MATLAB R2013b Guyaros Notebook Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 1 Ctrl+c Stop calculation Print last command ctrl+r Comments ctrl+t Uncomments Crtl+s Save F9 Evalualte selction Ctrl+enter Run section Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 2 lookfor lookfor help help whos Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 3 ; Suppress output % Notes %% Create Cell of code format compact Suppresses excess line feeds to show more output in a single screen format short Short fixed decimal format, with 4 digits after the decimalpoint. format long Long fixed decimal format, with 15 digits after the decimalpoint for double values, and 7 digits after thedecimal point for single values. format shorteng Engineering format that has at least 5 digits and a power that is a multiple of three format longeng Engineering format that has exactly 16 significant digits and a power that is a multiple of three. format bank Fixed format for dollars and cents. clear Clear Workspace memory clear a Clear specific varible clc Clear Screen clf Clear figure Workspace a command windows Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 4 pi 3.1416 exp(1) e=2.7183 exp(x) i j eps realmin realmax inf Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 5 e sqrt(x) Square root factorial(x) Factorial exp(x) Exponenet log(a) Natural logarithm log10(a) Common (base 10) logarithm rem(x,y) Reminder if rem(i,2)==1 number=odd; elseif rem(i,2)==0 number=even; end Check if number is odd or even mod(x,y) Modulus after division abs(x) Absolute value sum(x) Sum X e i i x sum(x) mean() Average or mean value tic Start a stopwatch timer. X tic toc toc lcm(a,b) Least common multiple the least common multiple of corresponding elements of A and B. The arrays A and B must contain positive integers and must be the same size primes(N) Generate list of prime numbers Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 6 N 1<4 Smaller Than 2>1 Grater Than 1<=1 Smaller or Equal >=1 Grater or equal 1==1 Equal 5~=4 Not Equal Or & AND ~ Not Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 7 round(X) Round towards nearest integer floor(X) Round towards minus infinity ceil() Round towards plus infinity fix() Round towards zero round(pi*10)/10 pi=pi round(pi) round(pi*10)/10 round(pi*100)/100 round(pi*1000)/1000 round(pi*10000)/10000 Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 8 sin(x) Sine in Radians sind(x) Sine in Degree sinh(x) Hyperbolic sine asinh(x) Inverse hyperbolic sine asin(x) Inverse sine in Radians asind(x) Inverse sine in Degrees cos(x) Cosine of arguments in Radians cosd(x) Cosine in Degree cosh(x) Hyperbolic cosine tan(x) Tangent in Radians tand(x) Tangent in Degrees atand(x) Inverse Tangent in Degrees Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 9 [1 2 3] Create Row vector Option#2 [1,2,3] [1;2;3;4;5;6] Create Column vector [0:2:10] [min;jump;max] [ ] linspace(a,b,n) a= b= n= Linearly spaced vector n n increment) matrix2x2=[1 2 3;4 5 6] Create Matrix matrix4x4= [1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8;9 10 11 12;13 14 15 16] eye(n) Unit matrix nXn eye(m,n) Unit matrix in mXn diemension ones(n) Ones matrix Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 10 ones(n) Ones matrix nXn ones(m,n) mXn zeros(n) Zeros matrix zeros(m,n) Zeros matrix, in mXn dimension diag(V) magic(N) mXn Diagonal matrices and diagonals of a matrix V Magic square v1= [3 3 3 3 3 3 ] v2= [8 8 8 8 8 8 ] Y v1 Y=zeros(1,12); even=[2:2:12]; odd=[1:2:12]; Y([1],even)=v1; Y([1],odd)=v2; Y v2 Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 11 A' Transpose B(N)=[] Delete index from matrix B N A(:) Create Col vector from matrix matrix([1,2],:) = matrix([2,1],:) Interchange rows B([1,2],:) = A([1,2],:) Matrix rows merge Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 12 A B([1,2],:) = A([1,2],:) Matrix rows