Art wooden jigsaw puzzles CATALOGUE 2011 All the pieces are a different shape Poplar wood from renewable sources Handmade in France A RT JIGSAW PUZZLES TO DISPLAY Le pont japonais MONET An invisible cutting Luxury boxes Retrouvez tous nos puzzles sur E DITO Dear Puzzlers, Following your encouragements and suggestions, we have prepared a new collection for 2011, inspired by the world’s most wonderful works of art. This year, we have paid particular attention to contemporary art with new works by Matisse, Klee and Kandinsky. We have also continued our discovery of little-known 19th-century painters, such as Béraud, Tissot and Turpin. I hope that you will have as much fun doing these jigsaw puzzles as we had making them! Help us to spread the word about our wooden jigsaw puzzles of artwork to your friends and family; they make for original and appreciated gifts! Don’t forget that they can be personalised for your friends or for any business communication campaign. photo : Jacques Graf Pour chercher les puzzles par nombre de pieces : 250 pieces Please ask for our catalogue of children’s puzzles. it features works of art, geography, etc for kids from 3 years old upwards. 350 pieces 500 à 650 pieces 750 à 900 pieces 1000 pieces et plus To order : grosses pieces mini puzzles 40 pieces New jigsaw puzzles Entirely hand made production – from gluing the image on the wood to covering with cellophane! Children jigsaw puzzles are shown on our website 150 pieces NOUVEAU Poplar wood jigsaw puzzles from renewable sources in European forests. Children jigsaw puzzle 80 pieces CHALLENGE Hand made jigsaw puzzles – cut in our workshops in Paris and Burgundy N - call (+33)1 45 75 35 28 - send an e-mail to : [email protected] Hardest puzzles in each category 3 J IGSAW PUZZLES NOWADAYS The pleasure of puzzling in wood Story of jigsaw puzzles Our jigsaw puzzles are made of poplar wood, a renewable and ecologic matter. The intellectual pleasure to resolve the tricks created by the craftwoman. The craftwoman separates the colours, isolate the distinctive elements to create the maximum of difficulty. Each time a cutter makes a puzzle, he or she creates each piece individually.Our puzzles are 3 more time more difficult than cardboard ones. Artistic jigsaw puzzles We offer nearly 200 different models coming from the greatest museums in the world. It is a unique artistic and cultural choice. The shapes depend on the painter’s style and use of brushstrokes. The motif also plays a part : pieces of sea will have wavy shapes, the sky will have cloud shapes, stone will be made of squarrer pieces. The craft worker is guided by respect for the work of art. Jigsaw puzzles were invented in England in the 1760s. Jigsaw puzzles for adults appeared around 1900 in the United States. They became fashionable in Boston high society, then in New York. Cut out precisely along the colour lines, they were not only very difficult but also very expensive. The russian aristocracy too became keen puzzlers, and brought the game into France under the brand name Véra. Works of art The saw is very thin and the line of cut is hidden in the drawing. The saw is nearly invisible once the puzzle is completed. That is why many puzzlers like to frame their Luxury boxes Our wooden art puzzles have luxury boxes. Gilded with fine gold, the thick cardboard boxes are then covered with cellophane identical to the cellophane used by the 4 Michèle Wilson started her business in 1975, following on from Véra where she had learned the craft. She ran the expanding Michele Wilson puzzles until 1997. Her handmade wooden art puzzle business is now continued by ardent puzzler Sophie OlléLaprune and her enthusiastic team. CHALLENGE CHALLENGE A NCIENT ART Rosace Notre-Dame MOYEN-AGE A342-80 pieces 6’’ x 6’’ L’adoration des bergers DE LA TOUR 150 La Vierge à l’Enfant MOYEN-AGE A831-150 pieces 4’’ x 10’’ N 250 250 La Vierge au buisson de roses