the page - Ecomondo

(draft updated to 2nd July 2015)
Dates, times and rooms are still in part only for informative purposes and may be
subject to change according to requirements
Wednesday 4 November 2015 9.30 am-1.30 pm., Ravezzi Room 1, South Hall
Municipal waste separate collection and recycling in urban areas: comparing international
Organized by: Utilitalia
The ninth annual meeting to review progress in municipal collection and recycling of waste. Last year there
have been compared experiences in main EU capitals like Berlin, Copenhagen, Lisbon, Madrid, Milan and
Rome obtaining a large favour of public and professionals. This year on the basis of the success of last year
conference, Federambiente, today Environment Area of Utilitalia, the national association of public services
of Water, Environment, Electricity and Gas, has decided to continue comparing experiences in urban areas
coming from abroad and from associated companies. While last year large urban areas were compared, this
year the discussion will focus on best practices in managing municipal waste in medium sized towns. It will
allow to keep on comparing methodologies and results achieved in the urban framework, also in the light of
different and very different national contexts.
Draft program
Chairman: Alberto Ferro, Coordinator of Utilitalia Committee on "MW Collection & Recycling”
9:30 Opening speech and Presentation of the Conference, Alberto Ferro, Coordinator of Utilitalia Committee
on "MW Collection & Recycling"
10:00 “The Separate Collection of Municipal Waste in Italy”, Rosanna Laraia, Head of Waste Unit, ISPRA –
National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
10:20 Presentation of waste collection management experiences in some Italian and foreign urban areas
13:00 Conclusions, Filippo Brandolini, Vice President of Utilitalia
Conference held in Italian language
Wednesday 4 November 2015 2.00 pm-6 pm Tiglio Room Pavillion A6
Solid Recovered Fuels: state of the art and applications
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo e Comitato Termotecnico Italiano (CTI) under the auspices of ENEA, GSE,
After the normative revision in Italy concerning Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF), with the publication of D.Lgs.
205/2010, in 2013 the Ministerial Decree n. 22 introduced the end-of-waste criteria for certain types of SRF.
Current national market then considers the presence of different materials which are classified as SRF waste
(DLgs n.205/2010) or as fuel (DM n.22/2013). The aim of this conference is to present the state of the art
and thus the experience of producers and users in the supply chain, and the future development perspective
as regards SRF, even in the light of European legislation.
Draft program
13.45 Registration of participants
14.00 General presentation and introduction
14.30 Update about the activities of CEN/TC 343 ‘Solid Recovered Fuels’
14.50 Update about Ministerial Decree n.22/2013
15.10 Examples of SRF production and utilization supply chain
15.30 Public Round table – How to do to promote SRF. Participation of the five industry association and of
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 10.00 am-1.00 pm Neri 1 Room South Hall
WEEE Forum: Italian system towards maturity?
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo, ASSORAEE (FISE UNIRE) e Centro di coordinamento RAEE, Utilitalia.
Realized by: FISE SERVIZI Srl.
Forum RAEE, concentrating all the stakeholders of WEEE sector at the presence of the competent
Institutions, focuses this year on the state of implementation of Legislative Decree n. 49/2014 (which
transposed in Italian legislation WEEE Directive n. 2012/19/UE). In particular it makes the point on the
secondary decrees needed (relating, among the others, to proper treatment of WEEE and to simplified
administrative procedures for the management of small WEEE by distributors), which are essential for
achieving the ambitious collection and recycling/recovery targets set by Legislative Decree n. 49/2014. Forum
Raee also intends to measure the degree of maturity reached by the system in the light of the application of
the agreements for WEEE management, provided by the framework law, that is to say: the Agreement for
WEEE collection from municipal centers, the Agreement for WEEE proper treatment and, finally, the
Agreement between producers and retailers: the latter, also considered the new provisions on take-back of
small WEEEs, represents an essential tool to intercept increasing quantities, especially of small dimension
equipments. Centro di Coordinamento RAEE will also depict the "map" of treatment plants and the
procedures for qualification of facilities, as required by the new decree with the intention of setting up a
system that can ensure the proper treatment for all WEEE using the best available techniques.
Draft programme
Introduction and presentation by the organizers
State of implementation of the Legislative Decree n. 49/2014 - Italian Ministry of Environment
The map of the authorized WEEE treatment plants and their qualification– Centro di Coordinamento RAEE
Follows Debate on: "Agreements on collection and management of WEEE. Evaluation on the achieved
results and on future goals" - with the participation of the representatives of: EEE Producers, ANCI, EEE
Distributors, Waste collection and treatment companies.
Presentation of case studies - by ENEA:
-Digital laboratory for the preparation for re-use of small WEEE
-Recycling of plastics from WEEE in 3D printers
Conclusions – Comitato di Vigilanza e Controllo dei RAEE
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 10.00 am -5.00 pm Ravezzi 1 Room South Hall
Technical Seminar: Waste, by-product or end of waste?
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo, ISPRA.
This seminar intends to address the challenges concerning the application of articles 184 bis and ter of the
D. Lgs. 152/2006. The implementation of European regulations for the end-of-waste, Italian decree on SRF,
and the others in preparation on different types of waste (among which bituminous conglomerates), open
new scenarios for the real advancement of circular economy. As for by-products and, in particular, soils and
rocks from excavation works, present law shows many difficulties in terms of interpretation and
implementation. The seminar wants to provide an occasion of discussion among institutions, jurists,
operators in the sector and supervisory bodies entrusted for the monitoring and control of a proper
management of these materials.
Rosanna Laraia
Draft program
Rep. ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)
Rep. Regions
Rep. system ARPA/APPA (Regional and Provincial Environmental Protection Agencies)
Rep. ISS (National Institute of Health)
Rep. MISE (Italian Minister of Economic Development)
ENEA: Mancuso E., Cutaia L., Barberio G., Sbaffoni S., Luciano A., La Monica M., Scagliarino C.:
Rifiuto, sottoprodotto o end-of-waste: le loro implicazioni nelle esperienze ENEA di simbiosi industriale
Rep. INEA, National institute of agricultural economics
Rep. ISWA (International Solid Waste Association) – IT
Rep. Utilitalia
Roma Tre University
Rep. IPPC Commission
Discussion and Conclusions
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 2.00-6.00 pm Noce Room Pavillion A6
Waste prevention strategies
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo, ISPRA, Utilitalia, ERVET
In line with the European Directive, waste prevention represents the first effort that from National Government
to local administrations, from public institutions to private companies, from category associations to single
organizations, must be carried out in a general strategy of management aimed at the pursuit of a higher
sustainability. Italy fixed a National Program of Waste Prevention, whose implementation on its territory is
committed to the activities of a Scientific Committee properly appointed, which defined the guidelines of its
own activities until 2017. At the same time, different initiatives have been set up, even with targeted events
(“European Week for Waste Reduction”, “Italian Waste Prevention Award” by Federambiente and
Legambiente, etc.), making available a significant number of good practices and positive case studies.
This seminar will be the occasion of showing the activities considered strategic in this field by the Minister and
by the other interested organizations, and to present virtuous practices and successful solutions, both on
public and private initiatives, which represent examples of preventions that could be replied in different
Valentina Cipriano (Utilitalia)
Enrico Cancila (ERVET)
Draft program
14.00 Introduction and short summary on the poster presented
14.10-14.20 Il Comitato Scientifico per l'implementazione e lo sviluppo del Programma nazionale di
Prevenzione dei Rifiuti: proposte ed obiettivi
Andrea Segrè (TBC)
14.20- 14.35 Monitoring and governance of the National Program for Prevention : the role of ISPRA.
Rosanna Laraia, Marina Viozzi - ISPRA
Oral communication by CONAI (Italian Packaging Consortium)
Oral communication by Legambiente
Presentation of three national best practices of waste prevention (reuse, eco-taxation, communication).
The industrial symbiosis as a strategy for the prevention and recovery of waste
Laura Cutaia, Grazia Barberio, Silvia Sbaffoni, Antonella Luciano, Erika Mancuso, Marco La Monica, Claudia
Scagliarino. - ENEA
Centric-product approach for the recovery of raw materials from end of life Hi Tech products
Danilo Fontana, Massimiliana Pietrantonio, Roberta De Carolis, Claudia Brunori, Stefano Pucciarmati, Giorgia
Torelli - ENEA
Discussion and conclusions
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 2.00 pm-6.00 pm Ravezzi 2 Room South Hall
The applied research in waste valorization and integrated management systems, in the light of
strategic European targets.
Organized by: Università di Bologna – CIRI Energia e Ambiente, Div. Chimica dell’Ambiente e dei Beni
Culturali – SCI, ENEA, CTS Ecomondo
call for papers
With the VII Environment Action Program, European Union recommends a further effort in the reduction of
waste generation, reducing at the same time landfill disposal, moving towards a “circular economy” driven by
the principle of “life cycle” of products. Critical aspects remain, often related to the complexity of regulations
and bureaucracy ì, which limit the applicability of even technically feasible processes, as well as delay in the
application of the best practices. Together with European law, also the national one (the so-named “Sblocca
Italia” decree, the structural provisions linked to the budget laws, etc.) is modifying the conditions in which
waste management could work.New management solutions, innovative valorization technologies for
materials otherwise directed to disposal, assessment of the sustainability of waste collection and recovery
processes are some of the topics which will be discussed, by means of oral and poster presentation in an
open confrontation among companies, researchers, territorial agencies and other stakeholders.
