April 1 - Evangelical Reformed United Church of Christ

hank you for worshipping with us this morning. We extend a special welcome
to our guests and ask that you complete a blue or yellow visitor’s card and
place it in the offering plate.
n the pew racks, are folders with information about the various aspects of the
service. If you are visiting, please feel free to reach out to someone sitting near
you and ask them questions about the service. Many of our visitors ask us about
the time of offering. This is a time in our service when we respond to God’s gifts of
love by offering the gifts of our lives. For many of us, this is when we make a
financial gift towards the ministries and programs of our church. We also use this
time to ask God how we might use the gifts of our hands and hearts in sharing
God’s love. If you are visiting, there is no obligation to give a financial gift. We
are just glad you are worshipping with us.
ll are invited to come down to the Social Room for refreshments and
conversations following the service.
e ask that you please silence your cell phones during our worship service.
here is much information about the church in this bulletin. For more
information on our history, programs, and recent photos, you can go to our
website: www.erucc.org.
hank you.
United Church of Christ
- An Open and Affirming Congregation –
5th Sunday in Lent
March 22, 2015
10:30 a.m.
The numbered hymns are from the Black Hymnal
†All who are able may stand.
Chimes Concert at 10:00a.m. from Trinity Chapel’s steeple
Greetings and Announcements
Prelude “Wondrous Love”
(Cambridge Handbell Choir)
- arr. D. E Wagner
†Call to Worship
Let us gather to worship.
O God, we wish to see Jesus!
We come to worship, to pray, and learn.
We come looking for Jesus in Scripture lessons,
in our own life experiences,
in helping our world,
in prayers for each other.
We seek to follow in the way of Jesus.
We lay bare before God and one another
our own wilderness journey
filled with some gladness and hope,
with reluctance and sorrow,
with fear and confusion.
O God, speak to us, show us, touch us with your presence!
Let our Lenten journey lead us to Jesus,
so that we may show Jesus forth
in our lives, our faith community, and our world.
†Opening Prayer (in unison)
God of the journey,
you invite us, the church,
“to accept the cost and joy of discipleship”
and “to be your servants in the service of others.”
In so doing, may your presence be our guide and Jesus our model.
May we respond to you in loving faithfulness. Amen
†Opening Hymn “Lift High the Cross”
- No. 198
Reception of New Members
- page 44
Thought for the Day
The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
(Teachers and children ages 4 through 2nd grades may be dismissed for
Children’s Church, in Parish House Conference Room, during the singing of
the hymn.)
The Scriptures
Jeremiah 31:31-34
John 12: 20-33
OT page 735
NT page 106
Call to Offering
Jesus compels us to join him in service to others.
Our church accepts the invitation and challenge
to show Jesus’ Way using the resources we share.
Let us give as we are able to the ministries of our church.
Offering of Tithes, Gifts and Lives to Christ’s Service
Offertory “Psalm 30”
(Cambridge Handbell Choir)
- J. McFadden
†Presentation of Gifts
†Offertory Response “All That I Am and Have”
- No. 452, stanza 3
All that I am and have is yours alone,
my love for you the fruit your love has sown.
Not doubt, nor fear, nor wrong, nor death can still this song:
my gifts of love belong to you alone.
†Prayer of Dedication (in unison)
God, there are many who “wish to see Jesus.”
In joy and celebration of the many gifts that we share,
we ask you to bless all of our offerings.
May Jesus shine in all the world. Amen.
CANTATA – Chilcott’s “Requiem”
†Closing Hymn “Before Your Cross, O Jesus”
- No. 191
Dear God. We thank you for today,
for being with us, accepting our worship and prayers,
and for guiding us on our way.
Bless us as we go, and in turn, may we bless others.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
† Seven Fold Amens
- No. 814
WORSHIP NOTES: We Wish to See Jesus: Service Prayers for the Fifth Sunday of Lent were written
by the Rev. Rosemary McCombs Maxey, a citizen of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and is retired clergy
and a member of Fellowship Congregational United Church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Susan Marendt Johnson
3003 Stoners Ford Rd
Frederick 21701
Catherine F. Zier
222 Canfield Terrace
Frederick 21702
The flowers on the altar this morning are in loving memory of my husband,
Bill Stahler and our granddaughter, Liz Coffey by Peg Stahler.
The yellow rose bud on the stand is given by Tina Baker in honor of those who are
serving or have served in the armed forces.
(If you are interested in sponsoring the yellow rose, contact the church office.)
