SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 1/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. Product identifier NPK/NP fertilisers that contain 16 % or more of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate*: Product trade name Product code NPK 20-10-10 2605204 NPK(S) 20-10-10(3) 2609436 NP 20-20 2606412 NP(S) 20-20(3) 2609444 NP 20-10 2608781 NPK/NP fertilisers that contain less than 16 % of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate: Product trade name Product code NPK 15-15-15 2607078 NPK(S) 15-15-15(3) 2608901 NPK(MgO) 13-10-12(4) 2607191 NPK(S) 13-10-12(3) 2609428 NPK 7-20-30 (NPK 1) 2609151 FLORIN 2 NPK 15-15-15 2602785 *see subsection 15.1. EC FERTILISER Type of EC fertiliser: Inorganic compound primary nutrient fertiliser. Type designation: NPK fertiliser. NP fertiliser. 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Professional uses: Surface spreading or incorporation at open field and greenhouse crops fertilization. Fertilization of amenities: parks, public lawns, sport fields, golf courses. Uses advised against: None. 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Manufacturer: Petrokemija, Plc. Fertilizer Company Street Adresss, Postcode, Town, Country ID: Aleja Vukovar 4, 44320, Kutina , Croatia, HR Telephone number: +385 44 647 122 E-mail address of the person responsible for the SDS: [email protected] 1.4. Emergency telephone numbers Single European emergency call number: 112 SECTION 2: Hazards identification 2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [CLP] SO32 / 7 This product does not meet the criteria for classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. However a safety data sheet is being supplied on request as it contains substances classified according to CLP Regulation (see subsection 3.2.). Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 2/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 2.2. Label elements Labelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 [CLP/GHS] Hazard pictograms: Not applicable. Signal word: Not applicable. Hazard statements: Not applicable. Precautionary statements: Not applicable. Supplemental information on the label: „Safety data sheet available on request.“ „Acquisition, possession or use by the general public is restricted.“* Note: * only for the NPK/NP fertilisers that contain 16 % or more of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate. 2.3. Other hazards None. SECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 3.2. Mixtures Description of mixtures: Uniform mixtures, containing not more than 55 % of ammonium nitrate mixed with dolomite and not more than 0,2 % total combustible/organic material calculated as carbon. Substance name EC No / CAS No Ammonium 229-347-8 6484-52-2 nitrate Index No Classification % [weight] 67/548/EEC EC 1272/2008 REACH registration number ≤ 55 O; R8 Xi; R36 Oxid. Sol. 3, H272; Eye Irrit. 2, H319 01-2119490981-27-0048 Ammonium 235-186-4 017-014-00-8 12125-02-9 chloride < 15 Xn; R22 Xi; R36 Acute Tox. 4, H302; Eye Irrit. 2, H319 01-2119489385-24-0014 Potassium nitrate ≤ 50 O; R8 Oxid. Sol. 3, H272; Eye Irrit. 2, H319 01-2119488224-35-0016 231-818-8 7757-79-1 None None For full text of H-statements and R-phrases see Section 16. SECTION 4: First aid measures 4.1. Description of first aid measures General notes: Medical aid may be needed very rarely and to particularly sensitive people after prolonged or repeated contact with product. Inhalation: Remove from source of exposure to fresh air. Skin contact: Flush exposed area with tepid water. Eye contact: Flush eyes with running water keeping eyelids open. 4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed SO32 / 7 General notes: Ammonium nitrate undergoes a hydrolysis reaction when mixed with water , which makes the solution acidic. This acidic solution can cause irritation to the eyes and skin. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 3/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Inhalation: Coughing. Skin: Redness, itching. Eyes: Slight to important redness. Chronic exposures: No data. 4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed Thermal decomposition of the product may give off toxic nitrous fumes and nitrogen oxides. The effects of nitrogen oxides inhalation may be delayed and lead to pulmonary oedema (excess fluid in the lungs). Any person who has inhaled toxic fumes must be removed, made to lie down in shade, kept warm and made to rest even though no symptoms may be evident. Seek medical help. SECTION 5: Firefighting measures Product is not combustible. One of its components, ammonium nitrate is a strong oxidizing agent that can cause combustible materials to ignite. The risk of fire depends on surrounding combustible materials (such as fuel, wood, paper, oil). 