Michele Notarnicola
Fabrizio Passarini
Draft program
14.00 Introduction and short summary on the poster presented
14:15-14:30 CONAI research on the use of polymeric waste
Roberto De Santis – CONAI President
14:30-14:45 Pyrolysis of mixed plastics from packaging and WEEE
Tuffi R., Trinca E., Santella C.:
14.45-15:00 International funding for the development of new products and technologies from the recovery
and recycling of tires
Cafiero L., Sbaffoni S., Cutaia L.
15:00-15:15 The industrial symbiosis: a bridge between research and its applications in the area
Luciano A., Barberio G., Cutaia L., Sbaffoni S., Mancuso E., La Monica M., Scagliarino C.
15:15-15:30 Tecnologie idrometallurgiche per il recupero di metalli ad elevato valore aggiunto da prodotti Hi
Tech a fine vita - l'impianto ROMEO.
Danilo Fontana, Massimiliana Pietrantonio, Roberta De Carolis, Claudia Brunori, Stefano Pucciarmati,
Giorgia Torelli - ENEA
15.30-16.00 Presentations from call for papers
Ore 16.00 – 16.15 Break
16.15-16.30 COBAT: recycling of lithium batteries
COBAT representative
Discussion and Closure
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 2.00 pm-6.00 pm Diotallevi 1 Room South Hall
Italian Register of Waste Managers Event
Organized by: Albo nazionale gestori ambientali (Italian Register of Waste Managers)
Draft program
One year after the entry into force of D.M. 3 June 2014, n. 120 (new Regulation of the Register): analysis
and confrontation with economic categories on the implementation of simplification regulation of the
procedure for Register membership and of the measures aimed at companies qualification.
Eugenio Onori, President of National Commitee of “Albo”.
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 2.30 pm-6.00 pm Gemini Room
FOCUS: Construction and Demolition End of Waste
Organised by: CTS Ecomondo, ISPRA and ANPAR (Fise UNIRE)
The “Waste Framework Directive” n. 2008/98/CE has set a 70% recovery target for construction and
demolition waste, to be fulfilled within 2020. In order to take appropriate management actions about this flow,
aimed to achieve such goal, it is essential to identify in a clear way the stage of End of Waste. At European
level, some Member States have enacted national ruling on this matter, with reference to particular C&D
waste. Italy, as well, is considering to set down its own EoW criteria. The Focus aims to make a point on
European and national context, presenting the existing perspectives either from public administration’s and
recovery sector’s point of view
Rosanna Laraia, ISPRA
Paolo Barberi, ANPAR (FISE UNIRE)
The definition of EoW criteria in different Member States – Geert Cuperus, FIR
End of Waste standards for C&D waste in national law – Representative of Italian Ministry of Environment
C&D waste production and management (recovery, disposal and backfilling) - Rosanna Laraia, ISPRA
End of Waste and backfilling of C&D waste: the impact on recovery sector - Giorgio Bressi, ANPAR
End of Waste and quality of recycled aggregates – Construction manager owning a specific construction site
Discussion and conclusions
EN/IT translation will be provided
Friday 6 November 2015 9.30-17.30 Ravezzi 2 Room South Hall
The tools for planning a sustainable, transparent and effective waste management
Organised by: ATIA-ISWA Italia; ARPA-ER; DICAM - University of Bologna
In waste management’s decision making process and field practice several stakeholders coexist, carrying
different interests; often, infrastructural solutions operating in a territory are not adequate to the specific
needs of local production or social context. The complexity of WM is such that only public planning, at the
right scale, can produce adequate answer. The Italian context can provide tools to strengthen WM planning
and the ability of Regions to design WM Plans and take control of environmental quality and health
protection. Besides, the need for Italy to develop a National Strategy should be discussed. Intertwined with
the analysis of planning tools is the questions of their usefulness in different national contexts, in particular
where infrastructure has to be set in place and where financial and technical resources need to be
developed fulfilling specific national characteristics and actors.This workshop would like to contribute to:
analysing tools useful to public planners and health and environment controlling agency to design effective
national and regional WM strategies, and to monitor the effectiveness of decisions; supporting the definition
of strategies enabling the different actors to operate in a stable policy framework and with a clear
administrative setting.
Policy makers; administrators; environment and health controlling agencies; universities; private companies;
public utilities.
Chairs: ATIA-ISWA Italia; DICAM - University of Bologna
PROGRAMME: (Some speakers yet to be confirmed).
Session I
Chairs : ATIA-ISWA Italia – S. Tunesi; ARPA / Emilia Romagna B. Villani
9.30 – 9.45 Saluti Presidente ATIA-ISWA Italia
Ministero Ambiente
9:45 – 10:00 Introduzione e motivazione del convegno: ATIA-ISWA Italia S. Tunesi; ARPA Emilia Romagna
B. Villani.
10:00 - 10.20. The structure and function of Regional WM in Italy. The experience of the Emilia Romagna
Region. G. Bortone
10:20 – 10:40The experience of the Veneto Region. Arpa Veneto.
10:40 - 11:00 Tools for environmental assessment: LCA as a tool to compare alternative scenarios.
Politecnico di Milano / Regione Lombardia
11:00 – 11:20 Tools for health assessment: Environmental Strategic Assessment of Plans and the project
SESPRI. Shared presentation: ARPA CAMPANIA; per il progetto SESPIR. MINSAN/ISSS/WHO
11:20 -11:40 Tools for the economic assessment: Antonio Massarutto or Alessandro Marangoni (TBD)
11:40- 12:00 Tools for the assessment of legislation effectiveness. Speakers from Italiadecide Rapporto
12:00- 12:20 The role of a National Waste Management Strategy: the case of England”. David Beadle
Executive Director of the North London Waste Authority
12:30 - 13:30 Discussion and conclusions - Alessandro Bratti
II Session
Chairs: ATIA-ISWA N. Ramazzini /R. Caggiano DICAM – A. Bonoli
(invited Countries could vary according to their availability)
14:30 – 14:50 International Exchange of experiences: planning framework MENA Region
14:50 – 15:10 International Exchange of experiences: planning framework in South Africa
15:10 - 15:30 International Exchange of experiences: the planning needs in Brasil.
15:50 - 16:20 International Cooperation Ministry – (TBD)
16:40 – 17:30 Discussion and conclusions: chaired by an Environmental NGO / WWF / GreenPeace
The conference will be in English; EN/IT translation will be provided
Friday 6 November 2015 10.00 am-1.00 pm Diotallevi 1 Room South Hall
Waste classification in the light of the new European legislation
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo, ISPRA
Commission Decision of 18 December 2014 amended Decision 2000/532/EC on the list of waste pursuant to
Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. This decision, which enters into force
on 1 June 2015 will modify annex D of the IV Part of D. Lgs. 152/2006. Other important news for waste
classification have been introduced by Commission Regulation 1357/2014 replacing Annex III of Directive
2008/98/EC which listed the hazard characteristics of waste and that is implemented since 1 June 2015 too.
The Regulation comes from the necessity of conforming the definition of hazard characteristic in line with
1272/2008/EC Regulation on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending
and repealing Directives 67/548/EEC on dangerous substances and 1999/45/EC on preparations. Only for
the hazard characteristic HP14 (ecotoxic), EU considers a preliminary study necessary before conforming
this feature with 1272/2008/EC Regulation. The seminar is aimed to illustrate the important legislative news,
comparing the experiences done and the proposals developed by research institutions, regional and
provincial Agencies, private laboratories.
Rosanna Laraia
Loredana Musmeci
Draft Program
Rep. ISPRA (Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)
Rep. ISS (National Institute of Health)
Rep. system ARPA/APPA (Regional and Provincial Environmental Protection Agencies)
Rep. Utilitalia
Rep. FIse Assoambiente
Rep. Private Laboratories
Discussion and Conclusions
Conference held in Italian language
Friday 6 November 2015 10.00 am-1.00 pm Neri 1 Room South Hall
State of the art of the Application of the 2000/53/EC on ELV in the first year of application of the new
European targets.
Organized by: CTS ECOMONDO
Directive 2000/53/EC on the management of ELV (end-of-life vehicles), implemented in Italy by Legislative
Decree. n. 209/2003, provides that beginning from January 1st 2015 the reuse and recovery of all vehicles
shall be equal to 95% of the average weight of the vehicle, while their reuse and recycling will be 85%, with a
percentage of energy recovery of 10%. The seminar will take stock of national situation with respect to the
achievement of European targets and will identify, through a comparison with all stakeholders, the initiatives
and measures to be implemented both by the competent authorities and economic operators in the supply
10.00: Introduction and greetings
President of FISE UNIRE, Anselmo Calò
Planned interventions
Manager of FIAT Group Car E & D ELV, Salvatore Di Carlo
Deputy Director General UNRAE, Antonio Cernicchiaro
President of ADA, Rinaldo Ferrazzi
President of AIRA, Mauro Grotto
President of ASSOFERMET, Romano Pezzotti
President of CAR, Alfonso Gifuni
Representative of the Ministry of Environment
Representative of the Ministry of Economic Development
Representative of ISPRA
Representative of FEDERAUTO
Representative of AIR
13:00 Conclusions
Conference held in Italian language
Wednesday 4 November 2015 9.30 am-1.30 pm Diotallevi 2 Room South Hall
XVII Edition of the National Conference on Composting and Anaerobic Digestion
Organized by ISPRA (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) and CIC (Italian
Consortium of Composters)
We have reached the XVII edition of the conference on composting and anaerobic digestion of organic waste.
