CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 HIGH INTENSITY X-RAY COUPLING TO METEORITE TARGETS J. L. Remo1 and M. D. Furnish2 1 Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Planetary Science Division, Mail Stop 18, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge Massachusetts 02138. 2 MS 1168, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque NM87185-1168 Abstract. Experimental results of shock wave effects from high intensity (70 -215 GW) soft X-ray irradiation on several meteorite targets are presented. From inhomogeneous materials, useful data on particle velocity and in-situ' velocity were obtained and permitted the computation of the yield stress, shock wave velocity, compression, as well as the momentum and energy coupling coefficients. empirical understanding of the high pressure thermodynamics and material properties, such as material strength and isentropic compression and decompression of several different meteorite materials. Of particular importance for this research is the determination of the momentum coupling coefficient, CM, for the NEO material categories when subjected to intense (soft) X-ray irradiation. Knowledge of CM is absolutely necessary to calculate orbital adjustments of potentially hazardous NEOs. Another objective is to gain an understanding of the EOS and constitutive properties of the different meteorite categories, which will help in modeling the dynamic response of asteroids to a high energy density interaction. These objectives will be somewhat difficult to achieve due to the inhomogeneous and irregular nature of these naturally occurring materials. Nonetheless, the results of the initial experiments appear to be encouraging. It is noted that this experimental approach provides significant advances towards understanding high energy density X-ray coupling to heterogeneous materials in general as well as for momentum transfer, heating, phase changes, and radiative scattering interactions with materials encountered in space. Other applications include the interpretation of momentum coupling and related interactions from INTRODUCTION High intensity (> 200 GW/cm2) X-ray pulses generated from an exploding wire/hohlraum configuration at the Sandia Z-machine have been used to generate shock wave driven high pressures (multi megabar range) on various test samples and structures in order to determine the equation of state (EOS) and constitutive properties of materials at these high pressures1. Following this lead, we report on the utilization of the Sandia Z-machine to irradiate several meteorite specimens with soft Xrays (Plankian and line emission) in order to study the meteorite targets' response to high rates of dynamic loading provided by the ablation driven shock waves and the ensuing high pressure generation throughout the target sample. Previous work on these same meteorite targets used pulsed lasers to generate pressures from 0.7 to 11 GPa2, the results of which provided significant insights into the response of different meteorite material categories3 to high strain rate dynamic loading. The rationale for these Z-pinch experiments is an outgrowth of a suggestion in 19954 that soft Xray hohlraums be used to provide experimental approaches to understanding how the microstructures of near-earth objects (NEOs) respond to high pressure and loading conditions, using meteorites as asteroid analogs. This current series of experiments is anticipated to lead to an 1410 strong X-radiation with primordial solar nebula material and the interstellar medium. EXPERIMENT RESULTS Velocity Measurements DESCRIPTION OF THE SANDIA ZrPINCH EXPERIMENT Observed velocity profiles are shown in Figure 2, and appear to correspond to attenuating waves. In most cases dual-delay VISAR (velocity interferometry) instrumentation was used to measure velocity histories. The experimental objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining reliable measurements of shock Hugoniots for meteorite materials experiencing ablative loading in order to determine their EOS and momentum coupling coefficients. The Sandia Z machine is a 4.5 MV accelerator using Marx generators to store capacitive energies of about 11MJ which can produce currents of about 20 MA within the thin conductive wires between the anode and cathode (see Fig. 1) over a time scale of about 100 ns. Usually, a few hundred wires are used to generate the Z pinch source within the primary hohlraum whose typical diameters are 2 5 cm with 1- 2 cm heights and contains the radiation produced by the imploded pinch. After implosion of a (tungsten) wire array, a Z pinch Planckian-like radiation source with a 2 mm diameter is formed on axis within the primary hohlraum with temperatures of about 150 eV. 80 Refractory Chondrite > Octahedrite r Meso-Siderite ]ondrite 60 40 20 0.8 0.9 1 Time (j^s; zero arbitrary) 1.1 FIGURE 2. Observed velocity histories. Shocked States 1 mm sample X*ray drive Fiber OptkA I from laser Wire Array Slotted Hohlraum Basic experimental results for high intensity soft X-ray coupling to meteorites targets are summarized in Table 1, which lists estimated stress, P, in gigapascals (GPa), the observed (VISAR) particle velocity, Vp, and the inferred (in situ) velocity, V. Anode Plate Fiber Optic to VISAR TABLE 1. Shocked states achieved in present tests. FeNi Refr. Meso Sample CVS Allende Chond siderite (Og) LIF Window FIGURE 1. Configuration of Z-pinch experiment. Components on the right side of the figure are cylindrically symmetric about the heavy line at the center of the array (location of the pinch). X-ray radiation is delivered to the sample through slots in the primary hohlraum. For the present experiments, no radiation filtration was performed. Instrumentation used to diagnose the sample response was comprised of a VISAR interferometer measuring the velocity of a spot at the back of the sample. For details of Z pinch instrumentation available, one is referred to many sources such as Konrad5. Testtt Sample POPa VP m/s Vm/s D km/s Z675 1/2 0.5 33 30 