Eureka High School Band Handbook 2015-2016 To members of the Wildcat Pride Marching Band and their families, Welcome back to all! We hope you are looking forward to another great school year. We are anticipating a great season for marching band. We’re adding a new event to our football calendar, Middle School Night, and planning an exciting marching band show with our new program ―Fanfare!‖ which will feature the music of Aaron Copland. This program will include parts of Fanfare for the Common Man, Symphony No. 3, The Tender Land, and Appalachian Spring. Since they worked so well, we’ve kept the Google Docs forms for handbook enrollment. Please click the link below to turn in most of your band information. We’re also adding a PayPal option with a small convenience fee. A special welcome to all of our new freshmen! I hope that you will see many of your friends when you arrive for band camp. However, one of the best things about band is not just your old friends, but all the new friends you will make. We believe that the Eureka High School band program is one of the best ways to get involved at EHS, learn teamwork and leadership, become an excellent musician, and make memories that will last a lifetime. It is our hope for you that 2015-2016 is the best school year you’ve ever had! Eyes with pride! John Arata, Director Eureka High School Bands Important online and hard copy forms to be completed and returned by May 15, 2015: ● ● Google Online EHS Band Information and Order Form: Subsidy or Payment Plan Requests If using Google Chrome, you can download the DocHub app to open and edit the following PDFs from the link below or open in Adobe Acrobat: Hard copies of these forms can be found at the end of this handbook. ● ● OUT-OF-TOWN OR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FIELD TRIP PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT OUT-OF-TOWN OR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL WITHOUT NURSE FIELD TRIP AGREEMENT AND STUDENT INFORMATION FORM (Medical Information) Payment of band fees due by JUNE 22 If payment plan requested, final payment due by OCTOBER 1 A $5.00 LATE FEE WILL BE ASSESSED if you have not paid by June 22 and you have not requested the payment plan. Late payments increase our shipping charges and costs-per-item when we have to make separate orders. Please total up the amount for fees, accessories, meals, etc. Submit a SINGLE check made payable to "EHS Band Student Accounts" along with the RSD Field Trip Permission Form and RSD Field Trip Agreement to: Eureka Band Patrons Association, P.O. Box 64, Eureka, MO 63025. DO NOT MAIL TO THE SCHOOL. Eureka High School Bands Add our Google calendar! 2015-2016 BAND SCHEDULE: MARCHING SEASON CALENDAR Event Color Guard Summer Mondays Percussion Camp (ALL Pit & Battery) Color Guard Rehearsals Section Leader/Drum Major Camp Full Band Evening Rehearsals Color Guard Evening Rehearsals Freshman/ New Marcher Camp Color Guard Rehearsals Entertainment Book Fundraiser Senior Uniform Fittings Junior Uniform Fittings Sophomore Uniform Fittings Freshman Uniform Fittings (Excludes Guard) Last Name A-E Last Name F-J Last Name K-S Last Name T-Z New Member Parent Orientation Full Band & Guard Camp Family BBQ & Wildcat Pride Preview Full Band & Guard Evening Rehearsal Location EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS First Day of School Full Band & Guard Thursday Rehearsals EHS EHS Drum Line Sub-Sectionals Snares & Tenors Basses & Cymbals Pit/Front Ensemble Rockwood Marching Band Review Purple & Gold Scrimmage Football Game (vs Lafayette) Football Game (vs Oakville) Football Game (vs Zumwalt East) Eureka Days Parade Lafayette Marching Festival Symphonic Band/Winds Audition Tapes Due Football Game (vs Marquette) Rebel Invitational Marching Festival Football Playoffs (as required by football)* Ste. Genevieve Marching Festival Band Pictures Band Pictures (Rain Date) EHS EHS EHS EHS EHS Small Theatre EHS EHS EHS Date June 1, 8, 15, 22; July 6 July 13-17 July 13 & 16 July 20-21 July 20-22 July 20-22 July 23-24 July 23-24 July 20-Aug 6 July 20 July 21 July 22 Time 6:00pm-9:00pm 8:00am-4:00pm 10:00am-4:00pm 8:00am-4:00pm 6:00pm-8:30pm 5:00pm-8:30pm 6:00pm-8:30pm 4:00pm-8:30pm 5:00pm-5:45pm 4:00pm-5:45pm 4:00pm-5:45pm July 23 4:00pm-5:00pm July 23 5:00pm-5:45pm July 24 4:00pm-5:00pm July 24 5:00pm-5:45pm July 24 7:15pm-8:30pm July 27-31 8:00am-4:00pm July 31 6:00pm-8:00pm Aug 6 AND 11 6:00pm-8:30pm Color Guard, Drum Line (Pit & Battery) 5:00pm Aug 13 Aug 13-Oct 22 6:00pm-8:30pm Color Guard, Drum Line (Pit & Battery) 5:00pm EHS Aug 13-Oct 22 Beginning August 18 Tuesdays 3:15pm-4:15pm Beginning August 13 Thursdays 3:15pm-4:15pm Beginning August 18 Tuesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm Marquette HS Aug 14 7:00pm EHS Aug 15 8:30am-11:00am EHS Aug 21 6:30pm EHS (Athletics Sr. Night) Aug 28 6:30pm EHS (MS Band Night) Sept 11 6:00pm Downtown Eureka Sept 12 9:00am LHS Sept 26 all day EHS Sept 21 EHS (Homecoming, Band Sr. Night) Oct 2 6:00pm Park Hills Central HS Oct 17 all day EHS Oct 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20 6:30 p.m. Ste. Genevieve HS Oct 24 all day EHS Oct 27 2:00pm-4:00pm EHS Oct 28 2:00pm-4:00pm Eureka High School Bands Add our Google calendar! 