Focus Research: a Belgian story François Waldner and Aina Astudillo Fernandez Focus research’s factsheet • founded en 1988 • brings together researchers from all disciplines, institutions and career levels sharing a will for the advancement of science in Belgium. • 40 members (20 active) and 3 employees paid by subnational funds • meeting on a monthly basis FOCUS RESEARCH, the Belgian organization for the enhancement of scientific research Focus research’s main objectives are: 1. To improve the communication among researchers through the publication of a yearly journal 2. To reinforce the dialog with political authorities in charge of research 3. To enhance the career development of young researchers inside and outside of the Academia Three groups work to achieve our goals The research policy group is concerned by the political changes that affect Science policy and researchers. • Engage a dialogue with political authorities to defend the interests of researchers Memorandum before the elections advocating for 3% of the GDP for research and development • Publication of a yearly magazine is a project for the professional development of researchers and their employability in and outside of academia. Free services to PhD candidates and PhD holders such as trainings, events and individual job coaching PhDhub is a new working group (created in 2014), dedicated to enhance communication and networking between PhD candidates in Belgium. They achieve this through the organization of social events. They also take responsibility for the NA’s representation in Eurodoc. An annual journal sent to all researchers… …transition of the research system Preparing for non‐academic careers Today, a PhD is not only about preparing academic careers. 95% of the PhD candidates will work outside of the academia. PhD candidates need to prepare for non‐academic careers already during their PhD because when applying for new jobs: • They will be in competition with younger people more flexible and more experimented in job search; • At an age when they do not expect to be greens; • A feeling of imposture born out of the non‐appreciation of the skills acquired during the doctorate creates a vicious cycle Increase the employability of PhDs 1. Interactive web platform with CVs and job opportunities 2. Doctoral trainings and skill assessment (11 training sessions in the last year) “The thesis as a project”, “My professional project” 3. Professional integration Personal coaching 4. Seminars and Events PhD@Work, My thesis in 180 seconds 5. Partnerships with universities and enterprises Monthly newsletter Fostering the relationships between PhDs There was no national PhD association or no national coordination 12 universities in Belgium but only two active PhD associations Difficult to feed the NA and EURODOC with candidates in a sustainable way PhDs like networking and they want to share with fellow PhD candidates There is a strong need and demand for a national PhD network. How to mobilize PhD candidates ? use party as a magnet…and it worked! A positive assessment A new way to get people involved in the NA 70 people left their email addresses (>50%): • 50 said: stay informed about future events • 20 said: stay informed about future events and willing to get involved • 12 joined and founded PhDHUB • 6 joined Focus Research • 2 represent Focus Research at EURODOC PhDHUB has the critical mass to organize the next events. Most universities are represented Challenges to come • How to attract and renew the NA • PhDHUB good for young researcher but attracting academic researchers remains an issue • Next event PhD party and journal • Renewing the communication to ensure a larger attendance to the NA meetings and activities • Set up PhD groups for each university that would be represented at a higher level by PhDHUB. To conclude • Focus research is an association that represents all the Belgian researchers • It has three main projects to ensure its goals The research policy group is the voice of the researchers seeks to improve the employability of PhD candidates PhDHUB is THE place to network and is an effective way of feeding the NA and eurodoc with fresh blood CONTACT [email protected] [email protected]
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