Detailed program - European Wireless 2015

Welcome to the European Wireless Conference 2015
Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to welcome you at the European Wireless
Conference 2015 (EW15) in Budapest. The conference is locally
organized by Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).
BME is the most significant University of Technology in Hungary and is
also one of the oldest Institutes of Technology in the world, having been
founded in 1782. It was the first institute in Europe to train engineers
at University level.
Budapest is the capital and the largest city of Hungary, the largest in East-Central Europe
and one of the largest cities in the European Union. It is the country’s principal political,
cultural, commercial, industrial, and transportation center.
We are happy to have you in Budapest for the EW15 and will do everything to make your
stay enjoyable and the conference itself memorable. The theme of this edition of European
Wireless is 5G and beyond, with a focus on the latest trends, developments and of course
with the future applications on top of the mobile and wireless communications. We have
a bright future in front of us and 5G will change the world such as the introduction of the
first automobile or the first computer.
Our keynote speakers, Muriel Médard (MIT), Erik Dahlman (Ericsson Research)
and Tommaso Melodia (Boston University), are well known researcher in wireless
communications and we are happy they accepted our invitation.
To make the content even more richer, the conference hosts four workshops targeting
Device-to-Device Communication, Coding Techniques for 5G Networks, Wireless
Communications with Limited Feedback, Compressed Sensing in Wireless Communication.
Besides, we provide six tutorials in the field of 5G Mobile Communication, Network Coding,
IoT, Device-to-Device Networks, and others.
Continuing with the tradition of the European Wireless conference, the scope of EW15
is broad, including, in addition to the subjects of the main conference theme, the most
relevant topics in modern communications.
We welcoming you to Hungary, we are sure we will make your stay in Budapest a unique
Hassan Charaf
European Wireless 2015 General Chair
Invitation to the European Wireless Conference 2016
Dear Colleagues,
It is a great pleasure to invite you to the European Wireless Conference 2016 (EW16),
which will be held on May 18 - 20, 2016 in the city of Oulu, Finland. The conference is locally
organized by University of Oulu. The theme of this edition of European Wireless will be
5G: Applications, Businesses and Technologies, with a focus on the latest developments,
trends, as well as future outlook of mobile and wireless communications.
Continuing with the tradition of the European Wireless conference, the scope of EW16
is broad, including, in addition to the subjects of the main conference theme, the most
relevant topics in modern communications.
The organizing committee of EW16 is gearing up for a stimulating and instructive conference
program including technical presentations, workshops, tutorials, exhibitions, exciting talks
by distinguished keynote speakers as well as social events.
We invite you to join us at EW16, where you will have the chance to meet with scholars and
researchers from all around the world. The organizers will do their best to create a friendly
atmosphere, encourage new personal contacts and exchange of ideas.
Oulu, a city located some 200 km below the Arctic Circle is one of the most vibrant urban
communities in northern Europe with a more than 400-year-long history of international
shipping, trade and industry. Today, with nearly 200 000 inhabitants, this city is a center of
science, education and culture offering a high knowledge-based innovation environment
with global networks of people and businesses.
We look forward to welcoming you in May 2016 to Oulu, for a truly inspiring and rewarding
Marcos Katz
European Wireless 2016 General Chair
Organizing Comittee
General Chair
Hassan Charaf (BME)
General Co-Chairs
Marcos Katz (University of Oulu)
Technical Program Chairs
Leonardo Badia (University of Padova)
TPC Chair of 5G Networks
and Technologies
Steering Committee Chair
Tutorial Chairs
General Chair
Mischa Dohler (King’s College London)
Frank Fitzek (Aalborg University)
Sergio Palazzo (University of Catania)
Morten V. Pedersen (Aalborg University)
Workshop Chairs
Publicity Chairs
Christian Wietfeld (TU Dortmund, Germany)
László Lengyel (BME)
Péter Ekler (BME)
Stefan Valentin (Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent)
Leonardo Militano (Mediterranea University
of Reggio Calabria)
Financial Chair
Secretariat & Registration
Volker Schanz (VDE ITG)
Christina Gaußmann (VDE ITG)
BME Local Committee
István Vajk
János Levendovszky
Sándor Imre
Bertalan Forstner
László Lengyel
Péter Ekler
Imre Kelényi
József Bíró
János Tapolcai
Attila Vidács
Rolland Vida
Keynote Speakers
Muriel Médard
Muriel Médard is a Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science at MIT. She was previously an Assistant Professor in the
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and a member of the
Coordinated Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign. From 1995 to 1998, she was a Staff Member at MIT
Lincoln Laboratory in the Optical Communications and the Advanced
Networking Groups. Professor Médard received B.S. degrees in EECS
and in Mathematics in 1989, a B.S. degree in Humanities in 1990, a
M.S. degree in EE 1991, and a Sc D. degree in EE in 1995, all from the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge.
