CS2 Calls for partners First Call Vittorio Selmin CSJU Project Officer Innovation Takes Off CleanSky(1) Call for Partner Statistics New beneficiaries in Clean Sky (Calls 1-15) Clean Sky 2 Programme Set-up (H2020) Around 1.75b€ Total EU Funding Alenia Aermacchi Airframe ITD Dassault – EADS-CASA – Saab Engines ITD Safran – Rolls-Royce – MTU Systems ITD Thales – Liebherr Building on Clean Sky, going further into integration at full aircraft level Not legally binding And developing new technology streams for the next generations of aircraft German Aerospace Center (DLR) Airbus Technology Evaluator (TE) Eco-Design Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Large Systems ITDs Agusta Westland Eurocopter Regional Aircraft Evektor – Piaggio Vehicle IADPs Large Passenger Aircraft Small Air Transport Fast Rotorcraft Large Passenger a/c IADP „Mature and validate disruptive technologies for next generation Large Passenger Aircraft through large scale integrated demonstration“ CROR-FTB Platform 1 Advanced Engine and Aircraft Configuration Platform 2 Innovative Physical Integration CabinSystem-Structure Platform 3 Next Gen. A/C Systems, Cockpit Systems & Avionics LPA CfP01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA 12 Value (Funding in M€) 14,9 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-01-01 OPEN ROTOR Engine Mounting System IA 2 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-01-02 Support to future CROR and UHBR propulsion system maturation IA 2 Identification Title Topics JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-01-03 Development of advanced laser-beam welding technology for the manufacturing of structures for titanium HLFC structures. RIA 0,45 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-01 COST REDUCTION ON COMPOSITE STRUCTURE ASSEMBLY – Blind fastener inspection technology for quality control IA 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-02 COST REDUCTION ON COMPOSITE STRUCTURE ASSEMBLY- Definition and development of an inspection tool to characterize inner surface hole quality IA 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-03 RAPID ASSEMBLY OF BRACKET FOR STRUCTURE-SYSTEM INTEGRATION RIA 0,35 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-04 Automation in Final Aircraft Assembly Lines and Enabling Technologies IA 0,6 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-05 Environmental Friendly Fire Suppression IA 0,6 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-02-06 Development of Thermoelastic Stress Analysis for the detection of stress hotspots during structural testing IA 0,35 Process and Methods for E2E Maintenance Architecture development and demonstrations and solutions for technology integration RIA 1,75 RIA 1,7 RIA 4,4 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-03-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-03-02 Aircraft System Prognostic solutions integrated into an airline E2E maintenance operational context JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-LPA-03-03 Airline Maintenance Operations implementation of an E2E Maintenance Service Architecture and its enablers Fast RotorCraft IADP Platform 1: Tiltrotor (AW) Platform 2: Compound (A-H) FRC CfP01 Identification Title JTI-CS2-CFP01-FRC JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-06 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-07 Support to the aerodynamic and aeroelastic analysis of a trimmed complete compound r/C and related isuues Aerodynamic and functional design study of a full-fairing semi-watertight concept for an articulated rotor head Support to the aerodynamic analysis and design of propellers of a compound helicopter Tools development for aerodynamic optimization on engine air intake HVDC Starter/Generator High Voltage Network Battery Power Conversion JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-FRC-02-08 HVDC Network management 8 Value (Funding in M€) 4,4 RIA 0,8 IA 0,4 RIA IA IA IA IA 0,4 0,4 0,8 0,8 0,4 IA 0,4 Topics Regional A/c IADP NG HE Regional A/C FP-7 CLEAN SKY 2 “REGIONAL” Regional a/c IADP Airframe ITD Horizon 2020 A/C Syst&Eq. ITD Flight Demonstration Engines ITD Ground Demonstration ALENIA ALENIA FTB1 ALENIA FTB2 EADS-CASA Flightpath2050 mid-term ALENIA RA CfP01 Identification Title JTI-CS2-CFP01-REG JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-REG-02-01 Aerodynamic characterization of control devices for wing loads control and aircraft response characterization of a regional turboprop aircraft 1 Value (Funding in M€) 0,5 RIA 0,5 Topics AIRFRAME ITD • Greener Airframe Technologies • More Electrical a/c architectures Re-think the wing Re-think the a/c architecture • More efficient wing • Novel Propulsion Integration Strategy mart Fixed Wing Aircraft • OptimizedScontrol surfaces • Integrated Structures • Smart high lift devices Re-think the cabin Re-think the fuselage Re-think the control Step changes in the “efficiency” of all airframe elements by the means of a systematic “re-thinking” AIRFRAME ITD Specifications & Requirements Technology Development & Demonstration Integration Profile Development Concept Analysis Integrated Concept demonstrat° prototype airframe compon ts Technology Streams Interfacing & cross interaction management HPE IADP RA