5.1. Extinguishing media Suitable extinguishing media: Water. Unsuitable extinguishing media: Chemical extinguishers (dry or foam), steam, carbon dioxide. Do not use any kind of smothering agents (possibility of ammonium nitrate self-confinement). 5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixture May produce toxic fumes and gases containing ammonia and oxides of nitrogen. Hot material may cause thermal and chemical burns to the skin. When heated strongly under confined conditions ammonium nitrate based fertilizers can decompose violently causing an explosion. 5.3. Advice for firefighters Fire fighting: Fight the fire from protected locations or the maximum effective distance. Approach it from upwind side to avoid any possible toxic fumes that may result from decomposition of the material. Prevent as much as possible the run-off from the extinguishing water from entering municipal drains, so as to minimize environmental impact. Special protective equipment for firefighters: Wear EN 137 Type 2 Self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) with EN 136 full face mask. Properties of protective clothing to wear in case of fire are defined in EN 469. SECTION 6: Accidental release measures 6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures Use personal protection equipment where excessive levels of dust are present (see subsection 8.2). Accumulated deposits of contaminated dust (particularly with organic materials) can present decomposition and fire hazards. 6.2. Environmental precautions SO32 / 7 Contain spillage from direct entering to the environment or drains. Inform appropriate authority (see subsection 1.4.) in case of accidental contamination of watercourses, soil or air. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 4/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up 6.3.1. For containment Collect immediately or isolate and cover with PE foil to protect spilled product and dust from spreading. 6.3.2. For cleaning up Large spill: Wet the spillage and collect by mechanical means. Put collected material into clean container. Keep container closed. Avoid generation of dust. Do not wash into water-courses or drains. Re-use or dispose according to national regulations. Clean spillages from conveyers, elevators and split bags can be collected and reworked. Small spill: Collect and put into clean container. Clean up affected area and wash down with water. 6.4. Reference to other sections For protective equipment see Section 8. For waste tretament see Section 13. SECTION 7: Handling and storage 7.1. Precautions for safe handling Avoid heating of the product. Prevent heating under confinement. Forbid smoking, open fires, electrical heaters with exposed radiant coils/filaments and naked flames (except when authorised for maintenance). Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid dust formation. Provide adequate ventilation. Avoid damaging the bags during handling. Damaged bags in storage should be removed from the stack in order to secure stack stability and prevent further spillage. The use of explosives to break up fertilizer, or adjacent heaps, that have caked in storage must be EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN. Caked product can be broken up by mechanical means. 7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities Technical measures and storage conditions Store in well ventilated, preferably covered storage area or storage building with exhaust ventilation. Keep away from incompatible materials, heat, moisture and direct sunlight. The recommended storage temperature is below 30 ºC to maintain product quality. Clean the storage area before putting fertilizers into the storage and when switching from one product to another. Hollow shafts and sections should be avoided on equipment in service with fertilizers wherever possible. Vehicles, fork-lift trucks and mechanical shovels should not be allowed access to any store unless free from oil and fuel leaks and should be carefully maintained to that end. Store mechanical shovels or other mobile handling equipment outside the storage building or in such a position that fertilizer in the heaps or spilled onto the floor cannot be affected by a fire involving the vehicle. SO32 / 7 Materials, which are thermally stable and known to be non-reactive with ammonium nitrate (e.g. diammonium phosphate - DAP, sodium nitrate and limestone) may be stored in the same storage area as the fertilizer. If urea is stored in the same building as ammonium nitrate based fertilizers, arrange the storage so that they cannot contaminate or affect each other in the event of a fire. Do not store fertilizers in the vicinity of explosives. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 5/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Ensure no stack or hip is closer than one metre to the roof support beam or light fittings. The stack should be constructed so that each stack has one passageway wide enough to provide vehicular access to facilitate dismantling in the event of an emergency. Stores should be adequately equipped with fire-fighting equipment which should include: a fire water supply via a typical water hydrant from a piped supply or a reservoir, a standard water supply capable of reaching all parts of the storage area, or an adequate supply of water extinguishers for fighting initial outbreaks of fire, chemical extinguishers for fires on equipment where fertilizers are not directly involved. Storage in bulk: Store bulk product in closed, dry and ventilated storing premises, with storage floor and heap covered with PE or PP/PE foil. When storing different fertilizer products and non-fertilizer materials in the same building they should be well separated to prevent cross-contamination and proper consideration should be given to their compatibility including in the case of a fire. Urea should not be stored in the same building as ammonium nitrate based fertilizers. If this is unavoidable, conditions should be such that neither fertilizer can affect the other in any circumstances, in particular in the case of a fire. Outside storage (when the storage area is not protected by walls and a roof): It is generally recommended that ammonium nitrate based fertilizers should not be stored in bulk outdoors. Outside storage is generally suitable for packaged products. Bulk fertilizers should only be stored outside in closed bins, hoppers or silos. Outside storage area should be protected from access by unauthorised persons. „Entry only for Authorised Persons” notices should be displayed. The product should be protected from direct sunlight e.g. by white plastic sheeting. This can best be achieved by resting the sheet on a single layer of pallets above the stack. The layer of pallets provides a thermal insulating effect. Store the first layer of packages on pallets to prevent damage from ground projections and to minimise water ingress from surface water. Packaging materials: polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene/polyethylene (PP/PE) bags. Stacking recommendations: • bags with unit weights of up to 50 kg: vertical stack up to 2m, • loaded pallets stacking: 2 pallets in a vertical stack max., • big-bags with unit weights of up to 500 kg: 3 bags in a vertical stack max., • big-bags with unit weights of up to 1000 kg: 2 bags in a vertical stack max. The maximum height of the stack should take into account stack stability, bag strength and safe handling when loading and unloading. Limit the size of stacks in accordance with national regulations, if any. 7.3. Specific end use(s) None. SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection 8.1. Control parameters SO32 / 7 8.1.1. Occupational exposure limits There is no occupational exposure limit proscribed for any mixture component. Possible hazard due to exposure to nuisance dust. Exposure limit value for nuisance dust is 10 mg/m3. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 6/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 8.1.2. DNEL/PNEC values DNELs of the mixture components DNELs workers DNELs general population Exposure route Exposure frequency Remark Long term systemic effects Route-to-route extrapolation has been performed. Long term systemic effects Route-to-route extrapolation has been performed. Long term systemic effects Route-to-route extrapolation has been performed. Ammonium nitrate, EC No 229-347-8 21.3 mg/kg bw/day 12.8 mg/kg bw/day Dermal/Oral 37.6 mg/m³ 11.1 mg/m³ Inhalation Ammonium chloride, EC No 235-186-4 190 mg/kg bw/day 114 mg/kg bw/day Dermal 33.5 mg/m³ 9.9 mg/m³ Inhalation Potassium nitrate, EC No 231-818-8 20.8 mg/kg bw/day 12.5 mg/kg bw/day Dermal/Oral 36.7 mg/m³ 10.9 mg/m³ Inhalation PNECs of the mixture components PNEC exposure route Assessment factor (AF) Remark Ammonium nitrate, EC No 229-347-8 PNEC freshwater: 0.45 mg/l 1000 PNEC marinewater: 0.045 mg/l 10000 PNEC water (intermittent): 4.5 mg/l 100 PNEC sewage treatment plant: 18 mg/l 10 Extrapolation method: assessment factor. Ammonium chloride, EC No 235-186-4 PNEC freshwater: 1.2 mg/l 10 PNEC marinewater: 11.2 mg/l 100 PNEC water (intermittent): 1.2 mg/l 10 PNEC sewage treatment plant: 16.2 mg/l 100 Extrapolation method: assessment factor. 