2015-2016 BAND SCHEDULE: CONCERT SEASON CALENDAR Event Location Date Fundraiser All-Suburban Band Auditions (O) Holiday Craft Fair Set-up Holiday Craft Fair Variety Show Ensemble Rehearsals (P, O) Veterans’ Day Luncheon & Tour (S) Rockwood District Honor Band (O) Rockwood District Honor Band (O) All-State Band Auditions (O) Winter Band Concert All-Suburban Band Rehearsals (O) Variety Show Ensemble Performance (P, O) Variety Show Snow Date MMEA Convention (A) Mid-Continent Color Guard Assoc. Festival Composers Recital Compositions Due (O) Ensemble Recital (O) Festival Concert State Band Festival Suburban Solo & Ensemble Festival (S, O) State Orchestra Festival (S) Spring Band Trip (O) Composers Recital (O) MOPAS Day of Percussion (P) State Solo & Ensemble Festival (O) Music in The Parks Music in The Parks Spring Concert Graduation (S) EHS Ladue HS EHS EHS EHS EHS & RSD Elementaries Rockwood Summit HS Rockwood Summit HS Hickman HS, Columbia EHS Ladue HS EHS EHS Tan-Tar-a Resort EHS EHS EHS EHS TBA TBA TBA TBA EHS TBA Mizzou EHS EHS EHS Chaifetz Arena TBA Nov 2* 4:00pm-10:00pm Nov 6 TBA Nov 7 all day Nov-Jan* 3:15pm-4:15pm TBA all day Nov 20* 6:00pm-9:00pm Nov 21* all day Dec 5* all day Dec 13 2:30pm TBA TBA Jan 14-15* 7:00pm Jan 16* 7:00pm Jan 27-30 all day TBA all day Feb 12 Feb 18 6:30pm Feb 21 2:30pm Feb 29, Mar 1 or 2*all day Mar 5* all day Mar 8 or 9* all day TBA all day Apr 17 2:30pm TBA all day April 30 all day May 6-7 all day May 13-14 all day May 15 2:30pm May 24 5:00pm-9:00pm Time *Some dates are determined by other organizations and may be adjusted. Adequate notification will be provided for any changes that are required. All events are required except those that are notated with the following: (S) - Symphonic Band only; (A) - All-State Band members only; (P) - Percussion only; (O) - optional CONTACT INFORMATION Eureka High School: 4525 Highway 109, Eureka MO 63025 Eureka High School Band Patrons Association: P.O. Box 64, Eureka MO 63025 John Arata Director, AP Music Theory, Woodwinds 733-3100 x.43065 [email protected] Jeremy Knudtson Asst. Director, Jazz Band, Brass 733-3100 x.43150 [email protected] Cassie Renner Asst. Director, Guitar, Percussion 733-3100 x.43069 [email protected] Jason Bergman Asst. Director, Brass, Color Guard, Winter Guard [email protected] 2014-2015 Band Patron Association Officers and Committee Chairs Jane Pack, President [email protected] 314-517-3490 J.B. Brown, Vice President [email protected] 314-348-4384 Terry Schulz, Treasurer [email protected] 636-458-9232 Lisa Keesey, Student Accounts [email protected] 636-587-2299 Diane Engle, Guard Representative [email protected] 636-236-7413 Susan Weis, Uniforms [email protected] 636-256-6810 Stacey Rawls, Secretary [email protected] 314-517-3082 Uniforms, Jill Baechle & Susan Weis Marching Festival Meals: Jeff Pack Pit Crew Chief: J.B. Brown Spirit Wear: Chris & Jessica Berner Summer Camp Meals: Rachel Barnett & Michelle McCue 3rd Quarter Snacks: Joya Uraizee Travel: Doug Rawls Photographer/Videographer: J.B. Brown Historian: Jane Pack Concessions: Mike & Kelly Bisaga, Jeff Pack Craft Fair: Diane Engle, Pam Gordon & Gina Sellers Hospitality: Cindy Lakey & Debbie Ties MCCGA: Stacey Rawls & Becky Sparling Music in the Parks: Chris & Jessica Berner STAYING IN TOUCH ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Click the ―+Google Calendar‖ at the bottom right of the page to add our events to your calendar! High Notes emails via Infinite Campus ([email protected]) Update emails from Band Patrons ([email protected]) Band website: YouTube - arataband Facebook: Eureka High School Band Patrons Association!