Hadrian News April 2015

Hadrian’s (Wall) Paper
April 2015
Produced by pupils and staff from Hadrian School
Hadrian School of the Environment, Technology and Design
What are we
doing on the
front cover?
Gold fish
As Hadrian is designated the
'School of the Environment',
we have always been keen to
provide a welcoming and
stimulating workplace for
pupils, staff and visitors.
Pupil artwork, illuminated
display cases and music piped
through the corridors are just
some examples of how we
have enhanced our creative
learning environment.
Perhaps the most striking
feature of Hadrian school is
the aquarium situated in the
hub. We would all like to
thank Miss Thwaites, Mr
Smith and the pupils who
help feed and care for the
fish. However, particular
thanks must go to Mr Ledger
for his outstanding work in
restoring the aquarium to its
former glory.
This is a fantastic
achievement for the school
and the Academy, and yet
another example of the
remarkable work and progress
that takes place here at
Excelsior every single day.
Well done to everyone
Craig Taylor
We are delighted to announce that Excelsior Academy
has been awarded the prestigious Artsmark Gold, in
recognition of our outstanding provision for the
creative and performing arts on offer here.
Furthermore, we are extremely proud that the
successful application and presentation were led and
organised by Hadrian's very own, Miss Kelly.
Start of Summer Term
Monday 20th April 2015
Half Term
25th - 29th May 2015
Review Day
Thursday 25th June 2015
Inset Day
Friday 26th June 2015
End of Summer Term
Friday 17th July 2015
At the end of each term, both Key Stages 3 and 4
have an achievement assembly; this is to celebrate
any achievements which the pupils have gained over
the course of the term. Each subject teacher
nominates pupils for effort and attainment then a
winner for each year group and an overall winner is
awarded. Pupils who are nominated receive a
certificate, and the winners get a prize and
certificate, this term the prize was a Malteaser
bunny and a trophy.
As well as the awards we had musical and drama
pieces performed by the pupils themselves to
showcase the wonderful work they have been doing
in these subjects.
Year 7 pupil Georgianna Herman said 'I was proud to
win something'
Year 7 pupil Antonia Jarcova said ' I felt happy when
my name was called out because I have never won
anything before.'
Libre Soy
Across the Academy this term, pupils in
Key Stage 3 who study Spanish have been
brushing up their singing voices in a hope
to get more than doce puntos (12
In class groups pupils sang 'Let It Go' from
Frozen, in Spanish, which is translated as
Libre Soy. All entries from each school
went through a selection process. Mr
Taylor chose 7 set 1 to be Hadrian's entry
into the Academy wide competition.
Just like the Eurovision Song Contest, each school/country was
asked to vote for the entry they liked the best. Mrs Anderson subject development leader for Spanish, thanked the staff for
showing the entries and encouraging the pupils to vote. She
said " We have had fantastic feedback from lots of pupils and
staff too. We received over 800 votes in total."
The results for 1st and 2nd place, were VERY close and the
winners were Milburn. All Hadrian pupils did really well and
took on the task of singing in a different language with
enthusiasm. Well done to Mrs Kay for co-ordinating all the
Hadrian Classes.
Amazing Amazon
Hadrian Year 7 pupils were challenged to
complete a creative research project about either
an animal or a plant that lives in the Amazon
Rainforest in Brazil. Take a look at their work, an
extended home learning project as part of their
Geographical studies. The key themes running
through the project were adaptations and
environmental sustainability. All pupils have
presented their projects to their classmates and
senior leaders within Hadrian School as well as the
Head of Excelsior's Rainbird Primary School. A
select group of pupils have also been chosen to
share their projects with Year 2 pupils in Rainbird
to help further develop their understanding of
natural environments around the world.
Meet the Student Council
This year, Hadrian School has a Student
Council run by Mr Davison. Each mentor group
was asked to choose a pupil who would
represent the class on the council. The
Student Councillors needed to have the
following qualities/skills:
commitment; organising/planning;
communication; being accountable; being a
role model; using skills to benefit others;
understanding the local community;
teamwork; presenting; and challenge &
The Council meets on a regular basis and the
pupils have recently completed a day of
leadership training. Year 9 Student Council
representatives are Mahmood Beydoun,
Alexandra Istokova and Martin Kroka, here is a
little bit about each of the Year 9 Councillors.
