EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Individual Differences and Personality Types Muhammad Reza Islam Panah1, Muhammad Amini2 1 2 Student of Doctoral Degree in Psychology at Bojnourd Branch, Islamic Azad University Graduated of Master Degree in Consulting Psychology at Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University ABSTRACT Difference is one of the natural phenomena seen in the very structures of human societies. A healthy, humane, and efficient society receives and understands these differences in natural form of strength capacities. Awareness of individual differences may be as old as creation of man. Individual differences is what attracted many scientists working in behavioral science. Members of a society are different in many aspects which makes it more difficult to identify their motives and behaviors. One of the fundamental variables of individual differences is their personality traits that many factors such as physiological, cultural, familial characteristics and also factors related different economical class, race and local factors play different roles in its formation. Therefore due to the importance of personality traits within individual differences, talking about individual and personality differences concepts besides, in this paper we have tried to research individual differences and personality traits and impact of personality traits on human behavior. KEY WORDS: natural, phenomena, scientists, personality, human behavior Introduction Human behavior has several aspects that has caused him to be known as complex existing and has made it difficult or impossible to predict his behavior. This failure is more due to lack of sufficient knowledge about the nature of their personality and individual differences; personality which has formed in childhood and puts human behavior in its form. The complexity of this form is in such an extent that causes a variety of behaviors and raises new challenges to the experts and psychologists. Because the awareness of individual and personality differences, can help the experts in solving many issues. For this reason, in the current era, understanding individual differences and personality traits in many life situations is necessary. Efficiency in business, success in 1 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) education, effectiveness of medical methods and in general human adaptation in all life situations is related to his personal characteristics (Nekuei Moghaddam and Pirmorady Bezznjany, 1389), so in this article due to the importance of the issue , it has been tried to examine the personality traits and individual differences. The concept of individual differences and personality This fundamental discovery that human beings are different with each other is part of the heritage of modern psychology. Although it has been discussed by philosophers whether individual differences in behavior and talent is innate or acquired, it was clear to everyone that there is a difference among human beings (Khani, 1391). One specialized branch of the modern psychology, psychology of individual differences, like other branches of psychology has its subject, purpose and special method. Psychology of individual differences studies differences in individuals and groups. Differences can be divided into two categories: (1) individual differences; (2) interpersonal differences. People in terms of physical characteristics such as height, weight and eye color and psychological characteristics such as intelligence and personality are different from each other, the differences between them is called individual differences. Individual differences appear in different fields, and have a major impact on labor and human functions and therefore, in the field of educational and occupational success are also important. Different talents of one individual are not equivalent, and every person is highly talented in some fields and weak in some other. The differences in abilities and talents in one individual are called interpersonal differences. For instance, an individual may have a good talent in learning English, but having a hard time learning mathematics. In general we can say that what individual differences psychology studies, is the study of interpersonal and individual differences (Ganji, 1392). In other words, the term individual differences, is that each person is unique and exceptional such that everyone's hair building fibers to grooves on the one's finger is unique. Maybe people have a lot of similarities to one another, but with no doubt, they are not resemble and equal and we can say confidently they are different in personality and understanding, those differences include views , notions and trends as well. So we can say, individuals are different in body shape and organs, face and beauty, muscle strength and physical forces, general mental abilities and special talents, stability and excite, emotions and trends and adoption to social environment that in general all these differences affects an individual's behavior and ability and causes that after knowing him, have certain expectations. In a certain situation, each person's characteristics and individual 2 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) differences make him behave properly. Because characteristics and individual differences can be formed in completely different orders, thus different reactions can be expected and that is exactly where personality gets involved. Personality is one of the contributing factors in the development of individual differences (Nikooei Moghadam and Pirmorady Bezanjany, 1389). Individuals differ in terms of personality traits and are different from each other. Individual differences has been examined in the field of personality traits by personality psychologists. Individuals are different in traits such as introversion or extroversion, resilience and so on. (Khani, 1391). Each individual is a combination of three traits, generic traits, cultural traits and personal traits which form a unique whole that is considered by personality psychology. The general concept and also its complexity led to the term personality to be defined in different ways. Allport (1949) has collected and noted about fifty different definitions, that of course, these differences are not about the subject's personality but indeed about the concept they made out of it that are some noticed to biochemical and physiological aspects of the character, some to interactions between individuals and the role they