Subject: History of Literature II (American Literature) Contents: Bibliography: 1. Literature of Colonial America: poetry of Anne Bradstreet, Edward Taylor and Michael Wigglesworth; historians William Bradford, John Winthrop and Cotton Mather; diaries, journals and personal narratives; sermons 2. Jonathan Edwards, Benjamin Franklin and J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur – representatives of the 18th century in American literature 3. American Renaissance – the Romantic period in American literature .Washington Irving and James Fenimore Cooper – literature of the New Republic. Transcendentalism -- Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau 4. The poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson 5. Edgar Allan Poe –a poet, an author of short stories and a literary critic 6. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Herman Melville – short story writers and novelists 7. Realism in American literature. Mark Twain as its chief representative 8. Naturalism – Stephen Crane, Jack London and Frank Norris PRIMARY Norton Anthology of American Literature pod red. Niny Baym. New York: W.W. Norton&Company, 1998. SECONDARY 1. Columbia Literary History of the United States pod red. Emory Elliott. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. 2. A New Literary History of America. pod red. Greil Marcus, Werner Sollors. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 2009. Subject: History of Literature I (British Literature) Contents: The aim of this subject is to introduce historical background to British Literature from its very beginning to the Age of Enlightenment. 1. Anglo – Saxon and Anglo–Norman Period (1066-1340) 2. Geoffrey Chaucer, late medieval literature (1340-1400). 3. The beginning of Renaissance 4. Elizabethan and Jacobean eras 5. Elizabethan Theatre and Drama 6. Shakespeare and his works 7. Metaphysical poets 8. Johan Milton and his era 9. Puritan literature 10. The Restoration: drama 11. The Restoration: poetry and prose 12. 18th century literature 13. The beginnings of a novel 14. Sentimentalism in poetry and prose Bibliography: Alexander, M., A History of English Literature. Houndmills, 2007 Carter, R.J., ed. The Penguin Guide to Literature in English, Penguin, 2001. Barnard, R., A Short History of English Literature. Oxford, 1994 Drabble, M., red. The Consise Oxford Comanion to English Literature. Oxford, 2007. Fordonski, K., red. History of English Literature: vol. 1-2. Poznań: 2005 Mazur , Z and T. Bela, ed., The College Anthology of English Literature. Kraków, 2004. Rogers, P., The Oxford Illustrated History of English Literature. Oxford, 2001. Sikorska, L., An Outline History of English Literature, Oxford, 2002 Sikorska, L., and J. Fabiszak, An Anthology of English Literature—From Beowulf to John Milton, Poznan, 1998 Subject: Descriptive grammar - syntax Contents: Bibliography: 1. Cognitive vs. linguistic/ grammatical category 2. Simple sentence structure – syntactic and semantic categories, the notion of distribution describing the category of an element — verb phrase– verbal categories: tense, mood, modality, group structure — noun phrase– nominal categories: number, gender — adjectival phrase — comparative and superlative forms of adjectives —adverbial phrase—prepositional phrase 3. Types of verb complement PRIMARY Langacker. R.W. (2008) Cognitive Grammar: A basic introduction. Oxford University Press Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. (2002) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman SECONDARY Fromkin, V and Rodman, R. (2002) An Introduction to Language. Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Yule, G. (2004) The Study of Language. An Introduction. Cambridge University Press Subject: Descriptive grammar – Phonetics and phonology Contents 1. Introduction – basic terms 2. Articulation and speech organs, manner of articulation 3. Basic types of English sounds 4. Phonetic transcription 5. Word stress and sentence stress, assimilation, elision, vowel reduction, weak forms. 6. Classification of sounds 7. English vowels vs. cardinal vowels 8. English consonants 9. Allophones 10. Syllable structure, syllabic consonants 11. Rhythm and intonation Bibliography PRIMARY Roach P., (2000) English Phonetics and Phonology, Cambridge University Press.. Sobkowiak W., (1995) English Phonetics for Poles, Bene-Nati materiały autorskie we współpracy z prof. nadzw. Kamilą Turewicz, w oparciu o Ronald W. Langacker. R.W. (2008) Cognitive Grammar: A basic introduction. Oxford University Press Quirk R., Greenbaum S., Leech G., Svartvik J. (2002) A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language. Longman SECONDARY Fromkin, V and Rodman, R. (2002) An Introduction to Language. Harcourt Brace College Publishers. Gimson A.C., (1994) Gimson’s Pronunciation of English, Edward Arnold. Ladefoged, P., (1993) A Course in Phonetics, Philadelphia: Harcourt Brace Yovanovich. Wells, J. C., (2000), Pronunciation Dictionary, Longman. Yule, G. (2004) The Study of Language. An Introduction. Cambridge University Press Subject: History and Culture of English Speaking Countries Contents 1 History and the past as elements of contemporary culture 2 Bristish Monarchy 3 Political life in Great Britain and the USA 4 Geoghraphy and identity 5 Religions 6 Media and their influence on the society of 21st century 7 International relations 8 Legal system of Great Britain and the USA Bibliography PRIMARY O’Driscoll James, Britain, (Oxford: OUP, 1995) Falk, Randee, Spotlight on the USA, (Oxford: OUP, 1993) SECONDARY Bhabha, Homi, The Location of Culture (London: Routledge, 1994). Cashmore, Ellis, Dictionary of Race and Ethnic Relations [1984] (London: Routledge, 1996) Subject: History of English Language Contents: 1 The origins of English language 2 Old English – from the mid-5th century to the mid-11th century 3 Middle English – from the late 11th to the late 15th century 4 Early Modern English – from the late 15th to the late 17th century 5 Modern English – from the late 17th century to the present 6 Phonological changes, Great Vowel Shift 7 Grammatical changes , Evolution of English pronouns 8 Language varieties Bibliography PRIMARY 1. Baugh A. C., Cable T. A history of the English language. Fifth edition. London, New York: Routledge. 2002 2. Fisiak J. A short grammar of Middle English. Part 1. Orthography, phonology and morphology.Wydanie 7. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 1996 3. Nagucka R. A Late Middle English reader. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. 1977 4. Reszkiewicz A. A diachronic grammar of Old English. Wydanie 2. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 1996 SECONDARY 1. Reszkiewicz A. Synchronic essentials of Old English. Wydanie 3. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN. 1998 2. Wełna J. A brief outline of the history of English. ditio ditio. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 2003 Subject: Introduction to linguistics Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The origins of language Development of written language Human language and its properties history of linguistic – chosen aspects Language analysis. Grammar and levels of grammatical description 6. Phonetics – sounds, speech 7. Phonology – phonemes and allophones, syllable 8. Morphology – word building 9. Syntax – traditional grammar and prescriptive approach, structural grammar, generative-transformational grammar and cognitive grammar. 10. Semantics, lexical relations 11. Pragmatics and discourse Bibliography PRIMARY Yule, G. (2004) The Study of Language. An Introduction. Cambridge University Press SECONDARY Fromkin, V and Rodman, R. (2002) An Introduction to Language. Harcourt Brace College Publishers Crystal D. (1995) The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of the English Language, Cambridge University Press Subject: Introduction to literary analysis Contents: 1. Classical theory of literature – Platon, Aristotle, Horace, Longinus 2. Philip Sydney An Apology for Poetry 3. Edmund Burke and William Wordsworth (language really spoken by men, the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, emotion recollected in tranquility) 4. Percy Bysshe Shelley, A Defence of Poetry 5. John Keats 6. Thomas Stearns Elliot, Tradition and the Individual Talent 7. Formalism 8. Structuralism 9. R. Wellek and A. Warren Theory of Literature 10. Attempts to define literature 11. An issue of literary canon, Dennis Walder Literature in the Modern World Bibliography: PRIMARY: Baldick, CH, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, OUP, 1990 Barry, P, Beginning Theory. An Introduction to Literary and Cultural theory, Manchester University Press, 2002 Culler, J. Literary Theory. A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 1997) SECONDARY: Eagleton, T. Literary Theory. AN Introduction, Blackwell Publishers, 1997 Harland, R., Literary Theory from Plato to Barthes. AN Introductory History, Macmillan Press, 1999. Subject: Monographic lecture (literature) Contents: E. A. Poe: "The Fall of the House of Usher" N. Hawthorne: "Young Goodman Brown" H. Melville: "Billy Budd" M. Twain: " The Notorious Jumping Frog" H. James: "Daisy Miller" E. Hemingway: "Hills Like White Elephants" W. Faulkner: "A Rose for Emily" L.M. Silko: "Lullaby: Bibliography: PRIMARY Norton Anthology of American Literature pod red. Niny Baym. New York: W.W. Norton&Company, 1998. SECONDARY 1. Columbia Literary History of the United States pod red. Emory Elliott. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988. 2. A New Literary History of America. pod red. Greil Marcus, Werner Sollors. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 2009 Subject: Practical English 1 year Winter semester Contents Integrated skills Daily routine, work and leisure Food and restaurants. Sport Family, personality Money Transport and travel Modern manners Education Health and lifestyle Houses Friendship Work Shopping Cinema Television Reading books Practical grammar Articles Nouns; compound nous, kinds and function, gender, plurals, countable and uncountable nouns Adjectives; kinds of adjectives, comparison, constructions with comparison, adjectives with infinitives Adverbs; kinds of adverbs, form and use, formation of adverbs, comparative and superlative forms of adverbs, position Possessives, personal and reflexive pronouns Relative pronouns and clauses; defining relative clauses, nondefining relative clauses, cleft sentences Prepositions; time and date, travel and movement, place, prepositions used with adjectives and participles Verbs and tenses Classes of verbs, auxiliary verbs, modal verbs Tenses; present simple, present continuous present perfect, present perfect continuous past simple, past continuous past perfect future simple to be going to Phonetics Vowels: short and long Consonants Diphthongs Word stress Sentence stress Phonetic transcription Bibliography PRIMARY ◊ Baker, A. Ship or sheep, Cambridge, 1992 ◊ Graver, B. D. Advanced English Grammar ◊ Intermediate communication games. [Cz. 1], A collection of games and activities for low to mid-intermediate students of English. - Wyd. [4]. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman, 1996. ◊ Oxeden, Clive, Latham-Koenig, Christina. 2006. New English File : intermediate: student's book.- Oxford: Oxford University Press. ◊ Roach, Peter. 2000. English phonetic and phonology : a practical course . - 3 ed. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. ◊ Sobkowiak, Włodzimierz. 2004 English phonetics for Poles : a resource book for learners and teachers /. - Wyd. 3. Poznań : Wydaw. Poznańskie. ◊ Vince, Michael. 1998. Intermediate language practice. - Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann. SECONDARY ◊ Alexander, L.G. 2006. Longman English grammar practice for intermediate students - 19th impression. - New York : Longman. ◊ Berestowska, Anna. Sumera, Adam. 2000. English in Puzzles - Warszawa ; Łódź : Wydaw. Naukowe PWN. ◊ Bradford, B. Intonation in context, Cambridge, 1994 ◊ Coe, Norman. 1997. Grammar Spectrum. [Cz. 3], Intermediate with answers;. - Wyd. [3]. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. ◊ Eastwood, John. 1999. Oxford practice grammar : with answers - [2nd ed.]. - Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press ◊ Evans, Virginia. 2009. Successful writing : intermediate. - 2nd impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing. ◊ Gołębiowska, Lucyna. 2000. A book czy the book : o przedimkach w języku angielskim. - Warszawa : "Prószyński i S-ka". ◊ Kavka, Stanislav J. 1994. Modern English phonemics. - Łódź : Wydawnictwo Akademii HumanistycznoEkonomicznej, 2009. ◊ Krzeszowski, Tomasz P. 1992. Gramatyka angielska dla Polaków - [Wyd. 2]. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Naukowe PWN. ◊ Ladefoged, Peter. 1993. A Course in Phonetics . - [3th ed.]