Moments with the Young No Children’s Church today Praying the Lord’s Prayer (sins) and Sharing God’s Goodies Prayer Concerns for our Brethren (refer to our Faithful Thoughts). Sharing of our Gifts and our Offerings Offertory “Going Home” Dvorak Evangelical United Methodist Church 157 East Water Street, Middletown, Pa. Independence Day Worship – July 5, 2015 Moments of Welcome Greeting our Brethren Updates from our “Announcement Bench” Prelude “The Peacable Things” Entrance of the Light and Word As the offering plate is passed, please place the green prayer request cards and visitors cards in the plate. Christiansen Disciples Gather Now . . . * Call to Worship Pledge to the American Flag Pledge to the Christian Flag I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior for whose kingdom it stands; one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty to all who believe. * Hymn of Adoration * Invocation “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” #697 . . . to Reflect upon Our Lives Reading of the Psalms: Psalm 24:1-6 Words of Confession O Lord God, we sometimes forget our “one-ness” with others who are children, too. We allow our differences to smother out our common hopes and dreams. Sometimes as a nation, we forget our “one-ness” with you and allow other gods to absorb our devotion. Oh please forgive us and set us on the path to freedom, we ask … Silent Prayer and Words of Pardon . . . To Go into the World with Confidence Hymn of Communion “Fill My Cup, Lord” (twice) #641 Sharing the Sacrament of Holy Communion Words of Invitation The Great Thanksgiving UMH page 15 Breaking the Bread and Sharing of the Cup (will receive the Holy Sacrament in the pews) * Hymn of Dedication “For the Healing of the Nations” vs 1,2,4 #428 * Benediction * Musical Blessing “God Bless America” Cliff & Wendy Flick * Going Forth with the Light and Word * Postlude “Eternal Father, Strong To Save” Ellson Our Altar flowers today are given in memory of Parents, Lillian and Eugene Hoch presented by Pearl and Bob Hoch. Our Sunday Prayer Partner is Marie Thompson who undergirds our worship with her love and prayers from her home. . . . to Pause and Listen for His Guidance Pledge to the Bible I pledge allegiance to the Bible, God’s Holy Word. I will make it a light unto my path and a lamp unto my feet and will hide its Words in my heart that I might not sin against God. Amen Reading from God’s Word: II Samuel 5:1-5 Special Music "Jesus Is Calling America" * Doxology (watch screen for new words) for tune go to #545 * Reading from the Gospel: John 8:31-34 Morning Message “Freedom Brings Responsibility” Cliff & Wendy Flick Worship Assistants for Today Greeters ············· Mary Woods, Eleanor Jane Sankey, Gloria Clouser Head Usher························································ Dawn Pickel Nursery Caregivers ·······················Gloria Clouser, Vickie Hubbard (The nursery is for children 4 years old and under) Faithful Thoughts and Prayers Updates and Changes Kay Diritto’s Mom and Dad – Middletown Home Tom Klugh – home – stroke Richard “Sonny” Hiester – diagnosed with cancer Jane Goshorn – Harrisburg Hospital, Room 581 - infection Tim Morgan – began another phase of chemo Mary Ann Rowland – waiting for kidney transplant Recent Illness and Surgeries The Hoffman Family – Earl Caitlyn Whirt – Granddaughter of Earl & Donna Haddock – tumor Lois Coleman – Frey Village #109 Galen Allman – throat surgery completed/home ANNOUNCEMENTS Mark Tomasetti – son-in law of Jackie Rainal – surgery completed/home Adam Souzis – friend of Bob & Carlyn Bitner – robbed & beaten in his home SATURDAY: Tim Peckman – son-in-law of Gail & Don Hossler Living with Cancer Dan Daugherty – friend of Gary and Deb Weaver - cancer Vicki – Tami Hile’s friend, Madison Lewis, Bunny Prussack, Steve Smith Cheryl Achenbach & Bon Brubaker, friend’s of Donna Keller Dorothy Laverty – doing well with treatments Darlene Leach – Barb Miller’s sister – chemo Annie Millar Desmond – young mother with cancer William Swinehart – son of Helen and Ed Johnson – cancer Challenges of Living Don Goshorn – Don at Colonial Care/Jane in hospital George and Margaret Gates - George at Frey/Margaret at home Bishop Jeremiah Park – caring for His whole flock of believers Dauphin County Prison Ministry - Paul Alexander Jack O’Donnell - regular