The Lay Visitors for this week are Gerry Blessing and Pat Hevner. Lay visitors are
members of the congregation who share friendship and visits with members of our
congregation who are unable to join us for worship on Sunday mornings. These
Faithful Friends visit members in their homes, hospitals, assisted living, and nursing
homes. Faithful friends can also send cards or make phone calls to our homebound
members. We can provide you with all contact information if you are interested in
helping out. If you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please contact
Pastor Daniel.
Attendance last Sunday: 8:30a.m. – 19; 10:30 a.m. –201.
Anticipating a stay in the hospital? Please call the Church Office at 301-6622762. If you are admitted unexpectedly, please have a family member or friend
notify the office.
Hospital and Prayer List – your pastors want to be available when members of
ERUCC are in the hospital. Please let us know so that we can visit with you and
your family and provide support. We always ask permission before adding a name
to be included in the prayer list or in the verbal announcements on a Sunday
morning. There are many for whom we pray and visit whose names are not listed in
the bulletin by their request.
Prayer List - Please remember the following people in your prayers this week: Jack
Mens, Cindy Castellucci, Hazel Smith (mother of Cindy Smith), Esther Wallace
(mother of Glenn Wallace) Roger (brother of Gail Ellam), Paul Howsare (father of
Christine Crutchley), Joe Jahoda (Kim Jahoda’s dad), Mickey Jahoda (Kim
Jahoda’s uncle), Tiara Leone Hitt (friend of Suzanne Marsh), Robin Breling (friend
of Mary Meyer), and Antoinette Weedon (aunt of Samantha Weedon).
On-going prayer concerns are listed on pink paper and can be found at the back of the
church. We also ask you to remember all of those currently serving in the Armed Forces.
Your prayers and cards are welcomed and appreciated by those on our prayer list.
Jack Mens
5192 Maitland Terrace
Frederick 21703-6096
Esther Marie Wallace
Adventist Rehabilitation
Hospital, Room 227
9909 Medical Center Dr
Rockville 20850
Cindy Castellucci
Homewood at
Crumland Farms
7407 Willow Road
Frederick 21702
Hazel Smith
c/o Cindy Smith
2209 Avalon Ct.
Frederick 21702-2647
Cantata – Chilcott’s “Requiem”
Robert “Bob” Chilcott (April 9, 1955) joined the Choir of King’s College,
Cambridge as a chorister and continued his studies and singing at King’s
College through his university days. He began composing in 1997 after
more than a decade of singing with the King’s Singers, a male a cappella
group. Described by The Observer, the longest continuously published
Sunday British newspaper, as “a contemporary hero of British Choral
Music,” Chilcott has become one of the most widely performed composers of
choral music in the world. He has a large catalogue of works published by
Oxford University Press which reflects his wide taste in music styles and his
commitment to writing music that is both singable and communicative.
While writing music, Chilcott has also served as the conductor of The Royal
College of Music in London (1997 – 2004) and has been the Principal Guest
Conductor of the BBC Singers. Recently Chilcott has also conducted choirs
in more than 40 countries including the U.S. and Canada.
The Requiem takes as its theme a prayer for the salvation of the dead (Missa
pro defunctis) and has a well established text. Chilcott has departed slightly
from this text and included two new sections, the lyrical Pie Jesu and “Thou
knowest, Lord,” with the latter text taken from the Book of Common Prayer.
Chilcott has also omitted the Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) and Tuba Mirum (The
trumpet sounds). Consequently the prevailing mood is one of peacefulness
and serenity.
ADULT LEARNING OPTION (9:30-10:15a.m.)
 Let’s Study the Bible and Prepare for Worship – led by Stefan Mach
(Downstairs Conference Room)
 Let’s Talk About … “Revisiting the Parables of Jesus: A Contemporary
Re-Telling of the Stories Jesus Tells in the Gospels” – Five Sundays
(Feb. 22 – March 22) - March 22: “The Wedding Banquet” (Matt.
22:1014; Luke 14:15-24)
 TUESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY – We are exploring the Old
Testament using Amy-Jill Levine’s Great Courses resource. Study guides are
available in the church office (11-Noon in the downstairs Conference Room)
 MID-WEEK LENTEN SERVICE (Noon-1p.m.) “What’s A Word? 40 Words
of Jesus for the 40 Days of Lent” David Winter invites us to focus on a single
word of Jesus. Some words are clearly important, others less obviously so. The
author writes: “Each day…let just one word from the bible – a word of Jesus –
speak to you. As Paul advised the Christians at Colossae, “Let the word of
Christ dwell in you richly.” Service of Prayer in Trinity Chapel with lunch and
Bible study reflection.
Title: “Animate – Spiritual Practices” (7-8:15p.m. – Downstairs Conf. Rm.)
