EMBO Workshop The programme for this event was reviewed and approved by the EMBO Course Committee. Cortical development in health and disease 26 - 29 April 2015 | Rehovot, Israel ORGANIZERS Orly Reiner Weizmann Institute of Science, IL Kozo Kaibuchi Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, JP Ben-Ari, Yehezkel Ip, Nancy Y. Nakajima, Kazunori Inmed, FR Molecular Neuroscience Center Academician, Keio University, JP Fainsod, Abraham Hebrew University, IL Francis, Fiona ENP, FR CONTACTS Reut Hershenhoren Tel: (972)8-9343957 Fax: (972)8-9344180 Mobile: (972)54-2638837 email: [email protected] REGISTRATION Abstract submission: March 15 2015 Registration: April 5 2015 Frotscher, Michael Institute for Structural Neurobiology, DE Garel, Sonia Ecole Normale Superieure, FR Götz, Magdalena Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, DE Guillemot, François MRC, National Institute for Medical Research, Principal Investigators.......EUR 250 UK Students..............................EUR 150 Hoshino, Mikio Corporate............................EUR 300 Competitive fellowships are available for students, postdocs and early career investigators. National Institute of Neuroscience, JP Huttner, Weiland The Chinese Academy of Sciences, CH Kaibuchi, Kozo Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, JP Kriegstein, Arnold UCSF, US Lallemand-Mezger, Valerie Université Paris Diderot , FR Lancaster, Madeline IMBA, AT Levy-Lahad, Ephrat Shaare Zedek Medical Center, IL LoTurco, Joe University of Connecticut, US Marin, Oscar King’s College London, UK Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Cell Biology Miyata, Takaki and Genetics, DE Nagoya University, JP Nguyen, Laurent University of Liege, BE Pierani, Alessandra JACQUES MONOD , FR Prayer, Daniela Medical University of Vienna, AT Reiner, Orly Weizmann Institute of Science, IL Scheffer, Ingrid Eileen The Florey Institute, AU Shifman, Sagiv Hebrew University, IL Shimogori, Tomomi Riken Brain Science Institute, JP Tole, Shubha Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, IN VanAelst, Linda Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, US http://events.embo.org/15-cortical
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