She has served as an Associate Editor for the Optical Communications and Networking
Series of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, as an Associate Editor
in Communications for the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory and as an Associate
Editor for the OSA Journal of Optical Networking. She has served as a Guest Editor for the
IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, the Joint special issue of the IEEE Transactions
on Information Theory and the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking on Networking
and Information Theory and the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensic and Security:
Special Issue on Statistical Methods for Network Security and Forensics. She serves as an
associate editor for the IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. She is a member of the
Board of Governors of the IEEE Information Theory Society.Professor Médard’s research
interests are in the areas of network coding and reliable communications, particularly for
optical and wireless networks. She was awarded the IEEE Leon K. Kirchmayer Prize Paper
Award 2002 for her paper, “The Effect Upon Channel Capacity in Wireless Communications
of Perfect and Imperfect Knowledge of the Channel,” IEEE Transactions on Information
Theory, Volume 46 Issue 3, May 2000, Pages: 935-946. She was co- awarded the Best
Paper Award for G. Weichenberg, V. Chan, M. Médard, “Reliable Architectures for Networks
Under Stress”, Fourth International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication
Networks (DRCN 2003), October 2003, Banff, Alberta, Canada. She received a NSF Career
Award in 2001 and was co-winner 2004 Harold E. Edgerton Faculty Achievement Award,
established in 1982 to honor junior faculty members “for distinction in research, teaching
and service to the MIT community.” She was named a 2007 Gilbreth Lecturer by the
National Academy of Engineering. Professor Médard is a House Master at Next House and
a Fellow of IEEE. Professor Médard is also the Chief Scientist at Blackwave.
Erik Dahlman
Erik Dahlman received the Master of Science degree and Doctor of
Technology degree from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
in 1987 and 1992 respectively. He is currently Senior Expert in Radio
Access Technologies within Ericsson Research. Erik Dahlman was
deeply involved in the development and standardization of 3G radio
access technologies (WCDMA and HSPA), first in Japan and later
within the global 3GPP standardization body. Later on he was involved
in the standardization/development of the 3GPP Long Term Evolution
(LTE) and its continued evolution. His currently focuses on research
and development of future 5G wireless access technologies.
Erik Dahlman is the co-author of the book 3G Evolution – HSPA and LTE for Mobile
Broadband and its follow-up 4G – LTE and LTE-Advanced for mobile broadband. He has
also participated in three other books within the area of wireless communication, as well
as numerous journal papers and conference contributions. He is a frequent invited speaker
at different international conferences.
In October 2009, Erik Dahlman received the Major Technical Award, an award handed out
by the Swedish Government, for his contributions to the technical and commercial success
of the HSPA radio-access technology.
Tommaso Melodia
Tommaso Melodia is an Associate Professor with the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at Northeastern University in
Boston. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering
from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2007. He is a recipient
of the National Science Foundation CAREER award, and coauthored a
paper that was recognized as the ISI Fast Breaking Paper in the field of
Computer Science for February 2009 and of an ACM WUWNet 2013 Best
Paper Award. He serves in the Editorial Boards of IEEE Transactions on
Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and Computer Networks (Elsevier). His current research
interests are in modeling, optimization, and experimental evaluation of networked
communication systems, with applications to ultrasonic intra-body networks, cognitive
and cooperative networks, multimedia sensor networks, and underwater networks.
Toward Ultrasonic Networking for Implantable Intra-body Networks
Abstract: Wirelessly networked systems of implantable sensors and actuators could enable
revolutionary new applications with a potential to advance the medical treatment of major
diseases of our times. Yet, most “body area networks” research to date has focused on
communications among devices interconnected through traditional electromagnetic radiofrequency (RF) waves (often along the body surface); while the key challenge of enabling
networked intra-body miniaturized sensors and actuators that communicate through
body tissues is largely unaddressed. The main obstacle is posed by the physical nature of
propagation in the human body, which is composed primarily of water – a medium through
which RF electromagnetic waves do not propagate well.
In this talk, I will give an overview of our ongoing work exploring a different approach,
i.e., establishing wireless networks through human tissues by means of acoustic waves at
ultrasonic frequencies. We will start off by discussing fundamental aspects of ultrasonic
propagation in human tissues and their impact on wireless protocol design at different
layers of the protocol stack. We will then discuss our research on designing and prototyping
ultrasonic networking protocols through a closed-loop combination of mathematical
modeling, simulation, and experimental evaluation.
Welcome Reception
Wednesday | May 20, 2015 | 18:30
The welcome reception of the conference will be organized at the conference venue.
Participation at this event is included in the registration fee.
Social Dinner on the Danube
Thursday | May 21, 2015 | 18:30
All participants of the conference are kindly invited to the Conference Dinner. The dinner
will take place on Zsófia Riverboat. You will be able enjoy a most impressive view of
Budapest from the terrace of the boat during the dinner. The boat leaves from a pier close
to the conference venue. Participants are asked to meet and gather at the registration desk
latest by 18:00 then we will walk together to the boarding point.