LOCHNER A906-250 pieces 7’’ x 10’’ NOUVEAU 80 A 17th-century painter from the Lorraine region, was highly influenced by Caravage and Flemish painters. He introduced the chiaroscuro in religious scenes that he however treated almost as scenes from everyday life. In this spiritual work of art, the composition focuses on the child in the glow of the candlelight. A102-250 pieces | 10’’ x 7’’ 350 150 Vierge aux deux anges, MONACO A937-150 pieces | 10’’ x 6’’ Le jardin de Gethsémané, MOYEN-AGE A816-350 pieces | 12’’ x 12’’ 5 3 CHALLENGE A NCIENT ART Le masque de Toutankhamon, ART EGYPTIEN This full-scale mask of Tutankhamon was supposed to protect the head of the pharaoh’s mummy with a magic formula engraved on the shoulders. Made out of gold, it is decorated with blue glass for hair, quartz, lapis lazuli, and amazonite. The eyes are obsidian. It is exposed at the Egyptian museum of Cairo. 80 A563-80 pieces | 4’’ x 6’’ A563-250 pieces | 8’’ x 11’’ 250 CHALLENGE 80 80 Vase chouette, ART GREC A501-80 pieces | 7’’ x 5’’ Hippopotame, ART EGYPTIEN A561-80 pieces |7’’ x 4’’ 150 150 Stèle du harpiste, ART EGYPTIEN A429-150 pieces | 6’’ x 7’’ L’écrivain, MOYEN AGE P952-150 pieces 5’’ x 7’’ 250 6 A mon seul désir DAME A LA LICORNE P7-250 pieces 9’’ x 7’’ 350 Les échoppes médiévales, MOYEN-AGE A710-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ 650 NOUVEAU I TALIANS AND FLEMISHES La Guérison miraculeuse MANSUETI A915-650 pieces 12’’ x 16’’ N 500 Cabinet de curiosités, REMPS A108-500 pieces | 14’’ x 10’’ 2500 Le jardin des délices, BOSCH In this triptych, Bosch represents the Garden of Eden. On the left side stand Adam and Eve. In the center Humans live in love, pleasure and harmony. On the right side, a fantastical scene is represented. This work is exposed at the Prado of Madrid. c61-2500 pieces | 37’’ x 21’’ 350 La luxure, BOSCH A428-350 pieces 9’’ x 12’’ 1000 Fête au village, SAVERY A917-1000 pieces | 22’’ x 14’’ To order, call (+33)1 45 75 35 28 or send an e-mail to : [email protected] 7 I TALIANS AND FLEMISHES 80 1000 La tour de Babel, BRUEGEL This big painting from Pieter Bruegel the Old is displayed in the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Vienne. Bruegel build his Tower of Babel in the city of Anvers which was knwowing an intense developement. He describes the activity ambience with a lot of details. At the foreground, the presence of the characters gives un high depth to the paintingA516-80 pieces | 6’’ x 4’’ A516-1000 pieces | 21’’ x 15’’ 150 1200 Jeux d’enfants, BRUEGEL CHALLENGE This large painting from Bruegel the Ancient is exposed at the Vienna Museum of fine arts. More than 250 children are playing more than 90 games. They are represented like small adults. A904 -150 pieces | 8’’ x 6’’ A904-1200 pieces | 22’’ x 15’’ 1200 Jardin fleuri, BRUEGEL This painting is from the 2nd son of Pieter Bruegel the Old, Jan Brugel, Sometimes called Bruegel de Velours. Interested by botany, he painted many paintings of flowers with a naturalist ic precision. UIn this still-life painting, flowers are next to vases of china porcelain or wood, and an osier basket. A971-1200 pieces | 18’’ x 22’’ 8 NOUVEAU I TALIANS AND FLEMISHES 500 N Adoration des mages, BRUEGEL In this work which shows a bible theme, often represented, Bruegel opts for an original composition by representing the Virgin and child in the left-hand corner, almost hidden behind a wall. He focuses his work on the procession (and its camels) and on the life of the villagers, whose red clothes catch the eye. A107-500 pieces | 15’’ x 11’’ 350 1500 Le dénombrement de Bethléem BRUEGEL C58 -350 pieces 12’’ x 9’’ c58-1500 pieces 26’’ x 18’’ 900 Allégorie de la peinture, BRUEGEL Grandson of Bruegel The Old, son of Jan Bruegel de Velours, Jan Bruegel The Young lived in Flandre during 17th century. This «Allégorie de la peinture» draws one’s inspiration from the serie of the 5 senses allegory which gave his