play in the society and have defined the character on the same basis. Therefore, the definition domain is ranged from internal process of organism to the known behavior caused by the interaction of individuals. But personality in its general sense needs to include production of unique action of individual and common rules between individuals, stable and less changing aspects of human actions and unstable and determinable aspects of it, aspects of cognitive (thinking processes) and emotional aspects (excitements) and behavioral aspects of individual and this is what makes it impossible to deliver a comprehensive definition agreed by all thinker in the field of personality psychology. Below we mention some of these definitions of personality which have different approaches: Allport, one of the great researchers in personality field, says organization of the physiological and psychological systems as behavioral and intellectual traits in an individual is called personality. In this definition organization of forming elements of personality has been mentioned as an important factor but behavioral and intellectual aspects have been differentiated though it is contradictory to the concept behavior in psychological view (Pervin & Jan, 1381). Sheldon proposes the idea of personality being dynamic and defines it as: Personality is the organization of dynamic in intellectual, emotional and physiological aspects. Pervin highlights unitization with different aspects in the definition. That is, personality is the unitization of the whole individual with 3 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) permanent separable traits such as intelligence, caprice and behavior (Karimi, 1392). Cattell mentions operational aspect of personality and defines it as: personality is what allows us to predict what a person will do in a certain situation, it means what his action will be. Some issues have been seen in evolutionary systems that evolution process is false in it, for example Freud believes personality has no psychological aspect in levels and thus defers its completion to future years where “Wallon” demotes personality crisis to age three. In spite of this personality can be reviewed in the evolution frame. There is only one process from beginning to end, in this case it will include all component of the evolution and if consider all this component are along adoption to environment, adoption in an specific aspect and situation is something partial but if its adoption is suggested it can be the concept personality. In this case personality can be defined as: personality is all of comprehensive capacities of an individual in adoption to the environment (Pervin and Jan, 1381). Different nation perspective and scientific studies about individual differences Awareness of individual differences may be as old as creation of man, because primitive human that used to live in caves and jungles were was aware of individual differences phenomenon among people and allocate tasks based on it; for instance some were responsible for hunting and some other for cooking. The issue of individual differences were existed in ancient Iran and various nations. For example, Iranian Aryan people divided into three groups: warriors, farmers, and the Magi. Plato, based on talent categorized people into three groups in terms of gold, silver and copper each. He mentions the individual differences by classification. Thus, different nations were aware of individual differences in times and were classifying them, but this classifications were not precise, vivid and scientific, so there was no choice but measuring capacities scientifically and determining individual differences and choose suitable person for every task. For this, some improved the psychology of individual differences by their genius. There are so many disagreements about the beginning of scientific study of individual differences. Some argue that the scientific study of individual differences began by the "Darwin" theory of evolution. In his book Darwin explicitly refers to individual differences and says: "members of a specific living, have different personal characteristics and favorable personal characteristics results in survival. “Darwin” calls the remaining of those with favorable characteristics, natural selection. Some believe that the initiator of scientific studies of individual differences is the French "Jean-Jacques 4 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Rousseau" and that is why he is called the father of modern education. Rousseau, proposed ideas about education and because of his ideas he presented, education system changed from teacher-centered to student-centered. In addition, some other people also expanded the knowledge of individual differences. One of these "Francis Galton," which today is considered as the father of psychology of individual differences. Galton was studying geniuses, and he believed that genius is hereditary in humans. Well-known men most often had known ancestors; however he believed two factor, heredity and environment, are effective in forming individual differences. "McLean Cattell" measured time and level of reaction by introducing the first tests, and based on ten tests measured the individual differences. “Alfred Binet” provided the intelligent test and since then others could examine individual differences scientifically and precisely (Ghanji, 1392). The causes of individual differences Many factors are involved in the development of individual differences, to include heredity and environment can be noted. Take a newborn as an illustration, family shows two completely different reactions, some try to shape traits in him/her that reminds of his/her ancestors and some other try to find unique traits in him/her and emphasize the differences, but because similarities impress us more than differences, our emphasis is more on similarities, especially similarities between child and parents. There is no doubt by observing physical similarities we say what traits this person will have and how our behavior toward him/her should be. Unfortunately in public perspective, heredity is the main factor in forming individual differences, but psychologists disagree with this idea and believe that interaction between heredity and environment plays the main role in forming individual differences. For example, sperm can’t keep growing without environment and environment without heredity is not able to grow a human. So each of heredity and environment factor has fundamental role in forming individual differences and discovery of an interaction between those should be sought (Ghanji, 1392). Origin of individual differences and person determiner factors Origin of individual differences should be searched in person heredity and their environment. In 1953, Cluck and Murray concluded that two crucial factors rarely could be separated after environment activation. These two are: Which potential genetic capacity will be activated in result of specific life events in supposable physical, social and cultural environment? Which limitations in personality improvement generated by genetic structure? 