Monday 11/5 08:00 Registration Tuesday 12/5 08:30 09:00 Opening 09:05 09:45 Online optimization with lookahead and the 10:15 11:05 (Lecture hall Poncelet) 09:55 10:25 TM1 (ICCSAMA-MCO): SS - DC programming & DCA 1 (Poncelet) WM1: SS - Banking (Poncelet) WM2: Data mining 2 (Ampère) Coffee break Plenary talk 3 Gabriel Peyré WM3: SS - Spline Approximation & Optimization 3 (Pilâtre) 09:45 Coffee break 10:15 11:05 Plenary talk 5 Yufeng Liu Some recent developments of large margin classification techniques (Lecture hall Poncelet) Parallel session 1 11:10 Parallel session 6 TM2 (ICCSAMA-MCO): Operational Research & Applications 2 (Ampère) Low Complexity Regularization of Inverse Problems Coffee break MM1: SS - Combinatorial Optimization 1 (Poncelet) 08:30 TM3: SS - Spline Approximation & Optimization 1 (Pilâtre) Plenary talk 1 Stefan Nickel relation to new IT techniques in logistics Parallel session 2 Wednesday 13/5 Parallel session 3 (Lecture hall Poncelet) 11:10 Parallel session 7 MM2: SS - Numerical Optimization 1 (Pilâtre) TM4: SS - DC Programming & DCA 2 (Poncelet) WM4: Scheduling (Poncelet) MM3 (ICCSAMA-MCO): Operational Research TM5: Operational Research & Applications 3 (Ampère) TM6: SS - Spline Approximation & Optimization 2 (Pilâtre) WM5: Data mining 3 (Ampère) WM6: Decision analysis in public settings (Pilâtre) & Applications 1 (Ampère) MM4: Computational Biology & Data mining (IP5) 12:30 14:00 15:20 Lunch Opening ceremony/ Celebration of 30 years of developments of DC programming and DCA 12:25 Lunch 12:25 Lunch 13:55 Parallel session 4 14:00 Parallel session 8 TA1: SS - DC Programming & DCA 3 (Poncelet) Plenary talk 2 Jack Xin 16:30 18:00 Sensing: DL12 and TL1 15:35 (Lecture hall Poncelet) 16:00 16:50 Coffee break Visit Centre Pompidou WA2: Transportation (Poncelet) TA3: Optimization applied to surveillance WA3: SS - Modelling & Optimization in and threat detection (IP5) Financial engineering (Ampère) Coffee break 15:40 Plenary talk 4 Jong-Shi Pang 16:10 16:55 18:35 WA5: SS - Global Optimization & Semi Nonsmooth DC Programs Infinite Programming (Pilâtre) Parallel session 5 TA5: SS - Combinatorial Optimization 2 (Poncelet) TA7: SS - Maintenance & Production Control Problems (Ampère) TA8: SS - Dynamic Optimization & Multiple-objective Optimization (IP5) 20:00 Parallel session 9 Computing B-Stationary Points of TA6: SS - Variational Principles & Applications 2 (Pilâtre) SS = Special Session Coffee break WA4: Finance & Banking (Poncelet) (Lecture hall Poncelet) 19:00 Welcome reception by the Metz City Council TA2: SS - Variational Principles & Applications 1 (Pilâtre) TA4: Operational Research & Applications 4 (Ampère) A Tale of Two DCAs in Compressed 16:10 WA1: Numerical Optimization 2 (Pilâtre) Banquet WA6: Network (Ampère) 17:40 Clôture Monday May, 11 08:00 09:00 09:0509:55 REGISTRATION OPENING Stefan Nickel: Online optimization with lookahead and the relation to new IT techniques in logistics Lecture hall Poncelet 09:5510:25 10:2510:50 COFFEE MM1: Lecture hall Poncelet SS - Combinatorial Optimization 1 Chair V.H. Nguyen Thibault Lehouillier, Jérémy Omer, François Soumis, Guy Desaulniers A New Variant of the Minimum-Weight Maximum-Cardinality Clique Problem to Solve Conflicts between Aircraft MM2: Lecture hall Pilâtre SS - Numerical Optimization 1 Chair A. Yassine MM3 (ICCSAMA-MCO): Lecture hall Ampère Operational Research & Applications 