This program is available at extra cost: 50 EUR / person.
Booking can be made onsite at the registration desk till May 21 (Thursday) 16:00.
European Wireless 2015 Program
wednesday, May 20
Auditorium Q-II
09:00 - 10:40
10:40 - 11:00
Room QBF09
Room QBF14
Room QBF15
T1: Tutorial 1
T2: Tutorial 2
T3: Tutorial 3
coffee break
T1: Tutorial 1
11:00 - 12:20
12:20 - 13:40
T2: Tutorial 2
T3: Tutorial 3
Lunch break
13:40 - 15:00
S1: Practical
S2: Visible
S3: Wireless
15:00 - 16:30
T4: Tutorial 4
T5: Tutorial 5
T6: Tutorial 6
16:30 - 16:50
coffee break
T4: Tutorial 4
16:50 - 18:10
18:30 - 20:00
T5: Tutorial 5
T6: Tutorial 6
Welcome reception
thursday, May 21
Auditorium Q-II
09:00 - 09:15
09:15 - 09:25
Salute from the
09:25 - 10:40
K1: Keynote 1
10:40 - 11:00
S4: Wireless
12:20 - 13:40
S5: Secure
S6: Wireless
K2: Keynote 2
S7: Wireless
W1: Opening talk
16:10 - 16:30
coffee break
16:30 - 17:50
S8: Wireless
W1: Special
session WD2DC
18:30 - 23:00
Room QBF15
Lunch break
15:30 - 17:50
14:50 - 17:50
Room QBF14
coffee break
11:00 - 12:20
13:40 - 14:50
Room QBF09
Social dinner
W2: Special
session 5GCodes
Friday, May 22
Auditorium Q-II
K3: Keynote 3
Room QBF09
Room QBF14
Room QBF15
coffee break
S9: Wireless
S10: Green
S11: Wireless
Lunch break
S12: Wireless
S13: Wireless
S14: Wireless
coffee break
S15: Wireless
S16: Wireless
Wednesday, May 20
09:00 - 10:40 T1: Tutorial 1
The Path Towards 5G – Essential Technologies, Protocols and
Tools for Enabling 5G Mobile Communications
Marco Di Renzo, Christos Verikoukis, Erik G. Larsson, Eduard Jorswieck,
Cheng-Xiang Wang
Room: Room QBF09
T2: Tutorial 2
Network Coding for Cloud Storage and Content Delivery
Daniel E. Lucani; Frank H.P. Fitzek
Room: Room QBF14
T3: Tutorial 3
Multi-Carrier waveforms: State of the Art and Challenges
in a 5G perspective
Pierre Siohan (presenting); Hao Lin
Room: Room QBF15
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:20 T1: Tutorial 1
back after the coffee break
Room: Room QBF09
T2: Tutorial 2
back after the coffee break
Room: Room QBF14
T3: Tutorial 3
back after the coffee break
Room: Room QBF15
12:20 - 13:40 Lunch break
13:40 - 15:00 S1: Practical wireless
Room: Room QBF09
Chair: Bertalan Forstner (BME, Hungary)
Android Based Toolset for NFC Tag Testing and Performance
Aage Andre Haaland Dahl (University of Oslo & Gold As, Norway); Thomas
Plagemann (University of Oslo, Norway); Ali Zaher (Oslo University,
Off- Body Channel Measurements, Modelling & Comparison
of Wrist Mounted Antennas
Mohammad W Abdullah, Evangelos Mellios, Maciej Klemm and
Geoffrey Hilton (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Applicability of Frequency Selective Surfaces to Enhance
Mobile Network Coverage in Future Energy-Efficient Built
Ari Asp, Anil Baniya, Syed Fahad Yunas, Jarno Niemelä and Mikko
Valkama (Tampere University of Technology, Finland)
Adaptive Relay Activation in the Network Coding Protocols
Peyman Pahlevani and Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg University, Denmark);
Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets Communication Networks Group, Germany)
13:40 - 15:00 S2: Visible wireless
Room: Room QBF14
Chair: Marcos D. Katz (University of Oulu, Finland)
Precoded Single-Cell Multi-User MISO Visible Light Communications
Tezcan Cogalan (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom); Harald Haas
(The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom); Erdal Panayirci (Kadir Has
University, Turkey)
An Efficient Repeater Assisted Visible Light Communication
Samrat Vikramaditya Tiwari, Atul Sewaiwar and Yeonho Chung
(Pukyong National University, Korea)
Data Downloading on the Coverage of Visible Light Communication
Helal Chowdhury (Telecommunication laboratory, university of oulu, Finland)
Linear Precoder Performance of Massive MIMO Systems
in near LOS Environments: Application to mmWave Transmission
Antoine Rozé (Bcom, France); Maryline Hélard (INSA Rennes & IETR
Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes, France);
Matthieu Crussiere (IETR - Electronics and Telecommunications Research
Institute of Rennes (IETR) & INSA - National Institute of Applied Sciences,
France); Charlotte Langlais (Télécom Bretagne, France)
13:40 - 15:00 S3: Wireless feedback
Room: Room QBF15
Chair: Leonardo Badia (Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
Dynamic Outer Loop Link Adaptation for the 5G CentimeterWave Concept
Marta Gatnau Sarret (Aalborg University & Nokia, Denmark); Davide
Catania (Aalborg University, Denmark); Frank Frederiksen (Nokia Siemens
Networks, Denmark); Andrea F. Cattoni, Gilberto Berardinelli and Preben
Mogensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Intercell Interference Management For Downlink
Beamforming With Imperfect CSI
Mati Tshangini (Kings College, United Kingdom); Mohammad Reza
Nakhai (King’s College London, United Kingdom)
Joint Power and Sensing Optimization for Hybrid Cognitive
Radios with limited CSIT
George A Ropokis (Research Academic Computer Technology Institute,
Greece); Christos G. Tsinos (University of Patras, Greece); Miltiades C.