In line with previous years we offer an overview of the data sector by Ispra, punctual in collecting and
processing data. At the heart of our conference, which has become a regular appointment for the sector, we
want to put the "compost system and quality. For the "compost system" we would like to focus on the
infrastructure needs of a constantly evolving sector. Secondly we would like to focus attention on the quality
of the organic waste collection, the quality of services, the quality of the compost product, the quality of
organic fertilizers, the quality of the compostable artifacts and finally the quality of biomethane that
companies are going to produce as innovative product.
Chair: Alessandro Canovai President of CIC
9.30 – Introduction by Alessandro Canovai
9.50 – The organic waste, from the reduction of biodegradable municipal waste to the composting and the
anaerobic digestion, an evolving industry R. Laraia (ISPRA)
10.10 – The organic collection on different scales - Large cities and small urban agglomerations
10.40 – The “compost system” in Italy between plants necessities and sector strategies
11.00 – The certified quality of CIC: the role of traceability in the compost quality and certification of
compostable artifacts
11.20 – Round Table – Coordinator: Massimo Centemero
CIC, Fise-Assoambiente, Atia-Iswa, Utilitalia, Assofertilizzanti-Federchimica, Certiquality, Assobioplastiche.
13:00 Conclusions, Alessandro Canovai, President of CIC
During the conference there will be the awarding of the LABEL COMPOST CIC
The President will reward companies that have recently obtained the label.
Wednesday 4 November 2015 2.00 pm-5.00 pm Diotallevi 2 Room South Hall
Technical Session: BIOWASTE, The Production of Biowaste, Separated Organic Waste Collection
Methods, Treatment, Anaerobic Digestion, Composting, Production of Organic Fertilisers, Optimising
The Use of Compost and Biogas Through Bio-Methane Generation
Organized by Technical Committee of CIC (Italian Consortium of Composters)
call for papers
M. Centemero (CIC ), A. Confalonieri (SCUOLA AGRARIA MONZA, Comitato Tecnico CIC ), L. Rossi
(CRPA Reggio Emilia, Comitato Tecnico CIC).
Interventions selected by call for paper.
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Thursday 5 November 2015 10.00 am-1.00 pm Noce Room A6 Pavillion
Small scale composting
Organized by ENEA with the participation of Italian Consortium of Composters
call for papers
Small scale composting, from domestic to " community", integrates the
industrial collection and
management system of organic waste. In recent years, experiences like those of Municipal Composting
Programs, the adoption of community composting plants in different situations pose technical and regulatory
issues related to monitoring, fares, the construction of networks , etc . The session seeks to provide an
overview of these issues.
Tuesday 3 november 2015 10.00 am-1.00 pm Global Water Expo Room
Priority micropollutant monitoring and control in water and removal techniques in water and
wastewater treatment plants.
Organized by Irsa Cnr, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, INCA, Setac, Utilitalia, CTS Ecomondo
call for papers
The quality of water resources and collective well-being are now threatened by the presence and interaction
in the environment of multiple chemicals. Recent developments in European legislation for the protection of
water bodies provide stringent monitoring requirements for priority and emerging compounds. New problems
for assuring water quality include development of analytical methods allowing the simultaneous
determination of multiple micro-contaminants and evaluation of their effects on ecosystems and human
health with possible synergic effects. Attention should be paid to some contaminants, such as
pharmaceutical compounds, hormones, flame retardants, compounds present in cosmetics, fluorinated alkyl
compounds. The application of the "water safety plans" required by the WHO on national level implies to
change approaches for risk evaluation and management for waters to be used for human consumption. It is
also necessary to increase knowledge on the natural removal of priority compounds in water and soil, and on
the effectiveness of treatments in water and waste water treatment to achieve the quality standards of the
regional plans for water protection. Other important aspects concern the preservation of water quality
throughout the distribution cycle and the possible health risks associated with the reuse of water in
agricultural and urban environments.
Mario Carere – Superior Institute of Health, Roma
Giuseppe Mininni – Cnr, Water Research Institute, Monterotondo (Rome)
10.00-10.20 Chair introduction and brief presentation of posters
Invited lectures:
10.20-10.40 Emerging pollutants of water bodies and wastewater reuse: recent developments in Europe
Loredana Musmeci, Mario Carere (Superior Institute of Health)
10.40-11.00 Swiss regulation on priority substances to be removed in some wastewater treatment plants
Adriano Joss (EAWAG – Dübendorf Svizzera)
11.00-11.20 Italian guideline on the application of Water Safety Plans
Luca Lucentini, Loredana Musmeci (Superior Institute of Health) + ….. (Health Ministry)
11.20-11.35 Use of immunohistochemical, biochemical and transcriptomic data in the evaluation of the health
status of marine mussels
Aldo Viarengo (Alessandria University, Alessandria)
11.35-11.50 Alterations in the structure of microbial communities of an aquatic ecosystem in relation to
different types of contamination
Anna Barra Caracciolo, Paola Grenni, Nicoletta Ademollo, Luisa Patrolecco, Maria Ludovica Saccà (Cnr –
Water Research Institute, Monterotondo - Rome), Valentina Ferrero, Martina Di Lenola, Robert Loos, Simona
Tavazzi, Maria Teresa Lettieri (JRC, Ispra - Varese)
11.50-12.05 Models for predicting the environmental fate of contaminants and exposure to micropollutants in
Antonio Di Guardo (Università degli Studi della Insubria, Como)
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Tuesday 3 november 2015 2.00 pm-6.00 pm Global Water Expo Room
Valuable resources in municipal wastewater
Organized by Gruppo di Lavoro "Gestione impianti di depurazione" - Università di Brescia
call for papers
The task Group "Gestione Impianti di Depurazione", working at the University of Brescia has been dealing
with resource recovery from municipal wastwater since two years. The scope of this activity can be
summarized in the following expected outcomes: backgroud and recent developments at the international
level; present situation in Italy, concerning resources recovery practices; investigation of interactions among
recovery actions, mass and energy balances and costs (case studies). During this conference, results of this
work will be presented and discussed. A special section is also devoted to selected presentations form the
"call for papers".
Legislative framework, V. Riganti
“Conventional” recovery alternatives in the water treatment train, Paola Foladori – University of Trento
“Conventional” recovery alternatives in the sludge treatment train, Marco Ragazzi – University of Trento
Options for material resources and energy recovery, Matteo Papa – University of Brescia
Investigation on resource recovery in Italian WWTPs, L. Guglielmi
Mass and energy balances: case studies, M. Canato
Assessment criteria for comparing resource recovery options, Giorgio Bertanza – University of Brescia
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Wednesday 4 november 2015 2.00 pm-6.00 pm Global Water Expo Room
New systems and methods of regulation and financing of water services
Organized by: Utilitalia, ANEA and CTS Ecomondo
On the eve of the second regulatory period of Water Tariff Method (Metodo Tariffario Idrico, MTI), expected
for 2016, the water sector still suffers large local differences in organization and governance and needs a
further boost to investment and innovation. The regulation of AEEGSI, along with innovative solutions for
water financing as hydrobonds, have already allowed to make some progress in bridging infrastructure and
technologies deficit. On the other hand, there are still problems completely open and / or to deepen. The
workshop addresses these issues, with illustration of national and international scenarios and case studies.
TARGETED AUDIENCE: Regulation and control Institution, consulting engineers, water utilities
Giovanni Valotti, Utilitalia
Marisa Abbondanzieri, President of ANEA
Regulatory instruments to encourage investment in Europe, Alberto Biancardi WAREG ed AEEGSI (TBC)
The new Italian Water Tariff Method, Lorenzo Bardelli AEEGSI (TBC)
Financing Italian water sector: opportunities and challenges, Lars Anwandter BEI (TBC)
Environmental and resource costs definition – The Italian case, Representative of Ministry of the
Environment. (TBC)
The example of Vivevacqua’s Hydrobond , Fabio Trolese (TBC)
Results of ANEA working group on stormwater, Luciano Franchini (TBC)
Discussion and Closure
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 November 2015 10.00 am-5 pm Global Water Expo Room
Ready to market leading-edge techniques for the near future municipal wastewater treatment plants
Organized by: Università di Verona, IRSA-CNR, Utilitalia, CTS Ecomondo and Water_2020 network
Call for papers only for poster presentations
Infringement procedures and stringent standard for discharge has recently led to relevant investments in Italy
and EU for municipal wastewater treatment. In addition, extra European fast growing economies are now
making huge efforts to implement wastewater treatment. Such a scenario should second the speed up of
innovations that contribute to solving societal challenges such as the water-energy-carbon nexus, which is
also the mission of international initiatives such as the EIP Water or the Horizon 2020 program. A number of
techniques at pilot or demonstration scale, or implemented at full scale in few installations, demonstrates
how energy efficiency, carbon footprint and resource recovery can be optimized while costs can be reduced
compared to conventional activated sludge processes. The workshop will illustrate the societal challenges
and the emerging and innovative techniques, which market uptake should be accelerated. Finally, Italian,
European and extra-European water utilities will present the forthcoming large investments in wastewater
treatment and discuss with the audience the gap for a widespread uptake of innovative efficient techniques.