1 Chair N. Zufferey M. Bentobache, M.O. Bibi A Hybrid Direction Algorithm with Long Step Rule for Linear Programming: Numerical Experiments Broderick Crawford, Ricardo Soto, Wenceslao Palma, Fernando Paredes, Franklin Johnson, Enrique Norero The Impact of a New Formulation When Solving the Set Covering Problem Using the ACO Metaheuristic Alexandra Ioana Florea (Ionescu) Benefits and Drawbacks in Using the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) System in Supply Chain Management 10:5011:15 Arne Klein, Dag Haugland, Joanna Bauer, Mario Mommer An Integer Programming Model for Branching Cable Layouts in Offshore Wind Farms Lotfi Mouhadjer, Boubakeur Benahmed A Monotone Newton-Like Method for the Computation of Fixed Points 11:1511:40 Ons Sassi, Wahiba Ramdane Cherif Khettaf, Ammar Oulamara Iterated Tabu Search for the Mix Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with Heterogenous Electric Vehicles Alain Billionnet, Sourour Elloumi, Aurélie Le Maître Optimal Migration Planning of Telecommunication Equipment Mousaab Bouafia, Djamel Benterk, Adnan Yassine A Numerical Implementation of an Interior Point Methods for Linear Programming Based on a New Kernel Function Tangi Migot, Mounir Haddou A Smoothing Method for Sparse Optimization over Polyhedral Sets Mindi Yuan, Shen Li, Wei Shen, Yannis Pavlidis Belief Propagation for MiniMax Weight Matching Boubakeur Benahmed, Amina Alloun Semismooth Reformulation and Nonsmooth Newton’s Method for Solving Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming 11:4012:05 12:05 12:30 12:3014:00 14:0015:20 15:2016:10 16:10- Chairman: Pham Dinh Tao MM4: Room IP5 Computational Biology & Data mining Chair Tobias Marschal Clément Viricel, David Simoncini, David Allouche, Simon de Givry, Sophie Barbe, Thomas Schiex Approximate Counting with Deterministic Guarantees for Affinity Computation Maryam Nazarieh Assessing Methods for Generating Topological Backbones in Regulatory Networks Samet Tonyali, Ali Fuat Alkaya Shilpa Garg Application of Recently Proposed Metaheuristics Towards Fewer Seeds for Network to the Sequence Dependent TSP Discovery Nor Hazadura Hamzah, Sazali Yaacob, Hariharan Muthusamy, Norhizam Hamzah Comparative study of Extended Kalman Filter and Particle Filter for Attitude Estimation in Gyroless Low Earth Orbit Spacecraft Nicolas Zufferey Adaptive Memory Algorithm with the Covering Recombination Operator Joris-Jan Kraak, Frank Phillipson Fuzzy Activation and Clustering of Nodes in a Hybrid Fibre Network RollOut Wen-Pai Wang, Mei-Ching Tang A Multi-criteria Assessment for R&D Innovation with Fuzzy Computing with Words LUNCH OPENING CEREMONY / CLEBRATION OF 30 YEARS OF DEVELOPEMENTS OF DC PROGRAMMING AND DCA Jack Xin: A Tale of Two DCAs in Compressed Sensing: DL12 and TL1 Lecture hall Poncelet COFFEE Chairman: Jong-Shi Pang 16:30 16:3018:00 19:0020:30 Visit Centre Pompidou Welcome reception by the Metz City Council SS = Special Session Tuesday May, 12 TM1 (ICCSAMA-MCO): Lecture hall Poncelet SS - DC programming & DCA 1 Chair H.A. Le Thi TM2 (ICCSAMA-MCO): Lecture hall Ampère Operational Research and Applications 2 TM3: Lecture hall Pilâtre SS - Spline Approximation & Optimization 1 Chair A. Zidna Chair V.D. Cung 08:30-08:55 Thi Thuy Tran, Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh Yannis Marinakis, Michael Politis, Magdalene DC Programming and DCA for a Novel