Course No: CEN352, Course Title: Digital Signal Processing Dept

Course No: CEN352, Course Title: Digital Signal Processing
Dept. of Computer Engineering
College of Computer and Information Sciences
King Saud University
Homework#1 and #2
Second Semester 2015
The last date of submission is Thursday, May 14, 2015. Please submit reports as hardcopy.
Step 1: Suppose that the power of signal and noise is Ps and Pn, respectively. We want to add
noise to the signal at signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 5 dB. What should be multiplication factor of
Pn? Solve it.
Step 2: Record your own voice using Matlab and save it. Plot the voice signal. (Matlab)
Step 3: Add random noise to your voice at 0 dB SNR. Plot the noisy voice signal. (Matlab)
Step 4: Use (i) FIR and (ii) IIR filter to remove the noise. Change the order of the filters and
check. Plot the filtered voice signals. (Matlab)
Step 5: Hear the voice signals before and after applying the filter. (Matlab)
Step 1: Load any color image. Show the image. (Matlab)
Step 2: Add random noise to the image at 0 dB SNR. Show the noisy image. (Matlab)
Step 3: Apply mean and median filters with 3x3 and 5x5 masks to the noisy image. Show the
filtered images. (Matlab)
Step 4: Comment on the performances of the mean and median filters.
No copy is tolerated, but you can discuss between yourselves.
Ghulam Muhammad