. - Fort Worth etc : Harcourt Brace College Publishers. ◊ Laver, John. Principles of phonetics - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Subject: Practical English 1 year Spring semester Contents Integrated skills ◊ Personality ◊ Illness and treatment ◊ Clothes and fashion ◊ Air travel ◊ Crime and punishment ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Feelings Music The media Town and city Science Business and advertising Practical grammar Tenses: Past perfect continuous Future perfect Future continuous Future perfect continuous Passive Voice Conditional sentences – type 1 and 2 Reported Speech Conditional sentences – type 3 Question tags Indirect questions Bibliography PRIMARY Alexander L. G., Longman Advanced Grammar. Graver, B. D. Advanced English Grammar Oxeden, Clive, Latham-Koenig, Christiana, 2008 English File : upper-intermediate : student's book - Oxford : Oxford University Press. Swan, Michael. 2001. Practical English Usage, Oxford Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Oxford Univeristy Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 1, Oxford Univeristy Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 2, Oxford Univeristy Press. Vince, Michael. 1998. Intermediate language practice. - Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann. SECONDARY Alexander, L.G. 2006. Longman English grammar practice for intermediate students - 19th impression. - New York : Longman. Berestowska, Anna. Sumera, Adam. 2000. English in Puzzles Warszawa ; Łódź : Wydaw. Naukowe PWN. Eastwood, John. 1999. Oxford practice grammar : with answers - [2nd ed.]. - Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press Evans, Virginia. 2009. Successful writing : intermediate. - 2nd impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing. Krzeszowski, Tomasz P. 1992. Gramatyka angielska dla Polaków - [Wyd. 2]. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Naukowe PWN. Subject: Practical English 2 year Winter semester Contents Speaking 1. Death Talking about death, funerals, home burials 2. Nudity Wearing no clothes is natural. Why do people get so upset about this? 3. Politically incorrect jokes Is it OK to joke about disabled people, religion, deatb? 4. Taboo conversation topics Questions you couldn't ask. For example: How much do you weigh /earn? 5. lt should be banned! Bullfighting, human cloning, boxing, the Ku Klux Klan - ban them all! 6. Not my type Bad breath, bites his nails, thin legs - what do you avoid in a partner? 7. Sex for sale Prostitution - can we stop it? Should we stop it? 8. Swearing Is it OK to swear? What swear words do/could you use? 9. Torture Does torture happen in your country? Is torture always wrong? 10. Sexual harassment What's wrong with telling a colleague she has nice legs? 11. Bribery and corruption Rewards, gifts, bribes, perks- is there any difference? 12. Designer babies Blonde hair, blue eyes - would yow like to design your children? 13. Children who kill When a child kills someone, who is responsible - the child, the parents, society? 14. Gays and jobs Does it matter that a doctor, teacher, or the Prime Minister is gay? 15. Animal rights We eat them, we do experiments on them, we keep them as pets. Do you object? 16. Marriage - for better or for worse What's the point of marriage these days? What's wrong with divorce? 17. Nobody needs a gun Gun massacres in schools. Why do people carry guns? 'Would you ever use a gun? 18. The sale of human organs Would you let doctors remove your organs? What about people who sell their organs? 19. AIDS What do you know about AIDS? Would you treat a friend differently if (s)he he had HIV? 20. Telling lies How honest are you? Practical grammar Revision of Tenses; present simple, present continuous present perfect, present perfect continuous past simple, past continuous past perfect, past perfect continuous future simple, future continuous future perfect simple, future perfect continuous Passive Voice – prepositions with passive verbs, infinitive constructions after passive verbs Verb patterns with –ing forms, infinitives and “that” clauses Modal verbs Reading / Vocabulary ◊ Modern technologies ◊ Crime and punishment ◊ Sport and healthy lifestyle ◊ Politics ◊ Media ◊ Advertising ◊ Mystery ◊ Feelings and beliefs ◊ Religion ◊ Literature ◊ History ◊ Fame Bibliography PRIMARY Graver, B. D. 1991. Advanced English Practice, Oxford University Press. MacAndrew Richard, Martinez Ron, Taboos and Issues, Thomson, Heinle. Swan, Michael. 2009. Practical English usage - 3rd ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Oxford Univeristy Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 1, Oxford Univeristy Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 2, Oxford Univeristy Press. SECONDARY Alexander, L.G. 2006. Longman English grammar practice for intermediate students - 19th impression. - New York : Longman. Biber, Douglas [et al.]; forew. by Randolph Quirk. 2000. Longman grammar of spoken and written English - 3rd impr. Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Pearson Education Limited. Carter, Ronald, McCarthy, Michael. 2006- Cambridge grammar of English : a comprehensive guide spoken and written English grammar and usage. Cambridge [etc] : Cambridge University Press. Chalker, Sylvia. 1999 A student`s English grammar workbook / [7th ed.]. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman. Downing, Angela and Locke, Philip 1992. A university course in English grammar - New York : Prentice Hall. Evans, Virginia. 2009. Successful writing : upper-intermediate 4th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing. Greenbaum, Sidney, Quirk, Randolph 1999. A student`s grammar of the English language- [13th impr.]. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman. Greenbaum, Sidney. 1996.The Oxford English grammar. - New York : Oxford University Press. Huddleston, Rodney. 2005. English grammar : an outline . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Huddleston. Rodney, Pullum, Geoffrey K. 2002. The Cambridge grammar of the English language. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Ladousse, Gilian Porter. 2000. Role Play. - [12. ed.]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. Leech, Geoffrey, Svartvik, Jan. 1994. A communicative grammar of English - 2nd. ed. - London ; New York : Longman Murphy Raymond. 1994. English Grammar in Use : A self-study Reference And Practice Book For Intermediate Students. - 2nd. ed. - New York : Cambridge University Press. Quirk, Randolph [et al.]. 2005. A comprehensive grammar of the English language; index by David Crystal. - [20th impr.]