EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) The consideration of realized services quality on customers’ satisfaction, trust and loyalty (the case study: the users of Saderat Bank website) Mojtaba Khorakian1, Amir Gharehgouzlouei2, Seyyed Mohammad Mahmoudi3, Davood Kaveh4 1 Master student of Executive Management, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran 2 Master student of Executive Management, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran 3 Master student of Executive Management, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran 4 Assistant professor, Executive Management, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran ABSTRACT The recent searches being done in the world are signifying the useful role of realized services quality from customers on their trust and loyalty. Therefore the present research considers the effect of realized services quality on customers` satisfaction, trust and loyalty among the users of Saderat Bank website. In this direction, questionnaire has been designed and it was distributed among 316 persons of Saderat Bank website users in Tehran. The data was analyzed by SPSS, lisrel-8.5 software and Kolmogorov- Smirnov tests. In general the obtained results of statistics analysis are signifying the hypotheses being confirmed. Generally the present research showed: 1. The quality of realized services has a positive and meaningful effect on customers` satisfaction in Saderat Bank 2. The quality of realized services has a positive and meaningful effect on customers` trust in Saderat Bank 3. The quality of realized services has a positive and meaningful effect on customers` loyalty in Saderat Bank KEY WORDS: the quality of realized services, satisfaction, trust, customers` loyalty 1 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Introduction The concept of loyalty has existed for centuries. As an example Dick and Basu (1994) have emphasized on customer`s loyalty as a power of communicating relationship between person`s attribute to the existence (brand, service, store, seller and …) and repurchasing. Creating loyalty in customers has been significant- ly in nowadays business in case of that loyal customers have turned to an important component of organized success. Loyal customers buy more, spend more money and usually they advertise orally, this item is considered a positive item. As a result new departments have Intend to identify and manage effective methods in creating loyalty being called loyalty programs. Nowadays we live in such a society that asking for business is more than previous times. No business can endure without loyal customers except public departments. In addition to this as customers` expectations are increasing frequently, departments should meet more than customers` usual need and changing their focus from just meeting customer`s needs to create loyalty and trust by making long term and 2-sided and profitable communication between both sides (Dick and Basu, 1994) According to Richard Oliver et al. definition loyalty is a deep and continuous commitment to repurchase the desirable product/service in future. By this tool and according to conditional factors and marketing affairs being effective on changing behavior, it results in repurchasing of the similar mark or a set of the same mark (Davis- Sramek et al. 2007,5). In the beginning of 1960s the dimension of loyalty were defined by including behavioral and attribute conceptions. We focus on observational function of customer`s loyalty by behavioral researches (repurchasing behavior). Viewpoint researches consider the commitment and intend of repurchasing (Russel and Bennet et al, 2007, 1254). Henning- Thurua and Klee belived that the studies being done on satisfaction and loyalty are divided to 3 groups. The first group has been obtained from the literature of service management and in general its studies are on the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in company. According to their studies satisfaction is a pre-background of loyalty having effect on company`s profits. The second group have focused on person level and have considered customer`s preservation according to customer`s repurchasing. These factors have an important defect because of existing difference between customer and his behavior. The second group claimed that loyalty is influenced by satisfaction, even if their relation isn`t reasonable. The third group being a few have emphasized on 2 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty in person level according to the data of real purchasing. Their findings indicate the existence of a weak or worthless relationship between satisfaction and the behavior of repurchasing (loyalty) (Bodet, 2008, 157). The increasing of local and universal competitions in markets force departments to meet modern way for more success in long term. Nowadays The aim of purchasing is managing requests from growing customer in the ladder of loyalty to departments. These days customers don`t have enough satisfaction and departments should not be happy with their own customers` satisfaction. They should make sure that satisfied customers are loyal ones too. Nowadays the severity of competition is observed in productive and service fields throughout the world and it`s completely obvious that this factor make more difficult the customers` preservation and increasing their loyalty in such a space day to day (Allameh, Mohsen/ Noktehdan, Imaneh, 1389). As more than half of the impure production of most world countries is obtained from services, therefore paying attention to this section is very important. Quality is one of the most criteria of services` evaluating, an extent conception that different parts of department having commendation to it (Mahmoudi, Ahmad et al. 1390), therefore providing services` quality is a basic and future challenge of active companies in this field. The focusing on the lack of quality means having emphasis on their customers. Having more emphasis on customers means having more emphasis on service quality. According to the results of researches in service departments, the quality of service is one of the most important factors having effect on increasing customers` satisfaction and as a result it increases their loyalty (Allameh, Mohsen/ Noktehdan, Imaneh, 1389) and also it means the increasing customer`s self confidence