________Ham ________Turkey ________Egg Salad Please return this form, with payment for dinner, to First Presbyterian Church, 201 Wick Ave., Yo., OH 44503 Choose one for dinner: Church Affiliation:_________________________________________________________________________ Address/Phone:____________________________________________________________________________ Name of Registrant:________________________________________________________________________ BOXED DINNER/ RESERVATION FORM One reservation form per person I am attending the 4:00 p.m. Lecture _______________ I will join you for dinner @ $8.50 per person = $ ____________ (Please make check payable to “First Presbyterian Church”) Please return Reservation Form before March 19, 2015 2015 Schaff Lectures Healing Babylon: Hospitality, Common Life, and the Nature of Faithful Citizenship. with Luke Bretherton Wednesday March 25, 2015 First Presbyterian Church 201 Wick Avenue Youngstown, Ohio 330-744-4307 Introducing Luke Bretherton Professor Bretherton’s primary teaching interests are theological ethics, Christian political thought, missiology and practices of social, political and economic witness. Before joining the Duke faculty, he was reader in Theology & Politics and convener of the Faith & Public Policy Forum at King’s College London. Prior to that he was director of Studies of the South East Institute for Theological Education (University of Kent), which prepared Methodist, Reformed, and Anglican ministers for ordination. He has worked with a variety of faithbased NGO’s, mission agencies, and churches around the world, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. His first book, Hospitality as Holiness: Christian Witness Amid Moral Diversity (Ashgate, 2006) explores the church’s response to moral pluralism in critical dialogue with Alasdair MacIntyre’s moral philosophy, and develops a constructive, theological response to the issues identified using euthanasia and the hospice movement as a case study. As well as academic articles published in journals such as Modern Theology, Journal of the American Academy of Religion, and Studies in Chrisitan Ethics, he writes in the media (including The Guardian, The Times and The Huffington Post) on topics related to religion and politics. His recent work has focused on faith-based organizations, the church’s involvement in social welfare, provision, community organizing, the treatment of refugees, and fair trade. That work is drawn together in Christianity & Contemporary Politics: The Conditions and Possibilities of Faithful Witness (Wiley-Blackwell, 2010), winner of the 2013 Michael Ramsey Prize for Theological Writing. When living in the United Kingdom, he was actively involved in politics as part of London Citizens, a broad-based community organization. His current areas of research draws on that experience, and focuses on the intersections between Christianity, grassroots democracy, globalization, responses to poverty, and patterns of inter-faith relations. L u k e B r e t h e r t o n (https://divinity.duke.edu/academics/faculty/lukebretherton), is associate professor of theology ethics and senior fellow of Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke Divinity School, and is the author of Resurrecting Democracy: Faith, Citizenship, and the Politics of a Common Life. Wednesday, March 25, 2015 The David S. Schaff Lecture Series 4:00 p.m. Clergy, Lay, and Community Leader Workshop “The Politics of a Common Life and the Nature of Faithful Citizenship” The late Jane Booth Schaff (Mrs. Philip H. Schaff), 1894-1981, came from a family with historic ties to theological education. For twenty-three years, her fatherin-law, Professor David S. Schaff, taught Church History at Western Theological Seminary. Western is one of the antecedents of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Before beginning his teaching duties in 1903, he held two pastorates. In her will, Mrs. Schaff provided for the completion of the endowment of the previously established David S. Schaff Lectureship at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, with an important stipulation and addition that the Schaff Lecturer(s) would deliver one address in Youngstown. This was a unique concept, bringing a world-renowned lecturer to the Mahoning Valley for religious and cultural enrichment. For this reason, representatives of the finest scholarship of the theological world visit Youngstown annually to participate in this program. This educational experience is open to people of all denominations and faiths and celebrates the power of words shared to create, support, and thus nurture and strengthen community. SCHEDULE 3:30 p.m. Registration 6:00 p.m. Boxed Supper Paid reservations of $8.50 per person must be in our Church Office by Thursday, March 19, 2015. (We will not be able to accommodate walk-ins for dinner). During dinner, there will be an opportunity to share in conversation about the workshop and future work together with Youngstown entities MVAC and ACTION. 7:00 p.m. Public Lecture “Poverty, Privilege and Participation in the Healing Rule of Christ” All events will be held at First Presbyterian Church 201 Wick Avenue Youngstown, OH 44503 330-744-4307 First Presbyterian Church is barrier free. The church parking lot is accessed off of Wick Avenue.
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