Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre Artist-in

Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre
Artist-in-Residence Program 2015
Expression of Interest Form
Submissions close 5.00pm Friday 22 May 2015
Applicants notified by Friday 5 June 2015
* EOI forms can also be found at
* For enquiries please contact Gwenyth Macnamara, Curator of Public
Programs (gwenyth.macnamara[at]; +61 2 6262 9333)
Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Level 1 North Building
180 London Circuit
Canberra City
PO Box 992
Civic Square ACT 2608
T 02 6262 9333
F 02 6262 9666
[email protected]
Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………..
Phone: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….
Referees (names, telephone and email contact details of two referees in your field who know you and are
familiar with your work)
1. ....................................................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................................................
Placement: One residency placement is each available to a Craft ACT member craft practitioner or
designer-maker and an international craft practitioner or designer-maker.
Location: The residency is undertaken at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage, Namadgi National Park, Australian
Capital Territory (ACT). The research period will be conducted in Canberra, ACT.
Residency period: Total residency period of 1 month per artist (a two week residency in Namadgi
National Park and a two week research period in Canberra), as per the dates offered below by Craft ACT:
Craft + Design Centre:
Craft ACT member artist:
 Research period, Canberra:
from Tuesday 18 August 2015 to Tuesday 1 September 2015
 Residency, Namadgi National Park:
from Tuesday 1 September 2015 to Tuesday 15 September 2015
International artist:
 Research period, Canberra:
From Tuesday 1 September 2015 to Tuesday 15 September 2015
 Residency, Namadgi National Park:
From Tuesday 15 September 2015 to Tuesday 29 September 2015
Expression of Interest Requirements
Please supply the following details, via Dropbox (send your link to
gwenyth.macnamara[at] Alternatively, you can submit your application in an electronic
format via email to gwenyth.macnamara[at], or on a CD/USB key to:
Gwenyth Macnamara
Curator of Public Programs
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre
PO Box 992, Civic Square ACT 2608
Completed Cover Sheet (page 1 of this form)
Residency proposal and selection criteria (minimum of one A4 page and maximum of two A4 pages).
Applicants should address the following selection criteria:
How will your proposal promote and advocate this year’s theme of Connect with Your Nature
which is built around the ‘Healthy Parks, Healthy People’ philosophy with the general
Why would you like to undertake a residency in Namadgi National Park and a sustained research
period in Canberra?
How will the residency enhance your practice?
What do you hope to achieve during your time in Namadgi National Park and during your
research in Canberra?
How will your proposal engage with community?
Current curriculum vitae (maximum of two A4 pages)
Description of your practice (maximum of one A4 page)
Images (6 high quality images indicative of your practice, submitted in a Microsoft PowerPoint
presentation format. All images should be clearly labelled with your name, art work title, year,
medium/materials, dimensions and photographer credit).
Please note: If you choose to send proposal documents and material to the Centre on a CD or USB key, it
will be retained and will not be returned. Please do not send original files.
Applications must be received no later than 5.00pm Friday 22 May 2015. Incomplete applications will
not be accepted. For enquiries, please contact Gwenyth Macnamara at
gwenyth.macnamara[at] or on 02 6262 9333.
Cover sheet (page 1 of this form)
Residency proposal addressing selection criteria (maximum 2 A4 pages)
Curriculum Vitae (maximum 2 A4 pages)
Description of your practice (maximum one A4 page)
6 high quality images, submitted in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation format
Expression of Interest Information
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre is the
peak craft and design organisation in
Canberra and the region. The Centre
has a 40 year history and a nationally
recognised reputation for its
outstanding artistic program. It has
gained international recognition in
showcasing high quality innovative
Australian craft and design.
The Centre supports craft practitioners
and designer-makers at all levels of
career and manages a retail outlet, an
innovative exhibition program, a
membership program and a diverse
range of public programs and one-off
The Artist-in-Residence program is
presented in partnership with ACT
Parks and Conservation Service. It is supported by the artsACT artist-in-residence initiative.