celebrity to Bruegel de Velours. A916-900 pieces | 22’’ x 13’’ 9 I TALIANS AND FLEMISHES 500 La galerie de tableaux PANNINI This huge painting (7 x 10 ft) is exposed at the Louvre in Paris. This work was painted by the barocco painter Giovanni Pannini in 1759 on the request of his friend, the French ambassador in Roma. Pannini enjoys himself putting fantasy scenes in real ruins. A933-500 pieces | 15’’ x 11’’ 350 1500 Le peintre et son modèle VERMEER A827-350 pieces 9’’ x 12’’A827-1500 pieces 19’’ x 26’’ 10 350 La naissance de Vénus, BOTTICELLI A930-350 pieces | 13’’ x 8’’ 150 La Vierge au lapin, TITIEN A953-150 pieces | 7’’ x 6’’ 650 Régate sur le Grand Canal, GUARDI A352-650 pieces | 16’’ x 12’’ H ISTORY Parade de carnaval, ECOLE FRANCAISE A814-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ 500 Bal masqué, ROUSSEAU A715-500 pieces |15’’ x 11’’ NOUVEAU 350 80 N 500 Le sacre de Napoléon DAVID CHALLENGE Napoleon ordered this work from Jacques Louis David; it represents 150 people faithfully: politicians, members of the Church and members of Napoleon’s family. This large painting of some 6m x 10m, is displayed at the Louvre in Paris. A961-80 pieces | 6’’ x 5’’ A961-500 pieces | 16’’ x 19’’ 250 Plan de Paris dit de Bâle, XVIIème siècle A207-250 pieces | 10’’ x 7’’ 500 Plan de Paris, XVIIème siècle P812-500 pieces | 16’’ x 12’’ Discover our jigsaw puzzles on our website : 11 NOUVEAU 17 th - 18 th CENTURIES 150 N CHALLENGE Mosaïque florentine This table-top, displayed in the Louvre, is the work of 17thcentury Florentine craftsmen. Known as Florentine mosaic, this art is more similar to marquetry as the pattern is made up of pieces of semi-precious stones or marble chosen for their colour and veining. A114-150 pieces | 5’’ x 8’’ 150 350 500 Les oiseaux ART DECORATIF A843-500 pieces 12’’ x 12’’ Marie-Antoinette au Trianon, XVIIIè SIECLE A510-150 pieces | 10’’ x 5’’ A510-350 pieces | 16’’ x 9’’ 150 350 Vue du Château de Versailles, XVIIIè SIECLE C926-150 pieces | 10’’ x 5’’ C926-350 pieces | 17’’ x 8’’ 250 Salle de bain du comte de Toulouse FAIENCE A909-250 pieces 7’’ x 10’’ 150 350 12 Vue des jardins de Versailles, XVIIIè SIECLE A351-150 pieces | 10’’ x 5’’ A351-350 pieces | 17’’ x 8’’ Mandala de la médecine ART TIBETAIN CHALLENGE O RIENTAL ART 500 This Mandala is a symbolic representation of the medical city-state of Sudarsana. The medicine buddhas stand in the center. On each side, the plants healing different diseases and the thermal springs are drawed with great accuracy. A513-500 pieces | 13’’ x 13’’ 150 La joueuse de polo ART CHINOIS A941-150 pieces 8’’ x 10’’ 150 Mandala de Vajrabhairava, ART TIBETAIN A336-150 pieces | 7’’ x 7’’ CHALLENGE 250 350 La vie au palais, EVENTAIL CHINOIS A508-250 pieces | 15’’ x 10’’ Mandala de Vaicarana ART TIBETAIN A335-350 pieces | 9’’ x 12’’ 350 Les 100 visages EVENTAIL JAPONAIS P117-350 pieces | 17’’ x 9’’ CHALLENGE 13 NOUVEAU O RIENTAL ART 150 Shah Jahan et son fils ECOLE MOGHOLE A992-150 pieces 6’’ x 7’’ 500 L’entrevue de Bâbur ECOLE MOGHOLE A965-500 pieces 9’’ x 16’’ 500 Le lecteur ART ORIENTAL A577-500 pieces 11’’ x 14’’ CHALLENGE N A992 - Shah Jahan et son fils (detail) 250 La dame de Krisna avec les bergères ECOLE MOGHOLE A957-250 pieces 8’’ x 10’’ 150 Eléphant doré ART ORIENTAL A705-150 pieces 8’’ x 7’’ 350 14 Sayyid Djamal ECOLE MOGHOLE P914-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ 500 Tapis d’Ispahan ART PERSAN A912-500 pieces 10’’ x 15’’ Seba HIROSHIGE 500 This print is considered as the masterpiece of the series of 69 illustrations describing the Kiso Kaido road in Japan. It describes the changing light of twilight on a windy day and the loneliness of mankind against nature. The marks are those of Hiroshige and of the editor of the plate. A991-500 pieces | 16’’ x 10’’ NOUVEAU J APANESE PRINTS 150 Les tourbillons HIROSHIGE A812-150 pieces 6’’ x 9’’ La vague HOKUSAI P943-250 pieces | 10’’ x 8’’ NOUVEAU 250 