April 2015 - Faith Presbyterian Church

F a it h P re sb yt e r ian Ch urc h ( EPC)
Faith Speaks
V o l um e 20 15 , Is s ue 3
A pr i l
C h ur c h S t aff
Rev. Matt Allison
The Pastor’s Message
Dear Friends,
April is one of my favorite months of the year.
The weather is turning
warmer. The Masters
golf tournament will be
played in just a few days
(go Phil!). The dogwoods,
redbuds, and azaleas are
in bloom. And the NFL
draft is coming up at the
end of the month (go
Raiders!). But the thing I
enjoy most about April is
Easter and the celebration of our Savior’s resurrection from the dead.
Sometimes I’m afraid we
sleepwalk through Easter
and fail to appreciate the
fullness of what Jesus’
resurrection means. So
let me take just a moment to highlight three
wonderful truths that we
can rest our faith in now
that Christ is risen.
First, because the
grave could not contain Jesus, it cannot
contain those who are
in him by faith. Just as
we died with Christ in his
death, so we have been
raised with Christ in his
resurrection. That means
then that death is not the
final word. Death does
not get the last say. For
those who trust in Jesus,
he has transformed death
into the passage through
which his people enter
the joy of everlasting life.
Financial Secretary
Wylene Eason
You and I need not fear
that day when we must
pass through the valley of
the shadow of death,
because our Savior has
already walked the path
for us. He knows the way
and promises to see us
through to the other side
and into his kingdom.
Second, these bodies
that are subject to
corruption and decay
will be made new on
the day of resurrection. All those who die
in Christ go immediately
to be with him in heaven
(2 Cor. 5:8). Their soul
goes to Christ as their
body rests in the grave.
But that will change on
the day of resurrection
when Jesus returns. Souls
and bodies will be reunited (1 Thess. 4:17-18),
and instantaneously we
will be given resurrected,
transformed, glorious
bodies like Jesus’. They
will be perfect in every
way, never again to be
corrupted, succumb to
disease, or weaken over
time. Our bodies will be
raised imperishable and
immortal (1 Cor. 15:53 ).
And with our new bod-
Jim Allsobrooks
Ellen Brown
ies, we will live forever
with God on a new heaven and earth (Rev. 21:14).
Third, the deck is
now stacked. We usually use that term in the
negative to describe a
situation that cannot
change for the better.
But because of the resurrection, God has stacked
the deck in our favor.
When God raised Jesus
from the dead, He gave
Jesus the victory over sin,
Satan, and death. Christ
now reigns victorious.
He is the triumphant
King over heaven and
earth. He cannot be defeated and his kingdom
cannot be stopped. Does
that mean then that we
won’t face the trials of
living in a fallen world?
No, we still live in a
world of tribulation, but
we do so with cheer because Christ has overcome this world. Sin,
Satan, and death are living on borrowed time.
Their days are numbered.
Evil has been conquered,
(Continued on pg. 5)
I nsi d e thi s i ssu e:
Building News
Choir News
Fellowship News
Financial News
General News
Prayer and Praise
Missionary News
Session News
2 01 5
Ses s i o n Me mbe rs
Rev. Matt Allison
(Christian Education)
Steve Norton
(Clerk of Session)
Mark McClelland
Frank Baggett
Bob Smith
Jim Timpson
(Congregational Nurture)
Pa ge 2
V ol u me 201 5 , I ssu e 3
Prayer Needs and Praise News
Lydia Ham Allen
Bob Bahn
James Bell
Presley Taylor
Brenda Blackwell
Mary Jo Timpson
Todd Brannan
Christina Toska
Gwen Brannan & family
Jimmy Wages
Catherine Bruce
Mike Wallace
Andy Burch
Janet Williams
Betty Burch
Nikki Williams
Jerry Colby
Joyce Woods
Girlfriends in Faith -
Shirley Connell
Mike Woods
Jimmy Cook
Nat Woommavovah
June Cook
Body of Faith EPC
Beverly Echols
Stan Evans
Pastor Matt Allison
Our Monrovia project has been picked up!
Peter Paye, our contact person, came Sunday, March 22nd to pickup the box. Thank
you to all who participated to fill the box to
the top! Our ladies saw a need, and we
helped to fulfill it with God’s help.
