Education Student’s Society Meeting Minutes April 14, 2015 – Location - Vernon Ready Conference Room Present: Matt Honsberger, Andrew Keaveney, Jon Bowyer, Peggy Cheng, Michael Neumann, Dan Macaulay, Chelsea Ljutic, Samantha Caravaggio, Erik Streufert, Tommy Hsiao, Tim Major, Hembadoon Ashwe, Allison McCartney, Julia Martini, Nathan Mantey, Joshua Sequeira, Dan Macaulay, Graham Mathers, Emma Dickson, Ian Paton, Kevin Fell, Holly Blommers Regrets: Erin Eisen, Christina Hoffman (SGPS Meeting) Late Comers/Goers: Chelsea, Andy, Graham, Emma 1. 2. 3. Call to Order (5:13) Approval of the Agenda a. New Buisness: b. Kevin: OECTA, Ace Ex, Ace PD c. Melissa: Update for v ball d. Matt:Motion to approve new buisness e. Second: Nate Approval of the minutes from Feb 10th a. Matt motions to approve minutes b. Second: Erik 4. Chairperson’s Business a. Annual General Meeting – Next Meeting in A241/242 i. Next week is AGM -- we will be having the rest of the student body publically invited. Matt will hand out perfect attendance awards. ii. Open forum will happen iii. Location : A241 iv. Set up will happen at 4:30 - if you can be there 5. Executive Reports and Updates President’s Report Vice President External Report 1) Clothing Orders - Julia is in the process of picking up the clothing orders; I have e-mailed everyone who ordered clothing the times and dates they can come by. Julia: Picking up orders currently. Tomorrow will be distributing. WED, THU, FRI 12-130 at lunch have pick up. Julia: Some orders are strange. Some people are getting refunds, some are owing money. All info is on their order sheet. I hope to be able to take care of all of the wonky ones. Ideally, Julia and whoever is available will go into a classroom so there is a nice package in the classroom. Matt: Wondering if its wed, thurs, fri this week? Julia: Yes but we will see what happens. Dan: Sorting tomorrow morning, can we bring in bags to staple names to bags so people can pick up bags? Julia: If people have bags sure. 2) Orientation - Julia needs volunteers to help plan orientation! It will be a day of food and learning, and some weeknight programming!! More details to come. Julia: May 6th is welcome day for consecutive ED. Currently we are planning the day. Peter and SGPS will do a bbq. Planning evening events. I’m looking for people to help with events. Dan + Hembadoon. We have 500$ for this and 500$ for welcome week when full student body returns. 3) Edvantage Cards - still in the office. Tell your friends! Vice President Internal Reports Constitution Review Committee – Voting on changes to the constitution 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. All reviews and changes are included in attached document. Matt: Asks any problems with one. Kevin: When is new exec elected? Matt: The wording is about 2 weeks after appointment. Matt motions to approve all changes for constitution Nate seconded For: 10 Against: 0 Abstain: 0 Golden apple. 1. 2. 3. Jon: Nominations are in! all is going well. We are going to do an online survey. Golden apple award isn’t viewed as reputable. 3 votes. P/J , I/S, and 190 / 191. Sam can you help? Sam: yes Jon: Word of mouth spread it, please please please please please Treasurer’s Report 1. Peggy: Not a whole lot outside of the process of starting an ESS bank amount to streamline the paying for things. Waiting on Peter’s reference letter. Matt motions to approve exec reports seconded by melissa 6. Role Specific Business Ian Paton – Clerk Transition Manuals: Looking back over these past 8 months YOU did some awesome stuff as an ESSC member. You probably know a thing or two about your job. Oh, do you know what would be oh so pleasant? If we shared these new learning with next year's ESSC! Oh man, what a good idea! So, what I'm asking of you is to write a transition manual or report for next year's ESSC member who will hold the same position as you currently do. Each one of us received a transition manual upon becoming a part of the ESSC. If not, take a look on the office computer, there are lots of cool things there. What I'm suggesting is to have a couple of different trains of thought or areas of discussion in your report. These generalized sections are outlined below. I'll work on a template for the meeting, I will hopefully have one ready for Tuesday evening. Reflections: My thought here is for a space for you to write a nice note for next year's ESSC member, write sown some encouraging things, and some personal reflections on the year and what the job itself entails. Duties: This one is quite simple. Outline the things