ERB STREET MENNONITE CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY APRIL 12, 2015 CALENDAR TODAY 9:45 am Worship Commitment John Fast, preaching 10:45 am Christian Education/Sunday School for all ages. No Assemby for the children. Zehrs/President’s Choice and Sobeys grocery cards for sale. Apr. 14 7:00 pm Church Ministry Council meets in David Eby room. Apr. 19 9:45 am Worship Commitment to God’s Mission to the World Jason Martin, preaching 10:45 am Christian Education/Sunday School for all ages. Zehrs/President’s Choice and Sobeys grocery cards for sale. 4:30 pm Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner event – see below for details. Apr. 21 10:00 am Newsletter Committee meets in David Eby room. 4:30 pm Pastor Staff Congregation Relations Committee meets in the David Eby room. Apr. 22 7:00 pm Christian Education and Formation Ministry meets in the Library. 7:00 pm Gift Discernment meets in the David Eby room. Apr. 26 9:45 am Worship Commitment to God and God’s Way Gary Knarr, preaching 10:45 am Christian Education/Sunday School for all ages. Zehrs/President’s Choice and Sobeys grocery cards for sale. Apr. 27 1:30 pm Erb Street Seniors meet. Organ and tissue donations can save and change lives. Come and hear Janet Parr, a heart recipient tell her story. Note the date change. MINISTRY & COMMITTEE ACTIVITIES GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER Sign up TODAY to be a host or guest for this fun intergenerational event Sunday April 19. Hosts cook dinner and guests bring dessert. Sign-up sheets are on both bulletin boards, upstairs and downstairs. The hosts won’t know who is coming for dinner until the guests appear at their door. Guests will receive an envelope at church on April 19th which they are to only open when leaving their home for the home of their hosts. It will have the address only of where you are going for dinner. Suggested start time is 4:30 pm. For food allergies, transportation needs or signing up, please contact Marianne and Jim Erb. A true Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner! Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) Annual Church Gathering The K-W Mennonite Ministerial is hosting the Annual Gathering April 24 and 25 at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate. Volunteers are needed in various ways: 1) Registration, set-up, ushering, lunch service, and clean-up. A sign-up sheet is in the foyer on the bulletin board or access MCEC’s online sign-up by going to member section of Rockway’s website. 2) Hosting: lodging for out of town guests. If you have a spare room available, go to: 3) Musicians and Singers for Worship, April 25. Contact Brandon Leis. He says, "the more, the merrier!” PEACE AND JUSTICE MINISTRY Women of ALL AGES are invited to WMCEC Enrichment Day Sat. April 18, 8:30-3:30 pm, Listowel Mennonite Church. Theme: Helping Vulnerable Women. Send registrations to Carol Martin. Include a non-refundable cheque for $30 which includes lunch, coffee and snacks.* New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale Promotion Dinner, Monday April 20, Bingeman’s. Speaker: Issa Sadi Embombolo, Founder of Mennonite Central Committee’s (MCC) Peace Clubs in Zambia. Tickets: $10. Tax receipts for contributions above ticket price. Contact Ken Jantzi. Advance ticket sales only by TODAY. VOLUNTEERS needed at this dinner Monday April 20. Task: remove dishes, cutlery from dinner tables, take to kitchen area where another group washes them. Please respond to Dick Ernst. New Hamburg Mennonite Relief Sale May 29 & 30! Run for Relief: Register for the 5k Run or 2k Walk. Play Music: Busking-style musicians are needed Friday evening or Saturday (contact Dan). Plants: Start plant cuttings and bulbs now, and bring them to our Plant Tent at the Sale. Details of these opportunities to get involved can be found at our website ( 40th Annual Kitchener-Waterloo & Area Interfaith Community Breakfast (formerly Community Prayer Breakfast), Wednesday April 29, Waterloo Inn and Conference Hotel. Doors open at 7:00 am; program 7:30 to 8:30 am. Guest speaker: Debbie Lou Ludolph. Topic: "Singing Our Way toward Building Community." Tickets: $20 or 4/$75 available by mail or in person from Erb & Good Family Funeral Home and at various other locations.* Shalom Counselling Services Fundraising Breakfast, Saturday May 2, 8:30 am, Waterloo North Mennonite Church (100 Benjamin Rd, Waterloo). Speaker: Orlando Da Silva, President of the Ontario Bar Association; Title: “A Successful Depression.” Cost: $20 (subsidized tickets available for students/underemployed). Call 519.886.9690 or [email protected] by April 23 for tickets.* Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) - Great news! The house on 123 Duke Street East in downtown Kitchener has received an Occupancy Permit. The owner has been able to move back into the house while some finishing touches of painting and finish woodwork are taking place. Thank you to all for your support. STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE COMMITTEE Solar Panel Financial Statement as at March 31, 2015, posted on the downstairs bulletin board.* CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR ALL AGES CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL April 12 – June 7th, 2015 In preparation to share our space with Shalom we have moved Sunday school classrooms. We welcome any suggestions/questions about the arrangements during this time of transition. Age/Grade Preschool Grades 1-5 Room Room 1 “Nursery” Jr. Youth Youth David Eby Room Library Leaders Darlene and Marianne Glenda Ribey Rozomiak and Eleanor Snyder Vic Krahn Jane Snyder Room 2 has been set up as a toddler/baby area. The rocking chair from the Nursery will be in the J. B. Martin Room. The children and youth will continue to have snack before Sunday school begins. Preschool, Jr. Youth and Youth will pick up the snack in the kitchen. Grades 1-5 will have snack in the “nursery”. *May 17th, 2015 will be an Intergenerational Sunday School YOUNG ADULT/ADULT 8 week electives: April 12 – May 31, 2015 Class begins at 11:10 am, following coffee and conversation 1 - Self-Care: Healing Practices for Body, Mind, and Spirit. In this series we will consider various ways we can care