Resource Marinaki, Nikolaos Matsatsinis Allocation Problem in Emerging Area of Cooperative A Memetic-GRASP Algorithm for the Solution of the Physical Layer Security Orienteering Problem Jihad Titi, Tareq Hamadneh, Jürgen Garloff Convergence of the Simplicial Rational Bernstein Form 08:55-09:20 Yifei Lou, Stanley Osher, Jack Xin Computational Aspects of Constrained L1-L2 Minimization for Compressive Sensing Nicolas Zufferey Graph Coloring Tabu Search for Project Scheduling Deepak Gawali, Ahmed Zidna, Paluri S.V. Nataraj Solving Nonconvex Optimization Problems in Systems and Control: A Polynomial B-spline Approach 09:20-09:45 Thi Bich Thuy Nguyen, Hoai An Le Thi, Hoai Minh Le, Xuan Thanh Vo DC Approximation Approach for L0-minimization in Compressed Sensing Aicha Bareche, Mouloud Cherfaoui, Djamil Aïssani Quality of the Approximation of Ruin Probabilities Regarding to Large Claims Gudrun Albrecht, Marco Paluszny and Marianela Lentini Generating quadric design elements by means of geometry and optimization 09:45-10:15 COFFEE 10:15-11:05 Gabriel Peyré: Low Complexity Regularization of Inverse Problems logistics Room: Lecture hall Poncelet Chairman: Jack Xin TM4: Lecture hall Poncelet SS - DC Programming & DCA 2 Chair Kazuo Murota Yi-Shuai Niu, Joaquim Júdice, Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh Solving the Quadratic Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem by DC Programming TM5: Lecture hall Ampère Operational Research and Applications 3 Chair El-H. Aghezzaf Derek Verleye, El-Houssaine Aghezzaf A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Water Production and Distribution Operations in a Large Real-World Water Network TM6: Lecture hall Pilâtre SS - Spline Approximation & Optimization 2 Chair A. Zidna F. J. Ariza-Lopez, D. Barrera, J. F. Reinoso, Rocio RomeroZaliz Inferring mean road axis from big data: sorted points cloud belonging to traces 11:35-12:00 Duy Nhat Phan, Hoai An Le Thi, Tao Pham Dinh A DC Programming Approach for Sparse Estimation of a Covariance Matrix Frank Gurski, Jochen Rethmann, Egon Wanke A Practical Approach for the FIFO Stack-Up Problem Dominique Michel and Ahmed Zidna Interval-Krawczyk approach for solving nonlinear equations systems in B-spline form 12:00-12:25 Takanori Maehara, Naoki Marumo, Kazuo Murota Mohammed Tayebi, Ahmed Riadh Baba-Ali Continuous Relaxation for Discrete DC Programming Particle Swarm Optimization with Improved Bioinspired Bees 11:10-11:35 12:25-13:55 LUNCH Miguel Pasadas, Laura Garach, Juan de Ona Spline approximation for the extraction of road alignments in plan and elevation 13:55 - 15:35 TA1: Lecture hall Poncelet SS - DC Programming & DCA 3 Chair Y-S Niu TA2: Lecture hall Pilâtre SS - Variational Principles & Applications 1 Chair Q. Bao Truong TA3: Room IP5 SS - Optimization applied to surveillance and threat detection Chair Frederic Dambreville TA4: Lecture hall Ampère Operational Research & Applications 4, Chair C. Sauvey 13:55-14:20 Quoc Tran-Dinh, Yen-Huan Li, Volkan Cevher Composite Convex Minimization Involving Self-concordant-Like Cost Functions Elisabeth Köbis, Christiane Tammer Mathieu Balesdent, Hélène PietCharacterization of Set Relations by Means Lahanier of a Nonlinear Scalarization Functional A Multi-level Optimization Approach for the Planning of Heterogeneous Sensor Networks Sihem Ben Jouida, Ahlem Ouni, Saoussen Krichen A Multi-start Tabu