Panacek: Recent lit update Recent Literature Update for Emergency Medicine: Panacek Disclosures: None No relevant financial relationships pertaining to this lecture 2012-13 Edward A. Panacek, MD, MPH UC Davis Medical Center Sacramento,CA Maui conference: 2012 Syllabus The overwhelming amount of information in medicine Your job: commit yourself Each year: More than 3,000 biomedical journals are published The FDA approves more than 500 new or updated drugs and 3000 medical devices Even if you only try to keep up with the 5 EM relevant journals and JAMA and the NEJM, you would have to read over 17 articles/day and 1,200 pages per month It is stated that didactic lectures have little impact on clinical practice That lectures are too passive for adult learners, but surveys indicate this is the preferred CME format for physicians So… In this talk, I am asking you to identify 2-3 things that will change your practice Issue: We treat tons of asthma Respiratory-thoracic Context: Which inhaled bronchodilator regimen works best? 1 Panacek: Recent lit update Continuous vs intermittent albuterol to reduce hospital admissions in acute asthma Gregory. AnnEmerMed.2012;60: 663 Systematic review “snapshot” article 20 articles reviewed. 8 RCTs included Continuous nebulization: Clearly better in severe asthma Also better in moderate asthma (RR= 0.64) No benefit in mild asthma No increased side effects NNT in mod/severe = 7 (to save admission) Issue: PE risk increases somewhat during pregnancy Take home points NNT of 7 is very low to save something as important as an admission. Continuous should become std care in all moderate/severe asthmatics in the ED Don’t bother in the mild cases But even if used in all ED asthmatics, NNT = 9-12 to save an admission. Am Thoracic Soc & Soc of Thoracic Radiology practice guideline: Eval of PE in pregnancy Leung. AmJRespCCM.2001;184:1200 Also endorsed by ACOG Not much high level type evidence Recommendations: Context: Which test is best to order to R/O PE in a pregnant mother? Their algorithm 1. Avoid use of D-dimer in pregnancy 2. If any leg Sx, start with Compression U/S 1. If CUS is (+) treat 3. If no leg Sx, order chest studies 1. Start with CXR 2. V/Q if CXR nl, CTA if it is not. Am Thoracic Soc & Soc of Thoracic Radiology practice guideline: Eval of PE in pregnancy Other points: CTA is less radiation for the fetus But more for the mother, and particularly for breasts with increased susceptibility CTA views often substd unless special dye protocol used. V/Q is more radiation for the fetus But less total overall radiation. Starting with perfusion portion only decreases the rads Less problems with substandard views than CTA 2 Panacek: Recent lit update Take home points Avoid D-dimer tests in late pregnancy Can use earlier, but specificity is low. Why not just always start with CUS? Critical Care If CXR is normal, V/Q scan is the recommended choice should rarely be “indeterminate” CTA if you can’t get that study or if nondiagnostic Preoxygenation and prevention of desaturation during emergency airway management Issue: Weingart, Levitan. AnnEmergMed. 2012;59: 165 Airway management getting easier with new devices Emergency airway pts at high risk for hypoxemia Desat < 70% high risk for complications NRB masks used poorly and often not enough EPs tend to rush and fail to use all their resources Context: Recommendations: Anything else we can do to improve emergency airway management?....anything? Preoxygenation and prevention of desaturation during emergency airway management Higher flows of O2 Pre-oxygenate longer (> 8 deep breaths, 3 min if able) Add NC flow at 15 liters, and leave it on for duration Concept of “apneic ventilation” Take home points How fast does desaturation < 90% occur? Want less anxious intubations? Room air, normal lungs: 1 min Room air, diseased lungs 30 sec Pre-oxygenate better. NRB mask 10-15L