you did, and how you did them. Simple enough no? In here I'd also include your budget. Future Thoughts: This is again part of a reflective practice. In this section discuss concerns, or anything you think should be considered by future folks in your position. My intention here isn't to open up discussion during this meeting, rather to inform and invite comments, suggestions or concerns via email so I can consolidate all thoughts and ideas for next week. Next meeting I'm hoping to have more discussion on the topic if necessary, as for now I'm hoping to open a line of communication and ensure we are all on the same page. Nathan Mantey – OEE Rep Professional Development opportunities: Project Wild (April 20, 1:30-3:30 AND 6-9pm) and Project Wet (April 24). 1. Nate: Greetings, OE related ed event open to all. Project wild / wet. Great program through CWF. Diane lawrence is running it. A cool resource is happening. Project wet is super cool looking at water and marine and freshwater ecosystems. 20 some project wet spots. Wild is running Mon 20th 130-330 and 6-9, both are 5 hours long, Sunday April 26th is project wet. Cost is 45$. Pizza is provided for project wild. Please talk it up to other folks. Registration in A101. 7. Question Period - Questions about formal - what are we doing about lost formal tickets? a. Julia: What are we doing about lost formal tickets? If someone loses their ticket ewhat do we do? b. Holly: Find their name, cross out their original ticket and write void. Issue new ticket and write replacing ticket number. We will have ticket numbers that are void. c. Nate: If it looks like we are tracking at the door, people won’t do anything. d. Jon: we should mention this publically. e. Holly: Invite your friends to the facebook event. f. Josh: The new tickets, are we just absorbing costs. g. Allison: we aren’t going to have a problem. Nate Question - If they have 3 days here, are elections not happening in the first 3 days? Jon: There will be transition councils. Nate: The admin are taking it on? Jon: Consec ed at queens have also helped in the process. 8. New Business Kevin: 1. OECTA AGM: a. Kevin: Very fancy! 5 paid days. over 1000 delegates b. Main things: most labour unions are in striking positions via GOVMNT c. It is likely there will be striking in both public and catholic school boards d. mostly upset about the govmnt roll back to standardized contract from 10 years ago e. Prep time is looking to be principal directed in 20 minute blocks. f. bigger move to standardized testing outside of professional judgement. g. Head of canadian labour union - offered support of other unions. h. Dan: Pink slip schools? Whats the deal? Don’t accept jobs from pink slip schools? i. Matt: Use the clause. j. Kevin: The fair hiring practice, 2 years occasional, 1 year lto. School boards looking to get rid of this rule. k. Nate: My understanding, unlikely that all boards will be under pink slip. 2. Thursday ACE ex: a. Ace is running outside in b. work displayed from ACE students c. ongoing workshops and activities happening d. schedule to be posted e. lots of arting experiences 3. Rob Cummings: a. Running Verbal Edge b. spills over into classroom management c. d. e. f. g. runs 2 day course, 1 day theory, 2 day role play. Certified course 150$ Scheduling in may fresh candidate PD in the works Matt: We should contact next years people Kevin: I will see it through Chelsea: 1. moccasin workshop next week, MON TUE WED THURS evenings. 2. Teach for canada wants to do a workshop - minor cert through them. 2 day course 3. Next week: kairos again and speaker. Dan + Melissa: Volley ball update. 1. Dan: We only have 4 teams, we need 8. We are looking to have a price reduction. but take out tshirts 2. Dan: Can we run 7-12 as an alternative? 3. Andrew: no 4. Matt: Its not 1 or 2 people leaving. 5. Melissa: With 4 teams we can end with a party and then clear out. 6. Josh: it reads really sketchy so how is it appealing? 7. Dan: We have to be firm on it. We need to regulate it, liability and such. If we don’t have enough teams, what is our solution? 8. Jon: We can probably swing it, just be legit in community. 9. Andrew: The security guy is arranged? 10. Matt: Can we discuss whats happening outside of meeting? 11. Sam: Talk to con-eds at queens? opening events up would be cool. 12. Melissa: sure Josh : What happened about subsidizing? Just confirming. 1. Jon: Make an application process and publicize it. 2. Josh: Okay thanks. Motion to adjourn by Erik Second: Kevin 9. Adjournment 6:05
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