One residency placement will be offered to a Craft ACT member craft practitioner or designer-maker and
one placement to an international craft practitioner or designer-maker. All applications submitted are
considered by the Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre Artistic Program Sub-committee and the Executive
Residency theme: Connect with Your Nature
When we connect with and experience our national parks, our health and wellbeing is enriched and
balanced. Time spent in these sanctuaries sustains and restores our minds and bodies – away from the
stresses and demands of our routines and the fast-paced age of advanced technologies in which we live.
Evidence from fields as diverse as ecology, environmental psychology and psychiatry have shown that
access to ‘nature’ plays a vital role in human health, wellbeing and development. With wide research and
compelling evidence from across the globe, the concept of ‘Heathly Parks Healthy People’ emerged a
number of years ago with ACT Parks and Conservation Service now championing the cause.
This concept is directly related to the work of ACT Parks and Conservation Service. Strategic land
management initiatives are directly supporting the complex, natural ecosystems found within Namadgi
National Park in the Australian Capital Territory. As Brett McNamara, Regional Manager, National Parks
and Catchments Region at ACT Parks and Conservation Service, states, ‘…to my mind the Healthy Parks
Healthy People approach is much more than just a valuable parks strategy – it is also recognising what we
already intuitively understand, that people are not separate from nature, but a part of it. The best
medicine to come from nature is nature itself. It’s all about connecting with nature. Moreover, individual
and community emotional health and wellbeing are reliant on a healthy parks system - and that a healthy
parks system is integrally linked to the value placed on it by the general community.’
As a result of ACT Parks and Conservation Service’s work, the park functions as nature would have
intended. This provides us with the foundation of a wonderful environment and the opportunity to
connect with our nature, in turn enriching our own good health, as well as providing us with a sense of
place and cultural identity.
The aim of the Artist-in-Residence program is to offer opportunities for artists to:
 Raise their professional profile both in Australia and internationally through participating in an
international cross-cultural residency program - to make new work for the 2016 artist-inresidence exhibition in the Craft ACT Gallery and be published in a catalogue distributed
nationally and internationally. The publication will feature images of the artists during their
residency period, their work and essays about their experience
 Be alone within a unique environment to focus solely on their professional practice
 Access the national park and park rangers to explore sensitive heritage sites and environmental
areas, allowing for the cross-pollination of the arts, heritage and environment
 Access national cultural and research institutions and collections and strengthen areas of
professional practice through a sustained research period
 Have the opportunity to network with participating local or international artists - to share ideas
and form relationships that may lead to future opportunities, collaboration or joint projects
 Increase knowledge and understanding of cultures, and cultural exchanges between countries
 Engage with the community through participating in public programs such as an Open Day, a
forum, an artist talk, a workshop and/or other events as agreed.
The Artist-in-Residence program expressions of interest are open to professional, practicing craft
practitioners and designer-makers who have a demonstrated history of excellence in their practice.
Applications are open to Craft ACT members and international artists. Group applications are not
There is a public program component and selected artists are required to participate in community
engagement activities, such as an artist talk, workshop and an Open Day during the residency period.
Please note, international applicants must demonstrate good written and spoken English skills to
participate in the public program and to understand their responsibilities relating to occupational health
and safety protocol within the park.
Residency Information
This residency has been designed to allow craft practitioners and designer-makers to extend their artistic
boundaries through a unique period to focus on the development of their work and ideas. For this reason
and due to national park safety procedures, visitors, including partners, children and friends of resident
artists are not permitted to join them during the program at the residency sites.
Artists-in-residence have the use of a living and working space at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage in
Namagdi National Park. The site is remote and isolated in the Australian bush and artists must be selfsufficient. The cottage is located approximately 50-60km from the nearest town centre, Tharwa, ACT.
The Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage is a fully furnished and powered site. Artists must have access to their
own transport and provide their own food and linen.
