed centre.. t""airpr"y'riis notificatio-n i, ' ' ' ' ' " for needful action ,n" ,"ri." ;;;;;. 2' The Joint Director, of Training, Divisional office, Bangalore/I4ysore/Ilubli/Gulbarga Further thev are i"it'ii"a for to adhere on to the rast date ::f"H,ffi;. fixed in the notification and act \\Pc8\pc8\ttcfi tes\ATS\April 20 I 5\NOTIFICATION.doc
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