IADP Rcraft IADP LPA SAT Transverse act° Innovative Aircraft Architecture IADP LPA Advanced Laminarity High Speed Airframe IADP RA Novel Control IADP Rcraft Novel Travel Experience HVE Next Gen. optimized wing box ITD Systems Optimized high lift configurations Advanced Integrated Structures Advanced Fuselage Novel innovation wave TRL <= 5 HPE: High Performance and Energy Efficiency ITD Engine ITD Systems ECO TE HVC: High Versatility and Cost Efficiency AIR CfP01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR 14 Value (Funding in M€) 9,55 Aerodynamic and acoustic capabilities developments for close coupling, high bypass ratio turbofan Aircraft JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-01 integration. RIA 2,4 RIA 0,35 IA 0,36 IA 0,96 RIA IA IA IA IA IA RIA RIA 0,36 0,75 0,35 1 0,6 0,425 0,35 0,5 RIA 0,7 RIA 0,45 Identification JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-06 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-01-07 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-02 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-06 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-AIR-02-07 Title Advanced predictive models development and simulation capabilities for Engine design space exploration and performance optimization CROR Engine debris Impact. Shielding design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation Aero-acoustic experimental characterization of a CROR (Contra Rotating Open Rotor) engine WT model with core flow in propellers architecture. Blade FEM impact simulations and sample manufacturing for CROR Aircraft Design and demonstration of a laminar nacelle concept for business jet Eco Design for Airframe - Re-use of Thermoplastics Composites Flightworthy Flush & Lightweight doors for unpressurized Fast Rotorcraft Bird strike - Erosion resistant and fast maintainable windshields Curved stiffened panels in thermoplastics by preindustrial ISC process New enhanced acoustic damping composite material Structural bonded repair of monolithic composite airframe Simulation tool development for a composite manufacturing process default prediction integrated into a quality control system Design Against Distortion: Part distortion prediction, design for minimized distortion, metallic aerospace parts Topics Engine ITD High-Level Objectives 2014 WP1 Open Rotor Flight Test SNECMA WP2 UHPE demonstrator SNECMA WP3 Business Aviation Regional Turboprop TM WP4 Geared engine MTU Configuration (HPC-LPT) WP5 VHBR Turbofan Middle of Market RR WP6 VHBR Turbofan Long Range RR WP7 Small Aircraft Engine SMA 2016 2018 2020 Flight Demonstrator (LPA – IADP) Ground Demonstrator Ground Demonstrator Ground Demonstrator Technology Demonstrator Flight Demonstrator Flight Demonstrator 2022 ENG CfP01 Value Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-01-01 Engine Mounting System (EMS) for Ground Test Demo JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-02-01 Development of an all-oxide Ceramic Matrix Composite (CMC) Engine Part JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-03-01 Characterisation of Thermo-mechanical Fatigue Behaviour Topics (Funding in M€) 10 IA RIA RIA 13,4 1,5 3 0,56 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-03-02 Advanced analytical tool for the understanding and the prediction of core noise for large civil aero engine with low emission core RIA 1 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-03-03 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-03-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-04-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-04-02 VHBR Engine - Advanced bearing technology Crack growth threshold analysis in TiAl alloys Power Density improvement demonstrated on a certified engine High Performance Turbocharger RIA IA IA IA 2,4 0,44 0,5 0,5 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-04-03 Alternative Architecture Engine research RIA 2,5 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-ENG-04-04 Engine Installation Optimization IA 1 Systems ITD Systems ITD follows and expands Clean Sky SGO activities • Management of Trajectory and mission will be included in wider, more integrated cockpit & mission demonstrations (and in landing gear WP for SOG) • Management of Aircraft Energy will carry on in WPs dedicated to innovative wing, electrical chain, major loads, etc. New activities will address other issues in aircraft power management. Demonstrators and test rigs used in Clean Sky will be continued in Clean Sky 2 and completed with new integration environments. • Systems ITD will focus on demonstration and tight integration with IADPs. Systems ITD TRL up to 5 IADPs 5/6 SYS CfP01 Value Identification Title JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-01 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-02 Smart Integrated Wing – Life extended hydrostatic & lubricated systems Modular, scalable, multi-function, high power density power controller for electric taxi Topics (Funding in M€) 8 RIA IA 5,2 0,7 1,5 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-03 Robust package for harsh environment and optimization of electrical characteristic of rectifier bridge using high current diode RIA 0,7 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-04 