Namadgi National Park is a wildlife sanctuary. Pets and other animals are not allowed into the National
Park and Nature Reserve.
Costs and Subsidies
The Artist-in-Residence program is supported by the artsACT artist-in-residence initiative and benefits
from the financial support of Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre. A stipend of AUD $2,000.00 will be
provided for each artist-in-residence, payable in full at the commencement of the residency, or as
otherwise arranged.
Financial support of up to $3,500 AUD for travel expenses to and from Canberra will be provided by Craft
ACT: Craft + Design Centre to the selected international artist. This will cover a return airfare as well as car
hire for the two week period whilst residing in the park. The Centre will arrange car hire on behalf of the
international artist as required.
Accommodation at Gudgenby Ready-Cut Cottage is provided to artists-in-residence at no cost.
Accommodation in Canberra for the international artist in Canberra to undertake research and participate
in the public program will be provided by Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre. Artists will cover all living and
transport expenses for the duration of the residency.
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre will provide a suitable amount of firewood for use during the residency.
Artists are responsible for covering any further firewood supplies as needed.
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre requires each artist-in-residence to enter into a short term contract with
the Centre for the duration of the residency and the exhibition in 2015. The Contract must be signed by
both parties before the residency commences.
As part of the Artist-in-Residence program at Namadgi National Park, a Site Usage Agreement (SUA)
between the artist and Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre is required. The artist is required to agree to and
sign the SUA prior to commencement, as well as to attend an on-site induction provided by ACT Parks and
Conservation Service. The SUA forms part of the residency Contract between Craft ACT: Craft + Design
Centre and the artist.
The artist will agree to:
 Undertake the Artist-in-Residence program (residency, community engagement activities and
research period) for the purpose of creating new work based on the experience and theme of the
 Sign and return the Site Usage Agreement before commencing the residency and undertake an
induction provided by ACT Parks and Conservation Service on commencement.
 Comply with the guidelines set out in the Induction and Guidelines Manual for Artists
 Make work for the exhibition in 2016 to be held in the Centre’s gallery.
 Participate in community engagement activities through the residency’s public program.
 Comply with all occupational, health and safety requirements when living and/or working within the
National Park.
 Provide own appropriate vehicle for use during the residency
 Provide own access to WIFI if needed.
Craft ACT: Craft and Design Centre is responsible for:
 Organising the public programs including artist talks, open days and workshops.
 The exhibition installation, demount and staffing for the duration of the exhibition in 2016.
 Insurance and public liability for the exhibition in 2016.
 Exhibition support material.
 Exhibition opening costs.
 Publicity, promotion and advertising of the public programs and exhibition in 2016.
 Commission of an article for the catalogue.
 Printing of an exhibition invitation.
 Distribution of exhibition invitations to Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre’s networks including media,
industry and government organisations.
The artist is responsible for:
 Transportation of and transit insurance for exhibition work to and from the Gallery.
 Installation assistance, if applicable.
All costs relating to specific mounting requirements of the exhibition.
Supplying the work with suitable display accessories including stands, hanging materials or other aids
necessary, by the installation date.
Punctual delivery of promotional information - a current curriculum vitae, artist statement and high
resolution images.
Supplying information about the exhibition works to the gallery prior to the exhibition commencing.
Sale of works
The artist will make all work available for sale during the residency exhibition unless prior approval to the
contrary has been given in writing by the Gallery.
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre applies a 33.3% commission on the selling price of all works sold during
the exhibition period. If Australian, the artist will supply an ABN or Statement by a Supplier and GST status
before the exhibition commences.
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre
Gallery and Shop hours: Tuesday – Friday – and Saturday –
Office Hours: Monday – Friday –
ABN: 33 314 092 587
Member of ACDC, Australia Craft Design Centres
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre is supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian
Government and all state and territory governments.
Craft ACT: Craft + Design Centre is supported by the ACT Government and the Australia Council for the Arts, the federal
government's arts funding and advisory body.