/groups/102027411334 Twitter: Follow @eurekabands or click ―Follow‖ on If you do not want to sign up for Twitter but receive tweets (no pictures) sent as text messages, text FOLLOW @eurekabands to 40404. FUNDRAISING & PAYMENT POLICY ● ● ● ● ● Student Accounts uses QuickBooks to invoice and track payments. Please add [email protected] as a Safe Sender to your email account so that you can receive these. When school is in session, payments can be dropped off in the lockbox located in the band room. Please note the student’s name and the reason for the payment on each check (band fees, audition fees, spring break trip, etc.) If you have to use cash, your student must take it directly to a band director to be counted. NEVER PLACE CASH IN THE LOCKBOX. During the summer break, mail your payments (checks only) to the Student Accounts post office box - DO NOT MAIL TO THE SCHOOL. Make checks payable to EHS BAND STUDENT ACCOUNTS. The band program assumes no financial responsibility for cash used for student fees. If fundraising payments are received after the due date, students will be restricted from participating in subsequent fundraising until the amount of the previous fundraising event has been paid. FINANCIAL POLICY ● ● ● ● If you anticipate difficulty in paying band fees, please let us know and we will work with you. You can set up a payment plan or request a full or partial subsidy from the Band Patrons Association. Subsidies are based on need and available funds. Requests for subsidies must go to Mr. Arata ([email protected]) with the reason for the subsidy request and the amount requested. Subsidies cover REQUIRED bands fees and camp meals. This request is due May 15, 2015. The student will be assigned a non-marching position in the fall show if band fee payment or prior arrangements have not been made by the date due. Payment for the optional spring trip must be provided in full by the payment deadline or the student/chaperone will not be allowed to attend. If a subsidy has been used for required band fees, the subsidy must be repaid in full before funds will be applied to the optional spring trip. Fines are issued for non-payment of fundraising or band fees. This will prevent you from attending Homecoming and Prom if the debt is unpaid at the time of the event. Fines are carried forward from year-toyear and diplomas will not be released if you have any outstanding school debts. Rockwood School District Concert Performance Expectations for Students Enrolled in Elective Music Courses Concert performances allow unique opportunities for students to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills in their music class. They are the culminating event to several weeks of teaching and learning. Teachers use these performances to make summative assessments of student performance, which are then recorded as a portion of student grades on a report card. These performances cannot be replicated in the classroom or repeated at another time. Music is a form of communication—the musician interprets the ideas of a composer and communicates them to an audience. The audience supplies feedback through the atmosphere of the performance environment and through their applause. That feedback is an important form of evaluation for a musician. It is an expectation that all students enrolled in a performing ensemble are present and participate in all scheduled concerts. Within five school days of the announcement of the concert schedule, parents should alert the music teacher of any unavoidable conflicts. ● ● ● ● ● Students with an excused absence from school on the day of the performance may be excused from participation. A listing of excusable absences appears in the district’s Policies, Regulations, Procedures and Consequences Handbook. Students excused from a concert will be exempt from the concert performance assessment. Concert performance may comprise up to 20% of the academic portion of students’ grades for the semester. Unexcused absences from concert performances will result in no academic credit awarded for that performance. In the event of an unexcused absence from a performance, or multiple unexcused absences, the future eligibility of the student in the class will be assessed. GRADE POLICY 30% Rehearsal Skills: This includes the student contributing fully to the music using their best effort with all of the daily supplies (instrument, sheet music, lyre & flip folder, drill, drill chips, pencil and tennis shoes). 50% Recorded Assessments: Students make home recordings of the assigned material. Any media is acceptable (CD, mp3/4, .wav, Audacity, Windows Media Player, or Quicktime compatible format delivered by email or turned in via CD, flash drive or digital recorder). 