Prayer Notes If you have any queries please contact us 1. Thank God for He is worthy of praise. He is our Creator and Redeemer. 2. Thank God for Bishop James Kwang & Mrs Kwang for their leadership in CMCA. Pray for God will them grace, wisdom, strength and good health as they serve God faithfully. 3. Pray for Rev Gloria Ling, Pastor Yap & all LCEC. May God bless them with wisdom and strength as they serve in unity in the Kingdom of God. 4. Pray for the Discipleship classes as we start the lessons in March, may the Holy Spirit teach us to understand God’s Word to become faithful and radical disciples of Jesus Christ. Pray that we will apply God’s Word in our life and become true witnesses for Him. 5. Pray for our church prayer meeting groups so that we will encounter God in prayer. Ask God to raise up more prayer warriors among us that He will start more new prayer meeting groups throughout Adelaide. And we can be a lighthouse for our Lord. 6. Pray for our church building extension project. God will grant us favor for the council permit to start and complete the project soon. 7. Pray that God will help us raise up God- fearing & God-pleasing families. Each family will love and serve Him wholeheartedly. If you have a special prayer request, please stay back after the service, or contact ministers/ group leaders. Prayer Times Contact Contact # Sun-7:00pm Mon-7:00pm Fiona Penny 0430145787 0401068935 Mon-7:30pm Greenie 0422033353 Wed-7:30pm Sharon 0422634003 Address 48 Tyne Ave, Kilburn 17 Wingfield St, Clovelly Park 6/22, Mortimer St, Kurralta Park 4 Donald St, Campbelltown This Week Next Week Ministry Team (22/03) (29/03) Speaker Pastor Yap Pastor Yap Liturgist Bob Jacqueline Scripture Reader DennisN Bob Worship Team n/a Jamie Pianist Daniel W Daniel W Usher Jacqueline EstherC OHP/PA EstherC Robin Refreshment n/a ChengYongTing Lunch Keith Gary Cleaning English Cell Adult Fellowship Please organise for someone to replace you if you are unable to serve. Please notify the person and the pastor at least a week in advance. Thank you for your cooperation. Minister Rev Dr Gloria Ling 0420 227 956 [email protected] Assistant Minister Pastor Yap Kiat Hock 0410 191 491 [email protected] Lay Leader Dennie Ling/0422 130 528 LCEC Chairperson Michael Toh/0430 969 433 Children Sunday School (Sun 10:30AM) Sharon Ling/0422634003 22nd March 2015 澳 洲 基 督 教 华 人 卫 理 公 会 Chin ese Methodist Chu rch in Australia 思 恩 堂 Goodwood 2015 Theme: Theme: Being Methodist Loving God Wholeheartedly Fellowships / Cell Group Chinese Youth Fellowship Every Fri 7:15pm SiongLung Wong/0470208327 Adult Fellowship 2nd Sat Every Month Emma/0402465077 Young Adult 1st Sat Every Month Lincoln Yong/0411601228 English Cell Pastor Yap/0410 191 491 Discipleship Classes Red Class (Sat 9:30am) Teacher: Pastor Yap Green Class (Wed 7:30pm) Teacher: Rev. Gloria Ling Gold Class (Sat 9:30am) Teacher: Rev. Gloria Ling Church eBanking Chinese Methodist Church BSB: 035 050 Account: 204 247 God Loves a Cheerful Giver (2 Cor 9:6-7) : CMCA Vision Transforming the community Covenant disciples and Missions The Lord’s Prayer Apostle’s Creed Our Father, which art in heaven, Hallowed be your Name. Your Kingdom come. your will be done in earth, As it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who sin against us. lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever Amen. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; the third day He rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit; the holy universal Church, the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. AMEN Website: 158-160, Goodwood Road, Goodwood SA 5034 Order of Sunday Service Announcement Silent Meditation Prelude Silent Prayer Introits Call to Worship : : : The Lord is In the Holy Temple : Psalms 123 1-2 : Praise and Worship Opening Hymn : Hymn of Praise 15 – Ancient of Days Opening Prayer : Responsive Readings : Psalms 101 Gloria Patri : Proclamation of Faith: Listen to the Word Scripture Reading :Romans 8:15 Sermon : Slave or Son? Worship in Thanksgiving Sunday Offering : Hymn of Praise 135 – Standing on the Promises Offertory Response : All Things Are Thine Announcement : Respond to the Call Closing Hymn Receive Benediction Fourfold Amen Silent Prayer 3. Easter Baptism: baptism class is on 9:30am Sunday morning, for those who would like to get baptise, join us for the class. 4. Church Prayer Meeting: We encourage brothers and sisters to join our church prayer cell group meetings. You may join any group that is closest to you. Our church will start the church prayer meetings on April. The prayer meeting will be held at 10am every Sunday before the service starts. We welcome all brothers and sisters to join this. 5. Children Service: We encourage all parents to join the first half worship session with your children and praise the God together. We will having a special session for children every month – Children Talk and Blessings for Children. We welcome you to bring your family friends to join with us, let us receive the God grace together. May God bless every family. 6. Church care visit: Our ministers and the church leaders are planning to visit different families every Thursday night. If you have a friend family that require church care, we welcome you to inform th ministers at any time. 7. Chinese Youth Fellowship: The theme for the coming week is “When I said I am a Christian…”. We welcome all university students / youth to join us. 8. Life game 2.0: will be held on 30 Sep 2015 at Mylor Baptist Camp. Camp fees is $180 (early bird $165 before 30 June). The founder of Life Impact Ministries, Pastor John Kwan will be leading the camp. We also encourage ex- camper to join us as volunteer. For more information, please look for Dennie Ling. 9. Hand copying bible: This year, the Board of Christian Education from AC is encouraging all brothers and sisters hand copy book of Mark and Hebrews. Chinese The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” --- Romans 8:15 (NIV) Jesus’ Later Galilean Ministry( Mark 3:7-12) Good Friday Combined Service: with Holy Methodist Church will be held on 3rd April Friday at 10am at our church. Theme: The Sacrificial Love of Jesus. Let’s take this opportunity to meditate upon Christ’s love for us and invite friends to come. Last week Attendance / Offering This Week Scripture: : 2. 10. Accounts Cum Office Assistance: Our Annual Conference is seeking to employ a full-time staff. For full details of job descriptions, please contact Bishop Kwang via email or call him on 0414 073 737. Please send all applications via email at [email protected] on or before 15th March. : Hymn of Praise 243 – I Would be True : : : Please proceed to Annex hall for refreshment / lunch Next Week Pg7 1. Welcome all brothers and sisters in Christ to join today’s service. If today is your first visit to our church, we welcome you to join our Goodwood family. Please fill a contact form so we can keep in touch. May God bless you. Pastor Yap English 73 19 $544.40 $160.50 Tithe:RG$50, Anon$500 Thanksgiving:Lunch:n/a Others:- Sunday School n/a $10.00 Subtotal 92+ $714.90 $550.00 -
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