WORSHIP NOTES: We are invited as we enter Holy Week to explore the meaning
of Jesus’ suffering and death in the six days ahead. Why are these stories important
to Christians today? We will hear of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as we read from
Mark 11: 1-11 and then of his passion as we read from Mark 14 and 15. Brass music
will be featured at the 10:30 service.
ADULT LEARNING OPTION (9:30-10:15a.m.) A Breakfast Interlude: Sunday
Morning Breakfast and Speaker – All people in the church are invited. Speaker: Dr.
Laura Moore, Head and Professor of Sociology, Hood College. Topic: “Equality and
Inequality in the US: An Overview of the Gaps that Keep Some Up and Some
Down/Some In And Some Out”
CAMBRIDGE HANDBELL CHOIR participated in the Area III Handbell
Musicians of American Conference, along with 500 handbell ringers, in Ocean City,
MD last weekend. Look for pictures in the April edition of Chimes.
11). We still have 7 nights not covered. If you are interested in serving, go to the
site below to view the online signup sheet. There are some soup mixes left from our
last hosting of the family shelter which can be used if we do not have volunteers to
provide dinners but would prefer volunteers willing to prepare healthy dinners.
Please contact Pastor Barbara Kershner Daniel at [email protected] or 301-6622762 if you are willing to help with cooking and/or providing food or with any
questions about volunteering. Here is the sign-up link and it includes meals as well as
RECENTLY RETIRED? – Have you or your significant other retired in the last
five years? Would you like to meet and share stories, experiences and ideas? If you
are interested there will be an informal gathering on April 20th at 9a.m. at the Panera
on Route 26. For additional information contact Cathie Duncan or Pat Hanberry.
in the social room. Our speaker will be a representative from Mission of Mercy, a
non-profit organization providing free health care, dental care, and prescriptions to
those in need. It is a faith-based group and receives no federal funding. Mission of
Mercy serves our area and other parts of the United States. It now has 17 clinics
providing more than 25,000 free health patient visits each year. ALL ARE
WELCOME at our meeting…women, men, youth. Light refreshments will be served.
Hope to see you there. For more information, contact Mary Meyer at 301-845-9824
or [email protected]
Easter Egg Hunt on Monday, March 30 from 5-6 around Mess Hall. Bring your
basket and a side dish or dessert to share. Please sign up on the Fellowship Bulletin
Board. Questions: Kim Sexton at [email protected].
BASKETS NEEDED – We are in need of medium to large baskets and containers
for our gala auction items. If you have any that you are willing to donate, please
leave them on the stage in the social room. For more information contact Cathie
Duncan (301-788-5348) Thank you!
FILLED EASTER EGGS WANTED: We are looking for donations of filled Easter
eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. Please fill your eggs and place them in the donation
box in the social room. Please put a note with your eggs saying what they are filled
with. Ideas for filling the eggs – candy, Peeps, stickers, coins, gold fish, animal
crackers, and small toys. Questions: Kim Sexton at [email protected].
SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - Evangelical Reformed UCC is fortunate to have
several scholarship programs available to our members as they seek educational
opportunities to develop knowledge and skill in realization of their full potential.
The McCardell Scholarship Fund was established by Mr. Robert McCardell in honor
and memory of members of the McCardell family. The Kieffer Scholarship Fund
was established in honor of Henri L.G. Kieffer, pastor of this church from 19101946. There are also scholarship funds in memory of Liz Coffey. Contributions to
these Scholarship Funds by members and friends of the church are always welcomed.
These scholarships are gifts to church members for post-secondary undergraduate
education and are awarded by the Scholarship Committee. The awards are based on
the quality of the candidate's plan for use of the funds, the ability and promise of the
applicant and the need for financial assistance. The aid may continue for subsequent
years after an interview with the Scholarship Committee, submission of intent to
reapply, and a transcript of grades for the current year.
Scholarship applications are available through the Church Office for new applicants
(301-662-2762) or [email protected].) Students wishing to renew scholarships must
also contact the Church Office providing the information requested. All application
materials must be submitted to the Scholarship Committee through the Church Office
by the April 30th deadline.
As you know, the Catoctin Association Honduras Partnership took our last house-building
trip to Honduras in January, where we experienced a wonderful farewell celebration with
residents of Brisa del Sur and members of Iglesia Betel.
We’d like to have a similar celebration here with everyone who has participated on the
work trips, contributed money to the scholarship fund, or has been involved in this project in
any way. The purpose will be not only to celebrate our 15 years of service in Honduras, but
also to talk about the continuation of the scholarship fund.
