Webinar on ‘Smart Cities – Role of Standards’ Mr. Dinesh Chand Sharma (Director – Standardization, Policy and Regulation, Project SESEI on European Standards) Ms. Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz (Managing Director, The Keryx Group; Polish Permanent Representative to the CEN-CENELECETSI Smart City Standardisation Coordination Group) 17th March 2015, New Delhi Promoting European clean technologies in India & tackling climate change www.ebtc.eu www.ebtc.eu | 1 The CEN-CENELEC-ETSI „Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Coordination Group” SMART SUSTAINABLE CITIES SUMMIT 2015 New Delhi, 18 March 2015 Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz Managing Director, The Keryx Group Polish Permanent Representative to the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI; SSCC-CG What is a smart city? Environment sustainablity China’s Smart City Pilots: A Progress Report Pu Liu and Zhenghong Peng, Wuhan University IEEE Computer, October 2014 What is a smart city? Environment Środowisko sustainability People Człowiek citizen well being Economy Ekonomia economic viability The E.U. Context Cities are ‘driving forces’ in generating European economic and sustainable growth Expected to deliver ‘more and new’ services, be globally competitive and meet the EU 20/20/20 energy and climate goals Need for a holistic approach to the economic, environmental, and social challenges that cities are facing The EU is expected to invest around €200m for Smart Cities in the next two years and standardization. The India Context Cities are ‘driving forces’ in generating Indian economic and sustainable growth Expected to deliver ‘more and new’ services, be globally competitive and meet energy and climate goals Need for a holistic approach to the economic, environmental, and social challenges that cities are facing India is expected to invest into 100 new Smart Cities in the next few years and standardization? Agenda 1. 2. 3. European Standardization Model: SSCC-CG: 1. The international context: ISO/ITU/IEC 2. A coordinated European approach: Start, membership, scope (ToR), activities, deliverables. How a NSO fits in the SSCC-CG. Example of the Polish Standardization Committee’s - Smart Cities Task Group (GZ1) 1. Start, membership, scope (ToR), activities, deliverables. 2. Adoption of the first Smart City Standard ISO37120:2014 in Poland 3. Project ACCUS as an example of open source Smart City architecture Actions & Objectives for SSCC-CG in 2015-16. A. The European Standardization Model – The Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Coordination Group. The SSCC-CG. European Standards – evolution …meeting stakeholder needs Why develop Smart City Standards? The benefits of Standards to Smart and Sustainable Cities and communities: Enabling integration between systems, and between the physical and the digital, Underpinning common understanding, Helping to obtain funding, and to prevent vendor lock-in, Enabling scale, Standards on physical and digital environments that ensure accessibility for all citizens, ... because standards will create Smart Cities. The development of relevant standards will help to deliver a Smarter City in four ways: Developing and managing an overall SSCC strategy Implementing and managing major SSCC projects, „Doing things smarter” Putting in place a solid foundation. International standard organizations realized this and started organizing themselves into relevant decision organs. A. The European Standardization Model: SSCC-CG 1. Background on the international context: ISO/ITU/IEC The International Context The three global standards organizations have each created their own „Smart City” organ: ISO: Technical Committee 268: „Sustainable development in communities”: ISO/TC268 IEC: Systems evalutaion group 1: IEC/SEG1 ITU: Focus Group on Smart Sustainble Cities: FG-SSC Structure of ISO/TC 268 Prepared by: Dr Yoshiaki Ichikawa, Chairman of ISO/TC 268/SC 1 and IEC TC 111. ISO/TC 268 • ISO 37120:2014 “Sustainable development and resilience of communities – Indicators for city services and quality of life” • Progress on the following standardization documents: • ISO/CD 37101 “Sustainable development and resilience of communities -- Management systems -- General principles and requirements”; • ISO/DTS 37151 “Smart community infrastructure metrics”; • ISO/DTR 37152 “Smart community infrastructures -Common framework for development and operation”. IEC/SEG1 on Smart Cities • IEC/SEG1/WG1 – City Service Continuity • IEC/SEG1/WG2 – Urban Planning and Simulation System • IEC/SEG1/WG3 – City Facilities Management (CFM) • IEC/SEG1/WG4 – Use Case – Smart Home • IEC/SEG1/WG5 – Use Case – Smart Education • IEC/SEG1/WG6 – Smart Cities Assessment • IEC/SEG1/WG7 - Standards Development for Smart Cities using the City of Johannesburg, in a rapidly emerging country, as a piloting benchmark for Smart Cities implementation ITU-T Focus Group on SSC • WG1 - ICT Role & Roadmap for Smart Sustainable Cities • WG2 - ICT Infrastructure • WG3 - Standardization gaps, KPIs and metrics • WG4 - Policy & positioning (communications, liaisons and members) SSCC-CG & ISO/IEC/ITU ISO/TC 268 ‘Sustainable development in communities’ ISO TMB Smart Cities Advisory Group ISO/IEC JTC1 Smart Cities IEC SEG 1 Systems Evaluation Group CENCENELECETSI SSCC-CG ITU-T SG 5 Smart Cities For Europe the need to establish a common European Standardization strategy © CEN-CENELEC 2010 19 A. The European Standardization Model: SSCC-CG. 2. The coordinated European approach Start, membership, scope (ToR), activities & deliverables of the SSCC-CG. Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Coordination Group The SSCC-SG, end 2012, as a CEN-CENELEC Coordination Group ETSI joined in 2014 to cover the ICT aspects. The Secretariat of the Coordination Group is provided by AFNOR (FR); Chairperson is Mr. Jean-Félix - Managing Director SYNTEC Ingénierie and vice-president of EFCA (European Federation of Unions of Engineers Consultatns). Three Ad-hoc groups has been already appointed: TG 1 ‘Mapping of relevant International, European and national standardization initiatives’ (leaded by AFNOR); TG 2 ‘Mapping of stakeholders and interested parties in Europe’ (leaded by AFNOR); TG 3 ‘Mapping of topics and issues to be dealt with under the scope SSCC-CG’ (leaded by BSI). Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities Coordination Group 44 Members and Observers compose the SSCC-CG Members: representatives from relevant CEN and CENELEC and ETSI Technical Committees, ETSI Secretariat, CEN and CENELEC Advisory and Coordination bodies, CCMC, partner organizations of CEN and CENELEC CEN and CENELEC National Members with an interest Observers: representatives from ISO (ISO/TC 268 ‘Sustainable development in communities’), IEC, ITU, the European Commission/EFTA, interested organisations Scope of the SSCC-CG Coordinate (not elaborate) standardization activities and foster collaboration around standardization work: make proposals/recommendations. Advise CEN and CENELEC (Technical) and ETSI Boards, on European interests and needs, relating to standardization on Smart and Sustainable Cities & Communities Take into account existing ISO/IEC/ITU deliverables and activities in view of consistency at international level Deliverables: end 2014 Mapping of relevant International, European and National initiatives, Mapping of stakeholders and interested parties, Mapping of topics and issues to be dealt with, within the scope of smart and sustainable cities and communities, Roadmap presenting the outcome of the 3 Tasks Groups Recommendations for follow-up actions and for the possible creation of a Technical Committee(s) for future standardization work Tasks completed by the end of 2014 - reporting to the CEN and CENELEC (Technical) and ETSI Boards Activities of the SSCC-CG By consensus on: Strategic coordination & Technical coordination Fostering interested parties’ mobilization and support (networks of cities, industries, etc..) Synergies with the EU initiatives on Smart Cities - Smart Cities Stakeholder Platform - European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities (OIP) SSCC-CG’s committment to the EIP (Committment n.7352) Development of a “context setting framework”/common reference framework” providing a common understanding of how a city works and a common way to identify the key issues, challenges and opportunities faced by cities B. How an NSO fits in the SSCC-CG. The Smart And Sustainable Development of Cities and Societies Task Group 1 in Poland The Polish Committee for Standardization (Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny – PKN) B. How an NSO fits in the SSCC-CG: PKN Smart Cities Mirror Task Group 1 1. Start, membership, scope (ToR), activities, deliverables. Polish Standardization Context: Smart Cities task group (GZ1) at PKN On 9 December 2013 by a decision of the Electrotechnic Industry Council, a protocol of appointment of Smart And Sustainable Development of Cities and Societies Task Group. This is the first group of this type in the Polish Committee for Standardization Professor Zdobysław Flisowski, member of Electrotechnic Industry Council was appointed to the chair of the group Ms. Alicja Haras, consultant of four technical Commitee SET (KT 8, KT 68, KT 143 i KT 304) was appointed to the coordinator of the group (email [email protected]; phone +48225567645) Ms. Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz, Managing Director, The Keryx Group, is the permanent representative to the SSCC-CG. Polish Standardization Context: Smart Cities task group (GZ1) at PKN Members: One member of RS or one person appointed by RS, Experts from KT/KZ, External specialists invited by RS Chairman, Methods: Organizational and technical service is provided by GZ1 coordinator, who provides to the members of the group full documentation about CEN-CENELEC and SSCC-CG work, and other documents related to group taks. GZ1 chairman is the leader of the work. GZ1 chairman can designate his deputy from GZ members GZ1 can work meetings or remotely GZ1 is preparing projects of resolutions and decisions from RS, which can be accepted by GZ by the majority of votes. Polish Standardization Context: Smart Cities task group (GZ1) at PKN TERMS OF REFERENCE: To give its opinion on documents prepared by CEN-CLC SSCC-CG and IEC/SEG 1 (Systems Evaluation Group – Smart Cities), To give its opinion on projects of standards from ISO/TC 268 ‚Sustainable development in communities’ (and other standards related to the scope of tasks of the group projects) until apropriate KT/KZ in PKN will be created, To advise RS SET in matters related to assignment of projects to the appropriate OT., To analyse standards & norms in Poland in order to identify all OT involved currently in this topic., Collecting and preparing documentation about information related to preexisting Polish Smart City development initiatives, Promotion of works realized by GZ1. B. How an NSO fits in the SSCC-CG: PKN Smart Cities Mirror Task Group 1 2. Adoption of the first Smart City Standard ISO37120:2014 in Poland The first Smart City standard: ISO37120:2014 in resume 100 „City services and quality of life” indicators 47 Core Indicators 54 Supporting Indicators Description of how to report the indicatoirs („indicators are reported in accordance to the following requirements:”) The Keryx Group introduced ISO37120:2014 to Poland Official request to introduce ISO37120:2014 into the Polish System of Standards (”Zbior Polskich Norm”) by The Keryx Group Poland, in mid October 2014. Media Coverage in eg. „Portal Samorzadowy”: http://www.portalsamorzadowy.pl/gospodarkakomunalna/smart-cities-ta-norma-bedzie-rewolucja-dlawladz-miast,63784.html The Keryx Group│Partner Relations Management│Business Network Development 34 ISO37120:2014 in Poland B. How an NSO fits in the SSCC-CG: PKN Smart Cities Mirror Task Group 1 3. Project ACCUS as an example of open source Smart City architecture Multinational Project ACCUS: Adoptive Cooperative Control in Urban Subsystems • The largest ICT cluster in Poland (over 140 companies with total employment of 22 000) is involved in project ACCUS • Initial product and services surveys among local companies and among municipalities in the Batlic Sea Region • The first versions of ACCUS business models of ACCUS are ready • Memorandum of cooperation with Gdansk and Interizon is successfully signed (31.10.2014) ACCUS platform: the proposed architecture Cross Domain Application Service Application Application Service Service ACCUS Integration and Coordination Platform Service Application Service Service Access Service Repository Policies Semantic Mapping … Interface Interface Interface Interface Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem Subsystem Service Service Service Service Service Service Service Public space Domain Mobility Domain Energy Domain ACCUS platform: how it works? ACCUS Applications Cross Domain Application Service Application Application Service Service Service Service Access Service Feedback Application Interface 2 Request to postpone Subsystem heating and cooling Service operations in area X Service Mobility Subsystem Public space Domain Policies 3 Semantic Mapping Interface Subsystem Service Service Buildings Subsystem Mobility Domain … Interface 1 Feedback Request to influence battery Interface loading behaviour (where) Subsystem 2 related to executed trips Service 3 (avoid area X) Service Repository Feedback ACCUS ICP = Urban Operating System ACCUS Integration and Coordination Platform 4 Imbalance in energy Subsystem network of area X Service (shortage) Service Energy Subsystem Energy Domain MAP OF ORDER (CITY GIS) SMART TOURISM Interface WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT GPEC (HEAT DISTRIBUTION) ZKM (CITY TRANSPORTATION) DART (MUNICIPAL POLICE) Subsystem Interface Subsystem (ITS) Subsystem Interface TRISTAR Interface Considered city/regional subsystems Interface Interface Subsystem STEERABLE HPS STREET LIGHTS Subsystem BUILDING ENERGY MANAGEMENT Subsystem INTELLIGENT HOUSE/BUILDING ACCUS ICP = Urban Operating System ACCUS Applications ACCUS pilot installation in Gdansk: subsystems proposed by the consortium PKM (SUBURBAN RAILS) NUMERICAL WEATHER FORECASTING 3D GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION VISUALIZATION INTELLIGENT STREET TRAFFIC SENSORS SPRINT Interface VECTOR SILED GPEC … Subsystem Subsystem Podsystems and applications of local companies Interface Interface Subsystem ‘CITIZEN SENSOR’ Subsystem STEERABLE LED STREET LIGHTS Interface … AUTOMATIC VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION ROAD CONDITIONS MONITORING ACCUS platform development: a roadmap • There will be two „tracks” of ACCUS SoS installations Stable RTM ACCUS R&D pilot installation – available to ACCUS partners 01.2014 01.2015 05.2016 ACCUS ends Stable platform starts • After Project ACCUS ends 05/2016: – City of Gdansk provides resources to maintain the pilot version of ACCUS and will provide ACCUS for further cooperation in R&D areas (in the form of a Smart City Living Lab) – Gdansk plans to run a product platform that is mature and stable (for the needs of the city and the region) The vision SCaaS – Smart City as a Service Environment sustainablity China’s Smart City Pilots: A Progress Report Pu Liu and Zhenghong Peng, Wuhan University IEEE Computer, October 2014 C. Conclusions, Objectives & Actions for SSCC-CG in 2015-2016. Three take-aways for 2015-16 The need to tackle potential resistance for standardization programmes on SSCC. Problem: poor image of “standards” among European Cities. Solution: involve more representatives of all parties and domains in the development of standards and to consider technological issues as well as societal ones. The publication of a comprehensive European standardization roadmap (help clarify the complexity of the situation) CEN-CENELEC and ETSI should be available to provide the "roundtable" for sorting out the organisational process, bringing the right people together and explaining the benefits of standardization in the context of urban development. Four Objectives Four Objectives for 2015-2016 Objective A: Promote an enabling Framework for the emergence of SSCC Objective B: Promote Stakeholder involvement and engagement Objective C: Standardisation of process and key standards Objective D: Communication and promotion of SSCC Standards ONE General Objective The successful implementation of policies on Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities, supported by coordinated standardization policies. Smart Cities India EEN Brokerage Event, 20-22nd May 2015, New Delhi Focus Short, sharp 20 minute meetings to foster effective networking Get to know key R&D players offering services to companies Get your problem solved - Matching organizations offering or seeking solutions Why to participate? Get access to European technologies Find new commercial/technological/research partners Initiate cross-border contacts and co-operations How does it work? Register and publish your organizational focus and collaboration wishes Send, receive and validate meeting requests once booking is opened Your personal meeting schedule will be ready one week before Registration Please register online at: https://www.b2match.eu/smartcitiesindia2015. The registration and booking b2b sessions are Free of Charge for all companies until 15th of May 2015. Location The B2B meetings will happen at European Pavilion in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi Promoting European clean technologies in India & tackling climate change www.ebtc.eu | 47 Contacts SSCC-CG Website: SMART CITIES Anya Margaret Ogorkiewicz The Keryx Group E-mail: [email protected] Web: keryxgroup.com Twitter: @keryx_global Dinesh Chand Sharma Seconded European Standardization Expert in India E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.eustandards.in Vittalkumar Dhage European Business and Technology Centre E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.ebtc.eu Promoting European clean technologies in India & tackling climate change www.ebtc.eu | 48 Thank You! EBTC New Delhi (Head Office) DLTA Complex, South Block, 1st Floor 1, Africa Avenue, New Delhi 110 029, INDIA Tel: +91 11 3352 1500 Fax: +91 11 3352 1501 [email protected] www.ebtc.eu New Delhi | Mumbai | Bengaluru | Kolkata | Brussels
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