250 Le pont à Méguro HIROSHIGE A566 -250 pieces 7’’ x 11’’ 150 N 350 Pommiers en fleurs HIROSHIGE A974-150 pieces 6’’ x 8’’ A974-350 pieces 8’’ x 13’’ 15 In love, STONE N 1200 NOUVEAU This American painter, who trained at the Jullian academy in Paris in the second half of the 19th century, was both a portrait and landscape painter. He worked in Kansas, California and Europe. The light of the painting focuses on the young lady and on the statue (symbol of love), and portrays the object of desire of the young man, who is looking from the shadows. A119-1200 pieces | 23’’ x 15’’ NOUVEAU E NGLISH ENGRAVINGS 150 16 1800 N Le signal, KNIGHT Ridgway Knight arrived in Paris in 1861, at the age of 22, in order to study painting, in particular at the Charles Gleyre workshop where he met some of the future impressionists. After a short time spent in the United States, his native country, he set up in Poissy. He painted naturalist works with success, that were generally more cheerful than those of his favourite painter Millet. A120-1800 pieces | 27’’ x 20’’ Les bêtises, PATON A813-150 pieces | 8’’ x 7’’ 80 Tentation RONNER KNIP A703-80 pieces 5’’ x 6’’ 500 Le festin des chats LAMBERT A911-500 pieces 14’’ x 11’’ NOUVEAU E NGLISH ENGRAVINGS 650 N Le salon de thé TISSOT Jacques Tissot was a 19th-century French painter who built up his career in England under the name of James Tissot. An eclectic painter, he painted several religious works but was also a painter of high society as in this work, where two young ladies are introduced to a young man. A113-650 pieces | 17’’ x 12’’ Histoire de l’aubergiste, BENNETT A981-650 pieces | 16’’ x 11’’ 650 Partie d’échecs, GOW A964-650 pieces | 17’’ x 11’’ NOUVEAU 650 N 350 La toilette, COULDERY A982-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ 250 Les chats à l’échiquier, TALBOYS A968-250 pieces | 11’’ x 7’’ 17 NOUVEAU 19 th CENTURY 650 N La pâtisserie Gloppe BERAUD This famous 19th-century cake shop located on the Champs Elysées, now closed, was an essential meeting-place for the bourgeoisie. Jean Béraud, the Belle Epoque painter, described it with much realism and certain humour in this painting from the Carnavalet museum in Paris. A111-650 pieces | 17’’ x 12’’ 18 350 Rue de la paix, BERAUD A958-350 pieces | 17’’ x 9’’ 750 Le théâtre du Vaudeville, BERAUD A919-750 pieces | 18’’ x 13’’ 500 250 Le chalet du cycle, BERAUD A946-500 pieces | 14’’ x 11’’ Le triomphe de Vénus, XIXème siècle A571-250 pieces | 16’’ x 9’’ 19 th CENTURY NOUVEAU 150 N Le rat de bibliothèque SPITZWEG A994-150 pieces 5’’ x 9’’ 900 CHALLENGE NOUVEAU La flotte française VERNET A944-900 pieces 17’’ x 17’’ N 1000 Le Téméraire, TURNER A954-150 pieces | 8’’ x 6’’ La Piazzetta à Venise TURPIN DE CRISSE N 500 Repas de noces à Yport, FOURIE A922-250 pieces | 10’’ x 7’’ A922-1000 pieces | 20’’ x 15’’ NOUVEAU 150 250 Count Turpin de Crissey was born in 1782 in Paris just before the French Revolution. He travelled extensively in Europe until the restoration and became a well-known painter of landscapes and history in his time. In this large painting displayed at the Louvre, he provides an original perspective of the Doge’s Palace in Venice. A110-500 pieces | 15’’ x 11’’ To order, call (+33)1 45 75 35 28 or send an e-mail to : [email protected] 19 NOUVEAU I MPRESSIONISTS 650 N La classe de danse DEGAS Edgar Degas was born in 1834 in Paris. He played an active role in the impressionist movement, despite having his own personal style. He especially painted people and very few landscapes. Around 1867, he began to paint several dance and ballet scenes. He often attended the Opera Garnier, opened in 1875, and is often known as the “dancers’ painter”! A112-650 pieces | 13’’ x 15’’ 500 NOUVEAU A506 - La jetée à Marée Haute (detail) 80 N 250 1000 La jetée à Marée haute BOUDIN A506-80 pieces 4’’ x 6’’ A506-250 pieces 8’’ x 9’’ A506-1000 pieces 16’’ x 17’’ 650 20 Voiliers à Argenteuil