Targeted audience: R&D wastewater treatment; Consulting engineers and professionals; Water industries,
Water utilities
Section Chairs
Tomas Michel – WssTP President (TBC)
Giuseppe Mininni - IRSA-CNR and CTS ECOMONDO
Welcome: Challenges for water infrastructure
10.00 – 10.20 Giuseppina Monacelli (Water JPI) Water challenges and emerging issues in EU (TBC)
10:20 – 10:40 Erasmo D’Angelis (struttura di missione di Palazzo Chigi “contro il dissesto idrogeologico e
per lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture idriche”) Water and Wastewater infrastructure deficit in Italy
10:40 – 11:00 Mario Beccari (Segreteria Tecnica Ministero dell'Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare)
Best available solutions to exit the infringement cases about wastewater management in Italy
11:00 – 11:20 Break
11:20 - 13:00 Session 1: The market and the business cases: wastewater infrastructure of the near future
SOUTH ITALY: Osvaldo Degregoriis – SIDRA Catania Technical, economic and environmental sustainability
of the near future wastewater management
NORTH ITALY – Azienda Gardesana Servizi, Garda Uno and Technital – Wastewater management to
protect and safeguard the Lake Garda: current infrastructures and planned actions
EASTERN EUROPE: Wastewater infrastructure deficit in Eastern Europe (TBC)
MIDDLE EAST: Wastewater infrastructure deficit and Membrane bioreactors and innovation in Oman, HAYA
Water in Oman (TBC)
SOUTH AMERICA: Wastewater treatment deficit in South America (TBC)
ISRAEL: Wastewater treatment and reuse: success stories and future investments in Israel (TBC)
13.00 – 14:00 Lunch
Section Chairs
Philippe Corvini - FHNW, Switzerland (Chair of the Environmental Biotechnology section of EFB)
Francesco Fatone – University of Verona (Co-Chair of the SWWS-SG International Water Association)
14:00 – 17.00 Session 2 The ready-to-market leading-edge techniques for WWT
Tomas Michel (President of the WssTP) Priorities and opportunities to accelerate market uptake of
innovative water solutions (TBC)
Juan Lema (Water_2020 chair, Spain) - From science-fiction to Eco innovation in wastewater treatment
Andreas Giesen (Royal Haskoning DHV, The Netherlands) “Aerobic granular biomass: from innovation to
proven and cost-effective new standard for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment
Tommaso Lotti (TUDelft, Netherlands, and Politecnico di Milano, Italy) - Autotrophic nitrogen removal by
AnAmmOx for side and main stream applications
Bruce Jefferson (Cranfield University, United Kingdom) – From aerobic to anaerobic membrane bioreactor:
new paradigm for membrane technology in WWTP? (TBC)
Wastewater treatment and ICT – Water_2020 and IWA IWA Specialist Group representative (TBC)
Please note:
A comparable number of talks (of 20 min) from academia and industry should be planned.
Discussion and Closure
Call for papers open only for POSTER PRESENTATION to emerging and innovative techniques, where
emerging and innovative are defined according to the following US-EPA approach:
Technologies at pilot or demonstration scale or
have been implemented at full scale in 3 or fewer installations or for less than 1 year
Technologies that have some degree of initial use or that have been implemented at
full scale for less than five years
The conference will be in English; EN/IT translation will be provided
(to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference)
Friday 6 november 2015 ore 10.00 am-1.00 pm Global Water Expo Room
Water and energy in a circular water system
Organized by: Cnr- Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque, Utilitalia, Università di Verona e consorzio INCA
Call for papers
Many interrelations exist between water and energy sectors but they are not properly considered in the
national and regional plans and are not exploited in the developing politics of private companies. The
underlying challenges in both areas should be addressed with the vision that both are of limited availability.
European policies on water and energy have not been sufficiently integrated and therefore useful benefits in
case of an integrated management have been often neglected. The recent Legislative Decree 102 of the 4th
of July 2014 on energy efficiency have introduced the mandatory obligation for many management
companies involved in the water service of carrying out an energy audit. This opportunity could be a powerful
motivation for stressing the concepts of efficiency and energy recovery in water utilities. This conference will
discuss the integrated management of water and energy, with particular reference to good case studies from
businesses and utilities as well as the results of national and international research projects concerning
reduction and energy recovery in the water sector.
Francesco Fatone (Università di Verona, Verona)
Emanuela Cartoni (Utilitalia, Roma)
10.00-10.20 Chair introduction and brief presentation of posters
Invited lectures:
10.20-10.40 Energy audit and Water-Energy-Carbon nexus and solutions in full-scale municipal wastewater
Diego Rosso (USA) – Director Water Research Centre University of California
10.40-11.00 Case study of the wastewater treatment plant of Nosedo
Roberto Mazzini (Veolia Water Technologies Italia S.r.l., Milano)
11.00-11.20 The role of integrated water services in the business plan for energy efficiency and in ISO
HERA Energy Manager (TBC)
11.20-11.40 Energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants in the business plan of AQP
Danilo Ancora (Acquedotto Pugliese, Bari)
11.40-12.00 The European project ENERWATER Horizon 2020 for the standardization of the energy audit
and technology of sewage treatment plants
……………………………………… (Etra S.p.A. - Energia Territorio Risorse Ambientali, Bassano del Grappa)
12.45-13.00 Discussion and closure
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Friday 6 November 2015 2.00-5.00 pm Global Water Expo Room
Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater
treatment plants (Stakeholder event of the ENERWATER project)
Organized by: H2020 ENERWATER partners and CTS ECOMONDO
Call for papers
The main objective of H2020 ENERWATER is to develop, validate and to disseminate an innovative
standard methodology for continuously assessing, labelling and improving the overall energy performance of
Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). For that purpose a collaboration framework in the water treatment
sector including research groups, SMEs, water management companies, city councils, water authorities and
industry is set up. ENERWATER is devoting important efforts to ensure that the methods are widely adopted.
Subsequent objectives are to impulse dialogue towards the creation of a specific European legislation
following the example of recently approved EU directives, to establish a way forward to achieve EU energy
reductions objectives for 2020, ensuring effluent water quality, environmental protection and compliance with
the Water Framework Directive (FWD).
Targeted audience: Water utilities and industries, ESCo and energy managers, research institutes, water
Section Chairs
Almudena Hospido (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Francesco Bosco (ACEA SpA)
14:00 Introduction
The ENERWATER project (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Current need for standardization of energy efficiency in wastewater sector in EU (AENOR, Spain)
Benchmark in EU and energy efficiency in a German water utility (Aggerverband/Cologne University of
Applied Sciences, Germany)
The ENERWATER method and energy efficiency in English wastewater treatment plants in Italy (Cranfield
University, UK)
The on-line tools to monitor and optimize energy efficiency in WWTP: current market and ENERWATER
advances (Wellness Smart City, Spain)
Processes and systems to optimize energy efficiency in WWTPs (Università di Verona and ETRA SpA)
16.30 Discussion and Closure
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
EN/IT translation will be provided
Thursday 5 November 2015 10.00 am-5.00 pm Reclaim Expo Room
Reclaim expo
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo, Unione Petrolifera, CNR-Istituo per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero
call for papers
As an established tradition since 2008 edition, also this year Ecomondo will host RECLAIM EXPO’, an italian
show on reclamation/rehabilitation of contaminated/polluted sites.Reclaim Expo’ wants to continue offering a
meeting point for the ones involved in the complex problem of the reclamation of contaminated sites, at a
national and local level, by the system of the institutions (Ministries, Regions, Institutions and National and
Regional Scientific Agencies) to the system of enterprises, which includes, in turn, the responsible or
interested subjects in the reclamation and the companies offering their services and technologies. The
general reference framework will be once again a sustainable management of "reclamation", where there are
conjugated the needs of environmental sanitation and hygienic-sanitary safety at an acceptable cost of
reclamation and with the economic recovery of the decontaminated lands. For the achievement of these
aims, you need to create a positive convergence among all elements contributing to define the strategies of
reclamation (regulatory, procedural, technological and economic ones), starting mainly from practical
experiences developed on the national territory in more than 15 years of application from the first organic
rule on environmental reclamations. For this reason, the first day of RECLAIM EXPO’ 2015 will be
characterized by an open wide and by a bottom-up approach, in order to give the maximum space to the
proposals presented by the operators of the sector. It will be given space to proposals presenting case
studies, without undistinguished differences a priori among regulatory, procedural, technological and
economic aspects, in particular if proposed by Companies and their Associations. Some introductory reports
will be obviously provided, at request, on the main news and deadlines of the current year, in particular by
the Administration or Public Institutions. In the second day, RECLAIM EXPO’ will be more specifically
dedicated to the sustainable management of harbor sediments, which represents a European problem, with
specific connotations in the Mediterranean region, affecting the operation and the development of port
facilities. The European framework of the problem will be further enhanced by a special session of the
European research project KILLSPILL, dedicated to the prevention and rehabilitation of releases/spill of oil
into the sea.
