Summer Slim Down Challenge!

Summer Slim Down Challenge!
Don’t let the summer ruin your healthy eating.
Come try Lose It!!! Summer Challenge
to learn about new healthy summer snacks and picnic treats.
Topics include:
• Making healthy snacks on the go • How to have a healthy barbecue
• The importance of water • Top 10 diet mistakes
• Supercharge your salad • How to Lose Belly Fat
and much more!
Prizes will be given to the monthly winners for the most weight and body-fat loss
for the month and to the overall winner at the end of the challenge.
Prizes include FREE memberships, FREE personal training, FREE nutrition training,
3 days worth of food and meal plans with all meals prepped and customized
according to your nutrient needs, Gift Certificates, and more!
Starts July 9 and 11, ends August 24
Tuesdays and Thursdays at the “E” Street Y
Tues. 10:00 am at “E” Street
Thurs. 5:30 pm at “E” Street
Lose It!!! Express
Thursday, 7:15 at Canyon Rim “Y”
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