8.2. Exposure controls Prevent generation of dust. Provide adequate ventilation in work and storage areas. SO32 / 7 8.2.1. Key details of workers exposure control Eye/face protection: Chemical safety goggles or full face shield (EN 166). Skin protection: Protective clothing (EN ISO 13982) and footwear (EN 13832, EN ISO 20347), impervious chemical resistant safety gloves (EN 374). Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 7/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Respiratory protection: Half-mask for dust/particles (EN 149) or half-mask (EN 140) with filter type P1 or FFP1 for dust (EN 143). Personal protective equipment (PPE) should be used in conjunction with other control measures such as process design (e.g. level of containment, closed process, local extraction), product design (e.g. low dust grades), workplace (dilution ventilation) or work method (automation). Personal protective equipment should be used as additional risk management measure when other measures are insufficient to guarantee control of risks or, as sole risk management measure in particular cases (e.g. short term low frequency activities such as cleaning and maintenance, installation of new equipment or manual spraying outside industrial settings, or use by professionals). 8.2.2. Environmental exposure controls Do not release into water-courses or drains. For accidental release see section 6. SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties 9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties Property Unit Reference conditions Appearance Gray to beige granulas Temperature 20 C, pressure 1013 hPa. Odour Odourless Temperature 20 C, pressure 1013 hPa. No data Study scientifically unjustified. > 4.5 pH water solution (10g/100ml) ppm Odour threshold pH Melting point / freezing point C 170 Ammonium nitrate 1013 hPa. Initial boiling point and boiling range C No data Not applicable, the product decomposes before boiling. Flash point C No data Test is relevant only for liquids. Evaporation rate No data Not applicable. Flammability Non flammable Ammonium nitrate Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits % Non flammable Ammonium nitrate Vapour pressure Pa No data Not applicable. Vapour density No data Not applicable. Relative density No data Study scientifically unjustified. > 100 Ammonium nitrate in water at 20 °C. No data Not applicable, inorganic substance. Solubility(ies) g/l Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water SO32 / 7 Value Auto-ignition temperature C Not sensitive to self ignition. Temperatures between room temperature and melting point. Decomposition temperature C ≥ 200 Ammonium nitrate Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 8/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Viscosity mPa s No data Not applicable. Explosive properties None See section 16.3. Oxidising properties Not classified. See section 16.3. 9.2. Other information Hygroscopic material. SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity 10.1. Reactivity Galvanised items such as sheeting, vents and girders should be avoided in the storage warehouses construction where zinc is known to react with the ammonium nitrate. See subsection 10.5. 10.2. Chemical stability The mixture is stable under predicted storage and handling conditions (see section 7). 10.3. Posibility of hazardous reactions Posibility of explosion when heated in confinement. In contact with strong bases, gaseous ammonia and nitrogen oxides can occure. 10.4. Conditions to avoid Avoid heating and contact with incompatible materials. 