15 Days - Entrench Electronics

Arduino is an open source computing tool, based on simple micro controller that can sense and control the
physical world more than your Desktop computers. It simplifies the process of dealing with micro controller
to develop software. You could automate your home even without an expensive and large circuit.
Introduction to Embedded Systems
 Definition of Embedded systems
 Difference between Embedded systems and non-Embedded Systems
 Why Embedded systems are having Important role in electronics
Anatomy of Embedded Systems
 Future scope of Embedded Systems
 Difference between Embedded systems and Robotics
Introduction to Open Source platform
 What is open source platform
 Levels of open source platform
 Why to choose open source platform
Introduction of Electronic Components
 Resistor
 Capacitor
 Diode
 Transistor
Introduction to Sensors
 What are sensors
 Various types of sensors
 Discussion on IR sensors
 Discussion on Sound sensors
 Discussion on Light sensors
Introduction to Computational Devices
 Introduction to micro processor
 Introduction to micro controller
 Difference between uC & uP
 Detailed discussion on microcontroller
Introduction to Programming Language
 Basic discussion on different programming language
 Discussion on C and Embedded C
Introduction to software tool chain
Interfacing of I/O devices
Display Devices
 Discussion on two various display devices
 Liquid Crystal Display
 Seven Segment display
How to work on Educational & Engineering Level Actuator
 What is Actuator
 Difference between actuators and motors
 Discussion on different types of motors
How to Drive Motor
 Detailed discussion on Motor driver circuit
 How to generate logic for motors using L293D
Introduction to Timer/Counter
 Difference between timers and counters
 Discussion on the registers associated with timers
 Delay generation using timer 0
Introduction to PWM
 Introduction to PWM(Pulse Width Modulation)
 PWM generation using timer 1
Introduction to Analog and Digital signals
Difference between ADC and DAC
Detailed discussion on ADC registers
Interfacing of temperature sensor with Arduino Board
Serial Communication
 What is communication
 Difference between serial communication and parallel communication
 Registers of USART
Bluetooth Communication
 What is Bluetooth communication
 Detailed discussion on Bluetooth Module(HC-05)
 Interfacing of HC-05 to Arduino
RFID Communication
 Introduction to Radio frequency
 Discussion on RFID module and RFID TAG
 RFID interfacing with Arduino
LED Blinking
Running LEDs
Sand Glass Filling of LEDs
Decoration LEDs/ LED Patterns Etc.
Buzzer Testing
Sensor Interfacing
DC Motor Driving
Line Follower
Edge Avoider
Intelligent Line Follower
Light Searching Robot
Cell Phone Controlled Device (DEMO)
Blinking LEDs using TIMER0
Blinking LEDs using Interrupts
Display your name On LCD
Counter Using LCD
PC to µC Communication
µC to PC Communication
PC - µC Full Duplex Communication
Computer Keyboard Device (DEMO)
Digital Voltage Measurement
Digital Visitor Counter
Temperature Controlled Fan (DEMO)
Digital Thermometer using RGB Indicator
Wireless Control Robot Using Bluetooth(DEMO)
Home Security System using RFID(DEMO)
Home Automation System (DEMO)
Arduino UNO Board R3
Motor Driver Shield
LCD 16 X 2
IR Sensors
Temperature sensor
RGB Indicator
USB Cable (A to B type)
Pair Dc plastic Gear motor
Pair Wheel
Screw driver
Support Studs
Ball Caster wheel
High Quality Chassis Board
Software CD