Sunday, April 19, from 3:00 to 7:00 pm
Evangelical Reformed UCC, 15 West Church St., Frederick, MD
What to Bring: Photos, pictures on a flash drive, food to share (appetizer, main
salad or dessert) and beverage to share. We’ll provide lemonade
iced tea.
Questions: Pat Hanberry, [email protected], 301-788-7144
Judy Bowman, [email protected], 301-790-2931 or 301-491-4559.
Sandy Sanders, [email protected] (443) 974-6723
Come Help Us Celebrate this Wonderful Partnership, Re-new Friendships and Learn About
New Ways We Will Continue to do God’s Work in Honduras.
THE NEW JIM CROW - Please mark your calendar for Sunday, March 29, from
2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Michelle Alexander, author of The New Jim Crow, Mass
Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness, will deliver a video lecture on her book,
followed by a discussion with speakers from the Maryland Alliance on Justice
Reform on how to change the situation. A complete generation of young men of
color is currently behind bars for minor drug charges, which has caused another
intense hardship on minority families. Recent actions by the Justice Department
have worked to help alleviate this situation, but more needs to be done. Come join in
the discussion. The event will be held at the C. Burr Artz Library and is open to all.
For more information, contact Frederick Friends Meeting at (301) 631-1257 or
[email protected].
SING FOR THE CURE Would you like to help “Sing For the Cure” for cancer?
One God ~One Voice, a community ecumenical choir will be presenting the
Frederick debut of “Sing For the Cure, a Proclamation of Hope” on Saturday, June 6
at the Evangelical Reformed UCC Church in Frederick.
Hardly a person alive today has not been touched in some way by the curse of cancer,
either personally or through a friend or family member. The presentation of “Sing For
the Cure” is a salute to all those who are struggling with cancer or who have been
lost to it.
“Sing For the Cure” was originally composed for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation. One God ~ One Voice will be dedicating the concert and the proceeds to
The Anne-Lynn Gross Breast Cancer Resource Center located at Frederick
Community College. Anne Lynn was one of the founding members of OG~OV and
struggled with cancer for more than ten years before her death in November. From
the time she was first diagnosed, Anne Lynn devoted her life to cancer research and
supporting others who were similarly afflicted.
We are currently looking for more singers to join us for this concert. Directed by
Terry Sparks, OG~OV rehearses Saturday mornings from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. at the
Zion Lutheran Church, 107 W. Main Street in Middletown. Interested singers will be
required to purchase the music ($10) and must be able to commit to regular Saturday
rehearsals. Anyone interested in participating in this fund raising concert should
contact David Cutler, OG~OV president by calling 301-606-6232 or by emailing him
at [email protected].
Frederick Children’s Chorus –
WEDNESDAY March 25 & April 1
Noon–12:15 p.m. - Service of Prayer in Trinity Chapel
12:15–1 p.m. - Lunch and Bible Study Reflection
“What’s A Word? 40 Words of Jesus for the 40 Days of Lent”
David Winter invites us to focus on a single word of Jesus. Some words are clearly
important, others less obviously so. The author writes: “Each day…let just one word
from the Bible – a word of Jesus – speak to you. As Paul advised the Christians at
Colossae, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.”
Mar 25:
Apr 1:
The Fifth Week of Lent: The Good Shepherd, Kingdom, Happy, Father,
Serve, Throne, Righteousness.
Holy Week: The Bread of Life, Temple, Teacher, Time, Love,
Peacemaker, Remembrance, The Resurrection and the Life.
March 29 – Palm Sunday – 8:30a.m. – Worship Trinity Chapel
10:30a.m. – Worship, Main
Church Building.
(Special brass music)
Journey to the Cross – 6p.m.
April 1 – Noon to 12:55p.m. – Prayer Service, Lunch, and Conversation
April 2 – Holy Thursday – 7:30p.m. – Service in the Manner of the Upper
Room. Holy Communion and Tenebrae
April 3 – Good Friday – Noon – Ecumenical Service @ ERUCC with Calvary
United Methodist, Evangelical Lutheran, Frederick Presbyterian, Grace UCC, and
Trinity United Methodist
April 5 – Easter Sunday Services
8:30a.m. – Worship in Trinity Chapel
9:30a.m. – Intergenerational Program (Social Room)
No Children’s Church on Easter Sunday
10:30a.m. – Worship with Holy Communion (Special music by our choirs)
This year ERUCC added the White Oak Head Start/Early Head Start School to our
mission work during the Franklinton Center Annual
trip in the Whitakers and Enfield, N.C. area. Over the
Martin Luther King weekend we spent an entire day
clearing their playground of leaves and debris. We
also did cleaning in the interior of the school to take
care of some water damage they incurred in 2014. We
built three park benches and a picnic table for the site
to enhance the outdoor setting for the kids. This is the
first time anyone has come to their aid in making the
school a more
enjoyable experience for the enrolled children. The
primarily serves local Native American children from
the ages of 18 months up to 4 years old.
