Essex County Demonstration Farm 2014 Annual Report Essex County Demonstration Farm The Essex Region Conservation Authority (ERCA) and partners from the agricultural community established the Essex County Demonstration Farm (ECDF) at Holiday Beach Conservation Area in 1996. Since then the project has received considerable support and interest from the agricultural community. The goal of the farm has been to demonstrate best management practices and innovative technologies that will conserve soil, maintain productivity, improve water quality and quantity, and illustrate that farming and the environment can coexist. Together with its partner organizations, the Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association (ESCIA), Ontario Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Rural Affairs, Agri-Food and Agriculture Canada, and various private sector organizations, the ECDF has focused on demonstrating on-going issues and techniques within the agricultural community. In this respect, the farm has undertaken projects that were of interest to the agricultural partners as well as the farming community in Essex County. In addition, it has incorporated natural habitat demonstrations that reflect the diversity of ecosystems in the Essex region. It provides a forum for the agricultural community to work together and communicate innovative techniques to each other and landowners. By working as a team, ERCA hopes that information on agricultural issues, such as crop varieties, nutrient management, genetically modified products, and best management practices (BMPs) can be more effectively demonstrated and understood by farmers that deal with these issues on a daily basis. Therefore, the role of ECDF is to incorporate the ideas and projects of the partner organizations, to bind these organizations together resulting in effective communication between partners as well as with the agricultural community in the Essex Region. Contact Information Essex Region Conservation Authority Michael Dick, ERCA (519) 776-5209 ex 369 [email protected] Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association Jerome Deslippe (519) 736-2674 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Tom Welacky, Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre (519) 738-2251 ex 469 [email protected] Dr. C. S. Tan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 519-738-2251 ex 475 [email protected] Ontario Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Rural Affairs Adam Hayes (519) 674-1621 [email protected] 2 3 2014 Plot Summary Field A Organization: Contact: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Tom Welacky, Greenhouse and Processing Crops Research Centre Plot A1 - Ontario Soybean Variety Trials ( AAFC) Results: Published in the 2014 Soybean Variety Trials as the Malden Site Plot A2 - Soil Amendment & Crop Rotation Plot Crop: Oats, rotational crop Field B Alfalfa Demonstration Organization: Contact: Crop: Plot Size: Row Width: Variety: Planting Date: Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association Michael Dick, ERCA Alfalfa 8.0 acres 7.5 inch 1) Pioneer – 45Q32 2) Pioneer – 55V50 3) General – Quest 4) General - Performer August 20, 2013 4 Field C ICAT Plot - Corn Organization: Contact: Crop: Previous Crop: Plot Size: Tillage: Planting Rate: Row Width: Planting Date: Fertilizer: Herbicide: Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association Michael Dick, ERCA & Jerome Deslippe, ESCIA Corn Soybeans 7.5 acres No till 32,000 seeds/acre 30 inch spacing May 29 Broadcast: 5.1-24-32.3 – 215 lb/ac May 26 Starter: 6-24-6-0.2 Zn in 2x2 (9.0 US gal/acre) at planting Sidedress: 138 lb actual N as 28% UAN - June 26 Burndown - Weathermax & Marksman – May 26 In crop – Weathermax – drop nozzles – July 4 Harvested Date: Results: Company Hybrid Croplan Pride Hyland Dekalb Croplan Country Farm Maizex NK Pioneer Croplan Croplan Field D 6175VT A8220G2 8695RA DKC61-89 6175VT CF 747 5562DBR N61P-3000GT PO216AM 6175VT 6175VT Moisture Wet Weight Plot Length Plot % lbs. ft. Width in. 28.0 25.6 29.0 30.0 27.2 26.4 26.9 28.5 23.4 27.5 26.8 6105 6005 6700 6875 6095 6165 6040 6470 5950 6515 6890 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 930 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 170.2 167.4 186.8 191.7 169.9 171.9 168.4 180.4 165.9 181.6 192.1 Yield bu/ac Test Pop. '000 Stalks Weight lbs Lodged 144.18 146.54 156.03 157.85 145.54 148.83 144.82 151.74 149.49 154.93 165.43 28.5 27.5 28.5 27 25.5 28 27.5 20.5 27 27 ISAT Plot - Soybeans Organization: Contact: Crop: Previous Crop: Plot Size: Tillage: Planting Rate: Row Width: Planting Date: Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association Michael Dick, ERCA & Jerome Deslippe, ESCIA Soybeans Corn 7.9 acres No till 190,000 seeds/acre 7 inch twin rows @ 30 inch spacing June 10 5 Deer/racoon Damage some Bird Damage Weed Control good good good good good good good good good good good May 26 – Weathermax, 2,4-D and Canopy Pro July 11 - In crop - Weathermax October 30 Herbicide: Harvested Date: Results: Essex County Demonstration Farm - Holiday Beach Field D ICAT Soybean Variety Trial Company Variety Country Farm CF60 Dekalb 32-61 Pride PS2393 Country Farm CF60 NK S31-L7 Hyland HS27RYS34 Pioneer 92Y83 