5 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) In other words, in personality discussion, researchers rely on heredity, environment and also interaction between these two. Along this, Royce consider personality as a combination of physical and mental traits, that give an identity to individual and this traits or characteristics such as perspective and emotions are results of hereditary and environment factors. In conclusion could be said that every personal quality shaped through interaction of hereditary and environment. Differences between people could be caused by environmental differences hereditary differences or in result of both, so differences in eye color refer to hereditary. Differences in social perspective caused by environment and differences in people intelligence is related to both of them. In behavioral matters, five major subjects are considered as personal quality determiner: 1.physiological determiners: factors such as length, weight, healthiness, sex, etc. influence on personality evolution. For example, most tall people are tend to be domineering. In addition, they are more self-confident than short people. Or men are more active and bold than women. However women are more passive than men. 2. Cultural determiners form a huge amount of culture improvement. Basically different culture grow people with different traits and qualities. For example, Capitalist societies are typically train progressive, independent and selfconfident people where training group-centered and group-law obeying persons is mostly emphasized in Socialist cultures and societies or respecting to work and activity among Japan’s society different shells is highly appreciated. 3. Family determiners: perhaps the most important factor in personality improvement are family and group determiner. For example, individuals who grew up in liberal families tend to emotional verification and are socially more successful and also like controversial discussions. 4. Determiners relevant to factors like economical, social and racial classification which person belongs to it, is also specifically important in personality improvement. 5. Situational determiners: personality improvement is affected by situational determiners. This factor is unpredictable. Situations such as divorce or death of a family member and so on are some instances of this determiners. As has been mentioned before, determiners of personality traits themselves are instances of individual differences. Therefore some parts of individual differences are caused by personality differentiation which is affected by determiner introduced earlier (Khani, 1391). 6 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Characteristics and personality types Characters is examined from different views and theorists like Freud , Yung, Adler, Horney, Allport , Erikson , Maslow , … Had examined it from different views and all of these theories is assumed on people with the features and attributes have stability and continuity in different situations over time (Schultz and Schultz, 1391). Maddi (1989) knows that character is a stable set of interest and traits that determine people’s behavioral- psychological (thoughts, feelings and doings) similarities and differences and may be easily determined, as a result of biological stress and social time, not understandable. On the other hand, individual differences may be the result of genetic factors have a strong influence on the character and thoughts, feelings and behaviors of individuals (Donnellan al., 2008). Psychologist represent alternative views aspects of personality, including the views of the Costa and McCrae pointed to. Costa and McCrae (1992) in their study reached the conclusion that there are five basic factors of the character like neuroticism, extroversion, flexibility, agreeableness and conscientiousness which is a solid and comprehensive basis to account for differences provides the individual personality (John and Srivastava, 1999). In view of these tendencies are inherent and underlying biological factors are the main factors to the behavioral changes of genes, brain structure, and other factors related. Latest studies have been conducted on this issue as the fivefactor model that environmental influences on personality factors influence (Asendorof & Van Aken, 2003). Neuroticism (N): Neuroticism or negative affectivity is concerned to the number of strong stimulus are necessary to evoke strong negative emotions in a person. The negative emotions refers to a person's ability to cope with stress and bear it. This factor has also been named as emotional stability. Continuum, reactive, responsive, resilient person. Responsive persons are the persons who experience negative emotions more than others and are less satisfied with life than most of people. Reactive person react to any stimulus. Reactive person have higher N score. At the other end of the continuum neuroticism are resilient person. These person neuroticism mental factor scores are low, such individuals to experience life in a more reasonable level than others and tend to what is happening around them are not impressible .resilient person are those less cumbersome others. During the continuum N (negative affectivity) from being reactive to being resilient continues, there is a range in the middle of it as a responsive person that we mention as a sensitive or impressionable. These people are combination of reactive and responsive attributes. In general, public interest in public 7 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) emotions such as fear, sadness, confusion, anger, guilt and hatred of the scope of N form. Probably fragile factors are hindering adjustment factors. Men and women with high scores in neuroticism are prone to irrational beliefs and less able to control their impulses and much weaker to cope with stress than others. Patients who have been diagnosed neurotic has a relatively