Reading: 1084 Pentecost Personnel: Date: 05/24/15 Time: All Masses Location: Ijamsville Church Season: Easter MUSIC MINISTERS: Please arrive at least 1/2 hour early to review music for the Mass. Review will stop 15 minutes before Mass to allow quiet and reflection time for the assembly. Rehearsal starts five (5) minutes before Mass. Thank you! Call to Worship 05:30pm - Cantor: Brittany Maruca 08:00am - Cantor: Chris Walters 10:00am - Liturgical Choir Cantor: John Przybocki 12:00pm - Cantor: Sandy Byrnes A worship aid will be used for this Mass. CANTOR NOTEBOOK Introductory Rites Gathering Join the Gospel Song (sheet music) Kyrie Setting RECITED Glory to God Setting Mass of Christ, Our Hope Liturgy of the Word First Reading Acts 2:111 Responsorial Psalm #76 Psalm 104: Lord, Send Out Your Spirit 1 Corinthians Second Reading 12:3b7, 1213 Sequence #1084 Sung by the Cantor Gospel Acclamation (See the Gospel Acclamation for today on the website) Gospel John 20:1923 Liturgy of the Eucharist Presentation and Preparation of the Veni Sancte Spiritus Send Us Your Spirit (sheet music) Gifts (This piece is a combination of #550 and #552 in the Gather hymnal) Holy, Holy, Holy Setting Mass of Christ, Our Hope Mystery of Faith Setting Mass of Christ, Our Hope Acclamation C Amen Setting Mass of Christ, Our Hope Communion Rite Lord's Prayer Setting RECITED Lamb of God Setting Mass of Christ, Our Hope Communion Chant #777 Here I Am, Lord (all Masses) #559 - Come, Holy Ghost (if needed, 10:00am only - CHOIR in parts) 1/2 Concluding Rites Sending Forth #807 We Are Called _______________________________________________________ MUSIC REHEARSAL - STARTS 5 MINUTES BEFORE MASS 1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. 2. I first call your attention to the worship aid that we will be using for Mass (hold up a copy). This aid contains all of the music and responses for today. 3. Please turn to our Offertory song, "Veni Sancte Spiritus - Send Us Your Spirit." 4. I will sing the first phrase for you, and then ask you to join me afterward. (piano - cantor - assembly) That phrase is sung two times. 5. The remainder of the refrain sounds like this... (cantor - assembly) 6. Thank you. And now let's have a few moments of quiet reflection as we wait for Mass to begin. _______________________________________________________ 2/2
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