Search Based Algorithm for Solving the Warehousing Problem with Conflict 14:20-14:45 Mahdi Moeini The Maximum Ratio Clique Problem: A Continuous Optimization Approach and Some New Results Lidia Huerga, César Gutiérrez, Bienvenido Jiménez, Vicente Novo Approximation of Weak Efficient Solutions in Vector Optimization Chiao-Chen Chang Exploring the Repurchase Intention of Smart Phone 14:45-15:10 Aicha Anzi, Mohammed Said Radjef Christiane Tammer A DC Algorithm for Solving Quadratic- On set-valued optimization problems with linear Bilevel Optimization Problems variable ordering structure 15:10-15:35 Leslous Fadila Contribution to the Optimization DC and DCA In the Search for a Global Optimum of a Nonconvex Functions 15:35-16:00 16:00-16:50 Morteza Oveisiha On Generalized Variational-like Inequalities and Set-valued Optimization Problems Yannick Kenné, François Le Gland, Christian Musso, Sébastien Paris, Yannick Glemarec, Émile Vasta Simulation–Based Algorithms for the Optimization of Sensor Deployment Frederic Dambreville Optimizing a Sensor Deployment with Network Constraints Computable by Costly Requests Kholoud Dorgham, Mohamed Saleh, Amir F. Atiya A Novel Dynamic Pricing Model for the Telecommunications Industry Sellami Lynda and Idoughi Djilali Argon Chen, Poyi Lu Towards an Approach Based on Immune Demand Mobility Modeling for Genetic Algorithm,for Intrusion Detection Personalized Marketing Optimization in in Ubiquitous and Pervasive Service Supply Chains Environments COFFEE Jong-Shi Pang: Computing B-Stationary Points of Nonsmooth DC Programs Room: Lecture hall Poncelet TA5: Lecture hall Poncelet SS - Combinatorial Optimization 2 Chair V.H. Nguyen 16:55-17:20 Pham Duc Dai, Pu Li Optimization of Pumping Energy and Maintenance Costs in Water Supply Systems 17:20-17:45 Daniel Berend, Shimon Cohen, Solomon E. Shimony, Shira Zucker Optimal Ordering of Tests with Extreme Dependencies Chairman: Pham Dinh Tao TA6: Lecture hall Pilâtre TA7: Lecture hall Ampère SS -Variational Principles & SS - Maintenance and Production Applications 2, Control Problems Chair C. Tammer Chair N. Rezg Vinh Thanh Ho, Zied Hajej, Hoai An Le Q. Bao Truong Vectorial Ekeland Variational Principles: A Thi, Nidhal Rezg Hybrid Approach Solving the Production and Maintenance Optimization Problem by a Global Approach Behnam Soelimani and Christiane Tammer Optimality conditions for approximate solutions of vector optimization problems with variable ordering structures Wajih Ezzeddine, Jérémie Schutz, Nidhal Rezg Modeling of a Management and Maintenance Plan for Hospital Beds TA8: Room IP5 Dynamic Optimization & Multipleobjective Optimization Chair M. Moeini Refail Kasimbeyli, Zehra Kamisli Ozturk, Nergiz Kasimbeyli, Gulcin Dinc Yalcin, Banu Icmen Conic Scalarization Method in Multiobjective Opt. and Relations with Other Scalarization Methods Mehmet Alegoz, Zehra Kamisli Ozturk A Multi Objective Multi Echelon Supply Chain Network Model for a Household Goods Company 17:45-18:10 18:10-18:35 20:00-23:00 Mhand Hifi, Ibrahim Moussa, Toufik Saadi, Sagvan Saleh An Adaptive Neighborhood Search for k-Clustering Minimum Bi-clique Completion Problems Takwa Tlili, Saoussen Krichen Decision Support System for the Multidepot Vehicle Routing Problem César Gutiérrez, Bienvenido Jiménez, Enrico Miglierina, Elena Molho Scalarization of Set-Valued Optimization Problems in Normed Spaces Sheu