merge B(:,[1,3]) = A(:,[2,4]) Matrix Cols merge matrix(row,:)=[] Delete Row of matrix matirx(:,col)=[] Delete Col of matrix matrix(row,:)=[1] Change Row of matrix Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 13 matrix(row,:)=[1] Change Row of matrix reshape(matrix,rows,cols) Reshape vector to matrix mXn=NumberOfVectorElements reshape(A,m,[]) A m mXn m C=[A;B] . C A B C=[A,B;] Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 14 C=[A,B;] B fliplr() flipud() C A fliplr Flip matrix in left/right direction Flip matrix in up/down direction flip=v(end:-1:1) fliplr() flip=A(end:-1:1) flip rot90(A) Rotate matrix 90 degree Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 15 rot90(A,k) Rotate matrix 90 degree K Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 16 A(i,j) Print the element that locate in Row i Col j i j vector([Na,Nb,Nc,Nd]) matrix(N) Print the element with index N N N matrix([Na,Nb,Nc]) N matrix([1,2,3,4,9]) Print the first,second,third,fourt h,ninth elements of a matrix 1,2,3 matrix([1],[1 2 3]) 1,2,3 matrix([2,3],[3]) 2,3 Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 17 matrix([1,3,5],:) Print specific rows from a matrix 1,3,5 matrix(row, col:end) Print entire Row from matrix matrix(row:end, col) Print entire Col from matrix matrix(rowStart:RowEnd:J) J Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 18 matrix(rowStart:RowEnd:J) J rowStart RowEnd max(vector) Print largest component from vector [maxValue N]=max(vector) N max(matrix) max(matrix') min(vector) Print row vector containing the maximum element value from each column Print row vector containing the Maximum element value from each Row Print Smallest component from vector min(matrix) Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 19 min(matrix) min(matrix') A=magic(6) [r c]=find(A<=12 & A>=8) coords=[r,c] for i=1:length(r) w(i)=A(r(i),c(i)); end w Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 20 [row,col]=find(B) Find indices of nonzero elements find(B>N) N B>N [row,col]=find(B>N) N find(B,k) Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 21 find(B,k) k find(B,k,'last') values=matrix(find(matrix>N)) A(find(A~=N)) A(find(A==N)) k Find and Bring values from vector/matrix that qualify the condition x=[1,1.2,18,7,7] values=x(x<7) matrix==x matrix~=x matrix>x matrix>=x Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 22 matrix<=x x=[5:5:50] y=10.*x x w=y(x==20) w=y(4) y Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 23 sort(vector) Sort in ascending order sort(vector,'descend') Sort in descending order sort(matrix) Sort matrix column sort(matrix')' Sort matrix rows unique(vector) Delete repetitions [filterV Nlocations]=unique(V) N filterV filterV Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 24 Nlocations length(vector) Print the Length of a vector [m,n]=size(matrix) Print matrix size [rows cols]=size(matrix) 1x2 Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 25 sum(x) Sum of vector or matrix x sum(x) trace(matrix) Sum of diagonal elements cumsum(matrix) cumsum Cumulative sum of elements mean(vector) Mean value of the vector elements mean(matrix) Row vector containing the mean value of each column mean(matrix')' Col vector containing Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 26 X mean(matrix')' Col vector containing the mean value of each row Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 27 rand(N) rand(m,n) randi(IMAX,m,n) Returns an N-by-N matrix containing pseudorandom values drawn from the standard uniform distribution on the open interval(0,1) NxN Uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers mXn Pseudorandom integers from a uniform discrete distribution mXn IMAX r= a+(b-a).*rand(N) N b r= round(a+(b-a).*rand(N)) a N Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 28 r= round(a+(b-a).*rand(N)) N b rng('default') Control the random number generator used by matlab. Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 29 a A*B A *B element-by-element multiply A/B A./B element-by-element division A^B A.^B A*B A.*B element-by-element Matrix Multipication Multiplying element-byelement A./B Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 30 A./B A\B A/B=A*inv(B) A^B A.^B Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 31 dot(u,v) Vector dot product returns the scalar product of the vectors v u cross(u,v) Vector cross product u,v u,v u,v norm(u) Calculate vector Magnitude A+B A-B A*B B B A A : Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 32 A\B B B A' Transpose linsolve(A,b) A b A\b Solve linear system using A "Backslash" sign b inv() Inverse matrix X=inv(A)*b Solve linear equations using inverse function linsolve() X Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 33 X A b det() Determinant adjointA=inv(A)*det(A) A A A rref(matrix) Reduced Row Echelon Form trace(matrix) Sum of diagonal elements rank(matrix) Print matrix rank svd() Singular value decomposition Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 34 while flag<10 a=a*flag; flag=flag+1 end Repeat statements an indefinite number of times if expression1 statements1 elseif expression2 statements2 else statement3 end %if statment must be finished with "end" Conditionally execute statements for i=start:n teta=teta+(2*pi/n); end Repeat statements a specific number of times for i for i=start:inc:end do_some_task(i) end for inc break Terminate execution of WHILE or FOR loop. return Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 35 i A=magic(5) [rows,cols]=size(A) B=A; A A B for j=1:cols for i=1:rows if A(i,j)>10 B(i,j)=0; end end end B Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 36 string='Hello World' . Create a String string' Transpose string(n) n str2num() Convert string matrix to numeric array num2str() Convert numbers to a string Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 37 S=num2str(N)' . digits=str2num(S) N S digits digits sum(digits) sum(S) S ASCII char(x) double('GuYaros') Convert Integer to charcter According to the ASCII table x Convert string to Row Vector of ASCII codes Fstring='2*sin(x)*cos(x)' V=double(Fstring) char(Fstrin double char Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 38 match=(str1==str2) Nlocations=find(str1==str2) N strcmp(s1,s2) compares the strings S1 and S2 and returns logical 1 (true) if they are identical, and returns logical 0 (false) otherwise. strncmp(s1,s2,N) Compare first N characters of strings. Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 39 N N N NUM=input('Enter Number:') Prompt for user input. Matalab print the 'string' to screen and then waits for input from the keyboard the user must type a Number. STRING=input('Type:','s') Prompt for user input. Matalab print the 'string' to screen and then waits for input from the keyboard the user must type a String. disp(['string']) Display array of strings disp(['Tire Side Wall: ',num2str(tireSideWall),'[%]']) Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 40 function [ output_args ] = Untitled2( input_args ) User-Defined function syntax script function [B] = my1stfun( A,n ) function [ T,x_t,y_t,peak,range ] = trajectory( x0,y0,theta,v0,g ) Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 41 b g r c m y k O X : -. s d V < p h plot(x,y) plots graph vector Y versus vector X plot(x,y,'r') plot(x,y,'r--') plot(x,y,'bO') plot(x,y,'gX') plot(x,y,'k.','markersize',1) plot(x,y,'r*') plot(x,y,'ko-.') plot(x,y,'color',[1,0.6,0.6]') RGB [x,y,z] x,y,z plot(x,y,'b','LineWidth',2) plot(x,y,'-rs','LineWidth',2,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','g','MarkerSize',10) figure(2) Create new figure window hold on hold off hold grid on Grid lines on grid off Grid lines off title('Graph Title','FontSize',18) legend('LineName1','LineName2') Display