20% Performance: Students are present and on time with the appropriate clothing and accessories needed for performance. UNIFORM POLICIES Both the marching and concert uniforms should be worn and cared for according to the following. Failure to follow uniform policies could result in a lowered grade for the performance and fines assessed for damage to the uniform. Wearing the Uniform Uniforms may be temporarily altered by pinning or basting, but do not cut the fabric. When wearing the uniform in public, the entire uniform must be worn at all times. Do not change into or out of the uniform while in public. If the temperature is cold, students may bring blankets to games and dress in layers under the uniform. Black band t-shirts and shorts are to be worn underneath. Only uniform shoes and black socks that go above the ankle must be worn with the uniforms. Clean mud and dirt from shoes before each performance. No food or drink while in uniform. Students may change out of the uniform during 3rd quarter snack time. Hair, Jewelry & Make-up Male AND female hair should not go below the collar. Long hair should be worn in a ponytail and/or pinned and tucked up under the hat. Small post earrings or studs are the only acceptable jewelry that can be worn with the uniform. Make-up should be applied sparingly. No face paint, colored hairspray or sparkles. What to Store in the Garment Bag Only the uniform jacket, pants, gauntlets, gloves and socks may be kept in the garment bag with shoes (no boxes) in the outer pocket. Uniform bags only will hang on racks for travel; separate hat and shoe boxes should go on the bus. Care of the Uniform After the Performance Hang the uniform neatly in the garment bag during 3rd quarter and after every performance. Pants are to be folded along the crease in the pant leg. If the uniform is wet from a performance, whether from rain or perspiration, allow it to air dry and/or take it to the cleaners as soon as possible. Damage will result if the uniform is left in the garment bag while still wet or damp. Wrinkled or soiled uniforms are not acceptable for performance. Do not attempt to remove stains from the uniform yourself and never machine wash any part of the garment (with exception of the tuxedo shirt). Uniforms will be collected by the uniform parents and taken to the dry cleaners at the end of the season. However, should the uniform become soiled before all games and marching festivals have taken place, the uniform will need to be professionally cleaned prior to the next event at the expense of that student. A muddy or otherwise soiled uniform is not acceptable for performance. Uniform Grading Students will receive a lowered grade if 1) improperly attired, or 2) the uniform has not been cared for appropriately. A cleaning fee may be assessed if the uniform has been left at school without airing it out at home. BAND VOCABULARY Trip Sheet – itinerary of upcoming activities. You’ll receive an email from Mr. Arata via Infinite Campus when the trip sheet is available. Check our website to download a copy. Band Patrons – parent organization that supports the efforts of our performing groups. General meetings are held every other month in the EHS Band Room. All parents are encouraged to attend. Battery – percussionists who march on the field. Front Ensemble – also known as the ―pit.‖ Percussionists who play keyboards, drums and cymbals along the front sideline closest to the audience. This group marches only in parades. Drum Line – marching band term for the percussion section including both the front ensemble & battery. Color Guard – flag, rifle & sabre performing group that presents the marching band’s visual program. These students must pick one of three options: 1) sign up for Senior Incentive, finish classes for the day early, then come to marching band during 7th hour OR 2) enroll in Concert Band for the full year, playing a band instrument they already know or learn flute (music customized for these students) OR 3) choose the after school option with rehearsals Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 3:15 - 5:00 p.m. Students may audition for either Symphonic Band or Symphonic Winds. Winter Guard – Color Guard performing to pre-recorded music in a gym during the winter season. At EHS, this extra-curricular group forms in November and ends in early April at the Mid-Continent Color Guard Association Championships. Concert Band – non-auditioned inside band consisting of students in grades 9-12. Symphonic Winds– auditioned inside band consisting of students in grades 9-12 with shorter audition. Symphonic Band – top auditioned inside band consisting of grades 9-12. All three concert bands meet together during the summer and 1st quarter to form the Wildcat Pride Marching Band. Jazz Band – 1st hour class where students learn jazz performance skills, jazz history and theory. Rockwood All-District Honor Band – honor group formed of band members at Eureka, Lafayette, Marquette, and Summit by director nomination and conducted by a guest clinician. All-Suburban Band – St. Louis area honor band that auditions at Ladue High School in early November, rehearses about four times and presents a concert on a Sunday in January. This is a pre-qualifying event for the All-State Band auditions. All-State Band – the highest honor for a high school band