Hua Chen and Hong Tau Lee. Variable selection for fuzzy regression models BANQUET Safwan Altarazi, Omar Yasin Integration of Process Planning and Scheduling with Sequence Dependent Setup Time: A Case Study from Electrical Wires and Power Cable Industry Sadok Turki, Zied Hajej, Nidhal Rezg Impact of the Corrective Maintenance Cost on Manufacturing Remanufacturing System Performance Viacheslav A. Shirokikh, Victor V. Zakharov Dynamic Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for Inventory Routing Problem Hélène Soubaras Reactive Multiobjective Local Search Schedule Adaptation and Repair in Flexible Job-Shop Problems Wednesday May, 13 08:30-08:55 08:55-09:20 09:20-09:45 WM1: Lecture hall Poncelet WM2: Lecture hall Ampère SS-Banking Data mining 2 Chair Pham Hi Chair F. Lauer Thanh Duong, Quyen Ho, Minh Tran, An Tran. Yang-Chieh Chin Optimal discrete hedging in Garman-Kohlhagen model Mining the Adoption Intention of Location-Based with liquidity risk Services Based on Dominance-Based Rough Set Approaches Raphael Henry, Holy Andriamboavonjy, Jean-Baptiste Teemu Mäenpää, Merja Wanne Paulin, Sacha Drahy, Robin Gourichon. Review of Similarities between Adjacency Model and Macroeconomic and statistic reevaluation of the Relational Model CNY/USD exchange rate: quantitative impact of the EUR/USD exchange rate WM3: Lecture hall Pilâtre SS - Spline Approximation & Optimization 3 Chair A. Zidna D. Barrera, P. Gonzàlez, M. J Ibànez, A. M. Roldàn, J. B. Roldàn. Parameter extraction in MOSFET devices: an approach based on variational spline Driss Sbibih, Abdelhafid Serghini, Ahmed Tijini. Bivariate and trivariate superconvergent spline quasiinterpolants Thanh Duong, Duc Pham-Hi, Phuong Phan. Vietnamese Bank Liquidity Risk Study Using The Risk Assessment Model of Systemic Institutions Mohammed Yagouni, Zakaria Mobasti, Miloud Bagaa, Hichem Djaoui Contribution to the Optimization of Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks 09:45-10:15 10:15-11:05 11:10-11:35 11:35-12:00 12:00-12:25 Emmanuel Didiot, Fabien Lauer Efficient Optimization of Multi-class Support Vector Machines with MSVMpack COFFEE Yufeng Liu: Some recent developments of large margin classification techniques Room: Lecture hall Poncelet Chairman: Hoai An Le Thi WM4: Lecture hall Poncelet Scheduling Chair V.D. Cung Christophe Sauvey, Nathalie Sauer, Wajdi Trabelsi Job-Shop Scheduling with Mixed Blocking Constraints between Operations WM5: Lecture hall Ampère Data mining 3 Chair H.M. Le Nasser Fard, Keivan Sadeghzadeh Heuristic Ranking Classification Method for Complex Large-Scale Survival Data Óscar C. Vásquez, Luis Osorio-Valenzuela, Franco Quezada Exploring a Resolution Method Based on an Evolutionary Game-Theoretical Model for Minimizing the Machines with LimitedWorkload Capacity and Interval Constraints Widad Naji, Marie-Laure Espinouse, Van-Dat Cung Towards a Robust Scheduling on Unrelated Parallel Machines: A Scenarios Based Approach Sahraoui Kharroubi, Youcef Dahmani, Omar Nouali Sergey Shvydun Improvement of Collaborative Filtering Systems Properties and Complexity of Some Superposition Choice through Resource Description Framework Procedures Fuad Aleskerov, Vsevolod Petrushchenko DEA for Heterogeneous Samples WM6: Lecture hall Pilâtre Decision analysis in public settings Chair M. Moeini Anton Talantsev A Aystematic Approach to Reputation Risk Assessment Mahdi Moeini, Balal