10.5. Incompatible materials Strong acids and bases, chlorates, chlorides, chromates, nitrates, permanganates, metal powder of copper, nickel, zinc and their alloys. Compatibility with various fertiliser materials Urea: Incompatible. Mixture will quickly become wet and absorb moisture resulting in the formation of liquid or slurry. There could be safety implications. Acidulated rock phosphate, Single/triple super phosphate: Limited compatibility. If free acid is present it could cause a very slow decomposition of ammonium nitrate, affecting, for example, the packaging. Ammonium nitrate, Calcium ammonium nitrate, Ammonium sulphate nitrate, Ammonium sulphate, Potassium chloride: Limited compatibility. Consider the possibility of self-sustaining decomposition and the overall level of oil coating. 10.6. Hazardous decomposition products SO32 / 7 Ammonium nitrate based fertiliser decomposes into ammonia, nitric acid vapour and toxic nitrogen oxides when heated. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 9/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 11: Toxicological information 11.1. Information on toxicological effects 11.1.1. Acute toxicity The mixture is not classified. The main component ammonium nitrate does not have to be classified for acute oral, dermal and inhalatory toxicity, as all LD50/LC50 values are above the highest value used in classification. Test material Ammonium nitrate Ammonium chloride Potassium nitrate CAS No 6484-52-2 Exposure route Species Effect dose Results/ Remarks Reference Inhalation No data No data No data Not toxic ICI International (1985) Oral OECD 401 Rat (Wistar) LD50: 2950 mg/kg bw Not toxic Hazleton (1981) Dermal OECD 402 Rat LD50: >5000 mg/kg bw Not toxic Merkel, D.J. (2000) Oral OECD 401 Rat LD50: Not toxic 1410 mg/kg bw BASF AG (1983) Dermal EU Method B.3. Rat LD50: >2000 mg/kg bw Not toxic Rösslerova (2010) Oral OECD 401 Rat LD50: >2000 mg/kg bw Not toxic Merkel, D.J. (2000a) Dermal OECD 402 Rat LD50: >5000 mg/kg bw Not toxic Merkel, D.J. (2000b) 12125-02-9 Method 7757-79-1 11.1.2. Irritation SO32 / 7 The mixture is not classified. Justification for non classification: BCOP Test - OECD 437/EU Method B.47 and Eye irritation test - OECD 405/EU-Method B.5. Test material CAS No Exposure route Method NPK/NP ammonium nitrate based Mixture Eye Ammonium nitrate 6484-52-2 Skin Izradio / Prepared by Effect dose Results/ Remarks Reference New OECD 405/ Zealand Method B.5. rabbit No data Not irritating See key reference (2) OECD 404 No data Not irritating J.R. Jones (1983) Pregledao / Reviewed by Species Rabbit Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 10/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 11.1.3. Corrosivity The mixture is not classified. Justification: available ammonioum nitrate eye and skin irritation studies (OECD Guideline 404), ammonium nitrate based NPK testing results (OECD Guideline 405/ EU method B.5.). 11.1.4. Sensitization The mixture is not classified. Reliable studies with inorganic nitrate substances (read-across from supporting substance, structural analogue or surrogate) show no skin sensitisation. Exposure route Test material CAS No Nitric acid, ammonium calcium salt 15245-12Skin 2 Method Species OECD 429, EU Method B.42 Mouse (CBA) Effect dose Results/ Remarks Reference No data Not sensitising C.G.M.Beerens -Heijnen (2010) 11.1.5. Repeated dose toxicity The mixture is not classified. Justification: OECD Guideline 422, OECD Guideline 412, Ammonium nitrate CSR-PI-5.2.6. 11.1.6. Carcinogenicity The mixture is not classified. There is no evidence on the carcinogenicity of ammonium nitrate salts. 11.1.7. Mutagenicity The mixture and the components are not classified. There is no evidence on the mutagenicity of nitrate salts. Test material CAS No Exposure Method route Species Effect dose Results/ Remarks Reference Potassium nitrate 7757-79-1 Cells Mouse lymphoma No data Negative C.M. Verspeek-Rip (2010) Ames test 11.1.8. Toxicity for reproduction SO32 / 7 The mixture and the components are not classified. There is no evidence on the reproductive toxicity of nitrate salts. Test material CAS No Exposure Method route Species Effect dose Results/ Remarks Reference Potassium nitrate 7757-79-1 Oral Rat (Wistar) NOAEL: ≥1500 mg/kg bw/day No effects/ read-across KNO3 Product Safety Labs (2002b) Izradio / Prepared by OECD 422 Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 11/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 SECTION 12: Ecological information The product is not classified as hazardous to the environment. 