student in Missouri. Auditions are held in Columbia the first weekend of December. If selected, the student goes to the Tan-Tar-A Resort at the Lake of the Ozarks and rehearses with the best high school musicians in the state, performing for the state’s music educators the last Saturday in January. Solo and Ensemble – held the first weekend in March, students play a solo or small ensemble of three or more musicians for a judge, earning a I, II, III, IV or V rating based on the musical and technical merit of the performance. Solos and ensembles that receive a ―I‖ rating qualify to go to the State Solo and Ensemble festival in Columbia on the last Saturday of April or first Saturday in May for a rating with higher standards and honors. Make sure your son or daughter enrolls with a group of similar ability and commitment level within the same band, not necessarily friends. If one person quits, the whole thing is cancelled and cancellation fees apply to all. MOPAS Day of Percussion - presented by the Missouri Percussive Arts Society. Held after District and before State Solo & Ensemble Festival, all EHS percussionists will attend specialized clinics and perform class ensembles for evaluation. TRAVEL POLICIES Traveling to our festivals and competitions is a privilege. It is the responsibility of band members to properly conduct themselves and represent Eureka High School in a positive manner at all times. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary consequences as described in the EHS student handbook. Bus Procedures ● ● ● ● All students must sign up to ride a bus for marching festivals and field trips via Google Classroom. ○ Only type your name on the list, not a friend’s. ○ Do not delete another person’s name. Leave the front seat open for chaperones. Treat chaperones with respect and follow their directions. With bus drivers and parent chaperones, make an extra effort to be courteous and respectful. Properly dispose of any trash. Assist with the loading and unloading of equipment. We can’t go anywhere until all of our stuff is on the truck nor go home until everything is back in the band room. Many hands make light work! Travel Procedures ● ● ● ● ● ● Each student is responsible for being on time. Tardiness will result in a lowered performance grade. Stay in a group of at least four band members at all times. Never leave the performance site. All policies in the EHS student handbook apply at every event in which the band participates. Students are required to have the Rockwood Attendance Procedure and Out-of-Town or Overnight Travel forms on file in the band office prior to the first day of school. Students will not be allowed to participate in performances or travel with the band without these forms on file. They are found at the end of this packet. Students may check out from an event only with their own parent/guardian following the performance. Siblings, grandparents, aunts and uncles do not apply. In accordance with district policy, riding with a friend’s parents is also not permitted. The parent and student should see a director to be marked off the attendance list. If you cannot ride the bus due to a conflict in schedule, you may travel to the event with a parent only. Please send a note or email no later than the week before the event that you will ride with a parent so that we may plan accordingly. THE TOP 5 RULES OF CONCERT ETIQUETTE Refrain from talking or making any other unnecessary noise. ● This is the first and greatest rule. It also includes whispering during the performance. Turn off pagers, cell phones and watch alarms. ● Text messaging during a performance is also inappropriate. Food and beverages are never allowed in the theatre. Do not applaud between movements. ● The piece is finished when the director lowers their baton. Do not leave the theatre during the music. ● Wait for a break in the concert to visit the restroom, unless you are carrying an upset child, in which case you should leave quietly and quickly. Marching Band FAQs 1. What should I bring to Band Camp? The weather will be sunny and hot so wear light colored and loose fitting clothing. Wear tennis shoes (no sandals), sunscreen, and a hat and/or sunglasses. Rehearsals will be outside unless otherwise stated. Bring a jug of water with your name on it. You will need your instrument, sheet music, pencil, drill and drill chips. You will also need to purchase a lyre (pronounced like the word “liar”) and flip folder which attaches your music to the instrument. Lyres and flip folders are available at most music stores. Percussionists will need a flexible 3-ring binder with clean sheet protectors for their music. Those in the battery will also need to purchase ear plugs due to the high decibel levels that result from playing a marching drum. 2. What will we be doing in Band Camp? Band Camp is our time to prepare our show so that every member will know their music and their positions on the field. A major part of your grade will be evaluation of your performance in these areas. 