The future Retail Market Initiative: how to deliver concrete benefits... energy consumers? Draft agenda

The future Retail Market Initiative: how to deliver concrete benefits to
energy consumers?
Renaissance Hotel, Rue Parnasse 19, 19/03/2014, 14.00 – 17.30
Followed by a Networking cocktail
Draft agenda
14.00: Registration and welcome coffee
14.30: Welcome address by EPIA (Frauke Thies) and SEDC (Jessica Stromback)
14.45: “Towards consumers’ empowerment: what if the key to a sustainable future was in 500 million
people’s hands?”  Presentation of concrete levers
Reducing our energy needs: Sorchas Edwards, CECODHAS Deputy Secretary General (tbc) (7’)
Producing our own energy: concrete example of self-consumption in the commercial segment (7’)
Providing flexibility to the system: concrete example of aggregation (7’)
Being stronger together (cooperatives): Dirk Vansintjan, President of REScoop (tbc) (7’)
Reactions from:
 European Commission – K-D Borchardt, Director of Internal Energy Market, DG Energy (tbc)
 CEER – Patricia De Suzzoni, Chair of Customers and Retail Markets WG (tbc)
 MEP Judith Merkies (tbc)
15:35 Coffee break
15:50 Panel discussion moderated by Frauke Thies (EPIA):
Topics for discussion:
- Why haven’t consumers benefitted from the liberalisation of energy markets yet?
- How to complete the internal retail energy market while enabling consumers to become
active parts of the system?
- The consumer 2.0: aware, efficient, smart; in a context of expected structural raise in
energy prices, could the prosumer be part of an integrated solution?
- How to integrate the consumer dimension in the 2030 climate and energy framework?
16:30: Questions and answers with the audience
16:45: Concluding remarks by Jessica Stromback (SEDC)
17:00: Joint signature of the Declaration for Consumers’ Empowerment by EPIA and SEDC representatives
17:30: Cocktail