CAILLEBOTTE A967-650 pieces 13’’ x 16’’ Les raboteurs de parquet, CAILLEBOTTE A817-500 pieces | 15’’ x 10’’ Le prunier PISSARRO N 1000 NOUVEAU I MPRESSIONISTS CHALLENGE In this painting of a Oise village in the Spring, the differing degrees of thickness in the paint strokes catch the light, bringing intensity to the painted surface. The artist uses colour modulation, suggesting spatial depth while maintaining particular rigour in the composition. A984-1000 pieces | 20’’ x 15’’ 80 350 Le lavoir de Bazincourt PISSARRO A312-80 pieces 6’’ x 5’’ A312-350 pieces 11’ x 9’’ 500 Les lavandières PISSARRO A717-500 pieces 14’’ x 11’’ 250 Géranium et chats, RENOIR A841-250 pieces | 8’’ x 10’’ 80 Le déjeuner des canotiers RENOIR C35-80 pieces 6’’ x 4’’ 750 Châtaigniers à Louveciennes, PISSARRO A719-750 pieces | 18’’ x 14’’ 21 M ONET 2500 NOUVEAU Canal à Zaandam MONET 150 Régates à Argenteuil MONET A341-150 pieces 7’’ x 5’’ CHALLENGE The famous impressionist painter, Monet, lived in London during the Franco-Prussian war in 1870. Before returning, he stayed in the Netherlands, in Zaandam where he painted this large work. It was during the following winter that he painted “impression rising sun” which gave its name to the impressionist movement. A121-2500 pieces | 20’’ x 39’’ 350 1800 22 Etretat, MONET A970-1800 pieces | 28’’ x 20’’ 80 650 La Gare Saint Lazare, MONET A959-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ La pie, MONET C803-80 pieces | 6’’ x 20’’ C803-650 pieces | 17’’ x 12’’ Discover our jigsaw puzzles on our website : M ONET CHALLENGE 650 Jardin à Giverny MONET C804-650 pieces 13’’ x 17’’ N 80 350 Le jardin, MONET A979-150 pieces | 6’’ x 8’’ Nymphéas et branches de saule, MONET Monet set up home in Giverny in 1893 and carried out significant work in his garden. He painted his water garden more than 250 times during the last 25 years of his life. In this painting that dates from around 1916, displayed in the Marmottan Museum, Monet pays particular attention to the reflections of the sky and the willow branches on his dearest water lilies. N 250 A104-250 | 10’’ x 8’’ N 650 A104-650 | 17’’ x 13’’ N 250 Les coquelicots, MONET A990-250 pieces | 10’’ x 7’’ NOUVEAU 150 CHALLENGE N NOUVEAU NOUVEAU Le pont japonais MONET A910-80 pieces 6’’ x 5’’ A910-350 pieces 11’’ x 10’’ 23 P OST -I MPRESSIONISTS 80 Arearea, GAUGUIN A358-80 pieces | 6’’ x 5’’ 250 150 Les singes amoureux, ROUSSEAU A615-150 pieces | 8’’ x 6’’ 80 Vue sur l’Estaque, CEZANNE A531-80 pieces | 6’’ x 4’’ Testimony from a jigsaw puzzle maker Before cutting, I look carefully at the painting … I become absorbed in the universe of the work, I look at how the painter added his touches of colour. It is important to consider how to bring out each little detail, and respect the painter’s desire to emphasise a certain aspect. Then, piece after piece, a pace sets up and you get carried away by the work. That’s why the pieces are always shaped differently! 24 Nafea Fai Ipoipo, GAUGUIN A357-250 pieces | 7’’ x 10’’ CHALLENGE V AN GOGH Les blés jaunes, VAN GOGH A723-750 pieces | 17’’ x 13’’ 1800 Les barques, VAN GOGH A973-1800 pieces | 28’’ x 20’’ NOUVEAU CHALLENGE 750 750 5000 Le café le soir, VAN GOGH C36-750 pieces | 13’’ x 17’’ C36-5000 pieces | 35’’ x 47’’ N 80 350 La nuit étoilée, VAN GOGH A848-80 pieces | 4’’ x 6’’ A848-350 pieces | 11’’ x 9’’ Testimony from a jigsaw puzzler Before putting the jigsaw puzzle together, I turn over all of the pieces to see if there are groups of shapes and colour. Then, as the jigsaw puzzle comes together, you notice the details of the work, highlighted by the way in which the jigsaw puzzle has been cut up. You start to understand the composition of the painting and the painter’s choices. Sometimes, you’re surprised to discover that the jigsaw puzzle is finished! 