3. What if I am unable to attend some of the sessions? The drill is very difficult to learn if someone is missing, and even more difficult to make up. You need to let us know when and why you will not be in attendance at Band Camp immediately (see attached Summer Rehearsal Schedule and Excused Absence Form). You should visit with coaches or sponsors about balancing Band Camp with other practices. Work schedules should be cleared. If you need a ride, you should call a friend or your section leader to arrange transportation. Note that absence from rehearsal may result in the student being moved to an alternate or non-performing drill position in the marching band program in order for the band to better learn the show. 4. What will we do the first day of school? We will practice and play. Plan to have your instrument, tennis shoes, music, drill and pencil. 5. Do I have to memorize my marching music? Yes. All marching band performances are performed by memory including our halftimes, competitions, and parades. Memorization tests are part of your 1st quarter grade. If you memorize your music first, you will find that learning the marching techniques and field positions will be much easier. Music will be passed out either by the end of the previous school year or day one of camp at the latest. 6. What if I have other questions about Band? Our section leaders are all upperclassmen with experience in our program and should be able to answer your questions. If you have questions, please contact these students, the drum majors, or the band staff. Ask questions if you are not sure about something -- we can't help you if we don't know that you need advice. 7. Can I be in band and still play in sports? Of course! Communication is the key! Sometimes there are calendar conflicts. Please let us know ahead of time if you’ll be gone so that we can make appropriate arrangements. Games take precedent over our rehearsals, performances come before sport practices. We’re happy to share time between band and another school organization, but we have to be able to plan for your absence. Email the band office for an excused absence and we will send you a makeup assignment. Eureka High School Bands BAND LETTERING GUIDELINES A letter is a symbol of outstanding extracurricular achievement. Listed below are the requirements for earning a letter in band. Letters (or bars for subsequent letters) are presented with all band awards in the spring of each academic year. _____ The student shall earn an "A" or "B" during 1st semester and have an "A" or "B" during the 2nd semester at the time of presentation. _____ The student shall have no unexcused absences from performances. _____ The student shall participate in All-Suburban Band auditions or in the District Solo & Ensemble Festival. _____ The student shall attend all days of band camp without any tardies. _____ The student shall work at least one shift of the Craft Fair or MCCGA AND Music in the Parks events. (For those shifts the students has signed up for but not been in attendance, shift points will be deducted from their total band letter points.) The student shall earn a minimum of 25 points from the events below: Activity Points Activity Attend a college summer band camp 5 District Festival Solo Attend all days of EHS band camp Earned III, IV, or V rating 5 AND all evening rehearsals 10 Earned II rating 7 Bus/Field/Equipment/Room Manager 3 Earned I rating 9 Section Leader 5 District Festival Ensemble Drum Major 7 Earned III, IV, or V rating 5 Earned II rating 7 Audition for All-Suburban Band or Jazz 5 Earned I rating All-Suburban Band or Jazz Member 10 State Festival Solo Audition for All-State Band/Orchestra/Jazz 5 Earned III, IV, or V rating All-State Honorable Mention 10 Earned II rating 9 All-State Alternate 12 Earned I rating 10 All-State Band/Orchestra/Jazz member 15 State/MOPAS Festival Ensemble Rockwood All-District Honor Band 5 Earned III, IV, or V rating 5 Approved non-Rockwood Honor Band 5 Earned II rating 7 (Submit concert program) Earned I rating 9 Enrolled in two EHS bands concurrently 5 Take regular private lessons 10 (Must be documented by instructor) Perform in Composer’s Recital 3 Compose a piece in the Composer’s Recital 5 ETC Pit Orchestra 3 EHS non-school day pep rally/scrimmage 1 Work a shift at craft fair, MCCGA, MIP 1 Participate in approved performance 1 (Submit concert program) TOTAL POINTS: _____ Variety Show Percussion Ensemble