. - London ; New York : Longman. Robinson, Carole, Parker, Helen. 1991. Themes for listening and speaking. - 5th impression. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. FCE exams Countdown : to First Certificate : student's book / Michael Duckworth, Kathy Gude. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. FCE use of English 1 : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 2nd impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2009. FCE use of English 1 / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2000. FCE use of English 2 : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 2nd impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2009. FCE use of English 2 / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2001. First Certificate gold : coursebook / Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess. - Harlow : Longman, 1998. First Certificate gold : coursebook / Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess. - Harlow : Longman, 1998. First Certificate gold : coursebook / Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess. - New Edition. - Harlow : Longman, 2000. First Certificate gold with key : exam maximiser / Sally Burgess, Richard Acklam. - Harlow : Longman, 1996. First Certificate gold with key : exam maximiser / Sally Burgess, Richard Acklam. - Polish Edition. - Harlow : Longman, 2000. First Certificate practice tests plus : with key / N. Kenny, L. Luque-Mortimer. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2000. First Certificate star : student's book / Luke Prodromou. - Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1998. Focus on First Certificate : practice tests with guidance for the revised exam / Sue O'Connel. - Harlow : Longman, 1999. New First Certificate gold : coursebook / Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wilson, Richard Acklam. - Harlow : Longman, 2004. Ready for FCE [Dokument elektroniczny] : class CDs / Roy Norris. - Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, cop. 2001. Ready for FCE [Dokument elektroniczny] : class CDs / Roy Norris. - Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, cop. 2001. Ready for FCE [Dokument elektroniczny] : class CDs / Roy Norris. - Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, cop. 2001. Subject: Practical English 2 year Spring semester Contents Speaking 21. Abortion Are you Pro-life or Pro-choice? 22. National stereotypes "They're lazy and 'dishonest." Blind prejudice, or is there some truth in stereotypes? 23. Cheating on your partner What is cheating? Just looking at someone else fantasizing an email relationship! 24. Are you happy with your body? Cosmetic surgery is no longer for just the rich and famous Have you thought about it? 25. lmmigration and racism How do you feel about people from other countries come to live n yours? 26. Changing sex Transsexuals- would you feel uncomfortable if you sat next to a transsexual? 27. ls this news? What is the news for - to provide facts or to shock and entertain? 28. The right to die Euthanasia - who has the right to choose? 29. Old enough to be her grandfather! A 70-year-old man with a 25-year-old woman? Why not? 30. Big Brother is watching! Are we losing our privacy? Have you got anything to be worried about? 31. Anxiety and depression Do you get depressed? 'What can you do about it? 32. Gay families Two dads and no mum. What is a normal family these days? 33. Begging Should we give beggars money or lock them up? 34. Compensation culture More people are suing than ever before. Is it right or is it just easy money? 35. Sport and money Are top sports professionals overpaid? 36. Vanity Are men vainer than women? 37. Legalising drugs Is it time to change the laws on soft drugs? 38. Turning the other cheek Do you-find it easy to forgive people or do you hold grudges? 39. The death penalty. Are you in favour of it? 40. Addictions Alcohol, nicotine, drugs, chocolate, shopping, football. “What are you hooked on? Practical grammar ◊ Conditional sentences – type 1, 2 and 3 ◊ Reported speech ◊ Adjectival clauses - finite and non-finite ◊ Adverbial clauses - finite and non-finite ◊ Noun clauses - finite and non-finite ◊ Subject – verb-inversion Bibliography Reading/ Vocabulary ◊ Modern technologies ◊ Crime and punishment ◊ Sport and healthy lifestyle ◊ Politics ◊ Media ◊ Advertising ◊ Mystery ◊ Feelings and beliefs ◊ Religion ◊ Literature ◊ History ◊ Fame PRIMARY Graver, B. D. 1991. Advanced English Practice, Oxford University Press. MacAndrew Richard, Martinez Ron, Taboos and Issues, Thomson, Heinle. Swan, Michael. 2009. Practical English usage - 3rd ed. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Oxford Univeristy Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 1, Oxford Univeristy Press. Thomson, A. J; Martinet, A.V. 1992. A Practical English Grammar, Exercises 2, Oxford Univeristy Press. SECONDARY Alexander, L.G. 2006. Longman English grammar practice for intermediate students - 19th impression. - New York : Longman. Biber, Douglas [et al.]; forew. by Randolph Quirk. 2000. Longman grammar of spoken and written English - 3rd impr. Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Pearson Education Limited. Carter, Ronald, McCarthy, Michael. 2006- Cambridge grammar of English : a comprehensive guide spoken and written English grammar and usage. Cambridge [etc] : Cambridge University Press. Chalker, Sylvia. 1999 A student`s English grammar workbook / [7th ed.]. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman. Downing, Angela and Locke, Philip 1992. A university course in English grammar - New York : Prentice Hall. Evans, Virginia. 2009. Successful writing : upper-intermediate 4th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing. Greenbaum, Sidney, Quirk, Randolph 1999. A student`s grammar of the English language- [13th impr.]. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman. Greenbaum, Sidney. 1996.The Oxford English grammar. - New York : Oxford University Press. Huddleston, Rodney. 2005. English grammar : an outline . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press . Huddleston. Rodney, Pullum, Geoffrey K. 2002. The Cambridge grammar of the English language. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Ladousse, Gilian Porter. 2000. Role Play. - [12. ed.]. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. Leech, Geoffrey, Svartvik, Jan. 1994. A communicative grammar of English - 2nd. ed. - London ; New York : Longman Murphy Raymond. 