preox 1-3 min Higher flow, better NRB mask O2 Higher preox O2 admin 2-5 min Add in NC O2 at 5-15 L/min Add NC O2 5-6 L/min 4-8 min NC O2 at 15+ L/min 7-100 min Leave it on and running during the intubation attempt(s) 3 Panacek: Recent lit update Issue: Septic shock carries a 40% mortality. Higher if not reversed quickly Dopamine versus norepinephrine in the Tx of septic shock: Meta-analysis DeBacker, Vincent. CCM. 2012;240: 725 Individual studies show mixed results Meta of 11 studies ( 6 RCTS), 2768 pts Dopamine increased risk death (OR 1.12) Context: Many pressor regimens still being used. Which is best? Take home points In 2012, dopamine should no longer be the first choice pressor for septic shock And maybe not for much else either Little difference in ICU or hosp LOS More dysrhythmias with dopamine (RR= 2.34) Issue: Not all septic shock responds to norepinephrine. Context: Then what? Dopamine? Something else? Cardiopulmonary effects of vasopressin with norepinephrine in septic shock Gordon. CHEST. 2012; 142: 593 Post hoc analysis of VASST trial subsets Take home points For septic shock; Not randomized. Avoid dopamine Vasopressin lower HR, same CO Levophed first line pressor Seemed to benefit some refractory shock cases Vasopressin and epinephrine as second line options Not compelling as first line pressor Reasonable option for refractory cases. 4 Panacek: Recent lit update Comparison of IO vs CVC access in adults under resuscitation in the ED Issue: Leidel. Resuscitation. 2012; 83: 40 Need to fluid resuscitate the pt Vascular access problems Adults, attempts at peripheral IV failed RCT of IO vs landmark CVC access IO; 50% tibial, 50% humeral; CVC: subclavian Access Context: Gown up for full sterile CVC line? Keep trying peripheral? U/S guided peripheral? Other? IO vs IV during out of hospital cardiac arrest Reades. AnnEmergMed. 2011; 58: 509 Adults, arrest, no easy peripheral IV 3 arm RCT of IO vs peripheral access IO: randomized to tibial vs humerus Access Success Time IO: tibial 91% 4.6 min IO: humerus 51% 7.0 min Periph IV 43% 8 min. Humeral IO lines dislodged the most (20%) Fluids given fastest via peripheral IV Delayed complications not measured Issue: Cardiac arrest. Shock first? CPR first? Context: AHA CPR guidelines have flipflopped on this between the last 3 updated recommendations Success Time IO 85% 2 min CVC 60% 8 min. No major complications in either group Take home points IO lines not just for Peds anymore ! Should be considered as second line if easy peripheral access available Proximal tibia better than humerus Earlier vs. later rhythm analysis in pts with out of hospital cardiac arrest Steill. NEJM. 2011; 365: 787 ROC group multicenter RCT. US & Canada 9.983 adults, nontraumatic, arrest 30-60 sec CPR then analyze and shock vs. 3 min of CPR before analysis Results: Good neuro @ hosp D/C= 5.9% in each group Time to analysis: 42 sec vs 180 sec. No diff in 2nd outocmes (ROSC, survival, etc.) 5 Panacek: Recent lit update Take home points Early vs late rhythm analysis doesn’t matter But either way, do immediate CPR and continue CPR until ready for analysis and shock! BTW, the 2010 AHA-ILCOR guidelines noted inconsistent evidence Duration of CPR efforts and survival after inhospital cardiac arrest: an observational study Goldberger. Lancet. 2012. S0140 Retrospective, nested registry study ROSC pts had shorter CPR ( 12 vs. 20 min) Avg resuscitation time = 16 min overall However, hospitals with longest quartile of CPR time (25 min) had best outcomes RR= 1.12 Not an RCT, possible confounders Issue: Survival and good outcome decrease with longer CPR Context: How long to continue CPR? Even if monitor shows a rhythm, quit once clock hits…? Take home points This study does not prove that longer is better. But it does support that longer may not be worse. Tailor duration of CPR more to the individual pt and less to the clock