ESN Joensuu Open Board Meeting Time: 15.4.2015 at 17:00 Place: AU202 (Aurora building) Week 16 1. Opening the meeting The meeting was opened at 17:06 by president Pablo Guillerna Franco. The minutes were taken by secretary Armi Henriksson. 2. Legality and quorum The meeting was called three days in advance. There were 7 (later 9) board members present. The people present: • • • • • • • • • Pablo Guillerna Franco Armi Henriksson David Gil de Gómez Chikayasu Bandou Hiromi Niki Bojan Kupirovic Erik Lantz Martin Brandl (from 17:12) Martin Laube (from 17:13) • • • • • • • • Alba Chavero Aleksandra Stalmach Alberto Borrell Isabel García Durán Lorena López López Cristina Santalla González Sara Vuoristo Martin Artola 3. Accepting the agenda The agenda was accepted with the addition of points 7.6. Short description of ESN and 7.7. Presentation for tutors. 4. Past events 1. 10.4. – Lip Sync & Air Guitar Battle There were about 30 guests. Suggestions for improvement: more promotion, trying to appeal more to Finns (translating the event description etc.), using a different sign-up system (this time there was some confusion with the GoogleDoc Excel form used). David proposed using for this purpose in the future: it is already being used for the sign-up of Living Library. Some of the participants thought the event was too long: two rounds might be better than three, depending on the number of people. Laura/Lina will write the report. 5. Future events 1. 22.4. – International Music Evening The performers list is full. Some people have not shown up for rehearsals, but there have been no sanctions for this. Having a live stream was proposed and accepted: David will take care of this. Some more helpers are still needed, but the OC will find them. 2. 23.–25.4. – KUAS Street art exhibition updates The KUAS students have not been very cooperative, so there has been discussion about cancelling the event. As a result, we withdrew from the project and told them to book the room on their own; but since they are not UEF students, they couldn’t do this, which means the room reservation has been cancelled. We now have two options: re-book the room and have some of our members be present at the event, or not do anything for the exhibition. The board will make the final decision after asking one more time for the opinion of everyone in our FB actives group. 3. 23.–25.4. – ESN Joensuu goes SciFest The people willing to help will meet next week to plan our participation. We have signed up, everything is under control. David has created a cool quiz for us to use at our stall. 4. 4.5. and 7.5. – Living Library We have only 4 presenters so far and the minimum number of presenters (each have to be from a different country) is 12: much more promotion needed! Otherwise the event has to be cancelled, because there is no point in holding it with so few people. The deadline for sign-up is 30th April. 5. 5.5. – Symposium joint event Symposium will take care of all the expenses. The room has not been decided yet. There will be four presenters (but three presentations): one from Red Cross, one a professor from UEF, one a PhD student also from UEF, and one an immigrant. We are going to prepare some food: Aleksandra and Martin B. agreed to help with the shopping. 6. 9.5. – Holi event Tickets are being sold and the event has been registered at the police station. There have been rather few tickets sold, so we need to promote more. Cristina will order the color powder by the end of next week; it would be best to have the event sold out by then. The two-euro price is pretty cheap, so in the future we could charge more for this kind of events. We need to have two security guards, but only one of them has to be a licensed one: Pablo and Emil will be those two. 7. 8.5. – Farewell Party It was suggested we change the date to Wednesday 6th or Wednesday 13th May. After a voting, we decided to keep the date as it is (8th May). The event will most likely follow the same format as the previous farewell party: formal clothing, photography props etc. We need about 10 people for the OC. So far Chika, Erik (?), Pablo, Alba, Martin B. and Hiromi have promised to help. 8. 10.5. – Bubble Event No news: everything is under control for now. 6. Proposals 1. Collaboration with Debate Club Anton and Juha from Joensuu Debate Society came to the meeting to discuss the possibility of our clubs collaborating. Pablo has suggested having get to know each other games etc. at 60’s Palaver. Martin B. will contact them to ask if this is possible. The Debate Society would bring around 30 people and ESN Joensuu about the same, so altogether we would be approximately 60 people. Laura has promised to take care of the game part. Anton and Juha also asked for our advice on how to book university rooms and organize security; they will message us if they need the services of our trusted security guy Emil. 2. ESN Joensuu goes Vappu The only thing we need to do on the day is to shop for some snacks and be in Ilosaari early enough to reserve a good spot. 3. ESN Joensuu Board & Actives Farewall Party Pablo will create a Doodle to decide the date for this party. 7. Other topics 1. Translating event descriptions We are in a dire need of Finnish translations for our event descriptions etc. The solution may be to ask specific Finns to translate specific texts, instead of a general plea for translations. 2. ECTS for Language Café Pablo still needs more of the language café organizers to fill in the questionnaire to carry on with this project. 3. Internship Forum So far no news, but Arturo, Pablo and Riitta will keep us updated. 4. Security guards (visibility) The security guards at our events have to made visible (i.e. they need to wear bright colored vests). Martin L. will ask Emil if he has a vest; there may also be one available at the Student Union. We also discussed how we could compensate for the work Emil is doing for us. We have already agreed to give him an ESNcard for free: it was now suggested we could also e.g. let him join all our events for free, buy him a gift to be given at the farewell party, pay him by the hour or something similar. 5. NP Workshop The board will discuss this further amongst themselves. 6. Short description of ESN Some people from the university have asked Pablo to provide a short description of ESN in both English and Finnish. Pablo will write the English text, and Armi will translate it. 7. Presentation for tutors Pablo is working on the presentation. 8. International and LR’s News 1. SocialErasmus + ExchangeAbility training updates Pablo will keep the ESN Joensuu representatives posted. 9. Next meeting The next meeting will be held in AU202 on Wednesday 22nd April from 17:00. 10. Closing the meeting The meeting was closed at 19:09.
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