I session (morning)
Loredana Musmeci (ISS- National health institute)
Mauro Majone (Sapienza University of Rome)
Programme (draft, lectures to be confirmed)
10.00-10.20 Introduction and short summary on the posters presented
10.20-10.40 Audits of technical enclosures of the regulation about the remediation/reclamation of the
contaminated sites (Title V, part IV D.Lgs 152/06) Laura D’Aprile (Ministero Ambiente)
10.40-11.00 Updating of reference limit values of the regulation and the progress of toxicological,
ecotoxicological knowledges. Loredana Musmeci (ISS)
11.00-11.20 Definition of the base values and the widespread pollution, both for the reclamation/remediation
and the water protection…...(Regione Lombardia)
11.20-11.40 Definition of the aims and selection of actions: individual and/or massive concentration
reasoning? Mauro Majone (SapienzaUniversità di Roma) e Gian Pietro Beretta (Università di Milano)
11.40-12.00 First application of Art. 252bis to regenerate industrial crisis areas. Giovanni Squitieri (Invitalia
Attività Produttive)
12.00-12.20 Financing the reclamations/remediations. Filippo Brandolini (Utilitalia)
12.20-12.40 Simplifications for the reclamation of points of sale of fuel. Donatella Giacopetti (Italian Oil
12.40-13.00 Intervention to be defined on request by ISPRA
13.00-13.30 Discussion and Closure
II session (afternoon)
The meeting will follow in the afternoon with selected interventions on the basis of the call for paper
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Friday 6 November 2015 10.00 am-1.30 pm Reclaim ExpoRoom
Session III : Integrated management of port areas: from the regulatory framework to the
characterization and treatment of sediment dredging.
Organized by Istituto per l’Ambiente Marino Costiero & CTS Ecomondo
The sustainable management of harbor sediments is a European issue, with specific connotations in the
Mediterranean Region, affecting the functioning and development (hence the competitiveness) of port
facilities. The absence of adequate technical solutions and the lack of a proper regulatory framework, on the
evolution of the sediments on the ground, have led to the search for the best possible co-operations among
the bodies of management of the ports, the institutions and scientists. Topics range from the characterization
of the sediments to the method of dredging and monitoring and the design of different combinations of
treatment (i.e. to change the quality, minimize volumes, promoting recovery), to opt depending on the
Section Chairs
Enrico Pujia (Min. Trasporti)
Mario Dogliani (RINA)
Laura Giuliano (CNR)
10:20 Welcome address. On. Silvia Velo - Italian Ministry of the Environment (TBC)
10.40 Areas of national interest, SIN, industrial complex crises: overlaps and similarities of the legal
Roberta Maci – Autorità Portuale Piombino
11.00 Geophysical, geotechnical and sedimentological reading in support of dredging activities.
Ennio Marsella (IAMC, CNR).
11.20 Evolution of coastal systems and anthropic pressures
Fabio Trincardi (ISMAR, CNR / Coord. RITMARE)
11.40 Recovery and development plans at Basin level.
Stefano Sorvino – Basin Authority, Campania (Title TBC)
12.00 The management strategies of contaminated sediments in the marine coastal area of Taranto
Dott. Nicola Cardellicchio (IAMC, CNR)
12.20 New technologies for the recovery and reuse of contaminated sediments.
Sergio Cappucci (ENEA) e Floriana La Marca (Uni La Sapienza)
12.40 - New decontamination techniques: the problem of emerging contaminants.
Ing. Rossana Cintoli (ARPA Lazio) (Title TBC)
13.00 Harbours: Maritime Spatial Planning and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Cesare Corselli
(University Milano-Bicocca / CoNISMa)
13.20 Discussion
Conference held in Italian language
Friday 6 November 2015 2.00-5.00 pm Reclaim Expo Room
IV sessione COMBATING MARINE OIL SPILLS (Stakeholder event of the KILL•SPILL project)
Organized by: Kill Spill partners, EFB and CTS Ecomondo
The FP7-project Kill•Spill delivers innovative (bio)-technologies for the clean-up oil spills. Kill•Spill develops
technologies aiming at intensified biodegradation processes through bioaugmentation/ biostimulation as
follow-up to mechanical emergency response and/or long-term actions in aerobic/slight anoxic compartments.
Kill•Spill also develops (bio)-technologies adapted for the remediation of anoxic/anaerobic fresh & chronically
polluted sediments. Kill•Spill compiles knowledge on dispersion/sorption and biodegradation processes to
produce multifunctional products, which are suited for follow-up and long-term actions. The multifunctional
products address the necessity for integrated bioremediation (bioavailability, metabolic requirements, etc.)
and are efficient along the whole redox gradient from surface water to sediments.
Nicolas Kalogerakis
Philippe Corvini
14.00 Introduction - Welcome address. On. Silvia Velo - Italian Ministry of the Environment
1) Current approaches for combating oil spills and the potential of bioremediation (Kalogerakis, Greece)
2) Novel monitoring tools for real time assessment (Rojo, Spain)
3) Dispersants versus biosurfactants (Banat, UK)
4) Development of bioremediation agents (Zanaroli, IT)
5) Development of sorbent material (Petrangeli-Papini, IT)
6) Long term clean up - Sediments (Aulenta, IT)
7) The industrial perspective (Mamaloukas, Greece)
16.30 Discussion and Closure
EN/IT translation will be provided
Wednesday 4 November 2015 10.00 am -4.30 pm Chimica Verde Room
Towards a zero waste food chain: key enabling technologies for the food industry sustainability and
waste exploitation in a circular economy perspective
Organized by: University of Bologna, CONFAGRICOLTURA, ATIAISWA ITALIA, Cluster Tecnologico
nazionale Agro-Food (TBC) and CTS Ecomondo
Ensuring safe, healthy, high quality food while developing sustainable, innovative and efficient systems with
supply chains, processing and marketing are some of the challenges set by the European Union for the
European Industry, which is the first industrial sector in EU with 310,000 companies (mostly SMEs), a Trillion
of Euros of turnover and 4 Million of employees. Food waste and by-products, efficient value chains, new
and more sustainable resources stand as some of the main present and future challenges globally. Forty
percent of the produced waste take place in the post-harvesting phase, with a significant share of wastage
during manufacturing. Therefore, promoting radical innovation in the food production and processing by
increasing the overall resource efficiency and decreasing waste generation along the whole food chain is a
striking need to foster a transition towards more sustainable food systems. The adoption and implementation
of Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing and Industrial Biotechnology along with
ICT- tools might provide the sector with novel and effective opportunities for higher process efficiency (i.e.,
lower water and energy consumption, lower waste and CO2 production), higher productivity, higher quality
and better preserved and traced and therefore safer products along with new foods and food products for the
modern society. Assessing and boosting societal acceptance of technological innovation via citizen
engagement approaches is a major need to achieve a demand-driven responsible and sustainable food
chain. The event aims at offering a common platform to some of the main public and private experts and
stakeholders in the field, in order to discuss priorities, innovative solutions and ongoing initiatives through
their vision and experience, with the ultimate goal of reduction the distance between technological
advancements and their deployment at industrial scale
Targeted Audience: R&D performers; Consulting engineers and professionals; Food industries, Waste
industries and association, etc
Tentative Programme
10,00 Welcome and Introduction
10.20 Session 1: Reduction of raw material losses
10.20 Introductive talk: Fabio Fava – University of Bologna
10.40 Round Table: speakers invited (10 min each with slides)
Chair: Ezio Veggia CONFAGRICOLTURA and Davide Viaggi - University of Bologna
Enzo Favoino, A case study from Zerowaste Europe
Alessandro Sdoga (Confagricoltura) and Guido Fastellini (Geotop) A case study from Business networks
(precision farming in Umbria)
Cristina Hanabergh (Sustainable Development Manager) - A case study from Peroni
Luigi Tozzi (Confagricoltura) - A case study from EcoCloud (the network of sustainable agriculture best
11.40 Discussion and final remarks
12.00 Session 2: Improve process efficiency (low water and energy consumption, low waste
Round Table: speakers invited (10 min each with slides)
Chair: Massimo Iannetta ENEA & Cluster Tecnologico nazionale Agro-Food
Luca Ruini – A case study from Barilla.
Daniele Vacchi (TBC) – A case study from IMA.
Gianpiero Santacatterina - A case study from Whirlpool.
Luca Tomasella - A case study from Gruppo Rolli (vegetables cold chain )
Guecello di Porcia A case study from Principe di Porcia (wine sector) )
13.00 Discussion and final remarks
13.30 Break
14.30 Session 3 Waste and byproducts collection and exploitation in the food industry
Introductive talk: Arnaldo Dossena – University of Parma: Food processing waste and byproducts
15.00 Round Table: speakers invited (10 min each with slides)
Chair: Arnaldo Dossena – University of Parma
Giovanni Sorlini A case study from the meat sector Inalca.