No evidence of worse neuro outcomes if longer CPR Issue: Infectious Diseases 1/3 of teenage females will get a UTI by age 20 Context: UTI or STI? How to address this? 6 Panacek: Recent lit update Adolescent female with urinary Sx: Dx challenge Prentiss. PedEmergCare.2011; 27: 789 Both UTIs and STIs become common in females by age 20. The Sx can overlap Adolescent female with urinary Sx: Dx challenge Results: UTI Dx in 57%, STI in 9%, both in 6% Physician clinical impression accuracy: Prospective, 211 females, 13-19yo, UTI Sx UTI: 90% sensitive, 46% specific, 71% overall Asked physicians for clinical impression STI: 47% “ Then used a “two specimen” technique “Dirty” catch urine for STI (nucleic acid amplification) “Clean” catch sent for U/A and C/S. 86% “ , 83% “ Both: very poor performance Significant rates of over and under Dx of either Conclusions: clinical judgment is poor Test for both Take home points Issue: Beware of missed STIs in 13-19 yoF STIs are an important public health issue, with significant potential morbidity Double collection technique needs validation in another study Context: Don’t trust clinical judgment alone But could be brilliant Would miss trichomonas and candida Expedited partner Tx in management of GC & chlamydia by OB-Gyn Committee opinion. OB & Gyn. 2011; 118: 761 Professional ACOG comm recommendation: Tx of women with STIs should include Tx partners also Ideal to have partner seen, but not required Decreases prevalence of STI and recurrence Controversial legal issues Permissible in 32 states, illegal in 7, 11 unclear Supported by the CDC Anything the ED can do to better treat and control? Take home points STIs at epidemic rates in many areas and subpopulations 3x10^6 new chlamydia cases/yr, 700,000 GC Tx trend is growing nationally CDC supports it Legal in most states Legal in CA Produced a “toolkit” for implementation 7 Panacek: Recent lit update Issue: Therapeutic options The acutely agitated patient ! Need to get control fast… Context: Boy do I miss droperidol !! IV versed + droperidol or olanzapine for the acutely agitated pt: MCRCT Chan. AnnEmergMed. 2012; Sept. 336 serve agitated adults, blinded RCT: IV : Droperidol 5mg or olanzapine 5 mg or placebo Then 2.5-5 mg versed iv immediately and prn Results: Active drugs vs placebo: Both much better time to sedation 5 min vs 10 min (HR:1.64) Both req’d less rescue therapy No effects on QTc seen More adverse events in versed alone group Issue: Anxiety, panic disorder Seems like an epidemic Take home points Olanzapine seems to work about a well and fast as droperidol Dosing is similar, but don’t start with < 5 mg I may have a new friend ! I’m wondering about additional applications also ???? Efficacy and safety of alprazolam vs other benzos in the Tx of panic disorder Moylan. JClinPsychopharm. 2011; 31: 647 Guidelines rec SSRI (or TCAs) as 1st Tx for panic attack Benzos are 2nd line. Xanax is the most prescribed. Context: Xanax is harder for some pts to get, more expensive than other benzos. What to use? Meta-analysis of 8 RCTs comparing benzos (5 different agents) Results: No difference in freq or severity of attacks No difference in complications 8 Panacek: Recent lit update Take home points For panic and anxiety Tx, little difference between the benzos. Other literature supports higher rates of addiction/problems to xanax Issue: Akasthesia is rather common Can limit use of antiemetics Higher rebound anxiety, withdrawal, ODs Context: some due to shorter ½ life issues Authors quote: “ physicians are the greatest (inappropriate) facilitators of alprazolam”……….. I have stopped Slow infusion of metoclopromide does not affect efficacy but reduces akasthesia and sedation Tura. EmergMedJ. 