Winter Guard Auditioned Music Group Member (Must be documented by director) St. Louis Youth Symphony CMS Young People’s Symphonic Orchestra CMS Young People’s Concert Orchestra Rockwood/Community Music Group (Must be documented by director) Attend an approved concert (Submit concert program) NAME: ____________________________ Points 9 7 3 10 10 7 5 3 1 GRADE: ___ SHOW YOUR PRIDE WITH SPIRIT WEAR BUSY BEE STITCHERY 529 North Virginia Avenue Eureka, MO 63025 Phone: 314-691-6424 [email protected] Please email your order to Lora Lenhart. Payment of spirit wear will be handled by Busy Bee Stitchery. Other items available upon request! ALL ITEMS EMBROIDERED WITH BAND LOGO. Full Zip Hooded Jacket S-XXL $32.00 Hooded Sweatshirt S-XXL $27.50 Sweatshirt Blanket $30.00 Crewneck Sweatshirt S-XXL $22.00 Short Sleeve Polo S-XXL $20.00 Windshirt S-XXL $30.95 Yellow Rain Poncho One Size $22.50 Flannel Pants S-XL $24.00 Cinch Pack $12.00 Knit Cap One Size $12.00 Flexfit Hat S/M or L/XL $18.00 OUT-OF-TOWN OR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FIELD TRIP PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE, RELEASE OF LIABILITY, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT Student’s Name ___________________________________________ School Year: 2015-2016 The undersigned parents/guardians of the above-listed Rockwood student will be informed of any details of any trip taken during the abovereferenced school year, including the places to be visited, the dates and times of departure and return, the purpose of the trip, the method of transportation, and the requirements imposed on students who participate. The undersigned certify that they have received and read the ―Out-ofTown or Overnight Travel Field Trip Booklet‖ (―the Booklet‖) provided by the district, including the Code of Conduct for students. The undersigned acknowledge that there are risks and dangers involved in the student taking the trip and that they nevertheless give their permission to the student going on the trip and they agree to assume the risks involved. In exchange for the Rockwood School District sanctioning the trip and providing district-paid teachers, coaches or sponsors to accompany and supervise the student group, the undersigned hereby release and forever discharge the Rockwood School District, as well as its directors, officers, administrators, employees and other agents from any and all claims, causes of action or suits arising out of or related to any personal injury, property damage or death sustained by the above-mentioned student while on said trip, whether or not such injury, damage or death was caused in whole or in part by the action, inaction, negligence or fault of the Rockwood School District, its directors, officers, administrators, employees or other agents, and agree not to sue. The undersigned further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the district, as well as its directors, officers, administrators, employees, and other agents against any claims asserted by or against my child as a result of or that occur during his or her participation in said trip. The undersigned further agrees that the Rockwood School District representatives accompanying the student shall have the right to enforce rules of conduct and to impose disciplinary action in the event of the student’s failure or refusal to obey said rules of conduct, including dismissal from the trip. The Rockwood School District assumes no financial liability for trips. Parents assume all financial responsibility for trips, including those cancelled by the district and trips extended unexpectedly. In addition, parents assume all financial responsibility should they withdraw their child from the trip, or should their child be sent home from the trip by Rockwood representatives for any reason, including failure or refusal to obey the rules of conduct. The undersigned also acknowledges that any physician/hospital visits during the trip are the student/parents’ financial responsibility, and not the responsibility of the district. Parents/guardians may request the administration of prescription medication or over-the-counter medication pursuant to district policy, and as set forth in the Booklet. The undersigned agrees that neither the district, its directors, officers, administrators, employees, or other agents shall incur any liability as a result of any injury arising from the administration or self-administration of such medication, and the undersigned hereby acknowledges that no such liability shall exist, and on behalf of themselves and the student hereby waive any such liability. Furthermore, the undersigned hereby agree to indemnify and hold the district, it directors, officers, administrators, employees, or