blood transfusion Ben Gingrich & his Mother, Erin – childhood disease In the Armed Forces Daisy Long’s grandson – Christopher DeLena – Air – Guard - Africa John Mackey’s brother Paul – Navy Barb & Bob Miller’s granddaughter, Courtney Adams – Army - Guard Dawn Pickel grandson, Lester Ginanni – Army July 5, 2015 TODAY: “Red Bird Mission” 9 a.m. – Sunday School 10:15 a.m. – Worship – Holy Communion MONDAY: 1:30 p.m. – We will be at Frey Village TUESDAY: 2 p.m. – Stitches and Prayers Shawl Ministry WEDNESDAY: 6 p.m. - AA Group Book Study 6 p.m. - Youth Fellowship Senators Game NEXT SUNDAY: “Food Bank” 9 a.m. – Sunday School 10:15 a.m. – Worship 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. – God’s Clothes Closet drop -off Faithful Servants in Worship Audio Visual ······················································ Steve Moyer Organist······················································· Glenn M. Diritto Pianist ························································ Charlene Walters Senior Choir Director········································· Erich Schlicher Pastor ·························································· Robert Graybill Church Website: Church Phone: 717-944-6181 GOD’S CLOTHES CLOSET NEWS: Sorting and arranging clothing begins on July 13 at 9 a.m. (see dates and times below). If you are able to help, please sign up on the bulletin board. We are looking for gently used clothing (no rips or stains) for men, women, teens and children, as well as shoes, coats, linens and blankets. July 12, 19, & 26 – from 11:30 a.m.- 1 p.m. July 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 29 – from 9 a.m. - noon and 6-9 p.m. Staffing is also needed for sorting on July 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 29 from 9 a.m. - noon and 6-9 p.m. PLASTIC CAPS: A collection of plastic soda and/or water bottle caps is being taken for medical treatment. Place your plastic caps in the box located in the vestibule. For more information, see Gloria Clouser. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Thank you to all the volunteers and leaders who helped make our 2015 Vacation Bible School a huge success. A total of 39 children enrolled in our VBS, as well as 16 adult leaders and 4 youth from our church. Thank you to all who actively prayed for all the VBS attendees. We had a great time, and ministered to children from all over the Middletown community. and for the following areas on August 1: ENJOY YOUR FREEDOM Greeters/guides (need 5 men for this) - greet customers, refer families to child care area, direct customers, monitor produce line Hospitality (need 8 persons) for two shifts (8-10 and 10-12) - hand out shopping bags and give directions Also need 2 persons to hand out hospitality bags at exits Floor assistants (need 12 persons) - talk to and assist customers, organize tables Child care (need 2 persons) from 7:30-10 a.m. - provide supervision and play time for children Cleanup (need as many as possible) at 12:30 p.m. - take down tables and racks, sweep floor, pack up leftovers NOTE: We will not be asking for refreshment donations this year. We are instead including a treat in the hospitality bags. How else can you help? If you are unable to help with any of the above, a donation would be appreciated to help cover the cost of handouts for hospitality bags, supplies, and postage. A basket will be placed at the back of the church on July 12 to receive your gifts. A sign up sheet has been placed on the bulletin board for sorters and for August 1. Please sign up now. Thank you. Because many Americans have never known other circumstances, it’s easy to take our liberties for granted. The Israelites knew firsthand the oppression of slavery. Yet when God finally led them out of Egypt, they had problems adjusting to their newfound freedom. Fearful and rebellious, the Israelites grumbled against their leaders, Moses and Aaron, saying they would’ve been better off as slaves in Egypt. Our freedom as Christians cost Jesus his life. But we, too, often find it easier to fall back into sinful habits. In Galatians 5:1, Paul offers this encouragement; “For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” (NRSV) We’re no longer bound by sin and death. That “independence” is worth celebrating every day!
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