Filippou (University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom); Kostas Berberidis
(University of Patras, Greece); David Gesbert (Eurecom Institute,
France); Tharmalingam Ratnarajah (The University of Edinburgh, United
Interpolated UQ vs RVQ as Limited Feedback for Broadband
Sara Teodoro (University of Aveiro & Instituto de Telecommunicaçoes,
Portugal); Adao Silva (Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes (IT) / University of
Aveiro, Portugal); Rui Dinis (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, University
Nova de Lisboa, Portugal); Atílio Gameiro (Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes /
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
15:00 - 18:10 T4: Tutorial 4
Small Cells and Device-to-Device Networks towards the 5G
Era: Fundamentals, Applications, and Resource Allocation
using Game Theory
Vaggelis G. Douros, George C. Polyzos
Room: Room QBF09
T5: Tutorial 5
Understanding the IoT evolution to master the IoT revolution
Antonio Iera, Giacomo Morabito, Luigi Atzori
Room: Room QBF14
T6: Tutorial 6
Efficient Network Handling Techniques on Android
Peter Ekler, Bertalan Forstner
Room: Room QBF15
16:30 - 16:50 coffee break
18:30 - 20:00 Welcome reception
Thursday, May 21
Welcome addresses
09:00 - 09:15 Local academic authorities
Room: Auditorium Q-II
Salute from the sponsors
09:15 - 09:25 Conference sponsors
Room: Auditorium Q-II
K1: Keynote 1
09:25 - 10:40 Erik Dahlman
Room: Auditorium Q-II
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee break
11:00 - 12:20 S4: Wireless coding
Room: Room QBF09
Chair: Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets Communication Networks Group, Germany)
Relay-assisted Network Coding Multicast in the Presence
of Neighbours
Hana Khamfroush (Penn State University, USA); Daniel E. Lucani and
Peyman Pahlevani (Aalborg University, Denmark); Frank H.P. Fitzek
(Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks
Group, Germany); Joao Barros (Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes &
Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
Asymmetric Modulation Gains in Network Coded Relay Networks
Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg University, Denmark); Frank H.P. Fitzek
(Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks
Group, Germany)
Single-Carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access
Transmission with Physical Layer Network Coding over
ISI Channels
Armin Schmidt (University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany); Robert
Schober (Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany); Wolfgang Gerstacker
(University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, Germany)
BER Performance of Three-Phase Digital Network Coding
Employing Combined TAS/Alamouti OSTBC-OFDM in the Presence
of Imperfect Channel State Information
Ahmet F Coskun (The Scientific and Technological Research Council of
Turkey, Turkey); Oguz Kucur (Gebze Technical University, Turkey)
11:00 - 12:20 S5: Secure wireless
Introductory talk “Security in Programmable Network,”
by Peter Schneider (Nokia Networks)
Room: Room QBF14
Chair: Leonardo Badia (Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
On the outage probability of secrecy capacity in arbitrarilydistributed fading channels
Juan M. Romero-Jerez (University of Malaga, Spain); Gerardo Gomez
(University of Málaga, Spain); Francisco Javier Lopez-Martinez
(Universidad de Malaga, Spain)
Channel Correlation Map based Indoor-to-outdoor Artificial
Noise Design and Secrecy Analysis
Huijun Li and Zekai Liang (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); Gunes
Karabulut Kurt (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey); Gerd H. Ascheid
and Guido Dartmann (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
The Study of the Centralized Control Method to Hasten
Link Set-up in IEEE 802.11ah Networks
Dmitry Bankov (Institute for Information Transmission Problems (IITP
RAS), Russia); Evgeny Khorov and Andrey Lyakhov (IITP RAS, Russia)
A zero-sum jamming game with incomplete position
information in wireless scenarios
Maria Scalabrin, Valentina Vadori and Anna Guglielmi (University of
Padova, Italy); Leonardo Badia (Universita degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
11:00 - 12:20 S6: Wireless applications
Room: Room QBF15
Chair: Péter Ekler (BME, Hungary)
Wireless Applications of Mobile Egomotion Estimation with
Computer Vision
Laszlo Kundra (Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
Hungary); Péter Ekler (BME, Hungary); Hassan Charaf (Budapest
University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
Distributed movement recognition algorithm based on
wrist-mounted wireless sensor motes