5.73 (LL6) Vaca- Odessa Tuxtuac muerta Z636 Z676 Z676 Z675 2/1 8/1 1/1 3/1 1.20 0.5 1.0 0.53 55 64 33 39 40 30 58 39 4.16 5.71 5.73 3.78 Po 2.91 2.91 3.02 3.60 7.21 1.006 1.006 1.012 1.013 1.013 3 g/cm p/p0 1411 The shock wave velocity D may be obtained from the momentum conservation relation: P=poDV, Here, D, V, I and P are (respectively) the shock velocity, the in-situ material velocity, the radiation intensity, and the resultant pressure. The energy coupling coefficient, CE, is the fraction of original input energy coupled to the target such that, (1) where p0 is the pre-shock density. The post shock density, /?, can be obtained from the mass conservation equation: = p0D/(D-V) (4) where F is the (time-integrated) X-ray energy incident on the target (fluence), ESam is the kinetic energy imparted to the target sample, and d is the sample thickness. The Z-pinch is not a point source at these ranges R from the pinch, but is intermediate between point and cylindrical, so the intensity varies approximately as R"3/2. In the impulse method of calculating coupling coefficients, the x-ray pulse is taken as providing a brief impulse which accelerates the plate to a limiting velocity taken as the in-situ material velocity just below the monitored surface. Thus, (2) All of the particle velocities listed in Table 1 appear to be attenuating (transient) waves, with the overtaking release wave corresponding to the decay of the Z -pinch emission. These particle velocities are corrected for the mechanical effect of the windows (which reduces the particle velocity at the interface observed by VISAR by 30 - 50%. The windows were necessary to preserve the reflecting surface, allowing the velocity measurements. The inferred in-situ velocity can be interpreted as representing a lower bound for the ultimate velocity a thin slice of sample material would have reached under an extended X-ray pulse. Although peak stress is relatively low for natural (meteorite) materials, as compared to pure materials, they nonetheless possess high shock velocities because their particle velocity is very low as compared to pure materials. CM.I = Po (d)D V/F. (5) TABLE 2. Computation of the momentum, CM, and energy, CE, coupling coefficients Sample Momentum and Energy Coupling Coefficients Test# Sample d mm* E kJ Rcm Fluence J/cm2 r(ns) I GW/cm2 CM,SS s/mxlO'5 Momentum and energy coupling coefficients may be calculated by two methods. The first (SS) treats the x-ray drive as a steady input stress; the second (I), as an impulse. The best value for application to problems is probably intermediate between the values thereby computed. Inputs and results from both methods are shown in Table 2. In the steady input stress method, the input intensity / is taken as a constant. The momentum coupling coefficient, representing the momentum uptake of the target, is the ratio of the pressure P to the radiation intensity /: CM,ss= P/I = PoDV/I (d) V2 /EIn, CE = Z675 1/2 1.012 867 14 352 FeNi Refr. Meso Chond siderite (Og) (LL6) Vaca- Odessa Tuxtua muerta c Z636 Z676 Z676 Z675 1/1 2/1 8/1 3/1 1.014 1.508 1.01 1.013 1187 1116 867 1116 14 10 14 14 945 453 453 352 5.03 70 5.03 90 5.03 90 5.03 70 4.40 215 0.050 0.031 0.078 0.080 0.054 2.51 1.56 3.91 4.0 4.6 Chondrite (CV3) Allende s/mxlO'5 0.38 0.19 1.13 0.79 0.92 xlO' *Radii of all targets was about 3 mm, yielding an area of about 0.283 cm2. The volume of each target was 0.029 cm3 except for sample 8 which was 0.038 cm (3) 1412 Comparison with Laser Results combination of thermal and line emissions from the Z-pinch. Both momentum and energy coupling coefficients were smaller than for 1 micron laser light (by approximately an order of magnitude). It will be necessary to establish coupling behavior with only line emission, or only blackbody emission, to better understand the physics of this system. Future experiments of value would include those using coupons of pure metal and homogeneous silicates at comparable fluences (there exist data for much higher X-ray fluences as well as for comparable laser fluences). In analogous experiments conducted with a laser2, the coupling coefficients may be worked out in a parallel manner. Samples were subjected to a 22 J/cm2 fluence of 1054 nm Nd-glass laser light (approx. 20 ns). The configuration is shown in Fig. 3. Note that the presence of the quartz window substantially increases the coupling coefficients. 0.8- 1mm Signal to VlSAR Laser Quartz LiF Window ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Window This work was supported in part by Sandia National Laboratories, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94-AL85000. FIGURE 3. Configuration of laser experiment. Experiment parameters and inferred coupling coefficients are shown in Table 3. The method for calculating the coupling coefficients follows Eqs. 4 and 5 (i.e. impulse assumption). It is worth noting that the momentum coupling coefficients are roughly 50x those obtained for the soft X-rays (impulse calculation), and the energy coupling coefficients are 20x those from the soft X-rays. REFERENCES 1. TABLE 3. Computation of the momentum, CM, and energy, CE, coupling coefficients from the laser experiments Sample Testtt Odessa (Fe/Ni) N20 C D 7.2 7.2 Gibeon (Fe/Ni) A1A Mesosiderite A1B LL6 Stony A2A 7.2 3.6 3.02 Density g/cm3 d mm* Vpm/s Vm/s CMJs/m 1.0 64 48 157 1.0 72 54 177 0.8 42 31 81 1.0 50 45 74 1.0 42 40 55 CE 38 48 13 17 11 S 2. 3. 4 5. CONCLUSIONS Five parasitic experiments were conducted to begin to assess X-ray coupling for representative meteorite compositions. This study used a 1413 (e.g.) M. D. Furnish , R. J. Lawrence, C. A. Hall, J. R. Asay, D. L. Barker, G. A. Mize, E. A. Marsh and M. A. Bernard, Radiation-driven shock and debris propagation down a partitioned pipe, Int. J. Impact Engrg., 26, 189-200,2001. Remo, J. L., High-Power-Pulsed 1054 nm Laser Induced Shock Pressure and Momentum and Energy Coupling to Iron and Stony Meteorites, Lasers and Particle Beams, 17 25-44, 1999. Remo, J. 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