Country Farm CF60 Moisture Weight Length Width* Yield % 14.1 14.0 14.2 13.8 14.0 13.6 13.4 13.2 lb 1070 2060 2560 2560 2210 2205 2185 1140 ft 683 693 693 693 693 693 693 693 ft 20 40 40 40 40 40 40 20 bu/acre 56.9 54.0 67.0 * 67.0 * 57.9 57.8 57.2 59.7 * possible electronic scale error Additional: Field D - wheat planted on November 3, 2014. Weathermax supplied by Monsanto. Flyway Tracking Network: Determining landscape use of migratory animals in eastern Canada. The Essex County Demonstration Farm was host to a Flyway Tracking tower. The Flyway Track Network is joint project of Bird Studies Canada (BSC), Western University, Acadia University, and the University of Guelph. The primary goal of the project is to establish a network of automated radio telemetry arrays throughout the Americas that will allow the real-time tracking of flying migratory animals throughout the land and seascape. 6 Harvested Previous Crop: Corn Planting Date: May 26 2014 Seeding Rate: 190,000 seeds/acre 7" Twin rows @ 30" spacing No Till Field E Controlled Drainage Organization: Contact: Crop: Previous Crop: Plot Size: Tillage: Planting Date: Planting Rate: Row Width: Hybrid/Variety: Fertilizer: Irrigation: Harvested Date: Results: Treatment 1. Controlled Drainage 2. Conventional Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association Michael Dick, ERCA & Jerome Deslippe, ESCIA Corn Wheat 3.2 No till May 29, 2014 32,000 seeds/ac 30 inch various 5.1-24-32.3 – 215 lb/ac broadcast May 26 6-24-6-0.2 Zn – 9.0 US gal/ac at planting. 28% – 46 gal/ac – June 26. Controlled drainage was used on one side to restrict tile water flow. Installed April 30; removed Sept 18. November 13, 2014. Moisture % Wet Weight lbs. Plot Length ft. Plot Width in. Yield bu/ac Weed Control 27.6 25.8 8405 8100 405 405 1080 1080 152.78 150.89 good good Field F Crop: Previous Crop: Plot Size: Planting Date: Tillage: Planting Rate: Row Width: Hybrid/Variety: Fertilizer: Harvested Date: Explanation: Corn Wheat 1.9 May 29, 2014 No till 32,000 seeds/acre 30 inch various 5.1-24-32.3 – 215 lb/ac broadcast May 26 6-24-6-0.2 Zn – 9.0 US gal/ac at planting. 28% – 46 gal/ac – June 26. November 13, 2014 This field was not used as a trial this year. 7 Comments main tile plugged in spring Field G Alfalfa Demonstration Organization: Contact: Crop: Previous Crop: Plot Size: Row Width: Hybrid/Variety: Essex Soil and Crop Improvement Association Michael Dick, ERCA Alfalfa Alfalfa 4 acres 7.5 inch 1) Country Farm – Dura Green 2) FS 7-99 (1acre) Planting Date: September 6, 2006 Explanation: This field was sprayed with roundup/diamba on October 10, 2014 to prepare for corn in 2015. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring The Essex Demonstration Farm participated in the 2014 Western Bean Cutworm trapping program. A pheromone trap was set up adjacent to Field D. The trap was checked 3 times per week from June 9 to September 15. Counts were reported on line to the Canadian Corn Pest Coalition website every Monday with a total 201 moths reported. Acknowledgements Thanks to plot co-operators: Jerome Deslippe and Tim Stratichuk. Special thanks to Jerome Deslippe for all his time and expertise. Thanks to the corporate sponsors: Cargill – Harrow 8 Maintenance and Improvements 2014 Native Species Shelterbelt - Front The front shelterbelt (next to Field D) consists of three rows: a center row of red cedar with a row of native shrubs on each side. The two rows of shrubs consist of red osier dogwood, nannyberry, alternate leaved dogwood, highbush cranberry, snowberry, silky dogwood and service berry 10 feet away from the cedar row, at a spacing of 7 feet between shrubs. The plantings were done November 15, 2006 using large stock. Mowing was done on either side of the shelterbelt but not between the rows. This was done in an effort to reduce deer browse. Native Species Windbreak The windbreak (next to Field F) consists of a single row of cedars inter-planted with hardwood trees and shrubs. The planting pattern is as follows: red cedar; native shrub; hardwood tree; native shrub; red cedar. The shrubs and hardwoods were planted November 15, 2006 into the existing row of cedars using large stock. Mowing was kept up on either side of the windbreak and many trees were restaked. Native Woodlot Demonstration The Native Woodlot area, along County Road 50, was inspected by ERCA’s Forester, on July 16, 2008. As most of the tree species are Ash, it was suggested that the trees be pruned of the dead trunks and limbs as well as well as the shoots at the base on some of the trees, leaving one ‘leader’. The area could then be used to demonstrate how infected Ash trees can re-grow. Small Plot Demonstrations Two small plot demonstrations were added in 2009 near the entrance. They consist of a miscanthus grass plot with two varieties, ‘Illinois’ and ‘Macaro’, and a two row switch grass plot. Identification signs were put up again this year. Arboretum Large stock trees were incorporated into the existing Ash planting rows last year but only in every other row, leaving approximately 16 feet between rows. This was done to help facilitate mowing of the grass in the future. Additional staking of the trees was done this fall. 9
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