25 CHALLENGE 19 th - 20 th CENTURIES 250 Crimson Rambler, HALE A935-250 pieces | 10’’ x 8’’ 750 Un fjord prè d’Oslo, FISHER 500 La nursery, UHDE A975-500 pieces | 14’’ x 12’’ NOUVEAU A720-750 pieces | 20’’ x 14’’ Dans la roseraie, KROYER A578-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ A578-1200 pieces |20’’ x 18’’ 350 1200 N 250 Enfants sur la plage MOÏSE A993-250 pieces 8’’ x 10’’ 500 Les mouettes, MAIGNAN A962-500 pieces | 13’’ x 12’’ 26 To order, call (+33)1 45 75 35 28 or send an e-mail to : [email protected] CHALLENGE K LIMT 80 350 900 La dame à l’éventail KLIMT NOUVEAU Realised at the end of Klimt’s life, in 1917, this painting is in a private collection. At this time, Gustav Klimt paints portraits of his customers in extravagant clothes. The scenes are asymetric with rich and sensual ornaments. A515-80 pieces | 5’’ x 5’’ A515-350 pieces | 12’’ x 12’’ A515-900 pieces | 16’’ x 16’’ 250 N 1000 650 Mère et enfant, KLIMT A819-650 pieces | 9’’ x 19’’ Le baiser, KLIMT P108-250 pieces 6’’ x 11’’ P108-1000 pieces 16’’ x 20’’ N Les jeunes filles, KLIMT A903-150 pieces | 7’’ x 7’’ NOUVEAU 150 80 Maria Beer, KLIMT A609-80 pieces 4’’ x 5’’ 27 CHALLENGE A RT DECO 80 Magnolia, TIFFANY A976-80 pieces 4’’ x 6’’ 150 250 Vitraux à l’anémone et à l’étoile de mer, TIFFANY A977-150 pieces | 2 x8 x 16 cm La nouvelle Jérusalem TIFFANY A978-250 pieces 7’’ x 12’’ 80 Les pierres précieuses MUCHA A934-80 pieces 19 8 cm 7’’ x 3’’ 80 150 CHALLENGE Le printemps GRASSET A902-150 pieces 5’’ x 10’’ 28 Arabesque rose, ART DECO A801-80 pieces | 7’’ x 6’’ 500 Décor de Schéhérazade BAKST From Russia, Leon Bakst had a great career as a costume and scene designer. This watercolour was made for the scene design of the famous Rimski-Korsakov opera, Scheherazade. This work can be found at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. A963-500 pieces | 10’’ x 15’’ CHALLENGE A RT DECO CHALLENGE 80 150 250 Broche papillon, ART DECO A503-80 pieces | 7’’ x 4’’ L’oiseau bleu, ART DECO P128-150 pieces | 12’’ x 8’’ P128-250 pieces | 15’’ x 10’’ 250 Les amoureux, EVENTAIL A955-250 pieces | 15’’ x 9’’ 80 L’exposition universelle, ART DECO A605-80 pieces | 7’’ x 4’’ 150 Gravure de Paris en 1889 In 2009, we celebrated the 120th anniversary of the Eiffel tower, built for the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1889. It was organised as a commemoration of the French Revolution. A932-150 pieces | 9’’ x 5’’ 29 C ONTEMPORARY ART 250 Paris au printemps DUFY Raoul Dufy was born in Le Havre in 1877. As a painter, illustrator and decorator, he spent a lot of time working on colour and light. Nicknamed the “painter of pleasure”, he often used bright colours. This lithography was created in 1929 for a publicity board to encourage people to discover Paris in the spring. A851-250 pieces | 9’’ x 11’’ 250 Régates DUFY A829-250 pieces 11’’ x 8’’ Chat sur un fauteuil (detail) 80 30 Le violon, GRIS A952-80 pieces 4’’ x 6’’ 80 Chat sur un fauteuil VALADON A952-80 pieces 9 x 17 cm 80 Le baiser, RODIN A704-80 pieces | 4’’ x 7’’ New York COOPER N 500 Colin Campbell Cooper is one of the main American impressionist painters. This large painting from 1913 is displayed in the Blérancourt Museum-Castle in the Aisne region. Cooper paid a great detail of attention to describing the light and the way in which the sun lights up 5th Avenue. The building in the shade on the left is the “Public Library”. brary ».A109-500 pieces | 14’’ x 11’’ NOUVEAU C ONTEMPORARY ART 150 Jeanne Hébuterne MODIGLIANI A830-150 pieces 6’’ x 9’’ 250 NOUVEAU La gitane MODIGLIANI A951-250 pieces 7’’ x 11’’ 80 Près de Cassis, DERAIN A844-80 pieces | 5’’ x 4’’ N New york 250 L’atelier de l’artiste, SERUSIER A105-250 pieces | 10’’ x 8’’ 31 NOUVEAU C ONTEMPORARY ART CHALLENGE 250 150 Château et soleil, KLEE A101-150 pieces | 7’’ x 6’’ NOUVEAU N Hommage à Grohmann A709-250 pieces 7’’ x 11’’ Jaune bleu rouge KANDINSKY Inventeur de l’abstraction lyrique, Kandinsky revient dans cette œuvre aux lignes courbes après une période très géométrique. La composition