Mahmood: "I am Student Councillor for 9H1.
My favourite subject is maths and my
favourite teacher is Miss Monaghan. I was
chosen to be a student councillor because I
am intelligent and I listen to others."
Alexandra:"I was chosen to be Student Councillor as I am
not shy at speaking and come up with good ideas. I am
representing 9H2. My favourite subjects are P.E and Art. I
would like to have cheerleaders in our school and would
change our uniform."
Martin: "I am a Student Councillor for 9H3. As Student
Councillor I will aim to help make changes in school,
through having more drama and music. My favourite
teacher is Mr Davison . . . . he is cool!"
World Book Day
Hits Hadrian!
On Thursday 5th March Hadrian pupils celebrated World
Book Day by taking part in a range of exciting activities
which aimed to encourage reading for pleasure. The
activities included writing a short story; creating a video
trailer; writing a play, a song; choreographing a dance;
creating a vibrant display of artwork including largescale posters. The pupils and staff really let their
creativity and imaginations run free!
The winners of the 'Design a Bookmark' competition
were: Macey Walker, Bethany Black, Jennifer
Horvathova, Michelle Nielsen, Chloe Foley and Connor
Humble. Winners received a congratulatory certificate
and a book to enjoy at home. Hadrian's love of books
and passion for reading was strengthened,
reinforced and appreciated once again on this
special day.
The children and staff worked really hard to
create some amazing entries. Our very own 9H4
entry was chosen to represent Excelsior Academy
in the National World Book Day competition.
BBC School Report
7H1 have been participating in BBC
school report. It is a project which
motivates 11-16 year olds to make and
broadcast their own news. They have
independently researched and written
about a variety of interesting topics such
> Domestic Violence
> Changes to school days and Holidays
> The Arts Mark Award
> Mansion Tax
> The effects of school councils
> The ethics of Micro chipping
They arranged a visit with local Labour MP Chi
Onwurah as part of the project. They grilled
her on a range of political topics from smoking
to the value of arts within our schools.
Innovation Days
Hadrian Travels Back In Time
During our recent Innovation Day, Hadrian English
rooms were transformed into secret underground
bunkers. Year 9 and 10 pupils, who are studying World
War One poetry, were immersed in the genre and
stepped into the roles of; Imagist painters, Imagist
poets, soldiers on the front line and secret
correspondents.Our Imagist artists used the painting
style advocated by the poet Richard Aldington to
produce stunning representations of the battlefield.
Year 9 pupils dramatised 'Dulce Est Decorum Est'. They
took each line of the poem and created a freeze
All of our pupil work will be published and displayed.
Everyone really threw themselves into the day
including the staff who dressed up. We have a range of
fantastic creative responses produced by our pupils.
Girls Lead
The Way
On 16th January 2015, a group of year 7 pupils
attended the NE digital girls event at the Sage
Gateshead. Sarah Lamb explained what happened
during the day:
The NE digital girls explained to us the many
possible jobs that could lie in our future. We saw
many different people walk onto the stage, all of
whom had amazing speeches on the STEM careers
we could go into.
They talked to us about how many STEM jobs are
taken by men who actually have lower scores than
women, which was surprising. For the rest of the
day we looked at some of the amazing experiences
that come with a STEM job like; 3D printing,
creating a webpage, Internet technology and many
more amazing things.
Along with creating a web page also came a
challenge: create a webpage on a certain celebrity
in groups, then present it to our judges. The judges
would look at the skills and detail you used.
I had a great day, it couldn't have been any better
and I wouldn't change it one bit. It opened my eyes
to a whole new set of opportunities, which I will
definitely take into account when my career choices
need to be looked at. For going to the event and
taking part, as a group of Excelsior Academy pupils,
we won an Academy Business award during the
recent Excelsior Academy Business Award Ceremony.
City Award
For Personal
Hadrian Year 11 pupil Nikita Mills has received an
Award from Newcastle City Council. Nikita was
nominated for the Personal Achievement Award by
Mrs Rose and the staff in Hadrian School. Nikita and
family attended a ceremony at St James Park along
with the other nominees from across the City. Nikita
did not know she had won until they announced her
name. Nikita said 'I was shocked when they said my
name; I was convinced I wouldn't win, I won an Intu
gift voucher and certificate. I would like to say thank
you to the Staff at Excelsior for nominating me for
the award.'