Peter Sarcevic, Zoltán Kincses, Szilveszter Pletl and Laszlo Schaffer
(University of Szeged, Hungary)
Social driving in connected car environment
Péter Ekler (BME, Hungary); Tamás Balogh and Tamás Ujj (Researcher,
Hungary); Hassan Charaf (Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary); László Lengyel (BME, Hungary)
Wakeup signal length optimization combined with payload
aggregation and FEC in WSNs
Ákos Milánkovich, Gergely Ill and Károly Lendvai (Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, Hungary); Sándor Imre (Technical University
of Budapest, Hungary); Sándor Szabó (Budapest University of Technology
and Economics, Hungary)
12:20 - 13:40 Lunch
13:40 - 14:50 K2: Keynote 2
Muriel Médard
Room: Auditorium Q-II
14:50 - 16:10 S7: Wireless MIMO
Room: Room QBF09
Chair: Imre Kelényi (BME, Hungary)
Performance Analysis of Large Centralized and Distributed
MU-MIMO Systems in Indoor WLAN
Qing Wang (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Diptanil
DebBarma (Eindhoven University of Technology & IISc, The Netherlands);
Zizheng Cao (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands);
Anthony Lo (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Sweden); Ignas Niemegeers
(Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands); Sonia Heemstra
de Groot (Eindhoven Technical University, The Netherlands)
Establishing Lower Bounds on the Peak-to-Average-Power
Ratio in Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems
Bálint Horváth and Peter Horvath (Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary)
A Banking Mechanism of Diversity-Multiplexing Tradeoff
for Massive MIMO Systems
Tsung-Wei Chiang and Ju-Hong Lee (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
Preamble-based Estimation of Highly Frequency Selective
Channels in MIMO-FBMC/OQAM Systems
Eleftherios Kofidis (University of Piraeus, Greece)
14:50 - 16:10 W1: Special session WD2DC
Workshop on D2D communications
Room: Room QBF14
Chair: Leonardo Militano
invited talk for WD2DC
Gabor Fodor (Ericsson)
Efficient Data Uploading Supported by D2D Communications
in LTE-A Systems
Antonino Orsino (University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy);
Leonardo Militano (Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy);
Giuseppe Araniti,Antonella Molinaro and Antonio Iera (University
Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy)
N etwork - A ssisted D evice - to - D evice C onnectivity:
Contemporary Vision and Open Challenges
Sergey Andreev, Dmitri Moltchanov, Olga Galinina, Alexander Pyattaev,
Aleksandr Ometov and Yevgeni Koucheryavy (Tampere University of
Technology, Finland)
16:10 - 16:30 Coffee break
16:30 - 17:50 16:30
Location-based mode selection and resource allocation in
cellular networks with D2D underlay
Marcin Rodziewicz (Poznan University of Technology, Poland)
Optimal Schedule for LTE-Advanced Device-to-Device
Communication in Aviation
Maciej Mühleisen (Hamburg University of Technology & RWTH Aachen
University, Faculty 6, Germany); Jan Habermann and Andreas Timm-Giel
(Hamburg University of Technology, Germany)
Spectral Efficiency and Throughput Enhancement by FullDuplex D2D Communication in Mobile Clouds
Hamidreza Bagheri (University of Oulu, Finland); Fernando Miranda
Bonomi (FACET, Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Argentina); Marcos
Katz (University of Oulu, Finland)
Joint Mode Selection and Radio Resource Allocation for
D2D Communications Based on Dynamic Coalition Formation
Jingjing Zhao, Kok Keong Chai and Yue Chen (Queen Mary University
of London, United Kingdom); John Schormans (Queen Mary, University
of London, United Kingdom); Jesus Alonso-Zarate (Centre Tecnologic de
Telecomunicacions de Catalunya - CTTC, Spain)
14:50 - 17:50 W2: Special session 5GCodes
Workshop on Coding Techniques for 5G Networks
Room: Room QBF15
Chair: Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Precoding Techniques for Turbo Codes
Ronald Garzón Bohórquez (Telecom Bretagne, France); Charbel Abdel
Nour (Institut Telecom - Telecom Bretagne, France); Catherine Douillard
(Institut Mines Telecom - Telecom Bretagne, France)
Generalized Error Locating Codes with Soft Decoding of
Inner Codes
Igor Zhilin (Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russia);
Fedor Ivanov (IITP, Russia); Victor V. Zyablov (Institute for Information
Transmission Problems (IITP) RAS, Russia)
Orchestrating Feedback for Hybrid Rateless Codes
Carlos Faneca (University of Aveiro, Portugal); André Zúquete (University
of Aveiro, Dep. of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics &
IEETA, Portugal); Jose Vieira (Universidade de Aveiro & IEETA, Portugal);
André Moreira (Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes & Faculdade de Engenharia