très étudiée fait naître la couleur rouge au centre du tableau, entre le jaune, couleur chaude du mouvement et le bleu couleur froide et stable. A106-350 pièces | 11’’ x 9’’ A106-750 pièces | 13’’ x 20’’ 150 Femme au jardin PICASSO A920-150 pieces 6’’ x 8’’ 250 32 350 N 750 N Les mariés de la Tour Eiffel CHAGALL A956-250 pieces 8’’ x 9’’ 250 chambre rouge A103/250 NOUVEAU NOUVEAU This large painting of 1908, also known as “Harmony in Red”, is displayed in the Hermitage museum in Leningrad. Matisse transformed the real space into a decorative design. The patterns of the table and walls match and the figure is treated as a part of the decor. It is the colours that give depth to the work. A103-250 pieces | 10’’ x 8’’ CHALLENGE La desserte rouge MATISSE NOUVEAU M ATISSE TANGER N 80 1000 Fenêtre ouverte, MATISSE P956-80 pieces | 5’’ x 4’’ P956-1000 pieces | 16’’ x 20’’ N 900 Discover our jigsaw puzzles on our website : Fenêtre à Tanger, MATISSE A117-900 pieces | 14’’ x 20’’ 33 V ARIOUS 1000 Mosaïque bleue HALE A823-1000 pieces 25’’ x 12’’ NOUVEAU 250 Petite sorcière, MAGNIN P944-250 pieces | 9’’ x 7’’ 250 Montée à l’alpage, ROSAT A708-250 pieces | 10’’ x 8’’ 350 N 1800 Marylin Monroe Inspiré par les œuvres d’Andy Warhol, ce peintre grec recrée le mythe de Marylin Monroe, peinte dans une œuvre kaléidoscope à la manière de nombreux peintres contemporains. Ce visage universellement connu reste identifiable quelles que soient les transformations apportées. A728-350 pieces | 12’’ x 9’’ A728-1800 pieces | 25’’ x 21’’ 34 N Ara en vol THOMAS 750 NOUVEAU V ARIOUS Alain Thomas is considered as the leader of the “primitive naive” school. Self-taught, he has been painting for the last 40 years with naturalist precision; a colourful universe with an emphasis on animals. This macaw in flight is painted with particular realism, in an exuberant imaginary decor. A118-750 pièces | 14’’ x 17’’ 350 Toucan à Carène THOMAS A942-350 pieces 11’’ x 11’’ 150 150 Esprit des eaux ART OCEANIEN A401-150 pieces 3’’ x 13’’ NOUVEAU Toucan Ariel THOMAS A505-150 pieces 7’’ x 7’’ 80 Masque Kwélé ART AFRICAIN A525-80 pieces 5’’ x 7’’ N 80 Toucan à la cascade, THOMAS A850-80 pieces | 6’’ x 6’’ 35 B IG PIECES An easy puzzle collection, for those who don’t want too much difficulties. Pieces are 2 or 3 times larger than our usual ones, and they match together very well. These puzzles are particularly adapted to elderly people. NOUVEAU 200 Rue de la Paix bEraud H109-200 pieces 12’’ x 8’’ N 300 NOUVEAU La nursery UHDE H975-300 pieces 14’’ x 11’’ 300 N Les mouettes MAIGNAN H962-300 pieces 13’’ x 11 300 Bal masqué ROUSSEAU H108-300 pieces 15’’ x 11’’ N 36 Le sacre de Napoléon, DAVID H110-300 pieces | 16’’ x 9’’ NOUVEAU 300 200 Le dénombrement de Bethleem, BRUEGEL H58-200 pieces | 11’’ x 9’’ Puzzle made to measure Thanks to our craft production system, we can make for you the puzzle of your dreams, anywhere from 2 pieces to 5000, from miniature to giant, for a single coy or 1000. Anything is possible, using the picture of you choice. The puzzle is an excellent medium for communication, it allows the puzzleur to spend time face-to-head with your image. Feel free to consult us on 33 1 45 75 35 28 or by e-mail to [email protected] for a price estimate. M INI-PUZZLES 40 pieces puzzles A mini-puzzles collection to send a message. NOUVEAU Little case models | Environ 3’’ x 4’’ Amitiés M40-40 pieces Je t’aime M15-40 pieces Bon anniversaire M16-40 pieces Découpe diabolique M35-40 pieces J’adore les poupées russes M19-40 pieces Félicitations M38-40 pieces LOL ! M36-40 pieces Merci beaucoup M37-40 pieces Sachet organza models | Environ 4’’ x 5’’ NOUVEAU NOUVEAU Nymphéas, MONET M24-40 pieces Figaro illustré M29-40 pieces Jeu d’échec M22-40 pieces NOUVEAU NOUVEAU Marie-Antoinette au Trianon XVIIIème siècle | M53-40 pieces NOUVEAU NOUVEAU Les jardins de l’hôpital VAN GOGH | M33-40 pieces Le baiser, KLIMT M108-40 pieces 37 B