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Using Reflec+on Papers to Build a Be6er Clinical Learning Experience Objec&ves: •  Review the evalua&on process used by MSJU •  Discuss the organiza&on, submission and evalua&on process used with E*Value Evalua&on Process •  Three fold process –  Reflec&on papers –  Preceptor and site evalua&ons –  Main objec&ve •  Student review what they learned and accomplished during the rota&on –  Encourages the students to self-­‐reflect on what they need to work on and improve •  Evaluate the preceptor’s supervision and ability to provide the students with a s&mulate learning environment. Evalua&on Process •  1. Reflec&on Paper -­‐ MT and/or Final Qualita&ve Research •  Preceptor supervision •  Opportuni&es to cri&cal think •  Opportuni&es to make decisions •  Opportuni&es to communicate •  Overall assessment of the clinical site Evalua&on Process •  2. Preceptor Evalua&on -­‐ MT and/or Final •  Provided s&mula&ng learning environment •  Provided opportuni&es for students to –  cri&cal think, make decisions and communicate •  Provided appropriate supervision •  3. Site Evalua&on – Final Only •  Challenges the student to use clinical skills •  Reinforces informa&on & skills learned in class •  Uses OSHA standard •  Supplies and equipment meets the needs of the clinical site Quan&ta&ve Research -­‐ Out of a 4pt scale E*Value – Submission & Grading •  Reflec&on papers –  40pts each –  Part of clinical perspec&ve course journal grade •  Preceptor and site evalua&ons –  Pass/Fail E*Value – Proficiencies Evalua&ons •  Preceptor and student complete •  Two main areas –  Clinical skills •  Worth 75% of the grade •  Includes sec&ons such as – 
Evalua&on Immediate care Treatment/rehabilita&on Administra&on –  Professional abributes •  Worth 25% of the grade E*Value – Schedule/Time Frame •  Genera&ng Assignments –  All reflec&on papers and preceptor/site evalua&ons are link to specific course –  Establish a &me frame •  Select the appropriate genera&on date E*Value – Schedule Assignments QUESTIONS???