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-05 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-06 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-07 JTI-CS2-2014-CFP01-SYS-02-08 Smart Oil pressure sensors for oil cooled starter/generator Instrumented bearing for oil cooled starter/generator Evaluate mechanical and fatigue capabilities for diode die in harsh environment Development of MODELICA libraries for ECS and thermal management architectures Embedded sensors technology for air quality measurement RIA RIA RIA RIA IA 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,5 0,3 Questions? Any questions on the 1st Call for Proposals and topics can be addressed to the following mailbox: [email protected] Thank you ! Thank You Disclaimer The selection of Partners will be based on Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation (already in force), the rules for submission of proposals, evaluation and selection of Partners as adopted by the Governing Board of Clean Sky 2 JU . The proposed content/approach is based on the consultation with the “National States Representative Group” and the “Task Force “ of the Clean Sky 2 Programme A dedicated functional mailbox is available to any interested applicants for any further questions related to this Call: [email protected] Overview of Clean Sky 2 And the first Calls for Partners Innovation Takes Off Not legally binding Brief Re-Cap on Clean Sky Unique Public-Private-Partnership in Aeronautics Integrated, thematic set-up Downstream approach Large-scale complex demonstrations Open Calls for engaging wide set of participants Projects to run from 2008 – 2016 www.cleansky.eu Not legally binding Good Progress to Date • On track towards the key environmental objectives 2000 EXAMPLE: Breakdown of 50% CO2 reduction targeted 2020 www.cleansky.eu Not legally binding Participation is a Clear Success Story… Clean Sky Programme by 30 July 2013 • ~75% of the Programme • ~600 participants 15% SMEs and 27% Academia/ROs 68 UK 80 DE 94 FR 56 ES 68 IT Clean Sky participants per Member State and Associated Country (ITD leaders, Associates and Partners) New Frontiers Beckon 1. Bridging the gap: FP7 & Clean Sky end well before 2020 Further demonstration required to achieve a full TRL6 Further gains needed to reach the ACARE 2020 Goals, 2. Growing competition 3. New and ambitious goals in ACARE SRIA (2035 / 2050) Not legally binding Addressing the H2020 Challenges • “Smart Green and Integrated Transport” Resource efficient transport that respects the environment Ensuring safe and seamless mobility Building industrial leadership in Europe Enhancing and leveraging innovation capability across Europe, with a strong emphasis on SME participation Leveraging private sector initiatives, and (important!) building on MS national and regional efforts Not legally binding Clean Sky 2 Joint Technical Proposal Programme Joint Technical Proposal The European Aeronautical Industry’s proposal for the continuation and extension of the Clean Sky Joint Technology Initiative with a Clean Sky 2 Programme under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. June 2013 Not legally binding Clean Sky 2 Programme Set-up EU Funding Decision 1.755bn€ Alenia Aermacchi Airframe ITD Dassault – EADS-CASA – Saab Engines ITD Safran – Rolls-Royce – MTU Systems ITD German Aerospace Center (DLR) Airbus Technology Evaluator (TE) Eco-Design Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Large Systems ITDs Agusta Westland Eurocopter Regional Aircraft Evektor – Piaggio Vehicle IADPs Large Passenger Aircraft Small Air Transport Fast Rotorcraft (1.716bn€ “net”)* * After running costs Thales – Liebherr Building on Clean Sky, going further into integration at full aircraft level Not legally binding And developing new technology streams for the next generations of aircraft Not legally binding Energy Efficiency & Environment Environment Economy Society Enabling Seamless Mobility within increasingly Constrained Infrastructure www.cleansky.eu Not legally binding Building industrial leadership in Europe Not legally binding The Principles for Participation Up to 40% of EU funding available for CS2 Leaders At least 60% of EU funding open to competition: Up to 30% for Core Partners (becoming Members once selected) At least 30% for CfP (i.e. Partners as in CS) plus CfTs Meaning >1bn€ of EU funding in play, via open Calls Industry, SMEs, Academia, and Research Organizations eligible both for participation as Core Partners or Partners. Participation may also take place via suitable Clusters / Consortia. Not legally binding Call for Proposals Practical Information for applicants as Partners Innovation Takes Off Not legally binding CS2 Calls - Tentative Planning 2014 Q2 Q3 Core-Partner selection 9th WAVE I Q1 Q2 5th Feb Nov Jul 1st Q4 2015 C Q3 Q4 Q1 2016 Q2 July GAM accession N E April 2nd WAVE Nov Jul C March GAM accession N E 3rd WAVE Partner selection 1st Call for Partners C I 16th 31st Dec March June C E 2nd Call Nov GAP signature N C 3rd Call I Info Campaign C Call Open Q3 E N C E Evaluation N Negotiation Not legally binding E N 1st call for proposal at a glance Call Launch Call Closure Evaluations Q&A opened Technical sessions & GAP preparation Start date of activities 16th