in the abilities of presenting the services of satisfaction and customer`s loyalty is considered as a key factor (Shirshendu Ganguli, Sanjit Kamar Roy, 2011). So the present study has intend to consider the effect of realized services quality on customers` satisfaction, trust, loyalty among the users of Saderat Bank website. Research literature Services quality The quality of services can have different meanings in different concepts. Many of the university persons and researchers have defined the quality of services according to different theoretical hypotheses. As an example Bitner and Hubert 3 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) (1994) have defined the quality of services as user`s beyond realization or general beyond realization from department and its services. Parasoraman, Zitamel and Beri (1985) have defined the quality of realized services as a global judgment or an attribute related to the superiority of a service and have mentioned that judgment about the quality of services is a reflection of disagreement degree and rate between consumers` realizations and expectations. On the basis of this definition, Parasoraman and others have presented the ciroqual model being a 5dimension scale concluding being tangible dimensions, reliability, responding and sympathy. This framework and scale were used in a vast extent of different parts of industry. International standard department has defined service as a part of final productive process which its aim is to create surplus value for customer. The important point is that creating value is more than the whole used sources in the process of production. Surplus value is playing a key role in determining failure or success of a market and in fact in choosing customers for accepting or rejecting cased goods or service. Usually services are invisible. So their explanation for providers and judgment about them is a difficult task for customers (143, 1998, 40). Success in promoting the realized value of service and service quality result in surplus value for customers. The presenter of service should have intend to promote realized value and quality from customer`s viewpoint. As the measurement of obtained success for a service has direct relation with value being realized by the customer. In competitive environments, customers don`t buy a service just as its being good and appropriate. They buy a service because the service and its quality have suggested the best choice and the best realized worth according to their right of choosing (38, 1998, 41). Service is the customer`s final realization from an output of a process. Customers have different values and criteria for judging a service. In fact they may have different realization of a similar service in a time. But the important point is that what isn`t realized of a service by customers has not existed in fact. The quality of services is a multidimensional issue. In fact the quality of a service has 3 dimensions: the task (process) dimension, the technical dimension and the service image. Some scholars have suggested this issue that paying attention to the task dimension and using from task quality attribute of services for explaining and predicting users` behavior, may cause us not to realize the quality of services 4 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Well and such a prediction has low validity. Researchers face with 2 viewpoints on the quality of services: American viewpoint and European viewpoint. American viewpoint emphasizes on the task quality approach of services while the European one emphasizes on 2 components of technical dimension and service image in addition to task dimension of services. A critic on the American model refers to this point that the model is focusing just on the process of services delivery and does not refer to their outputs. The interesting point is that the presenters of ciroqual model emphasized on this point that the quality of services include both dimensions of task (process) and technical output. Although iroqual model doesn`t include any measurement tool for the dimension of service technical quality (267, 2004, 42). For dividing letinen services quality and letinen defining services quality, it is divided to 3 parts of physical, exchanging quality and the quality of service company (company image). Physical quality is related to tangible dimensions of presented services. Exchanging quality concluding the exchanging nature of services refers to the currency existing between the customer and the service presenter. Company quality refers to the image being created in the potential customer`s mind. They believe that company quality (the image of service company) have more consistency than 2 other cases in the period of time. Also Groness identified the 2 dimensions of services quality in this way: technical dimension (what does the service present) and task dimension (how the service is presented). Customer`s satisfaction The knowledge of modern management considers customer`s satisfaction as a basic standard of function and possible standard for excel of every business department. Customer`s satisfaction has many advantages for company. In fact as customer`s satisfaction be more, his/her loyalty be more too. Keeping good customers is more useful than attracting new ones. Satisfied customers decrease the cost of attracting new customers by having oral positive advertisement such as oral advertisement (Tajzade, Namin, 1382). For customers` complete satisfaction , More services than their needed ones should be presented (customer`s making happy). Satisfaction is a part of successful relationship so that it can influence other components. Trust Trust is a key component in a business relation, and the determiner of this issue that to what expanse the person of each side of relation can adopt the promises 5 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) of the other one. Trust is a central variant in long term interactions. Morgan and Hunt (1994) considered trust as a key structure relational marketing model. More trust between purchaser and seller cause more gain and longer term interactions. Loyalty Its emerging turns back to the beginning of 1940s. Frequently it is defined as creating commitment to customer for doing deal with special department and purchasing goods and services. But there is a comprehensive definition