12.1. Toxicity Because of the low toxicity of ammonium nitrate towards aquatic organisms and regulation within several European/National Laws, an environmental exposure and risk assessment for ammonium nitrate is not considered necessary. Remark: European standard for nitrates maximum concentration in runing water is 50 mg/l. Short-term aquatic acute toxicity Test material CAS No Exposure Method route Aquatic/ terrestrial organisms Effect dose Results/ Remarks Reference Dabrowska, Sikora, (1986) Ammonium 6484-52-2 No data nitrate Freshwater static Fish Cyprinus carpio LC50 (48 h): 447 mg/l No effects Potassium nitrate 7757-79-1 No data Freshwater Invertebrates Daphnia magna EC50 (48 h): 490 mg/L No effects/ Dowden and read across KNO3 Bennett (1965) Potassium nitrate 7757-79-1 No data Freshwater Algae EC10/LC10 (NOEC): 1700 mg/l No effects/ Admiraal W. read across KNO3 (1977) Long-term aquatic chronic toxicity Exposure Method route Aquatic/ terrestrial organisms Effect dose Ammonium 6484-52-2 nitrate No data Saltwater Invertebrates Bullia digitalis EC50 (7 d): 555 mg/l Potassium nitrate No data Saltwater Algae several benthic diatoms EC50 (10 d): > 1700 mg/l Test material CAS No 7757-79-1 Results/ Remarks No effects No effects/ read-across KNO3 Reference Brown, A.C. and Currie, A.B. (1973) Admiraal W. (1977) 12.2. Persistence and degradability Abiotic degradation: Ammonium nitrate dissociates completely in water. Biotic degradation: Because the product is inorganic, no standard biodegradability test system is aplicable and necessary according to Guidance on required informations and chemical safety assessment (section R7b, ECHA). 12.3. Bioaccumulative potential The product is not considered to have bioaccumulative potential. Simple inorganic salts dissociate completely in water. SO32 / 7 12.4. Mobility in soil Nitrate ions (NO3-) are mobile in the soil. The product is not a surfactant and because of solubility in water and other chemical properties show no adsorption properties to soil and sediments. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 12/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessment Not applicable for the inorganic substances. 12.6. Other adverse effects None. SECTION 13: Disposal considerations 13.1. Waste treatment methods Product waste code/ waste designations 06 10 Waste from the MFSU of nitrogen chemicals, nitrogen chemical processes and fertiliser manufacture. 06 10 99 Wastes, not otherwise specified. 16 03 04 Inorganic waste other than those mentioned in 16 03 03. Waste code/ waste designations of contaminated packaging: 15 01 02 plastic packaging. Applying of another waste code, depending on the condition and the process of waste generation is not excluded. Waste treatment and disposal-relevant information Proceed in accordance with relevant official national regulations. Do not discharge into drains or sewage system. Do not dispose of with other industrial waste (see subsection 10.5). Product waste: Depending on the character/ contamination of waste, use as a fertilizer if possible or apply appropriate procedures in accordance to requirements of environmental protection (eg. dispose to an approved waste disposal facility or recover/ dispose by an authorized company). Contaminated packaging: non-hazardous waste - it can be recycled or disposed to an approved waste disposal facility. SECTION 14: Transport information The product is not classified as hazardous according to transport regulations on hazardous substances. 14.1. UN number None. 14.2. UN proper shipping name None. 14.3. Transport hazard class(es) None. 14.4. Packing group SO32 / 7 None. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 13/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 14.5. Environmental hazards None. 14.6. Special precautions for user No data. 14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC Code No limits. IMSBC Code Proper shipping name: AMMONIUM NITRATE BASED FERTILIZER (nonhazardous) Class: Not applicable. Group: C.SEC SECTION 15: Regulatory information 15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture Annex XVII to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006: Restrictions on the manufacture, placing on the market and use of certain dangerous substances, mixtures and articles. Ammonium nitrate (AN), CAS No 6484-52-2, EC No 229-347-8 Shall not be placed on the market as a substance, or in mixtures that contain 16 % or more by weight of nitrogen in relation to ammonium nitrate except for supply to: (a) downstream users and distributors, including natural or legal persons licensed or authorised in accordance with Council Directive 93/15/EEC; (b) farmers for use in agricultural activities, either full time or part time and not necessarily related