December 2014 31st March 2015 end of May until 10th March June 2015 November 2015 The call contains 53 Topics with total available funding of almost 48 Million Euro For questions :[email protected] Find out more: • www.cleansky.eu • ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal4/desktop/en/opportuniti es/h2020/calls/h2020-cs2-cfp01-2014-01.html#tab1 Not legally binding 1st Call for Proposals (Partners) - Overview Area IADP Large Passenger Aircraft No. of topics Funding (M€) 12 14.9 IADP Regional Aircraft 1 0.5 IADP Fast Rotorcraft 8 4,4 ITD Airframe 14 9.6 ITD Engines 10 13.4 ITD Systems 8 5.2 Small Air Transport (SAT) Transverse Area 0 0 ECO Tranverse Area 0 0 Technology Evaluator 0 0 53 48.0 TOTAL • • • • At least 30% of CS2 EU Funding open to competition via CfP / CfT, 12 – 15 CfP expected over the H2020 Funding period (2014 – 2020) 1st Call shows healthy average topic size (Average funding ~1.1M€) The topics are roughly equally balanced across the 2 type of actions “RIA or IA” Partners: Definition and Role Selected via Calls for Proposals (2 to 3 launched per years) Short/medium-term commitment; Level and quality of resources adequate for the Topic concerned; Competences / capabilities necessary to carry out the activities aiming at developing new knowledge, new technologies and solutions contributing to the action; The scope and perimeter of activities is defined from the beginning and might be of various type (study, design, simulation, development, manufacturing, integration etc.); The activities are limited in time and closely related to the needs as proposed by IADP/ITD Steering Committees and approved for CfP launch by the CSJU; The activity is defined and will be technically lead by the Topic Manager following the technical roadmap/goals of the ITD/IADP Not legally binding Partner Topic Description The Topic descriptions: • Part of the Work Plan 2014-2015 approved by the board of the CSJU (provides the detailed technical description of each topics) • Describe the tasks as defined by the Topic Manager (representing a Member of the ITD/ IADP) based on the objectives of the ITD/IADP • Aligned with the CS2 Joint Technical Programme in support of HLOs of each ITD/IADP/TA (JTP: the strategic vision of the programme) • Define the nature of the action: RIA (Research and Innovation) or IA (Innovation) They contain the following : • Activities & outputs as required within the IADP/ITD • Indicative topic values (funding in M€) • Capabilities and technology areas concerned • Timeline • Deliverables & Milestones Not legally binding Partner Topic Description (example) Not legally binding Where to find Topic Descriptions Not legally binding List of Topics (1/2) Not legally binding List of Topics (2/2) Not legally binding General Annexes (Highlights) 1/3 Who can apply The 16 Leaders of JU and their affiliates may apply to Calls for Core Partners and Calls for Proposals only in another IADP/ITD where they are not involved as Members. The Core Partners and their affiliates may apply in subsequent waves of Calls for Core Partners in all IADP/ITD. They may apply to Calls for Proposals only in another IADP/ITD where they are not involved as Members. The Partners selected by Call for Proposal may apply to Calls for Core Partners and Calls for Proposal in all IADP/ITD. Not legally binding Funding Rates - Core Partners The funding rates in the 1st Call for Proposals stem from H2020 Innovation Action category (IA): – Not-for-Profit organisations foreseen to be funded at 100% of total eligible cost in accordance with the H2020 Regulation – For-Profit Participants (large and small) should be funded 70% of total eligible cost H2020 Research and Innovation Action category (RIA): – Not-for-Profit organisations foreseen to be funded at 100% of total eligible cost in accordance with the H2020 Regulation – For-Profit Participants (large and small) should be funded 100% of total eligible cost Type of actions RIA IA Non profit Other type of Organisations organisations 100/25 100/25 100/25 70/25 General Annexes (Highlights) 3/3 Funding Rate Partner actions defined in the Work Plan are labelled either “ Innovation Actions” or “Research and Innovation Action” Awarded Partners will be reimbursed either 70% or 100% of Total Eligible Costs (incl. a flat rate of 25% for Indirect Costs) 70/25 Funding = 70% x (DCWSC (1) x 125%+Subcontracting costs) 100/25 Funding = 100% x (DCWSC (1) x 125%+Subcontracting costs) Total Eligible Costs (1) DCWSC includes direct personnel costs + other direct costs, only Not legally binding Indicative Funding Value Topic funding value Given in the topic description (but not an eligibility criteria) Proposed by the topic manager on the basis of the work to be done An indication for the elaboration of the funding value of the proposal Efficient application of resources for the expected outcomes & impacts One of the sub-criteria of the “Implementation” criteria This will be used for assessing the proposals against each others The proposed funding value shall be well justified, in conjunction with the expected outcomes and impacts The topic funding value remains indicative Not legally binding Proposal Template The applicants will submit a proposal, using a template (IA or RIA) composed of