da Universidade do Porto, Portugal); Luis Almeida (Univerdidade do Porto,
Portugal); Julio Cano (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
Increasing data distribution in BitTorrent networks by
using network coding techniques
Patrik János Braun and Márton Sipos (Budapest University of Technology
and Economics, Hungary); Péter Ekler (BME, Hungary); Hassan Charaf
(Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
16:10 - 16:30
Coffee break
Room: Room QBF09
14:50 - 17:50 16:30
On the Packet Delay Characteristics for Serially-Connected
Links using Random Linear Network Coding with and without
Máté Tömösközi (Acticom GmbH, Germany); Frank H.P. Fitzek
(Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication Networks
Group, Germany); Daniel E. Lucani and Morten V. Pedersen (Aalborg
University, Denmark); Patrick Seeling (Central Michigan University, USA);
Péter Ekler (BME, Hungary)
A Practical View on Tunable Sparse Network Coding
Chres W. Sorensen (Aalborg University, Denmark); Arash Shahbaz Badr
(Technische Universität Hamburg–Harburg, Germany); Juan Cabrera and
Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg University, Denmark); Janus Heide (Steinwurf,
Denmark); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets
- Communication Networks Group, Germany)
Sending policies in dynamic wireless mesh using network
Sreekrishna Pandi (Technical University of Dresden, Germany); Frank
H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets - Communication
Networks Group, Germany); Jeppe Pihl (Steinwurf, Denmark); Morten V.
Pedersen and Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Reliability Capacity of Half-Duplex Channels with Strict
Rui A. Costa (Streambolico, Portugal); Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg
University, Denmark); Tiago T. Vinhoza (Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes &
University of Porto, Portugal); Joao Barros (Instituto de Telecomunicaçoes
& Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
16:30 - 17:50 S8: Wireless OFDM
Room: Room QBF09
Chair: Dongwoo Kim(Hanyang University, Korea)
A Robust Blind Time Synchronization Method in OFDM Systems
over Multipath Fading Channels
Youssef El Hajj Shehadeh and Sebastian Baumgartner (Chemnitz
University of Technology, Germany); Gangolf Hirtz (Chemnitz University,
An analysis of out-of-band emission and in-band interference
for precoded and classical OFDM systems
Medhat Mohamad (Lulea Technical University, Sweden); Rickard Nilsson
(Lulea University of Technology, Sweden); Jaap van de Beek (Lulea
University of Technology & Huawei Technologies, Sweden)
DSFBC Transmission Scheme with OFDM in Adaptive Baseband
Jin Nakazato (University of Electro-Comunications, Japan); Yuki Morimoto
and Yoshio Karasawa (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Managing inter-cell interference with advanced receivers
and rank adaptation in 5G small cells
Fernando M. L. Tavares, Gilberto Berardinelli, Davide Catania, Troels
B. Sorensen and Preben Mogensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
18:30 - 23:00 Social dinner
Friday, May 22
K3: Keynote 3
09:00 - 10:20 Tommaso Melodia
Room: Auditorium Q-II
10:20 - 10:40 Coffee break
10:40 - 12:20 S9: Wireless channel
Room: Room QBF09
Chair: Tim Esemann (Luebeck University of Applied Sciences & CoSA
Center of Excellence, Germany)
Polarity reception for IR-UWB in wireless fading channel
Olonbayar Sonom and Dan Kreiser (IHP, Germany); Rolf Kraemer (IHP
Microelectronics, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany); Gunter Fischer, Denys
Martynenko and Oleksiy Klymenko (IHP, Germany)
In-Band Interference Detection on Reception for IEEE 802.15.4
Tim Esemann (Luebeck University of Applied Sciences & CoSA Center of
Excellence, Germany); Horst Hellbrück (University of Applied Sciences
Lübeck & CoSA Center of Excellence, Germany)
Exact SER Expressions of GFDM in Nakagami-m and Rician
fading channels
Shravan Bandari (National Institute of Technology Warangal, India);
Anastasios Drosopoulos (TEI of Western Greece, Greece); Venkata Mani
Vakamulla (National Institute of Technology Warangal, India)
Doppler Detection in IEEE802.11p Signals for Cooperative
Awareness in VANETs
Paul Fuxjaeger (FTW - Telecommunications Research Center Vienna,
Austria); Stefan Ruehrup (FTW, Austria)
Identification of Taps in Time-Variant Multipath Channels
for 3GPP LTE-Downlink
Nazar Muhammad Idrees (COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Sahiwal, Pakistan); Michael Rudolf Petit and Andreas Springer (Johannes
Kepler University Linz, Austria)
10:40 - 12:20 S10: Green Wireless
Room: Room QBF14
Chair: Leonardo Militano (Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, Italy)