1994. English Grammar in Use : A self-study Reference And Practice Book For Intermediate Students. - 2nd. ed. - New York : Cambridge University Press. Quirk, Randolph [et al.]. 2005. A comprehensive grammar of the English language; index by David Crystal. - [20th impr.]. London ; New York : Longman. Robinson, Carole, Parker, Helen. 1991. Themes for listening and speaking. - 5th impression. - Oxford : Oxford University Press. FCE Exams Countdown to First Certificate : student's book / Michael Duckworth, Kathy Gude. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1999. FCE use of English 1 : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 2nd impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2009. FCE use of English 1 / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2000. FCE use of English 2 : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 2nd impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2009. FCE use of English 2 / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2001. First Certificate gold : coursebook / Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess. - Harlow : Longman, 1998. First Certificate gold : coursebook / Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess. - Harlow : Longman, 1998. First Certificate gold : coursebook / Richard Acklam, Sally Burgess. - New Edition. - Harlow : Longman, 2000. First Certificate gold with key : exam maximiser / Sally Burgess, Richard Acklam. - Harlow : Longman, 1996. First Certificate gold with key : exam maximiser / Sally Burgess, Richard Acklam. - Polish Edition. - Harlow : Longman, 2000. First Certificate practice tests plus : with key / N. Kenny, L. Luque-Mortimer. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2000. First Certificate star : student's book / Luke Prodromou. - Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching, 1998. Focus on First Certificate : practice tests with guidance for the revised exam / Sue O'Connel. - Harlow : Longman, 1999. New First Certificate gold : coursebook / Jacky Newbrook, Judith Wilson, Richard Acklam. - Harlow : Longman, 2004. Ready for FCE [Dokument elektroniczny] : class CDs / Roy Norris. - Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, cop. 2001. Ready for FCE [Dokument elektroniczny] : class CDs / Roy Norris. - Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, cop. 2001. Ready for FCE [Dokument elektroniczny] : class CDs / Roy Norris. - Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, cop. 2001. Subject: Practical English 3 year Winter semester Contents Academic writing Narrative and descriptive paragraph Narrative essay, descriptive essay Review Article Advertisement Summary Integrated skills / Conversation Level C1 Suggested topics: environment holidays art music architecture nature economy feasts and festivals transport Advanced vocabulary ◊ Words confused or misused (false friends) ◊ Word formation ◊ Adjectives ending in –ible, - able, and –uble ◊ Adjectives ending in –ive ◊ Adjectives ending in –ous ◊ Adjectives and verbs ending in –ate ◊ Words with variable stress and pronunciation ◊ Prefixes and suffixes ◊ Compound words ◊ ◊ ◊ Bibliography Homonyms Homophones Related word groups PRIMARY Alexander L. G., Longman Advanced Grammar. Graver, B. D. 1991. Advanced English Practice, Oxford University Press Harrison, Mark. 1990. Word Perfect vocabulary for fluency. Nelson. O`Connell, Sue. 1999. Focus on Advanced English C.A.E : practice tests with guidance.- revised edition. - Harlow : Longman. O`Connell, Sue. 1999. Focus on Advanced English C.A.E : revised and updated.- Harlow : Longman, Smalley, Regina L., Ruetten Mary K., Kozyrev, Joann Rishel. 2000. Refining Composition Skills : Rhetoric and Grammar 5th. ed. - Boston : Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Wallwork Adrian. 1999. Discussions A-Z Advanced : A resource book of speaking activitiess Syndicate ; Teacher`s Book /. - [Wyd.3]. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Watcyn Jones, Peter, 1988. Test Your Vocabulary 4, Penguin English. Watcyn Jones, Peter, 1991. Test Your Vocabulary 5, Penguin English. Wellman, Guy. The Heinemann English ELT Wordbuilder. SECONDARY: Alexander, L.G. 2007. Longman advanced grammar : reference and practice - 137th impression. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman. Hewings, Martin. 2009. Advanced grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English : with answers - 2nd ed., 8th print. - Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. Karant, Priscilla. 1999. Grammar through stories. - Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. Walton, Richard. 1999. Advanced English C.A.E : grammar practice : revised and updated ; series ed. Sue O'Connell. Harlow : Pearson Education. Vince, Michael. 1998. Advanced language practice. - Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann. CAE EXAMS CAE testbuilder / Amanda French. - Oxford : Macmillan Education, 2003. CAE testbuilder : with answer key / Amanda French. - Oxford : Macmillan Education, 2003. CAE practice tests [DOKUMENT ELEKTRONICZNY] / Charles Osborne. - [Boston] : Thomson, cop. 2007. CAE practice tests [DOKUMENT ELEKTRONICZNY] / Charles Osborne. - [Boston] : Thomson, cop. 2007. CAE practice tests [DOKUMENT ELEKTRONICZNY] / Charles Osborne. - [Boston] : Thomson, cop. 2007. Subject: Practical English 3 year Spring semester Contents Academic writing Writing a thesis Bibliography Quotations and footnotes Integrated skills and conversation Level C1 Suggested topics environment holidays art music architecture nature economy feasts and festivals transport Advanced vocabulary Phrasal and prepositional verbs Compound nouns related to phrasal verbs Idioms and proverbs Tests preparing for CAE: 1. paraphrasing 2. word –building 3. cloze test Bibliography PRIMARY Alexander L. G., Longman Advanced Grammar. Graver, B. D. 1991. Advanced English Practice, Oxford University Press Harrison, Mark. 1990. Word Perfect vocabulary for fluency. Nelson. O`Connell, Sue. 1999. Focus on Advanced English C.A.E : practice tests with guidance.- revised edition. - Harlow : Longman. O`Connell, Sue. 1999. Focus on Advanced English C.A.E : revised and updated.- Harlow : Longman, Smalley, Regina L., Ruetten Mary K., Kozyrev, Joann Rishel. 2000. Refining Composition Skills : Rhetoric and Grammar 5th. ed. - Boston : Heinle & Heinle Publishers. Wallwork Adrian. 