several parts, of which 2 constitute the technical proposal: • Part B-I: limited to 70 pages and detailing the main aspects of the proposal to be evaluated (budget, timeline, effort, WBS, Risks) according to the evaluation criteria (excellence, impact, evaluation) • Part B-II: giving details about the applicant entity and any participant in the work * (legal entity, CV, corecompetencies and background) and any related Ethics & Security aspects * Either Consortium, Clusters, single entity and any Third parties involved in the project Not legally binding Proposal Template: Part BI Applicants shall submit one proposal per Topic, in case of multiapplications. The proposal template is structured to address all the sub-criteria composing each of the 3 evaluation criteria and they will be used during the evaluation to set up the scoring and the ranking. Excellence (/5) • • • • Objectives Relation to the Work Plan Concept and approach Ambition Not legally binding Proposal Template: Part BI Impact (/5) • Expected Impact • Measures to maximise impact Dissemination and exploitation of results Communication activities Implementation (/5) • • • • • Description of work — Work packages, deliverables and milestones Management capabilities Management structure and procedures Risk management Efficiency and internal coordination of the Consortium/ Clusters as a whole (where applicable) • Allocation of resources to be committed Not legally binding Proposal Template: Part BI - Work Package Effort WORK PACKAGE EFFORT - CLEAN SKY 2 WP Leader WP Ref. n° Duration of the activity from: NAME OF APPLICANTS (Short name) Applicant 1 2 ... TOTAL WP TITLE ITD / IADP / TA name e.g. SYSTEMS ITD to: Applicant 1 Applicant 2 TOTAL PM PLANNED (Person Month) 100 50 45 195 Applicant 3 Applicant 4 Applicant 5 Applicant 6 Applicant 7 Applicant 8 2020 & after Total STAFF RESOURCES / PERSONNEL COSTS Planned Progress per Year (%) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 0% 0% 0% Applicant 9 Applicant 10 PERSONNEL COSTS PLANNED (Euros) 150,000 150,000 150,000 450,000 SUBCONTRACTING / 3RD PARTY Applicant 1 2 ... SUBCONTRACTING COSTS PLANNED (Euros) Description of services e.g. On ground test xxx xxx TOTAL 15,000 0 0 15,000 OTHER DIRECT COSTS Applicant TRAVELS DEPRECIATION OF EQUIPMENT 1 2 ... TOTAL 25,000 15,000 0 40,000 10,000 15,000 0 25,000 SUMMARY OF PLANNED DIRECT COSTS PERSONNEL COSTS SUBCONTRACTING OTHER DIRECT COSTS TOTAL DIRECT COSTS PLANNED COSTS 450,000 15,000 85,000 550,000 FLAT RATE FOR INDIRECT COSTS (25% flat rate) 133,750 TOTAL ELIGIBLE COSTS 683,750 OTHER GOODS AND SERVICES OTHER DIRECT COSTS PLANNED (Euros) 15,000 5,000 0 20,000 50,000 35,000 0 85,000 Overview of the Evaluation Process Evaluators Receipt of proposals Individual evaluation Consensus group Eligibility check Individual Evaluation Reports Consensus Report Allocation of proposals to evaluators Done remotely for this call: good experience and to be cont’d Done in BXL as CS2 Policy Panel Review Panel report Finalisation JU Ranked list to GB for adoption Evaluation Summary Report Finalization of Call Results Panel ranked list Eligibility and other conditions H2020 rules for participation apply - specificities of Clean Sky 2: • Minimum conditions for participation: single entities may apply as Partner, so called “mono-beneficiary” derogation already in force in Clean Sky • Additional conditions set out in the Work Plan Eligibility criteria and additional conditions are laid down in the General Annexes of the Work Plan ( Section Calls for Proposal) Check these rules before submitting a proposal Eligibility and other conditions Who may apply? • single entities (SMEs, large industries, RO, Academia etc.) • Consortia of legal entities • Clusters (applying as single legal entity – if with a valid PIC - or via the linked third parties option) Third Countries participation subject to H2020 rules, JU funding only when: • evaluated as “essential” for the action or • existing bilateral agreement between the EU and the third country • envisaged in the Work Plan Additional conditions 1. Admissibility rules: • CSJU Leaders and affiliates: eligible to apply only in CfP in another ITD/IADP (like in CS). Status of affiliates to be declared when applying + declaration on non conflict of interest • Core Partners (after selection and Membership approval by CSJU) not allowed to apply as Partners within the same ITD/IADP, non conflict of interest declaration to be submitted when applying 2. Draft plan of dissemination and exploitation showing contribution to European competitivess of the sector Funding rates Maximum reimbursem ent rates Research and technological development activities (*) Network of excellence 50% 75% (**) Collaborativ e project(****) 50% 75% (**) Demonstratio n activities One project = One rate Other activities 100% 50% For all beneficiaries and activities in the grant Defined in the Work Plan 100% Coordinatio 100% n and (***) support action (*) Research and technological development includes scientific coordination. (**) For beneficiaries that are non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, research organisations and SMEs (***) The reimbursement of indirect eligible costs, in the case of coordination and support actions, may reach a maximum 