Reconstruction of Correlated Sources with Energy
Harvesting Constraints
Miguel Calvo-Fullana (Centre Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions
de Catalunya, Spain); Javier Matamoros (Centre Tecnologic de
Telecomunicacions de Catalunya, Spain); Carles Antón-Haro (Centre
Tecnologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain)
Joint Online Transmission and Energy Transfer Policies for
Energy Harvesting Devices with Finite Batteries
Alessandro Biason (University of Padova, Italy); Michele Zorzi (Universita
degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
Re-Dimensioning Number of Active eNodeBs for Green LTE
Networks Using Genetic Algorithms
Sarah Azzam (German University in Cairo, Egypt); Tallal Elshabrawy (The
German University in Cairo, Egypt)
Energy-Efficient Uplink Power Allocation in Multi-Cell MUMassive-MIMO Systems
Kaifeng Guo (RWTH Aachen University & Institute for Communication
Technologies and Embedded Systems, Germany); Yan Guo (RWTH Aachen
University & Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology,
Germany); Gerd H. Ascheid (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Evaluation of operation policies for energy harvesting
sensor nodes with variable data traffic
Leonardo Badia and Giulia Mansutti (Universita degli Studi di Padova,
10:40 - 12:20 S11: Wireless access
Room: Room QBF15
Chair: Vincenzo Sciancalepore (Institute IMDEA Networks & Politecnico
di Milano, Italy)
EchoRing: A Low-Latency, Reliable Token-Passing MAC
Protocol for Wireless Industrial Networks
Christian Dombrowski (RWTH Aachen University, Germany); James Gross
(Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden)
Interference Analysis for 5G Random Access with Short
Message Support
Gerhard Wunder (Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Germany); Martin Kasparick
(Technical University Berlin & Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany);
Peter Jung (TU-Berlin, Communications and Information Theory Group &
Fraunhofer HHI - Heinrich Hertz Institute, Germany)
Analysis of RFID anti-collision protocols based on the
standard EPCglobal Class-1 Generation-2
Laura Arjona (Deustotech Institute of Technology- University of Deusto,
Spain); Hugo Landaluce (Deustotech Institute of Technology - University
of Deusto, Spain); Asier Perallos (Fundacion Deusto, Spain); Pedro
Lopez-Garcia and Nikola Cmiljanic (Deustotech Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Deusto, Spain)
Dynamic Queue Utilization Based MAC for Multi-Hop Ad Hoc
Jims Marchang (University of Plymouth & CSCAN Research Centre, United
Kingdom); Bogdan Ghita (Plymouth University, United Kingdom); David
Lancaster(University of Plymouth, United Kingdom)
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4k Priority Channel
Access with DSSS PHY
Berhane Gebremedhin (University of Oulu, Finland); Jussi P Haapola
(Centre for Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Finland); Jari
Iinatti (University of Oulu, Finland)
12:20 - 13:40 Lunch break
13:40 - 15:20 S12: Wireless learning
Room: Room QBF09
Chair: Davide Del Testa (University of Padova, Italy)
Analysis of 38 GHz mmWave Propagation Characteristics of
Urban Scenarios
Ignacio Rodriguez (Aalborg Universitet, Denmark); Huan Cong Nguyen
(Aalborg University & Faculty of Engineering and Science, Denmark);
Troels B. Sorensen (Aalborg University, Denmark); Jan Elling and Jens
Age Holm (Telenor A/S, Denmark); Preben Mogensen (Nokia Siemens
Networks, Aalborg, Denmark); Benny Vejlgaard (Nokia Siemens Networks,
Pairwise Recognition of Digital Modulation Modes Using
Optimized Circular Harmonic Functions
Andrey V. Osipov (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden); Alexander
B. Sergienko (St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University, Russia)
Random Vector Differential Entropy Based Cognitive Radio
Spectrum Sensing
Usama Y. Mohamad and Dirk Dahlhaus (University of Kassel, Germany)
Wavelet Preprocessed Neural Network Based Receiver for
Low SNR Communication
Husam Y Alzaq and Berk Ustundag (Istanbul Technical University, Turkey)
Context Information for Fast Cell Discovery in mm-wave
5G Networks
Antonio Capone and Ilario Filippini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy); Vincenzo
Sciancalepore (Institute IMDEA Networks & Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
13:40 - 15:20 S13: Wireless transport
Room: Room QBF14
Chair: Gerhard Wunder (Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Germany)
Performance Evaluation of Multicast Video Distribution
using 802.11n in Realistic Environments
Berna Bulut, Evangelos Mellios, Denys Berkovskyy, Angela Doufexi