Rema Evans
Jett Freeman
Military families
Greg Fowler
Peggy Fowler
Ray Gentry
Maralyne Harvey
Robert Hicks
Pat Hightower
Jamie Holloway
Pete Johnson
Mary Keagle
Brian Lowe
Angela Thomas
Dan Timpson
* As a part of our Armor Bearers
A link to the website for Peter’s organization is:
ministry, please continue to pray
daily for Pastor Matt and our Elders
on Session: Frank Baggett, Steve
Norton, Mark McClelland, Bob
Smith, and Jim Timpson.
* Please keep the following missionaries
in your prayers:
- Keith and Rachel Keller (Eli, Zeke &
Mark & Amy McClelland
- Phil and Diane Thrash;
Jimmy Mercer
- Bill and Margaret Frisbee;
Al & Claudia Middlebrooks
Herman Miller
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith in the Middle East;
Sammy Miller
- Gary and Jackie Burnett
Scottie Moore
David Patterson, Sr.
Guy Regan
Brad Rowland
Becky Russell
Pat Ryle
Teresa Smith
Above is a picture of Peter with Janice Baggett on
the day he came to pick up our gift.
Everyone is invited Wednesday nights for our weekly
prayer meeting at 6:10 at
Faith Presbyterian Church.
Come one and all!!
Everyone is invited to our
adult Sunday School class as
we continue our study of
Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. We meet in the sanctuary at 9:30 am.
Please don’t forget those that are in need
of a little cheer with a phone call or a
card. We are blessed with such a loving
congregation that is always willing to
send out some cheer to those who need a
If you don’t have a directory and need
someone’s address or telephone number
please contact Teresa Harvey.
Pa ge 3
F ai th Sp eaks
Book News
What to Think
About Instead
of Worrying by
Timothy Z.
We are profoundly aware that worry harms our bodies, our minds,
and our relationships, but most of
us struggle to stop our obsessive
thoughts. Mindscape builds a biblical, practical action plan for changing your mind based on Paul's rich
exhortation in Philippians 4:8. Simple, clear, and pastoral, Mindscape
offers worriers real-life guidance
for replacing worry with a new way
of thinking. Chapter-by-chapter
application questions make Mindscape perfect for personal reflection or small group use.
Seeking a Better Country:
300 Years of
American Presbyterianism by
D.G. Hart and
John R. Muether
Seeking a Better Country is a readable and lively survey of American
Presbyterianism since its founding
in 1706. Its aim is not to celebrate
but to understand how Presbyterians formed one of the largest and
most influential denominations in
the United States, and those historical developments that led to their
decline. It is a trenchant assessment
of the Presbyterian legacy in the
United States by two leading conservative scholars and should be on
the bookshelves of pastors and
students alike.
Fellowship News
“And there is salvation in no
one else, for there is no other
name under heaven given
among men by which we must
be saved.”
Acts 4:12
The Smith Community fellowship group will meet on
Monday, April 13th at 6:30 p.m.
at Teresa Harvey’s home.
All men are invited to our Men’s
Group which meets each Sunday
morning at 8:30 a.m. On April 19
we will begin a new study of the
Old Testament book of Judges
based on Tim Keller’s book,
“Judges for You”. Books are $12
each. Come join us. There’s an
open seat and a cup of coffee waiting for you.
Girlfriends in Faith
“But love your enemies, and do
good, and lend, expecting
nothing in return, and your
reward will be great, and you
will be sons of the Most High,
for he is kind to the ungrateful
and the evil.”
Luke 6:35
“And whatever you do, in word or
deed, do everything in the name of the
Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the
Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17
Girlfriends in Faith met at Faith
Presbyterian Church on Saturday
morning, March 28th. We enjoyed
a brunch gathering with wonderful
food and fellowship! Thank you,
Ellen Brown, for an inspiring devotional.
Our next gathering will be Monday,
April 27th, at 6:30, at the home of
Teresa Harvey. We will be enjoying cool salads for our supper. If
you have never attended before,
consider this your special invitation
to join us. If it’s been awhile since
you’ve come, let us welcome you
back with open arms. If you are a
regular, we are so thankful for you.
We look forward to seeing every
girlfriend there!
We have lots of excellent books for sale on display in the sanctuary. If you would like to purchase one, simply put the money
in the bowl on the display. Prices start at $1.00 and go up.
