E X C L U S I V E L Y M A G A Z I N E FEATURES REQUIRED FOR NEW MAGAZINE LAUNCHING AUGUST 2015 Exclusively British magazine is a new bi-monthly luxury lifestyle title, which celebrates the best of British life, covering events, food & travel, arts & culture, fashion, Interiors & more. Our readership are affluent AB1 demographics with high-disposable incomes, mainly aged between 25-65 years, who live in, or are visiting Britain. Calling Journalists Please email us, we are searching for talented journalists, and contributors, to join our team... E D I T O R I A L @ T H E B R I T I S H M A G A Z I N E . C O . U K Below is an idea of features being published in Exclusively British magazine. We are interested to receive pitches from experienced journalists who would like to be commissioned either to write one of the features below, or who have ideas of their own, which would appeal to our readership. Content areas include British News, Food & Drink, Arts & Culture, Fashion & Beauty, and Homes & Interiors Made in Britain A feature to celebrate British craftsmanship, taking an in-depth look into the skills used within British businesses. Focusing on one business/trade each issue, as an in-depth interview into the skills carried out. Luxurious Getaways With more UK heritage sites available to hire as accommodation than ever before, this feature is for our history lovers wishing to stay in some of the most unique, unusual and extraordinary restored buildings in the country, including castles, lighthouses, forts, towers etc. Historic Restoration The Government awarded £80m towards safeguarding and improving the historic properties in the care of English Heritage. This feature could look at, for example, the current restoration work to Archer’s Pavilion at Wrest Park, Bedfordshire. Creative Minds Inside the talented worlds of British artists, photographers, stylists and architects who are making their mark on British culture through the use and displays of their creative talents. For example, an interview with Alex Chinneck, British artist who creates architectural sculptures that play with our perceptions. Discover the Beauty of... Ideas for the feature include focusing on historical places (Bath, Canterbury, Stratford-upon-Avon) coastal destinations (Lundy Island, Orkney, Cornwall, Devon, Pembrokeshire, St. Andrews, The Channel Islands) or National Parks (The Cotsworlds, New Forest, Peak District, Snowdonia, Cumbria & The Lake District). Travelling Scotland in Luxur y A piece on the Belmond Royal Scotsman Train Ideally from a journalist who has experienced it themselves. Ar ts & Culture News & Ar tist of the month We are looking for an Arts & Culture expert to cover latest news and write about up-and-coming artists. Points of interest (castles, proper ty, attraction, museum, galler y etc) Perhaps a property with historical or cultural interest, or an attraction/exhibition/museum. Ideas include properties from The National Trust, English Heritage, Windsor Castle, Roman Baths, The Minnack Theatre, HMY Britannia, Stonehenge, The Historic Royal Dockyard, Royal Botanic Gardens. The Lost Gardens of Heligan, etc, E D I T O R I A L @ T H E B R I T I S H M A G A Z I N E . C O . U K E X C L U S I V E L Y M A G A Z I N E EXPERIENCED PROFESSIONALS TO APPLY ONLY PLEASE PUBLISHING SCHEDULE & DEADLINES Issue Published Theme Deadline date Sept/Oct 2015 24 August Fashion Issue 20 July Nov/Dec 2015 26 October Christmas Issue 25 September Jan/Feb 2016 11 December Travel Issue 20 November Mar/Apr 2016 22 February Arts & Culture Issue 23 January May/June 2016 25 April Coast & Country Issue 27 March July/Aug 2016 27 June Homes & Interiors Issue 22nd May For more information and to pitch your ideas please email [email protected] E D I T O R I A L @ T H E B R I T I S H M A G A Z I N E . C O . U K
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