had obtained high score in N .Research shown that patients with eating disorders was significantly higher than the control group the five-factor personality questionnaire are in Bdnvrvzgrayy (Qadri Vaskat, 2000 ; Hyun, Mulligan, Myrylyz, .fayrvz Woods, 2000). High scores in neuroticism may be a sign of high probability of developing certain psychiatric problems, but the scale of N, should not be considered as a measure for mental disorders. It is possible to get a high score of N without a detected psychological disorder. However, all of the mental disorders with high scores on N is not associated, for example, a person may have antisocial personality disorder without having a high scores in N. Iriguchi , Mira, Igarashi, Ishikawa, Shoji et al. (2007) researches shows the weak against stressful factors _between alexithymia and neuroticisms_ with higher level of danger this persons psychiatric disorders associated psychosomatics. Those scores are low in neuroticism are emotionally stable and generally quiet, mild and comfortable and able to cope with stressful situations, without the mess and fuss face (Haghshenas, 1385). Extraversion (E): This factor describes the person's comfort level in communication. Extroversion refers to a number of relationships which the person feel comfortable in. High degree of high extraversion associated with restlessness and feel the joy of it is clear. Extraversion continuum includes extroverted person, double wing or the wing inside oriented. On the one hand extroverted tend to spend a lot of their time with communicating and enjoy it. Eccentric to the majority of people tend to take leadership and be more friendly and social and be more active in physical language. At the other end of the continuum, introverts, whose relations are less and spend less time to it. Their independence and tend to be reserved and uniform and feel more comfortable by being alone than other people. The end of the spectrum are ambivalent that feel comfortable with changing between social status and isolation. Extraversion are communityoriented, but social ability is just one of the traits of extroversion. In addition, like people, prefer large groups and gatherings, courage and chatty are traits of extraversion. They like sexual and movement arousal and tend to be cheerful. As well as the optimistic, energetic and optimistic (Haghshenas, 1385). As the showing the features of extraverts is easy, showing the features of introverted person is difficult. In some descriptions, introversion is nonexistence of 8 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) extroversion and shouldn’t be considered as anti-extroversion. Thus, the introverted is more self-contained not unfriendly, independent not a follower and moderate not a lazy or slow. When is that people prefers to be alone. It can be argued that these people are shy, introverted person does not suffer from social anxiety, although they don’t have very happy spirit like extraverts, but they aren’t sad and pessimism. Said features may in some cases seem weird or unlikely. But with the help of numerous research results and they cause conceptual progress of the five-factor model. In general extraversion are loving and friendly, they genuinely like people and are easily create attachment and closeness with others. They enjoy gathering with others, and they are happier if the gather to more peoples. They talk without a doubt and most of the time become group leader, work fast and spend more energy and power in their efforts and show energy in continuing to work. The vibrant life and dreams are stimulating and exciting, they like bright colors and busy and demanding environment, positive emotions such as joy, happiness and love, it's easy to laugh cheerful and optimistic (Mac Gary Costa, 1383). Flexibility (O): The flexibility or openness to address the range of personal interests. It refers to attracted interests of the person that they are looking for as well as the intense interest. Openness to experience, is important element of creativity. Openness continuum includes probes, moderate and conservative. People who score high on openness factor (people extremely open) called probe or browser and just fascinated by innovations. The explorers known as intellectuals. Illuminati describe themselves introverted and thoughtful than other people. On the other side of openness range, are conservatives, they have less interest than browsers and they feel more comfortable in an intimate ceremony and they prefer new familiar and likely to have a standard behavior and following formality and traditions. These people tend to keep their view, but not necessarily as a dominant. The explorer and conservatives, are moderate. Novelty and innovation from the view of moderate is boring and static modes are also boring for them. Openness, especially with different aspects of intelligence, such as divergent thinking, which is associated with a creativity factor. According to experience openness isn’t synonymous with intelligence. Some very intelligent people are closed to the experience. In contrast, some people are very open but have limited mental capacity. In the form of factor analysis, the size of mental function is the sixth factor that authors have considered it outside the scope of the character (Haghshenas, 1385). 9 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) Agreeableness (A): The agreement comes into a person's propensity and tendency to docility and respect for others is an individual. Agreements continuum include negotiator, merchant and adaptable persons. People who score high in consensus-oriented (people with high integration agreement) called as adaptable and they respect others, including his wife, religious leaders, heads and figures of popular culture consider to value harmony with others and they appreciate that. Compatible personality profile can be found in the core role of education, social and psychological. The end of adaptability is soft temperamental, known as dependent person which have lost their own existence. Booden and Vegacy chawski (2004) shows that patients suffering restraint anorexia against over eating periods patients have meaningfully higher scores on the agreeableness. At the other end of the continuum consensus oriented, are challengers. Challenger or those who score low in the integration agreement are more focused and insist on their needs and norms, to the others requirements and standards. They are seeking more challenges for power of action and access to