2012;29: 108 25% of pts can get akasthesia with reglan 140 adults, N/V, blinded RCT Reglan 10mg IV, over 2 min vs 15 minutes Results: No difference between groups on N/V effect At 15 min or at 1 hr Much less complications with slow infusion We have few anti-emetics as it is, anything that we can do about this? Take home points You can seriously decrease the problems of giving IV reglan by slow infusion (over 15 minutes) Change your orders Change your ED practices Akasthesia less (7% vs 26%) Sedation less (14.5% vs 27.5%) Issue: Lots of N/V in the ED Lots of anti-emetics, if you can get them ! RCT of ondansetron vs. prochlorperazine in adults in the ED. Patka. WestJEM. 2011; 12: 1. 64 adults, vomiting, DB-RCT, IV Tx Zofran 4 mg IV vs compazine 10mg IV Results: Most common Dx’s: flu, gastroenteritis Context: Zofran is newest, best, right? Compazine was better: Less recurrent vomiting 3% vs 22% Lower nausea scores(100mm) at 1 & 2 hrs (25 vs 44) Sedation scores similar. Compazine more akasthesia (9 vs 3 5) 9 Panacek: Recent lit update RCT of ondansetron, Reglan and promethazine in adults with nausea in the ED Barrett, Storrow, slovis. AmJEM. 2011; 29: 247 163 adults, nausea, 3 arm RCT: IV Zofran 4 mg vs Reglan 10mg vs phenergan 12.5 vs placebo All given 500 ml IV saline Nausea measured on 100mm VAS scale. Take home points Zofran may be newer and fancier, but is not better than older anti-emetics Probably not even as good as the old standards of prochlorperazine, etc. I miss compazine ! Results: Best decrease in nausea scores with Reglan (-29) and phenergan (-30) Zofran only modestly better (-22) than placebo (-16) Issue: Careful about epinephrine injections and ischemia in selected vascular beds Context: Fingers, toes, penis, nose… Really? Six years of epinephrine digital injections: Absence of significant local or systemic effects Muck. AnnEmergMed. 2010;56: 275 Natural experiment of accidental injections with epi-pens 6 poison centers, 6 yrs, 365 cases 213 accidental digital injections, 127 with F/U 23% rec’d vasodilatory Tx, mostly just empiric 4 had evidence of ischemia, all improved with Tx None had significant systemic symptoms 100% had full recovery Take home points Concerns about use of epinephrine in the hand are excessive. Hand surgeons routinely use lidocaine with epi in the hand Surgical / Trauma Original prohibitions resulted from intra-arterial injections Avoid that and use is fine 10 Panacek: Recent lit update Issue: Needle decompression of chest and placement of small bore chest tubes often recommended to be in the 2nd ICS, mid-clavicular line Context: Why there? What is the reasoning? Poke in the ribs: What is the best location for catheter thoracostomy? Results: Wall at AAL averages >50% thinner than MCL Averaged 13 mm thinner Women were thicker at all sites than men Chest wall thickness with each quartile BMI Std 5cm catheters would fail in 43% at MCL Would fail in only 17% at AAL Failure rate in MCL approaches 100% in highest BMI pts Poke in the ribs: What is the best location for catheter thoracostomy? Inaba. Arch Surg. 2012. ACS recommends needle decompression of possible tension PNTX with 5 cm catheter in the 2nd ICS, MCL 120 trauma pts undergoing Chest CT Stratified into quartiles by BMI Measured Chest wall thickness in 2nd ICS, MCL and 5th ICS, AAL Calculated how often a 5 cm catheter would reach the pleural space. Take home points Consistent with prior cadaver studies using actual 5 cm needles Reflects growing BMI in the public Results likely also apply to small bore chest tube placements for spontaneous PNTX In thin pts, MCL likely still OK. In others, move to the 5th ICS, AAL BET 2: Finger fracture Issue: Distal phalanx fracture with finger laceration injury, +/- nail bed injury… Wilkinson. Emerg Med J. 2011; 28: 441. Are Abx req’d to prevent osteomyelitis in compound fxs of the distal phalanx? Systematic review. 4 RCTs. Context: No difference in infection rates regardless of Abx. None developed osteomyelitis Considered open. Some cellulitis seen, but same rates with Abx. So give Abx, right? All studies used good irrigation, debridement practices. 