of loyalty. In this viewpoint loyalty is considered as a strong commitment for purchasing a product or a better service in future, so that the same mark or product despite of potential marketing efforts and signs is purchased. The concept of loyalty in customer and providing loyal customers in business framework is described as “ creating commitment in customer for doing deal with a special department and purchasing goods and services frequently”. But there is a more complete definition of loyalty that Richard Oliver (1999) has suggested: a strong commit-ment for purchasing a product or a better service in future, so that the same mark or product despite of potential marketing efforts and effects is purchased. Research background 1.Allameh and Noktehdan (1389) did a research as the consideration of services quality on customer`s loyalty (case study of Isfahan 4-5 star hotels). The findings of research indicate the existence of a positive and meaningful relationship between services quality and customer`s loyalty. Further the findings showed that trust variants and satisfaction play a mediator role in the relationship of service quality and loyalty, and they themselves have a positive and meaningful effect on creating loyalty. 2.Sorayayi et al. (1392) did a research as the consideration of service quality effect and customer`s loyalty (case study:the branches of Melli Bank in Babol), the obtained results indicate that the variants of customers` satisfaction, being Tangible and responding by having the coefficient of positive and meaningful route have a positive effect on the variants of customers` loyalty of Melli bank branches in Babol. Also 3 variants of terminal services, trustworthy and concord don`t have a positive effect on the customers` loyalty of Melli bank branches in Babol. 6 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) 3.Alipour (1391) did a research on the consideration of services quality effect on customer`s loyalty, this article showed that whether the services quality has effect on loyalty (or not?) and also the relationship between services quality and customer`s loyalty by considering that complaints and realized quality of customers is considered and it seems that all the mediator variants have a direct relationship with loyalty and by identifying realized values and realized quality of customers` expectations we can increase services quality and this issue in addition to decreasing customers` complains, it increases customers` loyalty significantly. 4.Bidokhti et al. (1390) did a research as the consideration of the effect of services quality on customers` loyalty in the industry of air transportation by using airqual model. By reviewing research literature they identify related factors (variants) to research subject, a questionnaire with 40 indices were designed and it was provided to the passengers. In this questionnaire it was asked from 450 passengers having used the internal flight of Ata air company from Tabriz airport to show their opinion about their agreement or disagreement with each one of the indices on Likert spectrum. At last according to the basis of obtained data, the effect of services quality dimensions for air transportation with airqual 1 (including tangible factors of airplane, tangible factors of airport, employees, concord and mental image) were analyzed on the customers` satisfaction, the intend of repurchasing and oral advertisements. It was used from factor analysis and making model of structural equations for testing the hypotheses. The results of statistics analysis showed that there is a meaningful, positive relationship between airqual dimensions and passengers` satisfaction, this last item (passengers` satisfaction) can cause their repurchasing and recommending others to take part and at last it was determined that those passengers having intend to reuse company services recommend others to take part in this purchasing. 5.Khajoyi and Nayebzadeh (1389) did a research as the consideration of satisfaction and indifference effect on customer`s loyalty (case study: cell phone), the research results show that satisfaction and indifference variants have a considerable effect on loyalty; while the obstacle variants of changing, trust and commitment didn`t have effect on loyalty. This research can be useful in the obtained results from it can be valuable because of presenting useful information in the field of relation marketing and services for researchers and marketers. In addition it presents suggestions to promote and having effect on more its results. 7 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) 6.Hosseinpour (1393) did a research as the consideration of evaluating the effect of brand and the personality of business name on customers` loyalty and satisfaction, the obtained results showed that brand increases customers` loyalty and sometimes its role in creating this loyalty is significant and strong business naming has become a necessity. Good business naming has user concession. User concession means that customers show loyalty to the names. Considerable amount of customers asking for this business names and don`t accept substitute goods even if such these goods being presented in market with less costs. In other words, companies with business names and signs and having user concession in practice they are in front of insurance rival proceeding policies. 7.Ameri (1391) did a research as the consideration of the relationship between services quality and the customers` satisfaction and loyalty of public and private field houses of Oromiyeh. The results of data analysis showed that there is a meaningful relationship between services quality, and its subscale including program quality, facilities quality and interaction quality with customers` satisfaction and loyalty. According to research results it can be said that high quality of services is necessary for commitment and customers` frequent referral. This quality of service should be increased by presenting programs and various interesting classes, aware teachers, high using and apparent attractiveness of sporting goods, high interaction and paying attention to teacher, presenting on-time guidelines and realizing every participator`s special needs. Research methodology Generally in one hand, research can be divided in applied research and basic research. Applied research is a research that its findings can be used for solving social problems (Iran Nezhad, 1388, p 37). From this point of view the present Research is classified as an applied research. As in this research its variants have not be manipulated and it hasn`t done in experimental conditions, it`s a descriptive (non-experienced) research. Descriptive research concludes a set of methods having the aim of describing the considered phenomena conditions. Basically the aim of doing descriptive research is more identification of existed conditions or helping decision process. According to essence, the present research can be viewed (as a) sample of evaluating researches. These kinds of researches are processes for collecting and analyzing information in order to make decision (Khaki, 1382, p 205). 