to the size of the land area. (i) “farmer” shall mean a natural or legal person, or a group of natural or legal persons, whatever legal status is granted to the group and its members by national law, whose holding is situated within Community territory, as referred to in Article 299 of the Treaty, and who exercises an agricultural activity; (ii) “agricultural activity” shall mean the production, rearing or growing of agricultural products including harvesting, milking, breeding animals and keeping animals for farming purposes, or maintaining the land in good agricultural and environmental condition as established under Article 5 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003; (c) natural or legal persons engaged in professional activities such as horticulture, plant growing in greenhouses, maintenance of parks, gardens or sport pitches, forestry or other similar activities. SO32 / 7 Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the product: Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH), Regulation (EU) No 453/2010, Regulation (EC) No 552/2009, Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003, Directive 67/548/EEC (DSD); Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 (CLP), Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003; OEL Directives (2000/39/EC, 2006/15/EC, 2009/161/EU); Directive 89/686/EEC; Transport Directives (96/35/EC, 2000/18/EC, 2008/68/EC); Waste Directives (91/689/EEC, 2006/12/EC, 2008/98/EC); UN Recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, 17th revised edition. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4 SAFETY DATA SHEET Sheet: 14/14 Date: 08.05.2015 Revision No. 4. NPK and NP ammonium nitrate based fertilisers According to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 15.2. Chemical safety assessment A Chemical Safety Assessment (CSA) has been carried out for ammonium nitrate. CSA is documented in Chemical Safety Report (CSR). The relevant CSR exposure scenario information are integrated into the safety data sheet core sections. SECTION 16: Other information 16.1. Indication of changes to the previous revision The list of products is updated in Section 1. Previous revision: 3, 21/10/2013. 16.2. Abbreviations and acronyms CSA: Chemical Safety Assessment, CSR: Chemical Safety Report, DNEL: Derived no-effect level, IBC Code: International code on transport of chemicals in bulk, IMSBC Code: International maritime solid bulk cargoes code, MARPOL: International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships, OEL: Occupational exposure limit, PBT: Persistent bioaccumulative and toxic, PNEC: Predicted no effect concentration, PPE: Personal protective equipment, RMM: Risk management measures, vPvB: Very persistent and very bioaccumulative. 16.3. Further information Declared R phrases and H statements: H272 May intensify fire; oxidizer. H302 Harmful if swallowed. H319 Causes serious eye irritation. Acute Tox. 4: Acute Toxicity Oral Category 4 Eye Irrit. 2: Eye Irritation Category 2 Oxid. Sol. 3: Oxidizing Solids Category 3 R8 Contact with combustible material may cause fire. R22 Harmful if swallowed. R36 Irritating to eyes. O – Oxidizing; Xi – Irritant; Xn – Harmful. Key references and data sources: 1. Chemical safety assessments: Ammonium nitrate 2010-09-20 CSR-PI-5.2.6, Ammonium chloride 2010-09-24 CSR-PI-5.2.6, Potassium nitrate 2010-09-26 CSR-PI-5.2.6; 2. LAUS GmbH/ Phycher Bio Développement: Complex mineral fertilizers Assessment of acute eye irritation, Study No.: IO-OCDE-PH-12/0482, IO-OCDE-PH-12/0483, IO-OCDE-PH-12/0515, IO-OCDE-PH-12/0516; 3. Inspectorate Estonia AS (Test 0.I: test for Oxidizing Solids UN Manual of Tests and Criteria): Certificate of Evaluation E11703-01, E11703-02, E11703-03, E11703-04, E11703-05, E11703-06; 4. Recommendations (UN) on the transport of dangerous goods, 17th revised edition 5. GESTIS data base on hazardous substances (IFA - Institut für Arbeitschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung). SO32 / 7 Note: The above information are based upon the present state of our knowledge. This Safety data sheet shall not constitute or imply a guarantee concerning composition, properties or performance and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship. Izradio / Prepared by Pregledao / Reviewed by Odobrio / Approved by Broj / No. 01-04-1-5-5-007/02 D. Budić/Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Z. Bakarić Izmj./ Rev. 4
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