and Andrew Nix (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Modelling of YouTube Traffic in High Speed Mobile Neworks
Géza Horváth and Peter Fazekas (Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary)
Methodology to evaluate user experience in non-fully
loaded wireless communication systems
Moritz Lossow, Paul Arnold, Heinz Droste and Gerhard Kadel (Deutsche
Telekom Innovation Laboratories, Germany); Oscar Dario Ramos-Cantor
(Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)
Performance Limits of Sparse Support Recovery Algorithms
Georgios Angelopoulos (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA);
Muriel Médard (MIT, USA)
Towards the Tactile Internet: Decreasing Communication
Latency with Network Coding and Software Defined
Dávid Szabó and András Gulyás (Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Hungary); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden
& ComNets - Communication Networks Group, Germany); Daniel E. Lucani
(Aalborg University, Denmark)
13:40 - 15:20 S14: Wireless sharing
Room: Room QBF15
Chair: Ramona Trestian (Middlesex University, United Kingdom)
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for Wireless Downlink in
Cloud Radio Access Networks
Quoc-Tuan Vien, Ngozi Ogbonna, Huan X Nguyen and Ramona Trestian
(Middlesex University, United Kingdom); Purav Shah (Middlesex University
& School of Science and Technology, United Kingdom)
Closed-form Outage and Diversity Analysis of Opportunistic
Nulling for Secondary Spectrum Sharing
Dae-Kyo Jeong and Dongwoo Kim (Hanyang University, Korea)
Distributed Hybrid Spectrum Sharing for OFDMA-based
Cognitive Femtocells in 5G Networks
Pavel Mach and Zdenek Becvar (Czech Technical University in Prague,
Czech Republic)
Outage Probability Analysis of Multihop Cognitive Networks
under Multiple Primary Users Interference
Petros S. Bithas (Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications
and Remote Sensing, Greece); Athanasios A. Rontogiannis (National
Observatory of Athens, Greece)
A Two-Stage Spectrum Access Selection and Pricing Game
for Cognitive Radio Networks
Angeliki Kordali and Panayotis Cottis (National Technical University of
Athens, Greece)
15:20 - 15:40 Coffee break
15:40 - 17:20 S15: Wireless networking
Room: Room QBF14
Chair: Leonardo Badia (Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy)
On PLR Estimation for a Multipath Route with Failure
Igor Kargin and Evgeny Khorov (IITP RAS & MIPT, Russia); Andrey
Lyakhov (IITP RAS, Russia)
Path Loss Interference in Mobile Random Waypoint
Luis Irio (Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal); António Furtado
(Universidade Nova de Lisboa / UNINOVA, Portugal); Rodolfo Oliveira
(Nova University of Lisbon, Portugal); Luis Bernardo (Universidade Nova de
Lisboa, Portugal); Rui Dinis (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, University
Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
QoS Connectionless Multicast Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc
Viet Thi Minh Do (Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Norway); Lars Landmark (Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
(FFI), Norway); Oivind Kure (Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), Norway)
Design and Analysis of Distributed Mobility Management
Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks
Luiz Henrique Suraty Filho and Benoit Denis (CEA-Leti Minatec, France);
Mickael Maman (CEA-Leti Minatec Campus, France)
Network Coded Software Defined Networking: Design and
Jeppe Krigslund, Jonas Hansen and Daniel E. Lucani (Aalborg University,
Denmark); Frank H.P. Fitzek (Technische Universität Dresden & ComNets Communication Networks Group, Germany); Muriel Médard (MIT, USA)
15:40 - 17:20 S16: Wireless relay
Room: Room QBF15
Chair: Sándor Imre (BME, Hungary)
Joint Dynamic Resource Allocation and Load Balancing
for LTE-Advanced Relay Networks in Heterogeneous Load
Miguel Eguizabal-Alonso and Angela Hernández-Solana (University of
Zaragoza, Spain)
Relaying Techniques for LTE-Advanced
Asmaa Abdallah (Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon); Khalil Fakih (Lebanese
University, Lebanon); Dina Serhal (Rafik Hariri University, Lebanon)
Power Allocation for the MAC-Phase of a Two-Way-Relay
Interference Channel
Stephan Schedler (Universität Rostock, Germany); Volker Kuehn (University
of Rostock, Germany)
Spectral Efficiency of Small Cells Enhanced LTE System
- Relay versus Picocell Yuan Chen and Bernhard H. Walke (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Ergodic Capacity of Interference Coordinated HetNet with
Full-Duplex Small Cells
Mhd Omar Alkadri, Adnan Aijaz and Arumugam Nallanathan (King’s
College London, United Kingdom)
Thank you for your precious support!