OARDS Tournepuzzle This puzzle board has everything you need to easily turn over your puzzles: non-slip velvet paper and clips. G10 - 12’’ x 9’’ G8 - 17’’ x 13’’ G9 - 26’’ x 17’’ J1 - Jigsort 500 : 20’’ x 15’’ J2 - Jigsort 1000 : 29’’ x 20’’ J3 - Jigsort 1500 : 36’’ x 26’’ Portapuzzle Jigsort The jigsort «Construction Tray» is covered in a nonslip velvet material to keep your puzzles tidy and to move them around. Additional «Sort Trays» are provided for storing spare pieces. The outer case has a comfortable carry handle and a zip ensures that puzzle pieces are kept safe. Plateaux Jigboard Jigboards are light, portable jigsaw puzzle boards that are easy to move around. A raised edge ensures no lost pieces and a soft fabric covering makes them a joy to work with. G15 - set of 2 rulers 38 J4 - Jigboard - 20’’ x 15’’ J5 - Jigboard - 29’’ x 20’’ J6 - Jigboard - 36’’ x 26’’ Ruler/ set square The set square takes apart to make two flexible plastic ruler. It is designed to help adjust the corners of the puzzles that you are working on. To order, call (+33)1 45 75 35 28 or send an e-mail to : [email protected] F RAMES AND ACCESSORIES Plexiglas display frame This display frame in transparent, unbreakable Plexiglas is a very designy way to show off your work. Just slide the glued puzzle between the two sheets of Plexiglas and fix it there with the provided glue pastille. G16 - lampe loupe Magnifying glass Lamp This free-standing lamp produces a white light similar to daylight. The integrated magnifying glass enables you to see details without reflections. Loupes Magnifying glass Very light and easy to handle, this useful magnifying glass is 2” diameter and enlarges x 3. The «radiating» lens out of extra-white glass has a chrome silver plated brass mounting. Very luminous, of a diameter of 5 cm, it enlarges 6 times. G20 - colle 505 G21 - colle 404 G22 - colle 303 G29 - 32 x 24 cm G30 - 20 x 20 cm G31 - 32 x 32 cm G32 - 50 x 30 cm G25 - functional G26 - riating Aerosol non toxic glues 505 Gight Glue is sprayed on a sheet of paper and then laid on top of your puzzle to help you turn it over. This is a temporary glue and gradually evaporates. Once the puzzle is turned over, you can apply parrallel strips of sticky tape 3 mm apart or stick your puzzle with 404 glue. 404 Repositionable Glue can be sprayed onto a sheet of paper to help prevent the pieces from moving around. You can also use it to stick a sheet of paper to the back of your puzzle to keep it temporarily in place and you can still undo the puzzle again later. 303 Permanent Glue provides permanent gluing of your jigsaw puzzle. Repositionnable glue stick The glue is designed to help you put your puzzle together. You can apply it to pieces one at a time to glue them to a sheet of paper. Set of two sticks. G11 - Lot de 2 colles 39 « Ce n’est pas le sujet du tableau …qui fait la difficulté du puzzle, mais la subtilité de la découpe...L’art du puzzle commence avec les puzzles de bois découpés à la main lorsque celui qui les fabrique entreprend de se poser toutes les questions que le joueur devra résoudre, lorsque, au lieu de laisser les hasards brouiller les pistes, il entend lui substituer la ruse, le piège, l’illusion… » Georges Perec, la Vie Mode d’Emploi (Editions Hachette) 97, avenue Emile Zola 75015 Paris tél : 01 45 75 35 28 fax : 01 45 75 35 29 39, rue de la Folie Méricourt 75011 Paris tél : 01 47 00 12 57 116, rue du Château 75014 Paris tél : 01 43 22 28 73 [email protected] Catalogue édité par la société PMW (RC B 413 702 606).. PMW ne peut garantir la disponibilité dans ses stocks des produits exposés dans ce catalogue et décline toute responsabilité à ce sujet. La copie de pages du catalogue est autorisée à des fins privées uniquement. Toute autre reproduction et/ou utilisation sans l’accord de PMW est strictement interdite. ( 2011 - PMW Tous droits réservés )
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