After talking with our contact at the school we learned they
are in great need of the following school materials:
Pre-school books, Composition books, Crayons – washable type, Colored
pencils, Construction paper, Glue sticks, Child safe scissors, Hand sanitizer and
# 2 pencils
The school personnel were very appreciative of the work we did at the school and
amazed that a church in Maryland would care enough to help their school. We can be
very proud that we are the kind of church that meets these needs not only in
Frederick but where the need is great.
Please drop off these supplies or cash donations (checks should be made payable to
ERUCC with a notation that it is for the White Oak School) to buy supplies to the
Church Office between now and April 15, 2015. We have an adult mission trip
planned to this area from April 16 to April 19 and they can deliver the supplies at that
time. If you have any questions please contact either Pastor Barbara or Milt
Thank you in advance for your support of this mission!
A Workshop:
Led by Pastor Hanberry
This workshop is for any one from the congregation concerned about
money and who is concerned how we talk about money in the church.
Monday, April 20, 2015 – 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Following Monday Night Mess Hall Dinner
Please come for dinner between 5 & 5:45 p.m.
Objectives for the Workshop are to:
 Explore a variety of ideas, attitudes, and values toward money;
 Identify the relationships between our attitudes toward money and the
congregations’ approach to stewardship;
 Identify a personal memory connected to money and “create” or begin writing a
money autobiography for your own personal/private reflection; and to
 Deepen our sense of money as a “discipleship opportunity and a ministry of the
A Sign up Sheet is posted in the Social Room…or you may sign up
online at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f084baeaa28a2f85myattitude
TODAY (3/22)
Worship in Trinity Chapel
Sunday School & Adult Ed.
10 a.m.
Chimes Concert
10:30a.m. Morning Worship
11:30a.m. Coffee Hour
Youth Bowling
Staff Meeting
Monday Mess Hall
Chancel Bells
Children’s Choir
Cambridge Bells
Money Group Meeting
Young Spirit
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Book Group at Kim Sexton’s
Mid Week Lenten Services
Wednesday Evening Faith Study
Senior Choir
SATURDAY Family Shelter returns for
2 weeks
SUNDAY (3/29) – Palm Sunday
Worship in Trinity Chapel
Sunday School
Adult Ed. Combined Group
With Breakfast
Chimes Concert
10:30a.m. Morning Worship
11:30a.m. Coffee Hour
Journey to the Cross\
Deacons: Phil Selby & Kelly Spurrier
Greeters: RaeAnn Butler & Stacey Collins
Bill & Barbara Prescott
Elder: Gerry Blessing
Scripture Reader: Nancy Doll
Sound System: Doug White
Nursery Schedule: Beth Bowen
Chimer Schedule: Suzanne & Thomas
Morris on Sat.
Maddie Martin on Sun.
Welcome Table: Kevin McKinley & Betsy
Coffee Hour: Mary Lou & Gerry Blessing
Deacons: Phil Selby & Tom Perlet
Greeters: Cliff & Ave Barr
Charles & Patti Garst
Elder: Jeff Schaeberle
Scripture Reader: Cindy Smith
Sound System: Jeff Schaeberle
Nursery Schedule: Beanie Cornell
Chimer Schedule: Dick Williams on Sat.
Tricia Coffey on Sun.
Welcome Table: Charlotte Henderson & Pat
Coffee Hour: Glenn, Jim, Katherine, & Scott
Ministers - All the People of Evangelical Reformed Church
Rev. Dr. Barbara Kershner Daniel, Senior Pastor ([email protected])
Rev. Dr. Gerry Hanberry, Interim Associate Pastor ([email protected])
Rev. Fred Wenner, Pastor Emeritus
Kim Sexton, Associate for Children’s Ministry ([email protected])
Alison E. Shafer, Organist & Choir Director
Tricia Coffey, Head Chimer & Young Spirit Choir Director
Nancy Doll, Bell Choir Director
Marj Menchey Bernstein, Children’s Choir Director
Kristen Niehoff, Finance Manager
Kris Ricci, Office Administrator ([email protected])
Bud Rossig, Facilities Manager
Sharon Wells, Nursery Attendant
Pictures from Pastor Barbara’s trip.