7% of the direct eligible costs, excluding the direct eligible costs for subcontracting and the costs of resources made available by third parties which are not used on the premises of the beneficiary. (****) Including research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs) Up to 100 % of the eligible costs for research actions (RIA) Up to 70 % for innovation actions (IA) exception for non-profit organisations – up to 100% Disclaimer: Information not legally binding Other novelties from H2020 Financial Viability*: Simplification, only coordinators of actions (projects) ≥ 500k€ in funding Other beneficiaries in case of grounds on their financial capacity subject to JU discretion. Documents to be sent to REA Guarantee Fund: 5% retained from JU grant value, deducted from the prefinancing payment. New in Clean Sky to better protect the action from financial risks associated to the implementation of the action Audit Certificates: Simplification, only for final payments/per beneficiary and only when funding related to direct costs ≥ €325 000 € * Except public bodies and other exceptions • CS vs CS2 main differences in CfP process Topic value not anymore an eligibility criterion, only “indicative,” however value and efficiency of costs resources allocated in the proposal will be duly evaluated • Only external independent evaluators • ethical aspects of the proposal, complete the self assessment and “tag” any aspect which may require attention • Combination of H2020 – EU Structural Funds encouraged but avoidance of double funding of same cost item and co-financing to be met CS vs CS2 main differences in CfP • The role of the ITD/IADP Topic Manager indicated in the Work Plan, rules for submissions and model Grant Agreement for Partners • No official “negotiation” phase in H2020, from evaluation to “grant preparation”, proposals evaluated as they are and not on their potential • However “technical sessions” envisaged with Topic Manager and JU based on the CSJU “topic” logic to fit into the ITD/IADP as set in the WP • Time to grant : - 5m max for evaluation process + - 3m max for grant preparation Target of max 8 months for grant signature, efforts from both coordinator/beneficiaries and JU side will be crucial to meet this target Not legally binding Where to find the rules? • Work Plan 2014-2015 • General Annexes of the Work Plan: • • • B & C: Eligibility, admissibility rules and special conditions D: funding rate for type of actions (IA or RIA) F: Evaluation: Selection criteria ( operational check) & Evaluation/award criteria, scoring and threshold • Rules for submissions, selection, evaluation and award (specific to CfPs) • Model Grant Agreement for Partners (Mono and Multi-beneficiaries) • Model ITD/IADP Consortium Agreement - for accession of Partners (where applicable) • Model Implementation Agreement - for bilateral signature between Topic Manager and Partner (where applicable) - to be published From submission to grant preparation A maximum TTG of 8 months Invitation to grant preparation Call deadline submission Grant signature Proposal Evaluation Grant Agreement Preparation Prefinancing 5 months max. 3 months max. Accession GA HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Business process overview Grant preparation Sending of the invitation letter and ESR Sets deadlines for beneficiaries: submission of the first drafts and signature of declarations The precise moment when the invitations and ESR will be sent to coordinators is configurable at the level of the call, always within the 5 months. All coordinators notified at the same time. Interaction with coordinator Sending of the first set of GPFs and technical annex by the coordinator by the given deadline. Monitoring of the signature of declarations by the beneficiaries in the background. HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Business process overview Grant signature The coordinator is asked to sign in parallel with other processes, selection decision and budgetary commitment. The JU will only be invited to sign once all the conditions are met. The Accession of the other beneficiaries will be automatically monitored by the system, sending reminders when applicable. HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Business process overview Time to grant: speeding up the process Legal entities validated (PIC) in parallel. Anticipate any issue, send all documents for validation to REA and promptly react to any additional request No more paper workflow between coordinator and JU e-communication & e-signature of grants HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Third Parties carrying out work in the action Beneficiary Linked Third Parties Affiliated entities Third parties with a legal link • Similar to FP7 Special Clause 10 • Must be identified in the GA • Same cost eligibility criteria than beneficiaries • Subcontractors NEW: COM or Agency may request them to accept joint and several liability for their EU contribution • To be listed in Art. 14 (!) HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Joint liability of third parties Annex 3 a) of the GAP, Declaration of joint & several liability will be requested if: The beneficiary is weak, AND The linked third parties account for 50% or more of