Youth and Family Services Program

Inukai Family Boys & Girls Club
Youth and Family Services
Our Youth and Family Services (YFS) Program offers counseling, social help, behavior planning, case management, assistance accessing services (housing, food, medical, mental health, clothing, etc), as well as specialized classes and/or groups for parents or children. The YFS Program strives to help children and families meet their needs and live their best lives. Our programs are evidence‐based, trauma‐informed, and designed for posi ve outcomes in youth and families from all backgrounds, cultures, and life experiences. Addi onally, our program seeks to be a megaphone to the wider community; taking the experiences and stories from our youth and families and using them to create equitable and posi ve change all around us. Violence Survivor’s Group Date Smart Program for Teens Posi ve Behavior Interven on Groups YFS Program Offerings
Posi ve Behavior Interven on Groups 
SMART (Skills Mastery and Resistance Training) Preven on Programs 
SMART Girls 
SMART Boys 
SMART Teens 
Date SMART 
Youth Advisory Council 
Junior Leaders Training Program 
SNAP Educa on Nutri on Classes 
Violence Survivor’s Group 
Good Ci zen Group 
Tough Talks Parent Educa on Classes 
Parent Skill Building Groups 
Peaceful Place Relaxa on Room 
Girls INC 
Adventures Without Limits 
Individual and Family Counseling 
Case Management 
Resources and Referrals 
Family Holiday Sponsorship 
School Supplies 
Oral & Hygiene Supplies 
Coats, Shoes, & Clothing 
Mentoring 