Vittorio Zambrini – A case study from Granarolo (TBC)
Giovanni Marani – A case study from CAVIRO (TBC)
Massimo Centemero - CIC- Consorzio Italiano Compostatori
Alessandra Zamagni (Ecoinnovazione) and Paolo Masoni (ENEA) Value-added products from suppressed
beet pulps.
Paola Mauro (ATIAISWA ITALIA) Case studies of Nespresso and Toschi
16.00 Discussion and final remarks
16.30 End of the day
EN/IT translation will be provided
Thursday 5 november 2015 10.00 am – 2.00 pm Chimica Verde Room
EU Public-Private Partnership on Bio-Based Industries (BBI): opportunities for regional and national
Bioeconomy strategies
Organized by the Italian Cluster on Green Chemistry, the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI)
& the Ecomondo Scientific/Technical Committee
The BBI is a €3.7 billion Public-Private Partnership between the European Commission and the Bio-based
Industries Consortium (BIC) dedicated to implementing the European bioeconomy potential, turning biological
residues and wastes into greener everyday products through innovative technologies and biorefineries. The
BBI is bridging key sectors, i.e., including agriculture, agro-food, biotechnology/technology providers,
forestry/pulp and paper sector, chemicals and energy, by creating new value chains and producing a range of
innovative bio-based products to ultimately form a new bio-based community and economy. To date, BIC has
close to 80 industrial members (large, SMEs, SME clusters) and over 140 associate members (RTOs,
universities, associations, technology platforms). The Bio-based Industries Consortium is working together
with the European Commission and Regions to develop synergies and complementarities between Horizon
2020 and BBI projects, and Structural Funds. Inter-regional synergies are also highly encouraged by BBI,
thereby creating longer European local value chains and a more competitive environment. The conference
will be directed to present how BBI is contributing to the implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategies
and Operational Programs at the regional level and to the efficient alignment of funding opportunities at EU,
national and regional level.
10.00-10.30 Welcome
Dirk Carrez (BIC)/ Barend Verachtert (interim Executive Director of the BBI Joint Undertaking)
Catia Bastioli (Novamont), President of the Italian Cluster Green Chemistry
10.30-11.30 JPI BBI possible role in the implementation of the national and Regional Bioeconomy in Italy
Chairs: Dirk Carrez (BIC) or Barend Verachtert (interim Executive Director of the BBI Joint Undertaking)
(TBC), Catia Bastioli (Novamont & The Italian Technological Cluster on Green Chemistry)
Bioeconomy and Biobased Industry in Italy.
Fabio Fava, University of Bologna & IT Representative for Bioeconomy in H2020 and in the BBI JU
The Italian Technological Cluster Green Chemistry and its role in boosting the Biobased Industry in the Italian
Vittorio Maglia/Giulia Gregori, The Italian Technological Cluster on Green Chemistry
The Biobased industries PPP: its structure and actions for boosting EU BioBased industries at the regional
Dirk Carrez (BIC)/Barend Verachtert (interim Executive Director of the Joint Undertaking)
11.30-13.30 Round Table: smart specializations: identifying and leveraging regional Bioeconomy potential in
Chairs: Regional Ministers for the Industrial Development of Regions Umbria and Basilicata (TBC); Ludovica
Agro’ (Chair of the IT Structural fund Agency)
Roundtable participants could include:
BIC / BBI Representatives
Regions Representatives,
Representatives from ERRIN and ERIAFF (TBC)
Representatives of The Italian Technology Cluster on Green Chemistry
Mario Calderini, Representative of the Ministry of Education, Research and University (TBC)
Stefano Firpo, Representative of the Ministry of Economical Development
Andrea Bianchi, Representative of Italian Association of Industries (TBC)
13.30-14.00 Conclusions
Catia Bastioli (President of the Italian Cluster Green Chemistry)
Christian Patermann (State Government of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany)
The conference will be in English; EN/IT translation will be provided
Thursday 5 november 2015 2.00 pm-5.30 pm Chimica Verde Room
Research and innovation in integrated biorefineries
Organized by: Ecomondo Technical-Scientific Committee, MISE (Italian Ministry of Economic
Development), MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research), National Technology Cluster on
“Green Chemistry” SPRING, SusChem Italy, Federchimica (National Chemical Industry Federation)
call for papers
The conference is the occasion to show the most significant research and developments for integrated
biorefineries applied both to agriculture and to chemical and energetic valorization of food sub-products.
The conference is dedicated to researchers and industrial operators to show their works and discuss with
other stakeholders.
14.00 Introduction and posters’ report
3 invited speakers
Research and industry intervention selected by call for paper.
17.30 Discussion and conclusions
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Friday 6 November 2015 10.00 am-5.00 pm Neri 2 Room South Hall
Biowaste Biorefinery: biowaste exploitation in multi-purpouse biorefinery schemes.
Organized by the Italian Cluster on Green Chemistry, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) & the Ecomondo Scientific/Technical Committee
This workshop aims to assess the different implications associated with the adoption of biowaste as
feedstocks for advanced biorefineries as well as the needs and opportunities of Research & Development in
the sector. Specific biowaste valorization pathways have been developed for some food processing byproducts and wastes but they need to be further tested, validated and then transferred on the larger scale.
There are many other organic wastes such as agriculture waste, sludge, household waste, yard and forestry
waste, municipal waste, etc. which can be exploited in the sector by turning the remarkable problems
associated with their disposal into opportunities for the modern biobased industry. However, there is the need
to identify the suitable biowastes and to develop the strategies/technologies for collecting and stabilizing them
prior application and then for pre-treating and transforming them in integrated multipurpose/cascading
biorefinery scheme. However, the costs of the developed integrated processes might be high, mostly for the
fact that the industry dealing with such issues is still underdeveloped and therefore dominated by high
processing costs. Such costs can be significantly reduced by intensifying research & development on process
integration and intensification. However, the low or no cost of starting material along with the environmental
benefits coming from the concomitant biowaste disposal would offset the high capital costs for initiating such a
biorefinery. This workshop is specifically addressed to discuss all these issues with experts from the
academia and industry from different OECD countries.
Tentative programme
10.00-10.30 Welcome:
Carlo Calenda, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development (TBC)
OECD Chair Person (TBI),
President Italian Cluster Green Chemistry (Catia Bastioli)
10.30-13.00 Session 1: Biowaste availability, management and suitability for biorefinery application in
Europe and in the OECD member states
Chairs: OECD Representative, Catia Bastioli (IT Green Chemistry Cluster)
3-4 key talks
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-17.00 Session 2: Biowaste exploitation in Biorefinery: needs, opportunities and success
examples in EU and the OECD member states
Chairs: OECD Representative, High Representative Italian Government
3-4 talks
16.00-17.00 Round Table: R&I and regulatory needs and opportunities for boosting biowaste
biorefinery practices .
Chair: Christian Patermann - State Government of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany
Roundtable participants could include:
Representatives from OECD member states
BIC / BBI Representative
Representatives from ERRIN and ERIAFF
The Italian Technology Cluster on Green Chemistry
17.00 Conclusions (by OECD Representative)
The conference will be in English; EN/IT translation will be provided
Wednesday 4 November 2015 10.00 am-6.00 pm Air Room
The management and control of odor emissions
Organized By: Ecomondo Technical-Scientific Committee, Italian Chemical Society, Division of
Environmental Chemistry and Cultural Heritage and ISPRA (National Institute for Environmental
Protection and Research)
call for papers
The Conference is the national event reference on the subject of odor emissions. The appointment of
comparison with the national technical committee, coordinated by ISPRA, offers state of the art technological
innovations and best practices in the management and control of odor emissions. The edition of 2015, given
the multiplicity of industrial sectors interested in the topic, provides two main sessions dedicated to the
problems of waste treatment plants and those of the purification of wastewater, recently the subject of
regulatory changes on the front of atmospheric emissions. This year, special attention should be paid to the
regional agencies, innovations and technologies abatement plant.
Targeted Audience: Regional Agencies for Environmental Protection, University and Research Institutes,
Public Administration, Plant operators, suppliers of abatement technologies and emission control
Rosanna Laraia – ISPRA (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)
Gianluigi de Gennaro – University of Bari ‘Aldo Moro’, Italy
10.00-14.00 Oral session: odorous emissions and waste treatment plants
Invited speakers of national technical committee on odors
Speakers from call for papers
Poster Session
14:00 - 18:00Oral session: odorous emissions and wastewater treatment plants
Invited speakers of national technical committee on odors
Speakers from call for papers
Poster Session
Discussion and Conclusions
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Thursday 5 november 2015 2.00 pm-5.00 pm Air Room
Indoor air quality: sources, materials, certifications, intervention lines and opportunities
Organized by: CTS Ecomondo e Istituto Superiore di Sanità
call for papers
The half-a-day workshop aims to illustrate the different actions and programmes in progress on indoor air
quality, both at national and EU level. Topics covered include research and innovation, industry, certification
and regulatory aspects, training, monitoring and indoor air assessment. A consolidated management has
been already implemented in several EU member states (Belgium, French, Finland, Germany, Netherlands,
Poland, Portugal, Norway, Lithuanian) through the adoption of dedicated guide-lines and related guidance
values for indoor air. Within this frame, labels for the emissions from materials have been developed, with the
goal of a general reduction of the emissions from indoor sources. At national level it seems a major issue the
inventory of all the actions currently in progress, to be finalized in an integrated framework strategy.
