March 22, 2015 - Calgary First Mennonite Church

Looking Ahead...
12:00 pm
Thur., March 26
7:00 pm
Bell Choir Practice
Friday, March 27
11:30 am
Seniors’ Potluck with Rudy Sr. sharing his story
Sun., March 29
Palm Sunday
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Sunday School for all ages
Worship Service with Pastor Ed
Coffee Time
Thur., April 2
7:00 pm
Bell Choir Practice
Friday, April 3
Good Friday
10:00 am
Inter-Mennonite Good Friday Service
*at Bethany Chapel - 3333 Richardson Way SW*
Sunday, April 5
Easter Sunday
9:00 am
11:00 am
Easter Breakfast
Easter Egg Hunt for the children (No Sunday School)
Worship Service with Pastor Ed
Thur., April 9
7:00 pm
Bell Choir Practice
Sunday, April 12
6:00 pm
Helping Hands Women in Mission Fundraiser
Potluck & Baby Shower - downstairs
April 17 & 18
Spring Clean-up at First Mennonite Church
Saturday, May 2
Highway Clean-up - stay tuned for more details
Sunday, June 21
11:00 am
Church Picnic (Potluck) at Camp Valaqua
No service at First Mennonite Church
GOOD FRIDAY INTER-MENNONITE SERVICE – April 3 at 10:00 am at Bethany
Chapel (3333 Richardson Way SW). We will revisit the passion of our Lord
through the theme, “Mirror, Mirror on the Cross”. An offering will be received for
MCC’s ongoing work & emergency assistance to people affected by violence & displacement in Ukraine. Plan to join us in remembering Christ’s death on our behalf,
and anticipate the celebration of His resurrection.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind.” Romans 12:2a NIV
2600 Richmond Road SW, Calgary, AB. T3E 4M3
Phone: 403-249-8784
Fax: 403-249-9722
Email: [email protected]
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Pastor: Ed Kauffman
Home: 403-500-9924 Cell: 587-226-5061
Email: [email protected]
Children’s Worker: Christine Hansplant
Email: [email protected]
March 22, 2015
Sunday School Classes ~ 10:00
Worship Service ~ 11:00 am
Ages 3 - Grade 1
Grades 2 - 5
Grades 6 - 12
Adult - Uniform Series
Lent 5: Letting the seed coats decay
We Gather for Worship
Galilee (Lower Sunday School Wing; left side)
Egypt (Upper Sunday School Wing, right side)
Jericho (Upper Sunday School Wing, left side)
Main floor Sunday School Wing, end of hall
Candle Lighting
Praise & Prayer Notes
Call to Worship
Hymns of Gathering
My soul cries out (STS #124)
Create in me a clean heart (Projected)
We Listen for God’s Word
Children’s Feature
Bernie Feddema
Reading the Word
Jeremiah 31: 31 - 34 and John 12: 20 - 33
Call to Authenticity
Projected & Insert
Mennonite Church Canada: Tom & Christine Poovong provide pastoral leadership to a new Mennonite church in Thailand and they recently opened a nursery for
children 3 months - 3 years old. Pray that this business venture will be a good reflection of Christ in the community & will become strong enough to sustain the
ministry of the church. To support their ministry, visit the Mennonite Church Canada website and follow the links to donate to projects by country.
Eugen Rast - please contact the church office for details.
Call to Grace
Hymn of Worship
In the bulb there is a flower (HWB #614)
Reader’s Theatre
“Letting Go”
Pastor Ed
We Respond to God and Each Other
Hymn of Response
Refiner’s Fire (Projected)
Offering our Gifts
Sharing Joys and Concerns
Pastoral Prayer
We Go Out as God’s Missionaries
Sharing Church Life
Call to Commitment
Hymn of Sending
Projected & Insert
Here I am, Lord (HWB #395)
Worship Leader: Kelly Janz
Song Leader: Moni Janssen
Reader’s Theatre:
Bernie & Elise Feddema; Moni & Jade Janssen
Join us downstairs today following the service for a
Potluck & Baby Shower.
Here at First
Don’t miss the Seniors’ Potluck this Friday, March 27 at 11:30 am. Rudy
Janssen Sr. will share his story.
Sunday School classes are cancelled for Easter Sunday. Join us at 9:00 am for
Easter Breakfast, followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the children prior to the
11:00 am worship service.
“Hide It Under a Bushel - NO!” Helping Hands Fundraiser April 12 - 6:00 pm
We are looking for people of any age who are not hiding their talent. Please let
Birgitt Thiessen, Gay Kauffman or Lisa Burgess know if you are willing to share
your talent with us for the fundraiser. The Rosthern Junior College Choir will be
performing at the fundraiser.
Host families are needed to billet members of the Rosthern Junior College Choir
on Sunday evening, April 12. This will include lodging, breakfast, and transportation to Menno Simons Christian School on Monday morning. If you can help,
please sign up on the sheet on the desk in the foyer. Thank you for your help.
Spring Clean-up at First Mennonite will take place on April 17 & 18. There will
be jobs for everyone, so please mark the dates on your calendars and help out if
you can. Details will come later. Contact Karen Janz if you have any questions.