Scholarship Hopes
Each year, the Academy sponsor, Lord Laidlaw,
offers to fund two scholarship opportunities to
enable high performing Excelsior Academy pupils
to attend prestigious schools in Edinburgh. Last
year a Hadrian pupil, Farzana Islam was selected
for a place at St George's School for girls where
she has now settled and is working exceptionally
This year we have two Hadrian boys competing for
a place at Merchiston Castle School in Edinburgh:
Ryan Dornan and Izzul Zalani. We also have two
girls selected as potential candidates for St
George's: Kiran Ramzam and Fammi Khanom. The
pupils will need to sit a number of gruelling
entrance examinations and an interview process
before we find out whether they have been
successful. We wish them all the best of luck.
And the winner is ...
Mara Dosso, Rebecca Robson, Jordan Graham, Ivana Istokova, Ellie Curley,
Martina Sinova, Antonie Sivakova, Deborah Jackson, Jana Pokutova.
This term saw the annual Excelsior Academy
Miss Armstrong who has been helping the girls with the
Business and Enterprise award ceremony being
dresses said "Making the dresses was fun and
inspirational. The girls were aware that they were
Hadrian School had a number of winners on the
doing something for a good cause and showed
night: including a group of pupils from year 10
enthusiasm and dedication to the project. The final
who won the Creativity award. The girls received
products were amazing and they look forward to doing
the award for their work with the charity Dress a
it again next year."
Girl around the world. This charity is set up to
Well done to all Hadrian nominees and winners.
provide girls with dresses
in poverty and war torn
areas. These girls
researched the charity
Our behaviour and attendance managers, Mr Jobling and Mrs Morris would like
first, to provide an
to say a huge thank you to parents/carers and pupils for their continued
understanding of why they
support throughout this academic year. In Hadrian School we are continuing to
were doing this. Then
strive towards the government standard of 95% however, this can only be
using the detailed guide
by regular attendance. To show our appreciation we have been
from the charity they
assemblies to reward those pupils who are continuing to
designed and constructed
improve on their attendance and behaviour. Some of the amazing prizes we
the pillowcase dresses.
awarded include sweets, Metrocentre vouchers and Kindles. Well done
The girls made and sent
and once again thank you.
over 20 dresses to the
Improving Attendance
Girls can...
Play Rugby
This term saw the first outing of the Excelsior
Academy girls year 7 & year 8 Rugby teams in their
first competitive tournament. The teams competed
in games against schools from all over Newcastle
and were brilliant! They won games against
Kenton, Churchill and Gosforth. They were a credit
to the school and themselves in the way they
played and conducted themselves on and off the
field. Both teams included 5 Hadrian pupils, year 7
- Macey Walker, Sarah Lamb, Allan S Gomes, Amber
Atkinson and Samantha Dixon, The year 8 team,
Leila Errington, Michelle Nielson, Aimee Cody,
Chloe Hurst and Precious Felix. Well done Girls.
Play Football
In February the Excelsior U13 girls football team
played in the regional qualifiers of The Premier
League Schools U13 Girls Tournament 2015. Twentyfour teams competed and we were one of only four
schools from the Newcastle area.
The girls were unbelievable - winning every match and
progressing through their group stage and knock-out
rounds to the regional finals in March at Newcastle
United First Team Training Centre.
If the girls are successful in this regional final they
will then represent Newcastle United FC in the
National Grand Finals on 21st May 2015 at White Hart
Lane, home of Tottenham Hotspur FC.
Please congratulate the Hadrian members of the team
when you see them for a wonderful achievement!!
Leila Errington (C), Michelle Nielsen, Simona
Kondasova, Nicola Ondova, Precious Felix, Chloe
Intra Schools Competition
This term saw success for Hadrian Year 8 pupils during the Intra Schools competitions. Approximately 180
Key Stage 3 pupils took part in Football, Dodgeball and Benchball competitions. The pupils' conduct was
exemplary and their effort outstanding. A huge thank you to the PE staff for organising the competitions and
well done to all pupils involved. Look out for the results of the next competitions in June.