11 Panacek: Recent lit update Take home points Abx not required for most open fractures of the distal phalanx Osteomyelitis never seen Good local wound care essential Issue: Persistent serious hip pain post trauma. Plain films negative. Context: What best to order next? CT or MRI or ? Occult hip fractures: Which imaging modality is best? Does it matter? Hakkanian, Hendey. JEM. 2012; 43: 303 Advanced imaging indicated if plain films neg Prior studies occult fractures in ~4% CT reputation is very good for bone pathology 235 adults, > 60, hip pain, fracture 10% were occult, not seen on plain films Take home points CT may generally be very good for bone pathology and detail, but.. MRI definitely wins for picking up occult fractures of the hip, pelvis Likely true for elsewhere also. MRI found 4 missed by CT (2% of all pts) Issue: Acute abdominal pain. Radiology Context: LFTs, lipase, UA, etc And abdominal films…? 12 Panacek: Recent lit update The role of plain radiograps in pts with acute abdominal pain in the ED. Van Randen. Am J Emerg Med. 2011; 29:582 Prospective, multi-center study, 1,101 pts Adults with non-trauma AP > 2 hours, < 5 days Take home points Abdominal films are a hold-over from the pre-CT era All got 2 view abdomen (flat and upright) Currently are rarely indicated. Treating MDs listed likely Dx and confidence score before and after the films Still over-ordered All pts got advanced imaging (U/S or CT) “Possible” reasons to order: Quickly prove free air in unstable pt Final Dx compared to preliminary ones Quickly find megacolon, etc, to decompression Results: No benefit Prove to pt/family that pt is FOS and needs bowel care regimen Pre Dx agreed with final 49%, post Dx agreed 50% Variation in use of head CT by emergency physicians Issue: We live in the CT era Prevedello. Am J Med. 2012; 125: 356. Retro chart review, single large urban ED 55, 286 pts reviewed for 38 ED attendings 4919 HD-CTs ordered Context: How much do physicians vary in their CT ordering frequency and patterns? Results: Huge variability…. How bad? Unadjusted order rates range: 4-17% Adjusted rates: 6.5-13.5% Non-Trm HA unadjusted rates: 15 – 62% “ “ ‘ adjusted rates: 21 – 60% Take home points Huge differences are hard to explain Did not examine outcome differences CMS recently approved a measure to track ED HD-CT ordering for nontraumatic HAs Miscellaneous Unlikely that this amount of variability will continue to be acceptable to payers 13 Panacek: Recent lit update Issue: Rhogam for Rh(-) females with pregnancy related bleeding Emergency uncrossed transfusion effect on blood type alloantibodies Miraflor. J Trauma. 2012; 72: 48 O(-) is universal donor, but relatively rare Often not available. Many centers substitute O(+) for men Context: Would you ever give Rhogam to a male? To a non-pregnant female? However, some pts have recurrent major trauma injures requiring transfusions Case reports of hemolytic reactions in some pts Policy of giving Rhogam to Rh(-) men receiving O(+) transfusions advocated Take home points That is something that I never thought of ! Issue: Corneal abrasion. Eye pain for 1-3 days It also reflects a societal problem with repeat trauma offenders Little downside, so probably should give it But how much to give? Dilute proparacaine for management of acute corneal injuries in the ED Ball. CJEM. 2010; 12: 389 CW: no D/C proparicaine to pts = eye toxic RCT, 15 adults, Canada 0.05% proparicaine vs placebo All Opthalmologist F/U Results: Context: Cycloplegics. Abx ointment. Pt asks for that “stuff you put in my eye” for pain relief. No way!.....…way? Take home points Dogma refuted ! How does this compare to the proparicaine used in the ED? That is 0.5% This is 10 fold weaker: 0.05% Efficacious and safe Better pain relief higher satisfaction scores No complications or delayed eye healing Question: How do I do this? How do I dispense to the pt and document instructions? 