other agents harmless against any claims whatsoever arising out of the administration or self-administration of the medication. I have agreed to all provisions of the Agreement by signing on the date indicated below. _________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian ________________________________ Date I acknowledge that the Rockwood School District will have no financial or legal responsibility for injuries arising out of my participation in this trip. I further acknowledge that I have a responsibility to comply with the specific rules and requirements established for this activity, as well as the requirements of the student Code of conduct, and that failure to comply with such rules and requirements may result in discipline, including, but not limited to, possible dismissal from the trip. I further acknowledge that inappropriate conduct while participating in this activity may result in additional discipline under Board of Education Policy, as such policy applies to both in-school and out-of-school misconduct. _________________________________________________ Student Form No. 5006 Date: October 2011 ________________________________ DATE Policy: 5662 OUT-OF-TOWN OR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL WITHOUT NURSE FIELD TRIP AGREEMENT AND STUDENT INFORMATION FORM Date: ________________This is to certify that (Student) _______________________________ has my permission to travel to all music festivals and other related trips during the 2015-2016 school year with the Eureka High School Band. ___ I have received and read the Out-of-Town or Overnight Travel Field Trip Booklet (―the Booklet‖), and acknowledge that its requirements are incorporated herein. Health Information: Check all that apply. ___Asthma ___Allergies ___Medication ___Seizures ___Diabetes ___Heart/Lung ___Wear Contacts ___Mental Health ___Autism ___Other Explain Checked Boxes and Identify Any Other Health Concerns: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: Name _________________________Phone (Home) _________________Phone (Cell) ___________________ Emergency Contact: Name ________________________ Phone (Home) ________________Phone (Cell) ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Insurance Provider (“None” if applicable) Provider’s Phone No. Insurance Policy No. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Insured’s Name Insured’s Employer Employer Phone No. Request for Administering Prescription Medications to Students: (Medications must be in pharmacy container with prescription label properly affixed to the medicine in question.) ___ I request that my child be allowed to take the prescription medicine _________________________ as prescribed by our physician while on band trips. I have read and complied with the requirements for doing so set for in Part III of the Booklet. ___ I request that my child be allowed to carry and use a self-administered metered dose inhaler containing rescue medication and/or an Epi-Pen as prescribed by our physician. I have read and complied with the requirements for doing so set forth in Part III of the Booklet. Administration of Over-the-Counter (“OTC”) Medication: (OTC medications must be in original container and used according to the physician’s signed written directions which must be attached to this document.) Further explanation is contained in Part III of the Booklet. ___ I give permission for a Rockwood representative to administer _________________________ to my child according to the recommended dosage instructions. ___ I give permission for my child to carry _________________________ and consume or apply this medication(s) as directed by our physician. My child and I have read, understand and agree to abide by the requirements set forth in this Agreement, the Booklet and all other expectations and rules set forth by the Rockwood School District and its representatives, including those accompanying students on band trips. I have also received and executed the Out-of-Town or Overnight Travel Field Trip Permissions to Participate, Release of Liability and Indemnity Agreement (Form #5006). I further agree that in an emergency, any Rockwood representative may transport my child to a hospital/medical facility and I authorize any physician or other medical personnel to carry out any diagnostic procedures or emergency care deemed necessary. _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Print) _____________________________________________ Student Name (Print) _____________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _____________________________________________ Student Signature Form No. 5037 Policy: 2870 Date: August 2014 Policy: 5662
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