LECTOR / CANTOR 4th Sunday of Advent – Year B – Dec 20-21, 2014 Call to Worship Lector: Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening. (PAUSE) Welcome to Good Shepherd for the 4th Sunday of Advent. We extend a special welcome to visitors and new parishioners. Let us praise God as we eagerly await the celebration of Christ’s nativity. 9:00am: The Children’s Choir will sing a short prelude here. Please wait and continue after the song! 5:00pm Our Presider is Father Mike Hann, assisted by Deacon Chris Ryan. 7:30am & 9:00am Our Presider is our pastor, Father Tom Ferguson. 10:30am & 12:00pm Our Presider Father Joe Lingan. 6:30pm Our Presider is Father Zacarías (ZAC-uh-REE-as) Martinez, assisted by Deacon Tom White. So that we may worship as friends, please stand to greet those around you, especially someone you may not already know. (After a few seconds, the cantor will introduce the Gathering Song.) Cantor: We invite you to participate in the prayers and songs of the Mass as indicated on your song sheet. Please join in our Gathering Song, _________ -1Lector-Cantor Script: 4th Sunday of Advent, Cycle B 1 Dec 20-21, 2014 LECTOR / CANTOR Liturgy of the Word All readings are from Cycle/Year B General Intercessions Presider: O God of love, you looked with favor on your servant Mary. Look with favor on the prayers we now bring to you. Lector: (Do not announce a response. Slight pauses indicated by “…”) 1. For Pope Francis, Bishops, clergy, religious and the laity: that we may recognize that God dwells in all people…we pray… 2. For the grace of trust: that even in the face of challenges and concerns, God will help us rely upon the care of Jesus, for whom nothing is impossible…we pray… 3. For all believers: that we, like Mary, may ponder God’s invitation and give our full yes so that we may bring forth God’s saving presence in our world…we pray… 4. For all who are pregnant: that they may know God's presence and strength as they await the birth of their child and that these children may be healthy and strong…we pray… 5. For all who are busy making preparations to celebrate Christmas: that they will stop and take time to reflect on God’s love for us and respond to that presence within our lives…we pray 6. For all who are traveling: that they may have safe journeys that lead to good visits with family and friends…we pray… 7. For all who wait for the return of a loved one, whether separated by choice or chance: that God will reunite all in joy and love…we pray… 8. For public servants, the military and relief workers: that their care may bring safety, peace, and aid to those in need…we pray… -2Lector-Cantor Script: 4th Sunday of Advent, Cycle B 2 Dec 20-21, 2014 LECTOR / CANTOR 9. For all who are lonely, homebound or sick (including): and those on our prayer list, may Christ’s presence fill their emptiness and bring them hope…we pray… 10. For the recently deceased (including): and those grieving the loss of a loved one: that they may know the care and compassion of God… we pray… 11. For the prayers we hold in the silence of our hearts (pause several seconds), and for: 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm Donald Lasowski (luh-SOW-skee) James McCormick Gen. James McInerney (MAC-ih-NER-nee) Joe & Virginia Adinaro (AD-ih-NAIR-oh) Theresa Sheppard Amare Tessema whom / which we remember in this liturgy, we pray … Conclusion: In joyful expectation of Christmas, we place these petitions before our merciful God through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. SPECIAL NOTE: LECTOR PLEASE STAY AT THE AMBO AND MAKE THE FOLLOWING SHORT ANNOUNCEMENT The second collection for Facilities Maintenance will be taken immediately following the weekly offering. Thank you for your generosity. \\grace\Data\Good Shepherd\Liturgy\Liturgical Seasons & Feasts\Liturgy cycle b\Lector Scripts\Advent\Advent-4B-lector 2014.doc -3Lector-Cantor Script: 4th Sunday of Advent, Cycle B 3 Dec 20-21, 2014
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