the JU contribution of the beneficiary ! If requested, the beneficiary must submit it to accede to the GAP Third Parties carrying out work in the action Beneficiary Linked Third Parties Affiliated entities Third parties with a legal link Subcontractors • Ensure best value for money and avoid any conflict of interests • Estimated costs and tasks must be identified in the budget and Annex 1 • NEW: if not identified in Annex 1, Commission may still approve them (beneficiary bears the risk of rejection) • Article 13 MGA HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Third Parties: other • For the purchase of goods, works or services Beneficiary Contracts necessary for the implementation • Ensure best value for money and avoid any conflict of interests • Article 10 MGA • Free of charge or against payment are eligible costs if they meet the eligibility conditions • Must be set out in Annex 1 Contributions in kind • NEW:if not identified in Annex 1, Commission may still approve them (beneficiary bears the risk of rejection) • Articles 11 & 12 MGA HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Grant preparation Description Of The Action (DoA), Annex I The DoA is structured in the same way as the proposal, comprising Parts A and B Part A is based mostly on structured information. Part A shall not include contractual obligations (e.g. financial report, interim and final reports, etc.) as project deliverables Part B (the narrative part): is based on Part B of the proposal and must be uploaded as a PDF PART B HORIZON 2020: SMART, GREEN AND INTEGRATED TRANSPORT Chapter 1: General • Single article: subject of the agreement Chapter 2: Action • Action, duration and budget Chapter 3: Grant • Amount, reimbursement rates, eligible costs Chapter 4: Rights and obligations • • • • To implement the action: resources, in-kind contributions, subcontracts Grant administration: reporting, payments, audits Background and results: access rights, protection of results, exploitation, dissemination Others: gender equality, ethics, confidentiality Chapter 5: Division of roles • Roles and responsibilities, internal arrangements Chapter 6: Rejection, reduction, penalties, termination, etc • Rejection, reduction, recovery and penalties • Suspension and termination of the action Chapter 7: Final provisions • Accession, entry into force, amendments, applicable law Disclaimer: Information not legally binding H2020 Model Grant Agreement: Annexes to the grant: Annex 1: Description of the action Annex 2: Estimated budget Annex 3: Accession Forms, 3a & 3b Annex 4: Financial statements Annex 5: Certificate on the financial statements Annex 6: Certificate on the methodology Disclaimer: Information not legally binding Clean Sky 2 GRANT AGREEMENT FOR PARTNERS GAP Mono or Multibeneficiaries Adaptations and options specific to CSJU: role of TM in CfP implementation, Consortium Agreement or Implementation Agreement, TM assessment of Partners reports/deliverables to JU, TM/Partner mutual access rights to background and foreground 1. List of beneficiaries and linked third parties 2. Duration and start date 3. Reporting periods 4. Reimbursement rates 5. Estimated eligible costs 6. Maximum amount of the grant 7. Prefinancing 8. Guarantee fund retention 9. Bank account 10. Other information: granting authority, if consortium agreement is required, obligation to keep records 11. Applicable options Thank You Disclaimer The content of this presentation is not legally binding and subject to modifications and evolution over the info days on Clean Sky 2 until the adoption of the Regulation on Clean Sky 2 JU . Any updated version will be regularly advertised on the website of the Clean Sky JU. The selection of CP will be based on Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation (already in force), the rules for submission of proposals, evaluation and selection of Core-Partners (CP) will be adopted by the Governing Board of Clean Sky 2 JU and will apply to the calls for Core Partners. This presentation wish to provide a preliminary overview of these rules (draft preliminary) The proposed content/approach is based on the consultation with the “National States Representative Group” and the “Task Force “ of the Clean Sky 2 Programme Proposal Proposal Preparation and Evaluation Process Principles for Participation 25% Flat Rate for Overheads Profit Org: 70% funding rate IA: 70% funding rate Non Profit Org: 100% funding rate RIA: 100% funding rate Clean Sky Peculiarities Topics prepared by the Topic managers of the IADP/ITDs and checked by the Project Officers at the CSJU. A single entity can present proposals, with no need for a consortium to be created There is ONE winner per topic IPR agreed with the Topic Manager before the start of the project (Consortium Agreement/Implementation Agreement) Day-to-day work with the Topic Manager Contract managed by the CS Project Officer: reporting, costs claims, amendment requests, … Time to contract: < 8 months after the call deadline (H2020) Clean Sky Web Site Call Fiche and Rules for Participation Call Fiche and Rules for Participation Call Fiche and Rules for Participation Templates for proposal preparation Topics description Work Plan CSJU JTP Rules for submission … Grant models CA/IA models