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Session News
Stated Session Meeting
Faith Presbyterian EPC
March 19, 2015
Present: Frank Baggett, Mark McClelland, Jim Timpson, Steve Norton
Moderator: Matt Allison
Under Old Business:
 Staff updates (Music Director, Pianist): Position offered. Waiting for applicants decision on what the Lord wants
them to do.
 Worship– Bob Smith - Monthly Moment for Missions to be implemented.
The Session reviewed the upcoming
calendar and prayer concerns.
 April 2– Maundy Thursday service at
7:00 pm.
 April 5– Easter service at 11:00 am.
 April 16– Session meeting at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Steve Norton, Clerk of Session
Building Committee and Finance Committee updates: Session recommended a
ceiling dollar amount to building team
taking into consideration the Funding
Team’s loan suggestion.
 Ministry Planning Day follow up: Final
Financial News-March, 2015
Donations: $29,621
items of team goals submitted to Matt
Expenses: $14,422
Under New Business:
Building Fund
to date:
Insuring new piano - Piano is fully
Presbytery meeting at Signal Mt.
EPC on May 1-2. Matt Allison
needs to know who is going to
attend by next session meeting.
Guest minister on April 26th. Matt
Allison will be out of town.
Our churches can’t
be Spirit-led unless
they’re Word-fed. A
church that’s dependent on the
Spirit’s power in its
worship will be
committed to the
study, proclamation, and application of God’s Word
in its personal and
congregational worship. The Word and
the Spirit were never meant to be separated. In fact God’s
Spirit is the one who
inspired God’s
Word… God’s Spirit
and His Word go
By: Bob Kauflin Reference:
Worship Matters, Crossway
Books, 2008, p. 89-90.
Ministry Committee Reports
 Administration– Frank Baggett - finalized 2015 budget.
 Christian Education– Matt Allison minutes sent to session members.
 Congregational Nurture– Jim Timpson
- no report given.
 Outreach - Mark McClelland– committee met 3/17/15. Minutes of meeting
presented to session. Committee recommends we begin support of Christian
Women’s Center in Griffin at $100/
month. Session approved.
Jesus said to her, “I am the
resurrection and the life.
Whoever believes in me,
though he die, yet shall he
live, and everyone who lives
and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
John 11: 25-26
Pa ge 5
F ai th Sp eaks
Building News
Faith EPC's building program is beginning to pick up steam. The funding
team has been hard at work and met
with the Session discussing various
factors involved with financing our
building project. They are continuing
to work on a credit package that will
be submitted to prospective lenders at
a later time. Andy Martin and the
design team are in the beginning stages of determining the basic needs of
the church as to square footage, floor
plan, etc. in this initial building
phase. As our excitement increases,
hopefully so will our prayers. It is very
important in this start up phase that
we proceed in "one accord" asking
God to be our leader and guide. Being
in the primary stages of planning, everyone please remember that there will
be discussions and changes as we go
along. We will endeavor to provide information and updates on
as timely a basis as
possible. Please remember to check the
bulletin board.
Cleaning Crews for April
4/3: Bob & Bev Smith, Debbie
4/10: Terry & Laura Clotfelter
4/17: Becky Fowler, Dorothy Miller,
Vicki Dobbs
4/24: Jim & Mary Allsobrooks, Albert &
Peggy Campbell
Cleaning Crews for May
5/1: Alan & Janet Dennis
5/8: Wylene Eason, Suzy Skelton, Linda
West, Effie Wanzer
5/15: David & Vicky Rodgers
5/22: Matt & Colleen Allison
5/29: Janice Baggett, Pat Beard, Pat
Pastor’s Message (continued from p. 1)
and one day when Christ returns, it
will be no more.
Isn’t that glorious news? In
sports lingo, the resurrection of
Jesus is a game-changer. Now that
the tomb is empty and Christ is
risen, there can be no question (as
if there ever was) as to the triumph
of God’s glory. So let us joyfully
proclaim the gospel of our Lord’s
resurrection: “Christ is risen! He is
risen indeed!”
Maundy-Thursday Worship Service April 2 at 7 p.m.
Easter Sunday Worship
Service April 5 at 11 a.m.