it. Challenging people are known as a tough-minded, narcissistic, antisocial, paranoid personalities that have lost their feelings for others. In the middle of the continuum consensus oriented, people are negotiators. Such persons by position requirements will change the leadership to the impersonator. As extroversion, agreeableness further integration between individual desires. A consensus oriented (adjusted) is essentially a philanthropist. He was sympathetic to others and eager to help and believes that others will help in their turn. In contrast, non-consensus-oriented (challenger), stubborn, self-centered and skeptical than others and competitive not cooperative. People tend to agree oriented as socially desirable trait and mentally healthy state. It’s true that consensus oriented are more popular and accepted than challengers but it’s obvious that end of these ranges doesn’t seems good in society and none of them are good for mental health. Low scores in oriented agreement is associated with the states of narcissism, antisocial and paranoid personality disorder while high scores are associated with dependent personality disorder (Haghshenas, 1385). Conscientiousness (C): Conscientiousness factor refers to the number of goals that the focus is on it, the integration continuum of conscience, including those focused, balanced and flexible. A person with high conscientiousness, one focused with targeted ways, will follow the overall objective. A person who scores are low in conscientiousness factor, by uniform and scattered, will follow many goals. In 10 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) organizations in general, focused individuals wishing to progress more. But indulge in it will become the focus of the work will be cautious and flexible persons will drifts at their task. In organizations, flexible person wouldn’t work lesser than focused individuals, but their actions are lower directed to specific purposes. In the middle of the conscientiousness continuum, people are balance and take place between focused and flexible individuals. In organizations, managers with flexible personality profile, with the balance individuals equally and fairly treated, they will target flexible persons, without banishing and help to their focused employees remember that to rest and enjoy life from time to time. A number of theories, especially theories of psychological dynamics of the characters have control impulse and attention. During the period of growing most people learn how to cope with dreams. Inability to prevent impulse and temptation are all signs of high (N) in the adults. Control, can also be the power of very active planning, organizing and carrying out the tasks entrusted to the ideal as well. The basic difference in this case is the base of conscience. The conscientious is purposeful, strong-willed and determined to succeed. Successful persons, great musicians and great intellectuals, have these attributes at high level and this area is called the desire to succeed. Score high in conscientiousness is associated with academic success and career, person who score low in conscientiousness would avoid subtlety, precision and high cleanliness and cautious. People with high scores in the conscientiousness or focused individuals, more precise and punctual and reliable people are. But people with low conscientiousness scores are not necessarily devoid of moral principles, but not very accurate at using the application of moral principles, they are not serious in their efforts to achieve the goal. There is evidence that these people were very fun-oriented and have a keen interest in sexual matters (Haghshenas, 1385). Eden and partners (2005) studied with purpose of investigating the relationship between the internal dimensions character and desired social behavior. This course seeks to work with 374 female employees with average age 45/5 years in America, has revealed the character of a conscientiousness is pleasant, extroversion, mental neurosis on the other hand social significantly predicted behaviors desired. By recognition of attributes, abilities and disabilities, attitudes and understanding their behavior and predicting their operation and reactions, we can predict that this person with these personality type, shows what kind of behavior in different situations. The relationship between the five-factor models and other personality factor patterns The positive aspects of this model can be used to establish a compromise between the different dimensions of personality assessment tools such as 11 EPHEMERA http://ephemerajournal.com/ ISSN: 1298-0595 Vol.27; No. 4 (2015) personal explanations Edward Table 16 Cattell questionnaire with demographic factors California. Five-factor pattern make possible compatibility in evaluation of sentiments dimensions and prepare the base of unitization to different patterns of between interpersonal signs and also interpersonal differences. In addition neuroticism and extraversion measures and extraversion in reconsideration questionnaires of Eysenck and the new five-factor if McGray and costa have that much overlap that can taking them in to replacement measuring tools for similar structures evaluation.( Costa, 1983, quoted Karimi, 1392). Conclusion Although, society individuals are similar in many ways, but set personality traits of each person is unique and in this way we can say that there aren’t exactly same people. The principle of individual differences, is one of the accepted tenets of behavioral science. By adopting these principles, be physiological differences, intellectual, mental and behavioral disorders and logical properly managed and right management will applied when individual differences in many aspects to be considered, because in this case the of how certain personality characteristics are transformed into behavior. Recognition and measurement of personality characteristics for many purposes, such as education, employment, marriage, and ...is fundamental. Overall compatibility in all situations of life because of her relationship with personality traits and understanding of different attitudes, perceptions, mental and physical abilities and personality traits together, in the full knowledge that will help people, because of ignorance of reality. Resources 1- P., Lawrence, A., John Oliver, B (1381). Personality psychology theory and research. Translation: Javadi and Mohammad Parvin Kadivar, Tehran Ayeesh publication. 2- Haghshenas, H. (1385). 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