Karimi, Esmaile Khorram A Cross-Efficiency Approach for Evaluating Decision Making Units in Presence of Undesirable Outputs 12:25-14:00 LUNCH WA1: Lecture hall Pilâtre Numerical Optimization 2 Chair A. Yassine Nacéra Maachou, Mustapha Moulaï Bilevel Quadratic Fractional/Quadratic Problem WA2: Lecture hall Poncelet Transportation Chair S.Y. Niu Marina Dolmatova Optimal Nodal Capacity Procurement 14:25-14:50 Ute Schaarschmidt, Trond Steihaug, Sam Subbey Derivative-Free Optimization for Population Dynamic Models Kamel Aissat, Sacha Varone Yun Shi, Duan Li, Xiangyu Cui Real-Time Ride-Sharing Substitution Service in Multi- Behavioral Portfolio Optimization with Social Reference modal Public Transport Using Buckets Point 14:50-15:15 Refail Kasimbeyli, Nergiz Kasimbeyli The Nonlinear Separation Theorem and a Representation Theorem for Bishop–Phelps Cones Feng Jiang, Shaoquan Ni, Daben Yu Train Timetable Forming Quality Evaluation: An Approach Based on DEA Method 15:15-15:40 Karima Bouibed, Hachem Slimani, Mohammed Said Victor Zakharov, Alexander Krylatov Radjef Transit Network Design for Green Vehicles Routing Multiobjective fractional bilevel programming problem under generalized invexity COFFEE Xueting Cui, Xiaoling Sun, Shushang Zhu and Duan Li. A Block Coordinate Descent Method for Value-at-Risk Minimization WA4: Lecture hall Poncelet Finance & Banking Chair D. Pham Hi Pascal Damel, Nadége Ribau-Peltre Scientific Methodology to Model Liquidity Risk in UCITS Funds with an Asset Liability Approach: A Global Response to Financial and Prudential Requirements Badreddine Benyacoub, Ismail ElMoudden, Souad ElBernoussi, Abdelhak Zoglat, Mohamed Ouzineb Initial model selection for the Baum-Welch algorithm applied to credit scoring WA5: Lecture hall Pilâtre SS - Global Optimization & Semi Infinite Programming, Chair Ouanes Chebbah Mohammed and Ouanes Mohand Optimal Control Solving Nonlinear Model of a MultiObjective Discrete and Continuous for Gabassov’s Method Exact WA6: Lecture hall Ampère Network Chair M. Naceur Igor Averbakh and Jorge Pereira Lateness minimization in single-server network restoration problems Amrouchi Zahia, Ouanes Mohand and Leslous Fadila Modeling of semi-infinite practical problem in connection with a humanoid robot Halfoune Nadia and Sellami Khaled Combination of conversations protocols for new web services configuration using the formalism of finite states machines Alexander S. Belenky, Lyudmila G. Egorova An Approach to Forming and Managing a Portfolio of Financial Securities by Small and Medium PriceTaking Traders in a Stock Exchange Mohand Ouanes, Hoai An Le Thi, Ahmed Zidna New Underestimator for Univariate Global Optimization Asma Ben Yaghlane, M. Naceur Azaiez System Survivability in Networks B. Azzouz, A. Chikhaoui, A. Telidji, I. Khaldouhne, Changing Karush Kuhn Tucker relations Asma Ben Yaghlane, M. Naceur Azaiez, Mehdi Mrad System Survivability in Networks : The Large Scale 14:00-14:25 15:40-16:10 16:10-16:35 16:35-17:00 17:00-17:20 17:20-17:40 WA3: Lecture hall Ampère SS - Modelling & Optimization in Financial engineering Chair Duan Li Xiangyu Cui, Yun Shi Multiperiod Mean-CVaR Portfolio Selection Vyacheslav V. Kalashnikov, Nataliya I. Kalashnykova, Felipe J. Castillo-Pérez Finding Equilibrium in a Financial Model by Solving a Variational Inequality Problem
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