Today @ SPBC Stanley Park Kids @ 10:00 a.m. (Children age 3 → Gr. 5 are encouraged to attend) October 19, 2014 SPEAKER: TITLE: SCRIPTURE: Pastor Gary Rush “The Struggle with Sin” Romans 7:14 - 25 ORDER OF WORSHIP Welcome and Prayer Everlasting God (Strength will Rise) Lord Reign in Me Children’s Prayer (Children JK to Gr. 5 then dismissed to DiscipleTown) Lord I give you my Heart There is a Redeemer Scripture Reading: Romans 7:14 - 25 Offering Pastoral Prayer Message Prayer Grace, Grace, Gods Grace (Grace greater than our Sins) Benediction Weekly Events Tuesday Stanley Park Young Adults @ 7 pm Wednesday Prayer Group @ 8:30 am Spy – Youth @ 6:30 pm Thursday Moments for Moms @ 9:30 am Bible Study @ 10:00 am Kids Klub @ 4:00 p.m. Upcoming Church Events Seniors Fellowship Thanksgiving Pot Luck will be on October 21st at 12:00 noon. Sign poster to indicate what you will bring. Special Feature: Mary Oberley – “Mission to Guatemala” All Seniors welcome! Men’s Breakfast Men's Breakfast will be held on October 25th at 8:30 a.m. Guest Speaker will be Mark Cybulski. Please sign the sheet in the foyer to indicate your presence. Slime Time October 31st, 6:00 – 8:00, Snakes, lizards and toads, Oh My! Have you ever touched a snake, held a lizard or pet a toad? Here’s your chance! A live presentation of many reptiles will be presented by Global Exotic Pets. Games, treats, and hot apple cider. Yummy! This event is for EVERYONE! Deficit Fundraiser Stanley Park will be having a craft & bake sale on November 22nd from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. We’re accepting donations of crafts and bake goods. Sign-up sheet in the foyer. Thanksgiving Project This year, we will be joining with 4 other churches to build one of the new cabins at Camp Hermosa, our official, churchsupported camp. The idea is that each of these five churches will contribute $5,000, which will provide the $25,000 required to build one of the cabins. Contributions toward our $5000 target may be made any time during the month of October, through the regular channels of the church. Let us rise up and build! Thank you! A sincere and heart-felt thank you on behalf of our entire family, for the cards, flowers and support you have given us during these past weeks, following the passing of our beloved Mom and Grandma, Lois Coleman. The weeks and months ahead will also be challenging, but your kindness and caring have made things easier. It's greatly appreciated by all of us. Rhonda, Tom, Dylan and Lindsay O'Neill Candies! Candies! Candies! Slime Time is almost here….anyone who is willing, can donate candy to help with this event, drop them off at Colleen’s office asap. Thank you! Stanley Park Ladies Are invited to attend a Special Fall Event at Avenue Road Baptist Church in Cambridge on Saturday, November 15th, from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Registration is $10 which includes lunch. There will be Fashions, Silent Auction, Praise, Worship, Fellowship, and Special Speaker. See the bulletin board for details. Important Notices Missions and Prayer Sound & Light Team The Sound & Light Team is looking for new recruits! No experience required – we need help running the Sound Board and the PowerPoint presentations during Sunday morning services. Please speak with Lynley for details. ([email protected]) Global October 16th was World Food Day. May there be more justice in the use of food in our world, and a reduction in what is wasted. Pray for those suffering hunger. Many are farmers struggling to survive on small plots of land. Pray for CBM’s food security programs to be adequately funded and effective in helping farmers to renew their land and have abundant, healthy crops. Pray also for CBM’s emergency relief for those in crisis, especially the escalating situation in South Sudan. Address and Number Changes John Hynd The West Hill Retirement Home 25 West Hill Drive, Waterloo, ON Phone: (519) 883-9406 Martha Kramer’s address is the same, central phone number in her building is (519) 896-3112. Nyachieng Ruey and Family 39 Paulander Drive (not 37) Unit #41 Phone: (226) 606-3806 Wynn & Esther Harding 712-250 Country Hill Dr. Kitchener, ON Phone: (226) 647-3486 Family Prayer Corner Weekly Prayer Bulletins are available at The Visitor’s Centre! This week pray for: Jones – Andrew & Michelle, Owen, Claire Jones – Stephen & Catherine Jones, Elizabeth, Christine, Robert, Jennifer Jorgensen – Jeff & Carol, Victoria Germany Approximately 13% of all foreign students in Germany are Chinese. Praise God for CBM’s field staff – the Lams and the Chans – who have a heart for ministering to this group. May students be transformed by the good news of Jesus and full of hope when they return to China. Bolivia The CBM team in Bolivia praise God for productive and strategic planning meetings. May they continue to see God’s leading as they assist local churches in ministries that share the love of Jesus in word and deed. We remember the great need in Bolivia for Chagas prevention and awareness, and for the care of vulnerable children, many of whom have to work to provide for their family. Sermon Notes _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ _________________________ STANLEY PARK BAPTIST CHURCH 31 Lorraine Ave., Kitchener N2B 2M9 Phone: 519-576-1100 [email protected] SR. PASTOR - Rev. Peter Bongers [email protected] ASSOCIATE PASTOR FOR YOUTH & WORSHIP - Gary Rush [email protected] DIRECTOR OF CHILDREN & FAMILY MINISTRIES Colleen Ernewein [email protected] PASTOR OF ARABIC MINISTRIES Rev. Emad Botros [email protected]
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