1999. Discussions A-Z Advanced : A resource book of speaking activitiess Syndicate ; Teacher`s Book /. - [Wyd.3]. - Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. Watcyn Jones, Peter, 1988. Test Your Vocabulary 4, Penguin English. Watcyn Jones, Peter, 1991. Test Your Vocabulary 5, Penguin English. Wellman, Guy. The Heinemann English ELT Wordbuilder. SECONDARY Alexander, L.G. 2007. Longman advanced grammar : reference and practice - 137th impression. - Edinburgh Gate ; Harlow : Longman. Hewings, Martin. 2009. Advanced grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for advanced learners of English : with answers - 2nd ed., 8th print. - Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. Karant, Priscilla. 1999. Grammar through stories. - Cambridge [etc.] : Cambridge University Press. Walton, Richard. 1999. Advanced English C.A.E : grammar practice : revised and updated ; series ed. Sue O'Connell. Harlow : Pearson Education. Vince, Michael. 1998. Advanced language practice. - Oxford : Macmillan Heinemann. CAE EXAMS CAE testbuilder / Amanda French. - Oxford : Macmillan Education, 2003. CAE testbuilder : with answer key / Amanda French. - Oxford : Macmillan Education, 2003. CAE practice tests [DOKUMENT ELEKTRONICZNY] / Charles Osborne. - [Boston] : Thomson, cop. 2007. CAE practice tests [DOKUMENT ELEKTRONICZNY] / Charles Osborne. - [Boston] : Thomson, cop. 2007. CAE practice tests [DOKUMENT ELEKTRONICZNY] / Charles Osborne. - [Boston] : Thomson, cop. 2007. Subject: Practical English 1 year MA studies Winter semester Contents: Academic writing ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Article Essay Summary Quotes, paraphrasing, bibliography Copyright Conversation Suggested topics Set 1 Crime 1. What is the best way to deal with juvenile crime such as joyriding, vandalism, graffiti? 2. How strict should the law be with people who drink and drive? 3. Is a young offender as difficult to reform as an old one? Set 2 Crime 1. Do you think that strict punishments (the death penalty, severe punishment for even minor offences) and severe prison conditions help to keep the level of crime down? 2. Should prisoners work for their upkeep or should the government feed and dress them? 3. What measures could be taken to prevent football hooliganism in Poland? Set 3 Science and Technology 1. Can you imagine a world without the mobile phones, the television, or the Internet? How has technology changed our lives? 2. Which household appliances get used most in your house? Are some appliances and gadgets an unnecessary luxury? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of technology for our health? Set 4 Science and Technology 1. What things are best done by computers? What things are not done well by computers at the present time? 2. What do you use a computer for? 3. “Science is more important than religion in today’s world.” Discuss Set 5 The Arts and Entertainment 1. Do you think that the tax payer should have to support the arts? For example, why should a football fan have to pay for opera? 1. In what ways were you encouraged to appreciate the arts at home and at school? 2. Which country would you visit to appreciate the arts? What would you plan to see? Set 6 The Arts and Entertainment 1. Do you like abstract art? Do you think art should always be easy to understand? Why? 2. What is a blockbuster? What kind of plot, setting, characters do blockbusters typically have? Describe a best-seller you know. How difficult do you think it would be to write a ‘best-seller’? 3. A famous British scientist and TV producer Sir David Attenborough once said that 'the mission of public television is to educate’ To what extent do you agree with his opinion? Set 7 Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination 1. What is a stereotype? Why do stereotypes exist? How do stereotypes affect the way people are perceived? 2. Can you think of any events in history that were influenced by stereotypes and biases? 3. How do people learn to make stereotypes? How might they unlearn them? Set 8 Stereotypes, Prejudices and Discrimination How can the media (newspapers, television, movies) help to reduce stereotyping? 5. Do you think certain groups are more subject to stereotyping than others? If so, why? 6. Are some stereotypes good? Others bad? Are some stereotypes true? Others false? 4. Set 9 Education 1. What is the purpose of education? What does it mean to be an educated person? 2. What is the main role of education for you? What was missing from your own education? 3. Should education be a tool for creating a more egalitarian society (egalitarian = affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people)? Set 10 Education 1. What makes a good teacher? Which of ideas are more important: “a good teacher: a) knows his/her subject very well, b) gives interesting lessons, makes sure the classroom is tidy and attractive, c) always prepare his/her lesson.” Think of at least four more characteristics of a good teacher. 2. What do you think is the biggest problem that teachers face in your country? 3. What aspects of teaching practice do you think is the most challenging? Set 11 The Media, Advertising 1. In Britain, tabloid newspapers, which contain mostly gossip and pin-ups of good-looking women and men, sell many more copies than serious newspapers. Do readers in your country have the same interests? 2. Do reporters and photographers respect the private lives of famous people in your country? How much freedom should the press be allowed by law? 3. Is there a bias towards any particular political party or interest group in your country’s media? Set 12 The Media, Advertising 1. Should governments act to control the Internet or should it be uncensored? 2. Which reality shows are you familiar with in your country? Do you enjoy watching any of them? Why (not)? In your opinion, why are reality shows popular? 3. To what extent do the media in your country encourage the “cult of celebrity”? Set 13 Travel 1. Read the quote by the contemporary travel writer, Paul Theroux: “Travel is only glamorous in retrospect.” How far do you agree or disagree? 2. Have you ever travelled as part of a group? What are the advantages and disadvantages of? What problems do group organisers have? 3. Is organised travel the best way of learning about the world? Set 14 Travel 1. Paraphrase the following quotation: “When we travel we learn about ourselves as well as the places we visit.” Do you agree with? Why? Discuss. 