8 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) In this research it will be used from librarian method (articles, internet, texts, books,…) for theoretical dimension and required information is extracted by field method (questionnaire). The tool of collecting information (questionnaire, observation, test, fiche, table, sampling, experimental equipments, information banks, computer networks, satellite networks and etc) will be collected by information questionnaire. It is used from Spss and Lisrel software and Smirnoph- Colmogroph tests and route analysis to analyze information. Data analysis The consideration of variants` distribution being normal Prior to test the relationship between variants, it`s essential to consider the variant`s being normal. One of the consideration methods of the claim of variants` distribution being normal is using from Colmogroph- Smirnoph test. The results of this test have been presented in the following table. Do designed variants have normal distribution? Hypothesis 0: research variants have normal distribution Hypothesis 1: research variants don`t have normal distribution Table 1: the normal distribution of variants Meaningfulness 0/000 Colmogroph-Smirnoph 2/177 components realized service quality 0/007 1/692 satisfaction 0/077 1/267 trust 0/09 1/652 loyalty Test distribution is normal. The results of this test showed that the meaningfulness level of some variants is more than 0.05 and in some cases this level is less than 0.05. it should be noted that Spss software was recognized according to central level/limit of this research results to be normal. 9 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Hypotheses test by using linear organized relationships after determining of measured models to evaluate research conceptual model and also becoming sure from the existence or lack of existence of a causative relationship between research variants and the consideration of observed data proportion with research conceptual model. The research hypotheses were tested by using structural equation`s model. The results of hypotheses test has been depicted in the diagram. Diagram 1: the measurement of general model and the results of hypotheses in standard situation Diagram 1: the measurement of general model and the results of hypotheses in meaningful situation X2/df RMSEA RMR GFI CFI NNFI IFI 1.60 0.029 0.018 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.96 Conclusion As we confirmed in previous section, because our distribution was identified to be normal (the results of Colmograph- Smirnoph test) the variant`s correlation has been tested by using lisrel software. It was used from route analysis method to consider the causative relationship between dependent and independent variants and to confirm the whole method. The route analysis was done by using LISREL 8.5 software. The obtained results from LISREL outputs show that the proportion of K square to the freedom is less than 3 and they confirm the other fitting indices of fitting model. The following table summarizes the meaning coefficient and the results of proposed hypotheses. Table 3: the results of hypotheses Hypotheses standard meaningful result 1.the realized services quality Has a positive and meaningful confirmed 10 0/62 11/33 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Effect on customers` satisfaction In Saderat Bank. 2.the realized services quality has A positive and meaningful effect confirmed 0/64 11/92 On customers` trust in Saderat Bank 3.the realized services quality has a Positive and meaningful effect on confirmed 0/41 6/37 Customers` loyalty in Saderat Bank 1.In the first hypothesis it was claimed that the realized services quality has a positive and meaningful effect on customers` satisfaction in Saderat bank. According to table 2, the statistics analysis showed between these 2 ones that there is a meaningful number between 2 route variants (11/33) and as these numbers are out of span -1/96 to +1/96, therefore this hypothesis has been confirmed. 2.In the second hypothesis it was claimed that the realized services quality has a positive and meaningful effect on customers` trust in Saderat bank. The statistics analysis showed that there is a positive and meaningful relationship between them (11/33). According to table 2 there is a meaningful number between 2 variants(11/92) and as these numbers are out of span -1/96 to +1/96, therefore this hypothesis has been confirmed. 3.In the third hypothesis it was claimed that the realized services quality has a positive and meaningful effect on customers` loyalty in Saderat bank. According to table 2, there is a meaningful number between the route of 2 variants(6/37) and as these numbers are out of span -1/96 to +1/96, therefore this hypothesis has been confirmed. Acknowledgement 11 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) The authors would like to thank Dr. Davood Kaveh for his helpful comments. References 1- Khaki, Gh, R (1378) Methodology with an approach to witing thesis. The cultural center of Darit publication, Tehran, 2nd edition 2- MirHassan Seyed Emadi, Souran Bahrami, Mohammad Amin Sayyadi. The consideration of relationship between services quality with customers` satisfaction and loyalty of public and private field houses of Oromiyeh. Article 1, n0.3, winter 1391, pages 11-18 3- Fatemeh Khajoyi Shahnaz Nayeb zadeh, The effect of satisfaction and indifference on customer`s loyalty (case study:cell phone), course 8, no.19, Summer 1392, pages 29-46 4- Sorayayi Ali, Amali, Radmard, Radmard. 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