legend xlabel('Value [units]', 'FontSize', 1 ) X ylabel('Value [units]') Y set(gca,'FontSize',18) axis([Xmin,Xmax,Ymin,Ymax]) Control axis scaling and appearance axis auto Restore axis to defult state xlim([Xmin,Xmax]) Sets the x axis limits X Ylim([Ymin Ymax]) Sets the y axis limits Y set(gca,'XTick',[start:jump:end]) set(gca,'YTick',[start:jump:end]) set(gca,'XTick',[1000:500:7500]) set(gca,'YTick',[0:10:220]) subplot(m,n,p) m number of rows n number of cols p the plot index Breaks the Figure window into an m-byn matrix of small axes subplot(1,2,2) Create axes in tiled positions Plot subplot subplot(2,2,1) text(x,y,'string') Insert Text annotation to location (x,y) (x,y) text(x,y,'\leftarrow Comment') text(-2,10,'\bf BOLD') gtext(['click to insert text box']) position a text annotation at a specific point inthe data space with the mouse [x,y]=ginput() Graphical input from mouse. bar(x,y) Bar graph Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 42 3D plot3(x,y,z) Plot lines and points in 3-D space plot3(x,y,z,'k') Plot3([x1 y1], [x2 y2],[z1 z2]) xlabel('X', 'FontSize', 12) ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', 12) zlabel('Z', 'FontSize', 12) view(AZ,EL) 3-D graph viewpoint specification Set the angle of the view from which an observer sees the current 3-D plot. rotate3D AZ,EL for i=1:50 pause(0.2) view(-2*i,28+0.1*i) end [xx,yy]=meshgrid(x,y) Create a rotating viewpoint Panning Cartesian grid in 2-D/3-D space x y zz= releation with x and y mesh(xx,yy,zz Z meshc(xx,yy,zz) surf(xx,yy,zz) Z surfc(xx,yy,zz) Z surf contour3(xx,yy,zz) shading FLAT Colorbar Z Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 43 polyval(P,X) Evaluate polynomial X N P = Vector in length N+1 X = matrix / vector p(x) = 3x^2+2x+1 x=3,2,1 X p=[3,2,1] x=[5,7,9] polyval(p,x) roots(P) Find polynomial roots X conv(P1,P2) Convolution and polynomial multiplicatio [P,r]=deconv(P1,P2) Polynominals Division P1/P2 r polyder(P) Returns the derevative of the polynominal P polyint(P) Integrate polynomial analytically polyfit(x,y,n) Finds the coefficients of a polyniminal p(x) of degree n that fits the data x,y n x y x y Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 44 diff(X) Difference and approximate derivative diff(fx,N) N diff(y)./diff(x) YX . x2-x1 y2-y1y X X Y diff plot X X=x(2:end) diff('function',sym('mishtaneHaGzira'),dervativeorder) Or diff(String,sym('mishtaneHaGzira'),dervativeorder) Examples: diff('x*sin(x)',sym('x'),2) diff(S,sym('t'),1) sym x Fplot(FUN,LIM) ydx=char(ydx) polyder(P) Returns the derevative of the polynominal P ini=int('x*sin(x)',sym('x'),2) sym trapz(x,y) Trapezoidal numerical integration quad('FUN',a,b) Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Simpson quadrature. x a,b a,b quadl('FUN',a,b) Numerically evaluate integral, adaptive Lobatto quadrature Lobatto x a,b polyint(P) Integrate polynomial analytically Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 45 a,b fplot(FUN,LIM) Example: fplot('sin(t)*(cos(t))^2',[0 10],'r') plots the function FUN between the x-axis limits specified by LIMS = [XMIN XMAX] ezplot('x^2-y^4') plots the function FUN(X) over the default domain -2 PI < X < 2*PI LIM Hold on plot fzero(FUN,X0) Tries to find a zero of the function FUN near X0 if X0 is a scalar XO fminsearch(FUN,X0) starts at X0 and attempts to find a local minimizer X of the function FUN Y X X0 fminbnd() Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 46 interp1(x,y,alpha,'liner') Interpolation linear interpolation X y X Y alpha interp1(x,y,alpha,'nearest') Interpolation nearest neighbor interpolation nearest alpha interp1(x,y,alpha,'spline') interp1(x,y,alpha,'cubic') Interpolation piecewise cubic spline interpolation Interpolation shape-preserving piecewise cubic interpolation Matlab Guyaros Notebook Page 47 spline cubic
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