2. Is there anywhere you would particularly like to visit? Why? 3. What is meant by the term ecotourism? Set 15 Health: Addictions 1. What does it mean to be addicted to something? Think of substances that cause addiction. Consider how different systems in the body react as a person becomes chemically dependent. 2. Why do you think people get addicted to all kinds of things, including drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, bodybuilding, shopping, sex, etc.? Is addiction a serious problem? 3. Genetic research has shown that some people inherit a predisposition to addiction. What precautions can be taken to avoid chemical reliance? Set 16 Health: Addictions 1. Why do you think people experiment with drugs? Why do they think some young people go from experimentation and social use to more serious drug dependency? 2. Should people who have damaged their health through smoking or drinking be at the back of the queue for expensive treatments? 3. Why is it unreasonable to say: “I’ll never become addicted because I know I’ll stop in time.”? Set 17 Relationships 1. Are you for or against trial marriages, i.e. living together outside marriage to test your compatibility? 2. Do you think that marriage should be for life? Should divorce be made easier or more difficult? 3. Why do you think that the divorce rate has become so high in Britain and many other countries? Set 18 Relationships 1. Is it better to marry someone of the same educational, social, cultural and racial background? 2. How important is the religious aspect of marriage to you? Which aspects are more important, if any? 3. Should it be legal to marry someone of the same sex? Should marriages between gay and lesbian partners be recognised by the church? READING AND ANALYSIS OF PRESS ARTICLES Course content: Introduction to the course. Discourse of mass media communication, functions and characteristics of mediated communication. Selling myths. Analysis of print media discourse - newspapers, magazines, etc. Selling stories. Analysis of print journalism. Selling products. Print advertising. Bibliography: PRIMARY ◊ Evans, Virginia, Scott, Sally. 1998. Listening and speaking skills 1 : for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam : student's book / Virginia Evans, Sally Scott. - Swansea : Express Publishing. ◊ Evans, Virginia. 2009. Successful writing : proficiency. - 5th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2009. ◊ Evans, Virginia. Scott, Sally. 1998. Listening and speaking skills 2 : for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam : student's book - Swansea : Express Publishing. ◊ Gude Kathy, Duckworth, Michael. 2003 Proficiency masterclass : student's book. - [3rd ed.]. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. ◊ Morris, Susan, Stanton, Alan. 2001.The Nelson proficiency course. - Revised edition. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited. ◊ Chosen text from press to be analysed SECONDARY CPE EXAMS CPE : use of English : examination practise / Virginia Evans. Swansea : Express Publishing, 1998. CPE : use of English : examination practise : teacher`s guide / Virginia Evans. - Swansea : Express Publishing, [2000]. CPE use of English 1 : for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 4th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2008. CPE use of English 1 : for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination : student's book / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2006. READING AND ANALYSIS OF PRESS ARTICLES BARRETT, Edward – REDMOND, Marie (editors). 1995. Contextual Media : Multimedia and Interpretation. 1st ed. Cambridge; London : MIT Press, 1995. 262 p. ISBN 0-26202383-0. BARTHES, Roland. 2004. Mytologie [Mythologies]. Translated by J. Fulka. 1st ed. Praha : Dokořán, 2004. 170 p. ISBN 8086560-73-X. BAUDRILLARD, Jean. 1994. Simulacra and Simulation. Translated by S. F. Glaser. 1st ed. Michigan : University of Michigan, 1994. 164 p. ISBN: 0-472-06521-1. BELL, Allan. 1998. The Discourse Structure of News Stories. In BELL, A., GARRETT, P. (editors). Approaches to Media Discourse. 1st ed. Oxford; Malden : Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998. p. 64-104. ISBN 0-631-19888-1. BIGNELL, Jonathan. 2002. Media Semiotics : An Introduction. 2nd ed. Manchester; New York : Manchester University Press, 2002. 241 p. ISBN 0-7190-6205-5. COOK, Guy. 1992. The Discourse of Advertising. 1st ed. London; New York : Routledge, 1992. 250 p. ISBN 0-41504171-6. EDGINTON, Beth – MONTGOMERY, Martin. 1996. The Media. 1st ed. London : The British Council, 1996. 155 p. ISBN 0-86355-177-7. FAIRCLOUGH, Norman. 1995. Media Discourse. 1st ed. London; New York; Sydney; Auckland : Edward Arnold, 1995. 214 p. ISBN 0-340-63222-4. FULTON, Helen at al. 2005. Narrative and Media. 1st ed. Melbourne; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. 329 p. ISBN 0-521-61742-1. GODDARD, Angela. 1998. The Language of Advertising : Written Texts. 1st ed. London; New York : Routledge, 1998. 134 p. ISBN 0-415-14598-8. KRESS, Gunther – Van LEEUVEN, Theo. 1996. Reading Images : The Grammar of Visual Design. 1st ed. London; New York : Routledge, 1996. 289 p. ISBN 0-415-10600. LACEY, Nick. 1998. Image and Representation : Key Concepts in Media Studies. 1st ed. Basingstoke; New York : Palgrave, 1998. 256 p. ISBN 0-333-64436-0. LACEY, Nick. 2000. Narrative and Genre : Key Concepts in Media Studies. 1st ed. Basingstoke; New York : Palgrave, 2000. 268 p. ISBN 0-333-65872-8. Subject: Practical English 1 year MA studies Spring semester Contents: Academic writing ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Article Essay Summary Quotes, paraphrasing, bibliography Copyright Conversation Suggested topics: 1. Is censorship a necessary evil? Discuss pros and cons. 2. To what extent does the state have the right to dictate what teachers teach? Discuss. 3. "Tango makes Three" should be banned. Discuss. 4. What influence does the Roman Catholic Church have on Poland? 5. What are the pros and cons of cloning? 6. Would you donate your organs? Why? Why not? 7. Why do people take anti-depressants? Discuss possible reasons. 8. What is your opinion about artificial insemination? Are you for or against? 9. Should parents be allowed to use Gene election? How could that affect their children? 10. Should we be able to genetically modify human beings? Discuss pros and cons. 11. Who will benefit from a "cashless" society? 12. Why would people enter into the business of human trafficking? Discuss possible reasons. 13. What rights should a terrorist have if any? Discuss. 