for ourselves in the midst of busy schedules and/or family and work stresses. Each week a presenter will tell of a practice of self-care and how it can provide healing. These practices include meditation, Qi Gong, massage, counseling, and prayer. Be prepared to participate in exercises each week. April 12: Meditation/Mindfulness Facilitator: Anna Marie Cipriani J. B. Martin room 2 - Commitment: During the months of April and May, we will have a worship series on the theme of Commitment, and will offer an Adult Elective that will explore the themes of these worship services such as: Commitment to God and God’s Way, Commitment to God’s Work in the World, Commitment to Creation Care, Commitment to our Neighbouring Community, Commitment to the Life and Mission of our Congregation, Commitment to Family. Facilitator: Gary Knarr Fellowship Hall VACATION BIBLE CAMP July 13-17. Visit our website for details. "MESSAGE RECEIVED! HEARING GOD'S CALL.” Registration for participants and volunteers online. Any questions, contact Glenda. WANTED: Grocery store gift cards to purchase nutritious snacks for VBC. Snacks are served daily at VBC and gift cards would help to keep costs down. Any gift card amount gladly accepted. Contact Glenda. House of Friendship Trek4Kids - Hikers and bikers are invited to sign-up and promote HOF’s 10th annual Tek 4 Kids Hike and Bike Saturday, May 2, 2:00 pm, at Thrift on Kent (50 Kent Ave., Kitchener). Sign-up today and give children living on low income an experience of a lifetime. There are paper pledge forms for Trek4Kids on the grey table in the foyer. Please use the blue Sunday school offering envelopes to make a donation to Trek4Kids. It would be awesome to have "Team Erb Street". Please let Glenda know if you are interested. PROPERTY & FACILITIES COMMITTEE Spring Cleanup, at our church, Saturday April 25, 9:00am-noon. Bring a rake and join our annual cleanup of the church grounds. All ages are welcome to help sweep, trim, tidy, and re-mulch. Questions: contact Bob Wildfong. Volunteers Needed to help with Lawnmowing We are looking for volunteers to take a turn during the summer mowing the grass at the church and/or cemetery. Sign up for a week or two, at your convenience. Training, equipment, and fresh air provided. Contact Bob Wildfong for more information. Offering Update as of April 5, 2015 Offering incl average of AFT Current Week Year to Date $6,455.00 $75,061.11 Budget $6,399.52 $89,593.27 Ahead of Budget (Behind Budget) $55.48 ($14,532.16) COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES The Erb Street Slo-pitch team participates in the K-W Mennonite Men’s Slo-pitch league which plays at the Bloomingdale ball diamonds on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. We have the best fans in the league so if you want to try out for a fan position there are open spots but the competition for those spots is fierce!! Our current fans would coach you in proper behaviour (most of the time), which snacks are slo-pitch appropriate and anything you need to know in order to have a great night out. We need more players as numbers from Erb Street are low. Contact Victor Krahn. Mennonite Savings and Credit Union Annual meeting, Tuesday April 14, 6:30 pm, Creekside Church (660 Conservation Dr., Waterloo).* Taizé Song Service, Sunday April 26, 7:30 pm, Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church (57 Stirling Ave.) First Hmong Mennonite Church Spring Roll Fundraiser to support various ministries in their church. Place your order on the sheet on the bulletin board by April 24. Pick up your order Saturday May 2, 10:00 am-2:00 pm at First Hmong Mennonite Church. Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp’s Spring Seniors’ Retreat Days* will be held on April 27th and 28th (the same program offered both days). Mark Diller Harder leads in, “SINGING OUR FAITH: Heart Songs and Hymnals”. A day of worship, learning and fellowship. Information 519.625.8602, [email protected], or Space is limited, please register by April 20th. Inter-Mennonite Children’s Choir concert Sunday May 3, 3:00 pm, Breslau Mennonite Church (226 Woolwich St., Breslau). Tickets: $10 each, $5 for children (5-18) and available at the door. An afternoon of inspiration with sacred texts from the book of Psalms.* Conrad Grebel University College is offering an intensive Theological Studies course on “Baptism: Ecumenical Perspectives,” taught by John Rempel, May 19-22, 25-29. The church of Christ can’t agree whether infants can be baptized or only those who confess a personal faith. The biggest reason for this is that each side has a different view of the church. Enter the dynamic of dialogues on this topic among Mennonites, Lutherans, Catholics, listen deeply, criticize honestly, learn from each other. Auditors welcome. Info: Birgit, 519.885.0220 x24264, [email protected] Paddle the Grand, Saturday May 9: Silver Lake Mennonite Camp’s major annual fundraising event. Enjoy a 2 hour down river paddle from West Montrose to Kaufman Flats through some of Waterloo Regions most beautiful countryside. To register or donate visit or call 519.422.1401. Arts & Adventure Camp Silver Lake Mennonite Camp from July 12-25. Join skilled volunteers as they lead sessions including: woodworking, construction, yoga, guitar, drama, visual arts, mountain biking, jewellery making, wilderness survival plus many more and plenty of time for traditional camp activities such as swimming, canoeing, sailing, crafts and nature. Info or call519.422.1401. Campership subsidies are available. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Canadian Mennonite University invites inquiries and applications for the full-time salaried position of Admissions Counselor, anticipated start date August 17, 2015. Applications should be submitted immediately and will be accepted until this position is filled. Visit for details. Floradale Mennonite Church positions available: Associate Pastor, Music Ministry Worker, and Youth Worker. Refer to for complete job descriptions. Questions and/or resume to [email protected]. Application deadline: May 1. *Check bulletin board and literature table for more information. Visit Church Office phone 519.886.3570
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