Targeted Audience:
Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA), Department Prevention (ASL) Research center,
Industry, Designers, Architects, Engineers
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Wednesday 4 November 2015 10.00 am -4.30 pm Chimica Verde Room
Towards a zero waste food chain: key enabling technologies for the food industry sustainability and
waste exploitation in a circular economy perspective
Organized by: University of Bologna, CONFAGRICOLTURA, ATIAISWA ITALIA, Cluster Tecnologico
nazionale Agro-Food (TBC) and CTS Ecomondo
Ensuring safe, healthy, high quality food while developing sustainable, innovative and efficient systems with
supply chains, processing and marketing are some of the challenges set by the European Union for the
European Industry, which is the first industrial sector in EU with 310,000 companies (mostly SMEs), a Trillion
of Euros of turnover and 4 Million of employees. Food waste and by-products, efficient value chains, new
and more sustainable resources stand as some of the main present and future challenges globally. Forty
percent of the produced waste take place in the post-harvesting phase, with a significant share of wastage
during manufacturing. Therefore, promoting radical innovation in the food production and processing by
increasing the overall resource efficiency and decreasing waste generation along the whole food chain is a
striking need to foster a transition towards more sustainable food systems. The adoption and implementation
of Advanced Materials, Advanced Manufacturing and Processing and Industrial Biotechnology along with
ICT- tools might provide the sector with novel and effective opportunities for higher process efficiency (i.e.,
lower water and energy consumption, lower waste and CO2 production), higher productivity, higher quality
and better preserved and traced and therefore safer products along with new foods and food products for the
modern society. Assessing and boosting societal acceptance of technological innovation via citizen
engagement approaches is a major need to achieve a demand-driven responsible and sustainable food
chain. The event aims at offering a common platform to some of the main public and private experts and
stakeholders in the field, in order to discuss priorities, innovative solutions and ongoing initiatives through
their vision and experience, with the ultimate goal of reduction the distance between technological
advancements and their deployment at industrial scale
Targeted Audience: R&D performers; Consulting engineers and professionals; Food industries, Waste
industries and association, etc
Tentative Programme
10,00 Welcome and Introduction
10.20 Session 1: Reduction of raw material losses
10.20 Introductive talk: Fabio Fava – University of Bologna
10.40 Round Table: speakers invited (10 min each with slides)
Chair: Ezio Veggia CONFAGRICOLTURA and Davide Viaggi - University of Bologna
Enzo Favoino, A case study from Zerowaste Europe
Alessandro Sdoga (Confagricoltura) and Guido Fastellini (Geotop) A case study from Business networks
(precision farming in Umbria)
Cristina Hanabergh (Sustainable Development Manager) - A case study from Peroni
Luigi Tozzi (Confagricoltura) - A case study from EcoCloud (the network of sustainable agriculture best
11.40 Discussion and final remarks
12.00 Session 2: Improve process efficiency (low water and energy consumption, low waste
Round Table: speakers invited (10 min each with slides)
Chair: Massimo Iannetta ENEA & Cluster Tecnologico nazionale Agro-Food
Luca Ruini – A case study from Barilla.
Daniele Vacchi (TBC) – A case study from IMA.
Gianpiero Santacatterina - A case study from Whirlpool.
Luca Tomasella - A case study from Gruppo Rolli (vegetables cold chain )
Guecello di Porcia A case study from Principe di Porcia (wine sector) )
13.00 Discussion and final remarks
13.30 Break
14.30 Session 3 Waste and byproducts collection and exploitation in the food industry
Introductive talk: Arnaldo Dossena – University of Parma: Food processing waste and byproducts
15.00 Round Table: speakers invited (10 min each with slides)
Chair: Arnaldo Dossena – University of Parma
Giovanni Sorlini A case study from the meat sector Inalca.
Vittorio Zambrini – A case study from Granarolo (TBC)
Giovanni Marani – A case study from CAVIRO (TBC)
Massimo Centemero - CIC- Consorzio Italiano Compostatori
Alessandra Zamagni (Ecoinnovazione) and Paolo Masoni (ENEA) Value-added products from suppressed
beet pulps.
Paola Mauro (ATIAISWA ITALIA) Case studies of Nespresso and Toschi
16.00 Discussion and final remarks
16.30 End of the day
EN/IT translation will be provided
Thursday 5 November 2015 10.00 am-5 pm Global Water Expo Room
Ready to market leading-edge techniques for the near future municipal wastewater treatment plants
Organized by: Università di Verona, IRSA-CNR, Utilitalia, CTS Ecomondo and Water_2020 network
Call for papers only for poster presentations
Infringement procedures and stringent standard for discharge has recently led to relevant investments in Italy
and EU for municipal wastewater treatment. In addition, extra European fast growing economies are now
making huge efforts to implement wastewater treatment. Such a scenario should second the speed up of
innovations that contribute to solving societal challenges such as the water-energy-carbon nexus, which is
also the mission of international initiatives such as the EIP Water or the Horizon 2020 program. A number of
techniques at pilot or demonstration scale, or implemented at full scale in few installations, demonstrates
how energy efficiency, carbon footprint and resource recovery can be optimized while costs can be reduced
compared to conventional activated sludge processes. The workshop will illustrate the societal challenges
and the emerging and innovative techniques, which market uptake should be accelerated. Finally, Italian,
European and extra-European water utilities will present the forthcoming large investments in wastewater
treatment and discuss with the audience the gap for a widespread uptake of innovative efficient techniques.
Targeted audience: R&D wastewater treatment; Consulting engineers and professionals; Water industries,
Water utilities
Section Chairs
Tomas Michel – WssTP President (TBC)
Giuseppe Mininni - IRSA-CNR and CTS ECOMONDO
Welcome: Challenges for water infrastructure
10.00 – 10.20 Giuseppina Monacelli (Water JPI) Water challenges and emerging issues in EU (TBC)
10:20 – 10:40 Erasmo D’Angelis (struttura di missione di Palazzo Chigi “contro il dissesto idrogeologico e
per lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture idriche”) Water and Wastewater infrastructure deficit in Italy
10:40 – 11:00 Mario Beccari (Segreteria Tecnica Ministero dell'Ambiente e Tutela del Territorio e del Mare)
Best available solutions to exit the infringement cases about wastewater management in Italy
11:00 – 11:20 Break
11:20 - 13:00 Session 1: The market and the business cases: wastewater infrastructure of the near future
SOUTH ITALY: Osvaldo Degregoriis – SIDRA Catania Technical, economic and environmental sustainability
of the near future wastewater management
NORTH ITALY – Azienda Gardesana Servizi, Garda Uno and Technital – Wastewater management to
protect and safeguard the Lake Garda: current infrastructures and planned actions
EASTERN EUROPE: Wastewater infrastructure deficit in Eastern Europe (TBC)
MIDDLE EAST: Wastewater infrastructure deficit and Membrane bioreactors and innovation in Oman, HAYA
Water in Oman (TBC)
SOUTH AMERICA: Wastewater treatment deficit in South America (TBC)
ISRAEL: Wastewater treatment and reuse: success stories and future investments in Israel (TBC)
13.00 – 14:00 Lunch
Section Chairs
Philippe Corvini - FHNW, Switzerland (Chair of the Environmental Biotechnology section of EFB)
Francesco Fatone – University of Verona (Co-Chair of the SWWS-SG International Water Association)
14:00 – 17.00 Session 2 The ready-to-market leading-edge techniques for WWT
Tomas Michel (President of the WssTP) Priorities and opportunities to accelerate market uptake of
innovative water solutions (TBC)
Juan Lema (Water_2020 chair, Spain) - From science-fiction to Eco innovation in wastewater treatment
Andreas Giesen (Royal Haskoning DHV, The Netherlands) “Aerobic granular biomass: from innovation to
proven and cost-effective new standard for industrial and municipal wastewater treatment
Tommaso Lotti (TUDelft, Netherlands, and Politecnico di Milano, Italy) - Autotrophic nitrogen removal by
AnAmmOx for side and main stream applications
Bruce Jefferson (Cranfield University, United Kingdom) – From aerobic to anaerobic membrane bioreactor:
new paradigm for membrane technology in WWTP? (TBC)
Wastewater treatment and ICT – Water_2020 and IWA IWA Specialist Group representative (TBC)
Please note:
A comparable number of talks (of 20 min) from academia and industry should be planned.
Discussion and Closure
Call for papers open only for POSTER PRESENTATION to emerging and innovative techniques, where
emerging and innovative are defined according to the following US-EPA approach:
Technologies at pilot or demonstration scale or
have been implemented at full scale in 3 or fewer installations or for less than 1 year
Technologies that have some degree of initial use or that have been implemented at
full scale for less than five years
The conference will be in English; EN/IT translation will be provided
(to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference)
Friday 6 November 2015 10.00 am-5.00 pm Neri 2 Room South Hall
Biowaste Biorefinery: biowaste exploitation in multi-purpouse biorefinery schemes.