14. What are the problems of a work-aholic? Is life – work balance necessary in life? 15. Which do you think is better: life long employment or company hopping? 16. Which do you think is better: self employment or working for someone? Give your opinion. 17. How has the English language come to dominate the world? 18. Second hand shops: great deals or dreadful rip-offs? Discuss. 19. What are the pros and cons of internet shopping? 20. List benefits and drawbacks of loans. 21. Discuss the differences between Polish and Hollywood film productions. 22. Is American culture dominating the world? Discuss. 23. Smoking should be banned in all public places? Discuss. 24. Investing is like gambling? Discuss. READING AND ANALYSIS OF PRESS ARTICLES Course content: Introduction to the course. Discourse of mass media communication, functions and characteristics of mediated communication. Selling myths. Analysis of print media discourse - newspapers, magazines, etc. Selling stories. Analysis of print journalism. Selling products. Print advertising. Bibliography: PRIMARY ◊ Evans, Virginia, Scott, Sally. 1998. Listening and speaking skills 1 : for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam : student's book / Virginia Evans, Sally Scott. - Swansea : Express Publishing. ◊ Evans, Virginia. 2009. Successful writing : proficiency. 5th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2009. ◊ Evans, Virginia. Scott, Sally. 1998. Listening and speaking skills 2 : for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam : student's book - Swansea : Express Publishing. ◊ Gude Kathy, Duckworth, Michael. 2003 Proficiency Masterclass : student's book. - [3rd ed.]. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. ◊ Morris, Susan, Stanton, Alan. 2001.The Nelson proficiency course. - Revised edition. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited. ◊ Chosen text from press to be analysed SECONDARY CPE EXAMS CPE : use of English : examination practise / Virginia Evans. Swansea : Express Publishing, 1998. CPE : use of English : examination practise : teacher`s guide / Virginia Evans. - Swansea : Express Publishing, [2000]. CPE use of English 1 : for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 4th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2008. CPE use of English 1 : for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination : student's book / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2006. READING AND ANALYSIS OF PRESS ARTICLES BARRETT, Edward – REDMOND, Marie (editors). 1995. Contextual Media : Multimedia and Interpretation. 1st ed. Cambridge; London : MIT Press, 1995. 262 p. ISBN 0-26202383-0. BARTHES, Roland. 2004. Mytologie [Mythologies]. Translated by J. Fulka. 1st ed. Praha : Dokořán, 2004. 170 p. ISBN 8086560-73-X. BAUDRILLARD, Jean. 1994. Simulacra and Simulation. Translated by S. F. Glaser. 1st ed. Michigan : University of Michigan, 1994. 164 p. ISBN: 0-472-06521-1. BELL, Allan. 1998. The Discourse Structure of News Stories. In BELL, A., GARRETT, P. (editors). Approaches to Media Discourse. 1st ed. Oxford; Malden : Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998. p. 64-104. ISBN 0-631-19888-1. BIGNELL, Jonathan. 2002. Media Semiotics : An Introduction. 2nd ed. Manchester; New York : Manchester University Press, 2002. 241 p. ISBN 0-7190-6205-5. COOK, Guy. 1992. The Discourse of Advertising. 1st ed. London; New York : Routledge, 1992. 250 p. ISBN 0-41504171-6. EDGINTON, Beth – MONTGOMERY, Martin. 1996. The Media. 1st ed. London : The British Council, 1996. 155 p. ISBN 0-86355-177-7. FAIRCLOUGH, Norman. 1995. Media Discourse. 1st ed. London; New York; Sydney; Auckland : Edward Arnold, 1995. 214 p. ISBN 0-340-63222-4. FULTON, Helen at al. 2005. Narrative and Media. 1st ed. Melbourne; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005. 329 p. ISBN 0-521-61742-1. GODDARD, Angela. 1998. The Language of Advertising : Written Texts. 1st ed. London; New York : Routledge, 1998. 134 p. ISBN 0-415-14598-8. KRESS, Gunther – Van LEEUVEN, Theo. 1996. Reading Images : The Grammar of Visual Design. 1st ed. London; New York : Routledge, 1996. 289 p. ISBN 0-415-10600. LACEY, Nick. 1998. Image and Representation : Key Concepts in Media Studies. 1st ed. Basingstoke; New York : Palgrave, 1998. 256 p. ISBN 0-333-64436-0. LACEY, Nick. 2000. Narrative and Genre : Key Concepts in Media Studies. 1st ed. Basingstoke; New York : Palgrave, 2000. 268 p. ISBN 0-333-65872-8. Subject: Practical English 2 year MA studies Winter semester Contents: Integrated skills The aim of classes is to prepare students to CPE with the use of resources in bibliography. Bibliography: PRIMARY Evans, Virginia, Scott, Sally. 1998. Listening and speaking skills 1 : for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam : student's book / Virginia Evans, Sally Scott. - Swansea : Express Publishing. Evans, Virginia. Scott, Sally. 1998. Listening and speaking skills 2 : for the Cambridge Proficiency Exam : student's book Swansea : Express Publishing. Gude Kathy, Duckworth, Michael. 2003 Proficiency masterclass : student's book. - [3rd ed.]. - Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press. Morris, Susan, Stanton, Alan. 2001.The Nelson proficiency course. Revised edition. - Harlow : Pearson Education Limited. SECONDARY CPE exam papers CPE : use of English : examination practise / Virginia Evans. Swansea : Express Publishing, 1998. CPE : use of English : examination practise : teacher`s guide / Virginia Evans. - Swansea : Express Publishing, [2000]. CPE use of English 1 : for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination : student's book / Virginia Evans. - 4th impression. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2008. CPE use of English 1 : for the revised Cambridge Proficiency Examination : student's book / Virginia Evans. - Newbury : Express Publishing, 2006. Subject: Practical English 2 year MA studies Spring semester Contents: Presentations in English the aim of classes is to prepare students to give successful presentations in English: 1. Before we start 2. Knowing your audience 3. A clear objective 4. Brainstorming and choosing material 5. Rhetorical questions 6. A strong introduction 7. A clear structure 8. Spoken language 9. Body language 10. Visual aids 11. Rehearsal 12. Making Notes 13. Summarizing, concluding and closing 14. Asking for questions and answering them Bibliography: PRIMARY Williams, Erica. Presentations In English, Macmillan SECONDARY Students’ own materials
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