Partner Topic Description (example) Get Support Get Support Looking for Partners Overview of the Evaluation Process Evaluators Receipt of proposals Individual evaluation Consensus group Eligibility check Individual Evaluation Reports Consensus Report Allocation of proposals to evaluators (remotely) Hearings (optional) Panel Review Panel report Evaluation Summary Report Panel ranked list At Proposal Level At Panel Level Finalisation Final ranked list Evaluation Process Proposal Expert Expert Individual Evaluation Report Expert Individual Evaluation Report Individual Evaluation Report Consensus group Eligible proposal Expert Expert Min. 3 experts … but can be more Individual Evaluation Report Individual evaluation Individual Evaluation Report Consensus Consensus Report 13 CPW01 EVAL & HEAR Admissibility and Eligibility checks • The Admissibility and Eligibility of proposals is checked together by the JU and the European Commission • If the application is admissible, eligible and meets the special conditions set out in the CSJU Work Plan (or if admissibility and/or eligibility cannot immediately be determined), it will be evaluated by the independent experts. CPW01 EVAL & HEAR 14 Admissibility/Eligibility Criteria Receipt before deadline Firm deadlines Completeness of proposal Presence of all requested forms “Out of scope” A proposal will only be deemed ineligible in clear cut case Other criteria may apply E.g. Affiliation Guiding Principles • Independence – The proposals are evaluated by independent external experts, that do not represent neither their employer , nor their country! • Impartiality – All proposals are treated equally and evaluated impartially on their merits, irrespective of their origin or the identity of the applicants. • Objectivity – Each proposal is evaluated as submitted (as it is written); meaning on its own merit, not its potential if certain changes were to be made. • Accuracy – The proposals are evaluated against the official evaluation criteria and the call or topic the proposal addresses, and nothing else. • Consistency – The same standard of judgment is applied to each proposal Criteria & Guidance for Evaluation • Experts will evaluate the applications on the basis of three criteria: 1. Excellence (relevant to the topic) 2. Impact 3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation • The criteria are adapted to each type of actions, as specified in the Work Plan Proposal Scoring • Each of the three criteria to be scored 0-5 – Half-scores used where appropriate (e.g. 3.5) – Full range to be considered; but Experts need to be able to duly justify scoring based on their definitions – Scores must pass thresholds if a proposal is to be eligible for funding. Proposers may modify proposals and/or reply to comments and questions before and during the hearings. • Thresholds apply to individual criteria… – Individual threshold is 3 • …and to the total score – Higher than the sum of the individual thresholds – Overall threshold is 10 Definition of the Scoring Levels 0 The proposal fails to address the criterion under examination or cannot be judged due to missing or incomplete information 1 Poor. The criterion is addressed in an inadequate manner, or there are serious inherent weaknesses. 2 Fair. While the proposal broadly addresses the criterion, there are significant weaknesses. 3 Good.* The proposal addresses the criterion well, but with a number of shortcomings. [although improvements would be necessary] 4 Very Good. The proposal addresses the criterion very well, but with a small number of shortcomings. [although certain improvements are still possible] 5 Excellent. The proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion; any shortcomings are minor. * Good constitutes the threshold value in each of the three criteria Note: In brackets, FP7 wording for reference Concluding Remarks Opportunity to fund research project in alternative to classical H2020 Collaborative Research Project scheme, with very focused technical targets. Peculiarities with respect to H2020 on participation rules, proposal preparation and proposal evaluation (but less than for FP7). Main advices to write a good proposal: • Fulfil the requirements contained in the topic description. • Read carefully the documentation of the call. • In particular rules of participation in order to understand how your proposal will be evaluated (A summary is provided in this presentation). • Check eligibility criteria. • Find complementary partners in order to have a good consortium if needed. All information about the call and tools in order to help you to apply can be found on the Clean Sky Web Site: www.cleansky.eu. Thank You Disclaimer The selection of Partners will be based on Horizon 2020 Rules for Participation (already in force), the rules for submission of proposals, evaluation and selection of Partners as adopted by the Governing Board of Clean Sky 2 JU . The proposed content/approach is based on the consultation with the “National States Representative Group” and the “Task Force “ of the Clean Sky 2 Programme A dedicated functional mailbox is available to any interested applicants for any further questions related to this Call: [email protected]
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