14 Panacek: Recent lit update Issue: Patient satisfaction scores becoming increasingly common Effect of sitting vs standing on perception of provider time at bedsie Swayden. Patient Educ Couns. 2012; 86: 166. Surgeon on post-operative visits, 120 pts RCT to sit vs stand, rest of visit same Results: Context: What can be done to improve them? Position Actual time Perceived time Stand 1’ 28” 3’ 44” Sit 1’ 4” 5’ 14” Positive pt feelings: sit= 95%, Stand = 61% Take home points This one is a “no-brainer” Unless you can’t find a chair Want better pt satisfaction scores? Pain…cyclic vomiting and other new plagues ? Sit down instead of standing during the pt interview or meeting Two new syndromes I had never heard ot Issue: Narcotic Bowel Syndrome Are we seeing the results of long term use of opioids for chronic abd pain? Dorn. Clinical Gastro & hepatology. 2011. Dec. Grover. J Emerg Med. 2011 Definition: Chronic/recurrent AP associated with increasing doses of narcotics Cause: paradoxical increased pain perception functional bowel obstruction from GI motility Context: Narcotic bowel syndrome. Few physicians know of it. Sx: crampy recurrent AP, bloating, N/V Dx: lab tests all normal Pain fails to resolve despite narcotics Pain worsens over time with continued opioids Withdrawal Sx and worsening if opioids stopped 15 Panacek: Recent lit update When should ‘Narcotic Bowel Syndrome’ be suspected/ O’lenic. US Pharm. 2011 NBS known for decades Cellular level biochemistry partially understood. Grossly underdiagnosed. Narcotic detoxification is only know Tx Also: antidepressants, benzos, considered Issue: 27M, 3 yr H/O recurrent vomiting and AP. Many negative work-ups. Many visits to local ERs: “I just want answers to my AP” Context: Is this a case of NBS? Or something else? Take home points I never heard of this before 2011 This is iatrogenically caused by prescribing opioids for chronc AP I have seen at least 3 florid cases in past year Patients are not happy to hear this explanation for their Sx Cannabinoid hyperemesis: Case series of 98 cases Simonetta. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012; 87: 114 Largest collected case series to date Recurrent cyclic vomiting/AP without Dx H/O MJ use for > 2 years Used MJ > weekly All were under age 50 90% reported complete Sx resolution when stopped MJ use Hyperemesis and a high water bill Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS): Review of proposed Dx and treatment algorithm Fleig. Z Gastroenerol. 2011; 49: 1479. Wallace. South Med J. 2011. Case report and review Recurrent MJ related hyperemesis Compulsive hot water bathing that Sx in daily MJ users = pathognomonic Hot showers were the only Tx that eased the nausea Extensive labs not necessary Spent several hours/day in the shower. Detox Tx: Treatment: cannabis cessation Underwent MJ detox and all Sx resolved aggressive IVF rehydration Mechanism of relief not known +/- anti-emetics But hot water soaks reported to help N/V in genl +/- anxiolytics 16 Panacek: Recent lit update Take home points Fortunately the HO stopped the pt from going to the shower These may be the face of the new age epidemics Complications of modern day habits and over Rx Limit opioids to only that which is clearly necessary Issue: As we near the end… a reminder List a few things from this lecture that will change your practice this year Issue: Medical technology continues to grow in breadth and application Trends come and go Context: Context: What is the most bizarre application of current imaging technology that you haven’t heard of? What is the latest bizarre medical trend that you have not heard of? Medical tattoos with vital information replacing bracelets for some CBS News. 2012 (Feb 27) The end ! 17
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