Advance Introduction Letter for 2016

Discerning the Times Bible Conference
P.O. Box 57
Asquith, Sask. S0K 0J0
Phone 1-306-371-1570 – e-mail [email protected]
Announcing a major change in facilities
In 2016 – April 22-23 we will be holding our conference at the
Saskatoon Inn on Airport Road, at the corner of Circle Drive
Reasons for moving”
A. More seating capacity up to 575 attendees
B. No Stairs
C. Lots of parking
The speakers that are booked for 2016 so far are Carl Kirby, Rob Lindsted and Garry Gilley. We should have
with the 4th speaker booked by October. We will be announcing the complete program then.
We were blessed with donations this year that will allow us te send to Roger Oakland mission outreach in the
area of $2500.00 - $3000.00.
With the new facilities will be a substantial increase in costs, so please pray for sufficient funding to cover
these new costs.
In 2016 we will continue to discuss the issues that relate to Biblical Prophecy with an evangelical pretribulation viewpoint.
The goal of this Conference is to:
Build up the body of Christ and equip us to go forward in our Christian walk.
Inform us of the deception that is creeping into the fellowships in the last days and the subtle
methods used.
Thank you for your interest and we Praise the LORD for this opportunity.
The Directors
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