The Helsinki Accords and the OSCE 40 Years on, What Now? Saeima - Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Jēkaba iela 11, Rīga, Latvia 24 April 2015 "History will judge this Conference not by what we say here today, but by what we do tomorrow – not by the promises we make, but by the promises we keep." US President Gerald Ford on the historic significance of the Helsinki Final Act and its implementation 9:00 Registration 9:30 Opening The Importance of the Helsinki Accords for Latvia and Europe: Past Achievements and Future Prospects Chairman: Andris Gobiņš, President of the European Movement - Latvia Ināra Mūrniece, Speaker of Saeima - Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Jo Leinen MEP, President of the European Movement International 10:00 Personal Testimony The Importance of the Helsinki Process for the Civil and Democratic Movement during the Soviet Era Lidija Doroņina-Lasmane, Freedom Fighter, Latvia 10:15 Keynote Speech Cooperation with Difficult Partners in Difficult Times Lauri Tierala, Special Adviser (EU Affairs) to Finland's Prime Minister Alexander Stubb, Member of the EMI Honorary Council Video Address OSCE as a Platform for Dialogue and Joint Action in Good and Bad Weather Ambassador Lamberto Zannier, OSCE Secretary General 10:45 Coffee/tea 11:15 Round Table Debate The Crisis in Ukraine: A Test to the OSCE and a Reminder of the Helsinki Final Act Chairwoman: Lolita Čigāne, President of the European Affairs, Committee of Saeima, Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Ambassador Dejan Šahović, Head of Task Force OSCE Chairmanship of Serbia 2015, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Andrejs Panteļejevs, Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Latvia Edvīns Šnore, Chair of the Latvian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE Bohdan Yaremenko, former diplomat, Chairman of the Board of “Maidan of Foreign Affairs” 12:50 Concluding Remarks Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, Deputy Speaker of Saeima, Parliament of the Republic of Latvia 13:00 Networking Lunch Reception hosted by Saeima – Parliament of the Republic of Latvia 14:30 Continuation of the EMI Federal Assembly (until Saturday, 25 April, 1 p.m.) The Helsinki Accords and the OSCE 40 Years on, What Now? Saeima - Parliament of the Republic of Latvia Rīga, Latvia 24 April 2015 Followed by the European Movement International’s Federal Assembly 24 - 25 April 2015 Organisers: Saeima - Parliament of the Republic of Latvia European Movement International European Movement Latvia Background information With the signature of the Helsinki Final Act 40 years ago, on 1 August 1975, the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) was successfully launched. Later on, the process was transformed into the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which nowadays, together with the European Union, plays a key role in ensuring peace and security in Europe, with its further potential yet to be explored. Latvia holds the EU Presidency in the first half of 2015. Europe’s role in the world plays a key role in the Presidency’s priorities - this includes cooperation with its Eastern and Southern neighbours, as well as coordination of actions with key organisations and stakeholders, including the OSCE and UN. On 20-21 May the Eastern Partnership Summit is planned to take place in Riga. The official conference will be followed by the annual meeting of the European Movement International Federal Assembly, at which occasion its 75 Members will gather to collectively evaluate and decide upon its policies and strategies adopt motions and resolutions, and appoint its new Secretary General. Aims To honour the importance of the Helsinki Accords had in the peaceful reunification; to identify particular cooperation needs between the EU and the OSCE for the peace and future of our continent –with a special focus on the role of civil society within the EU and its neighbouring states.
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