Organized by the Italian Cluster on Green Chemistry, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) & the Ecomondo Scientific/Technical Committee
This workshop aims to assess the different implications associated with the adoption of biowaste as
feedstocks for advanced biorefineries as well as the needs and opportunities of Research & Development in
the sector. Specific biowaste valorization pathways have been developed for some food processing byproducts and wastes but they need to be further tested, validated and then transferred on the larger scale.
There are many other organic wastes such as agriculture waste, sludge, household waste, yard and forestry
waste, municipal waste, etc. which can be exploited in the sector by turning the remarkable problems
associated with their disposal into opportunities for the modern biobased industry. However, there is the need
to identify the suitable biowastes and to develop the strategies/technologies for collecting and stabilizing them
prior application and then for pre-treating and transforming them in integrated multipurpose/cascading
biorefinery scheme. However, the costs of the developed integrated processes might be high, mostly for the
fact that the industry dealing with such issues is still underdeveloped and therefore dominated by high
processing costs. Such costs can be significantly reduced by intensifying research & development on process
integration and intensification. However, the low or no cost of starting material along with the environmental
benefits coming from the concomitant biowaste disposal would offset the high capital costs for initiating such a
biorefinery. This workshop is specifically addressed to discuss all these issues with experts from the
academia and industry from different OECD countries.
Tentative programme
10.00-10.30 Welcome:
Carlo Calenda, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development (TBC)
OECD Chair Person (TBI),
President Italian Cluster Green Chemistry (Catia Bastioli)
10.30-13.00 Session 1: Biowaste availability, management and suitability for biorefinery application in
Europe and in the OECD member states
Chairs: OECD Representative, Catia Bastioli (IT Green Chemistry Cluster)
3-4 key talks
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-17.00 Session 2: Biowaste exploitation in Biorefinery: needs, opportunities and success
examples in EU and the OECD member states
Chairs: OECD Representative, High Representative Italian Government
3-4 talks
16.00-17.00 Round Table: R&I and regulatory needs and opportunities for boosting biowaste
biorefinery practices .
Chair: Christian Patermann - State Government of North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany
Roundtable participants could include:
Representatives from OECD member states
BIC / BBI Representative
Representatives from ERRIN and ERIAFF
The Italian Technology Cluster on Green Chemistry
17.00 Conclusions (by OECD Representative)
The conference will be in English; EN/IT translation will be provided
Friday 6 november 2015 10.00 am-6.00 pm Tiglio 1 Room Pavillion A6
The environmental footprint of products: state of the art and prospects
Organized by: ENEA, ERVET, SSSUP
call for papers
The topic of the green enhancement of products is everyday more relevant in the European Union policies.
The European Union is modifying tools such as EMAS and Ecolabel on the basis of the life cycle of products.
The Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) is a methodology governed by the European Commission through
the 2013/179/EC Recommendation related to the use of common methodologies for measuring and
communicating the environmental performance during the life cycle of products and organizations. Pilot
actions on several products categories are currently in progress both at the European and Italian level, for
instance within the LIFE - financed project PREFER. Aim of the conference is to highlight the prospects of
these new methods considering also the context of the more consolidated voluntary instruments derived from
the ISO and the national regulations (GPP and the minimum environmental criteria included).
Development prospects of the environmental footprint and state of the art of the voluntary
Chair: Enrico Cancila (ERVET)
Francesco La camera (Ministry of the Environment)
Michele Galatola (officer UE responsible of PEF)
Paolo Masoni (ENEA and deputy of the Ministry for PEF)
Salvatore Curcuruto (ISPRA responsible of the certifications service)
Experiences in progress:
Fabio Iraldo SSUP lead partner PREFER project
Two/three experiences of PEF appliance
Discussion and closure of session
The environmental footprint on the table
Chairs: Donato Rotundo (Confagricoltura), Paolo Masoni (ENEA)
Introduction (by heads of the session)
International initiatives in the field of livestock: Partnership LEAP Camillo De Camillis FAO
Environmental labels and quality brands of food production (…)
Eco-innovation in the food industry : opportunities for Italian companies, Alessandra Zamagni Ecoinnovazione
The companies:
The sustainability of the meat supply chain (….)
The sustainability of the tomato supply chain (Inter-professional organization in the District of Processing
Tomato of Northern Italy)
Discussion and closure of session
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
Conference held in Italian language
Friday 6 november 2015 10.00 am-6.00 pm Ravezzi 1 Room South Hall
Organized by: ENEA e CTS
Europe is taking the challenge to mitigate the supply risks of raw materials since 2008. For the time being,
several initiatives are running across EU: the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (2012), the
related Strategic Implementation Plan (2013), the Knowledge Innovation Community on Raw Materials
(2015). These initiatives complement the funding to Research and Development devoted to the raw materials
issues, within the Framework Programme “Horizon 2020”. The ultimate goal is decreasing the dependence
of European manufacturing industry on foreign supply, reinforcing the competitiveness with the development
of new and sustainable technologies, in the areas of the production and refining of minerals, the collection
and recycling of end-of-life products, the substitution of critical raw materials in fabrication flowcharts. The
session provides to the audience a general view of the different scenarios, the demand of industry for
concrete solutions, the offer of innovation from academia and research centres.
Session Chairs
Roberto Morabito ENEA
Danilo Bonato High Level Steering Group EIP Raw Materials
Carlo Calenda, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development (TBC)
SESSION 1 - New EU initiatives to tackle the RM challenge
Chair: Roberto Morabito (ENEA), Danilo Bonato (High Level Steering Group EIP Raw Materials)
SESSION 2 – Raw Materials supply and the impact on manufacturing – the industry vision
SESSION 3 - Alternative Raw Materials source: the secondary materials
SESSION 4 - Alternative Raw Materials source: opportunities for substitution
17:30 Discussion and Closure
EN/IT translation will be provided
Friday 6 November 2015 2.00-5.00 pm Reclaim Expo Room
IV sessione COMBATING MARINE OIL SPILLS (Stakeholder event of the KILL•SPILL project)
Organized by: Kill Spill partners, EFB and CTS Ecomondo
The FP7-project Kill•Spill delivers innovative (bio)-technologies for the clean-up oil spills. Kill•Spill develops
technologies aiming at intensified biodegradation processes through bioaugmentation/ biostimulation as
follow-up to mechanical emergency response and/or long-term actions in aerobic/slight anoxic compartments.
Kill•Spill also develops (bio)-technologies adapted for the remediation of anoxic/anaerobic fresh & chronically
polluted sediments. Kill•Spill compiles knowledge on dispersion/sorption and biodegradation processes to
produce multifunctional products, which are suited for follow-up and long-term actions. The multifunctional
products address the necessity for integrated bioremediation (bioavailability, metabolic requirements, etc.)
and are efficient along the whole redox gradient from surface water to sediments.
Nicolas Kalogerakis
Philippe Corvini
14.00 Introduction
1) Current approaches for combating oil spills and the potential of bioremediation (Kalogerakis, Greece)
2) Novel monitoring tools for real time assessment (Rojo, Spain)
3) Dispersants versus biosurfactants (Banat, UK)
4) Development of bioremediation agents (Zanaroli, IT)
5) Development of sorbent material (Petrangeli-Papini, IT)
6) Long term clean up - Sediments (Aulenta, IT)
7) The industrial perspective (Mamaloukas, Greece)
16.30 Discussion and Closure
EN/IT translation will be provided
Friday 6 November 2015 2.00-5.00 pm Global Water Expo Room
Standard method and online tool for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of wastewater
treatment plants (Stakeholder event of the ENERWATER project)
Organized by: H2020 ENERWATER partners and CTS ECOMONDO
Call for papers
The main objective of H2020 ENERWATER is to develop, validate and to disseminate an innovative
standard methodology for continuously assessing, labelling and improving the overall energy performance of
Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs). For that purpose a collaboration framework in the water treatment
sector including research groups, SMEs, water management companies, city councils, water authorities and
industry is set up. ENERWATER is devoting important efforts to ensure that the methods are widely adopted.
Subsequent objectives are to impulse dialogue towards the creation of a specific European legislation
following the example of recently approved EU directives, to establish a way forward to achieve EU energy
reductions objectives for 2020, ensuring effluent water quality, environmental protection and compliance with
the Water Framework Directive (FWD).
Targeted audience: Water utilities and industries, ESCo and energy managers, research institutes, water
Section Chairs
Almudena Hospido (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Francesco Bosco (ACEA SpA)
14:00 Introduction
The ENERWATER project (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Current need for standardization of energy efficiency in wastewater sector in EU (AENOR, Spain)
Benchmark in EU and energy efficiency in a German water utility (Aggerverband/Cologne University of
Applied Sciences, Germany)
The ENERWATER method and energy efficiency in English wastewater treatment plants in Italy (Cranfield
University, UK)
The on-line tools to monitor and optimize energy efficiency in WWTP: current market and ENERWATER
advances (Wellness Smart City, Spain)
Processes and systems to optimize energy efficiency in WWTPs (Università di Verona and ETRA SpA)
16.30 Discussion and Closure
( Programme to be completed in July 2015, after the evaluation of all abstracts submitted to the conference
and the splitting of the accepted papers between papers for oral and papers for poster presentation)
EN/IT translation will be provided