(no men’s group or Sunday School)
On Sunday, April 19, you’re invited
to a new Sunday School class which
will meet at 9:30 a.m. in the room
to the left of the sanctuary. David
and Vicky Rodgers will be our leaders. The class will begin with an
excellent DVD series by James MacDonald titled Developing the Disciplines of a Sincere Faith. MacDonald introduces believers to spiritual
disciplines that will help them develop a closer walk with God. What
does it mean to live as an authentic
follower of Jesus? Learn to follow
his example by practicing the spiritual disciplines he used to maintain
a close relationship with his Father.
Discover how much you can grow in
Christlikeness as you pursue the
practices of Bible study, prayer,
fasting, fellowship, service, and
Wedding and Shower
Michael Smith, son of Bob and Beverly Smith, and Mallory James will be
married on April 25, 2015, in Corolla, North Carolina. The bride and
groom both reside out of state and
will not be visiting McDonough prior
to their wedding. We would like to
“shower” them with gift cards. Michael and Mallory are registered at
Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond. If
you would like to participate in the
gift card shower, please have your
gift card (or cash) to Pat Beard or
Laurie Brannan by April 12th. The
gift cards will be placed in a box, gift
wrapped and presented to Bob and
Beverly. Feel free to include your
own card with your gift card or be
sure to sign the card that Pat and
Laurie will have to go into the box.
Haley Arnold and Cameron Dennis,
son of Alan and Janet Dennis, will be
married on June 7, 2015, at Nash
Farm. A Miscellaneous Bridal Shower
will be given on Sunday, May 3rd, at
2:00 pm at the church. Haley and
Cameron are registered at Bed, Bath,
& Beyond, Target, and Belk’s. The
shower will be hosted by Brooke
Echols, Paula Patterson, Betty Cox,
and Peggy Thomas.
Thank you!
A HUGE thank you to the person responsible for the gift of
the Yamaha baby grand piano to
Faith EPC. It is a beautiful instrument that will be used in our
worship each Sunday.
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General News
Listen to R.C. Sproul’s daily 30
minute broadcast at
www.ligonier.org. It’s a great
source of teaching and food for
the soul. While you’re there,
check out a wealth of online
resources that will deepen your
faith and walk with Christ.
Outreach News
Youth News - continued
April Events 4/4 - Easter egg hunt at the home of
Skeet and Jere Echols
On Wednesday nights the youth are
beginning a study on Reformed Theology with an introduction to historical
events and the people God used to
bring about the Protestant Reformation. They will be watching a video
series called “Amazing Grace: The History & Theology of Calvinism” followed
by the movie “Luther”. After that, the
students will be reading and discussing
Brian Cosby’s book, “Rebels Rescued:
A Student’s Guide to Reformed Theology”.
As always, fellowship and snacks begin
at 6:00 pm with the study starting at
7:00 pm.
Our Mission of the Month for April:
Melba’s Manor Maternity Home
We’ll be collecting baby care products,
diapers, and personal hygiene products.
Items can place in the chest beneath
the book display.
A group will be going to Jesus’ Place
on Sunday, April 5, 2015. Feel free to
join in this inspirational visit.
Thank you to everyone who
took a packet for the Spiritual
Gifts inventory. We’ve had a
great response. If you’ve completed your inventory, please
contact Andy Martin [email protected] or
Vicky Rodgers [email protected] and set up a
time to go over it with them.
Volunteers Needed:
The date for the next Frisbee Ministry dinner is April 16. If you
would like information about volunteering for a couple hours or
would be able to provide a dish for
the dinner, please contact Vicki
Dobbs at : [email protected].
We are in need of volunteers to provide
refreshments (simple cookies/juice nothing fancy) for our fellowship time
between Sunday School and worship.
Please speak to or email Laurie Brannan
if you have any questions. The sign up
sheet is posted on the bulletin board by
the hall doorway.
[email protected] (work)
[email protected] (home)
In case you haven’t met her, please
be sure to stop by the nursery and
welcome our new nursery attendant,
Miranda Barnett.
The purpose of Jesus' death was to
glorify the Father. To be willing as
the Son of God to suffer the loss of
so much glory Himself in order to
repair the injury done to God's glory by our sin showed how infinitely
valuable the glory of God is. To be
sure, the death of Christ also
shows God's love for us. But we
are not at the center.
Author: John Piper
Reference: Desiring God, Bethlehem Baptist
Church, 1996, p. 264, used by permission .
“Know therefore that the LORD
your God is God, the faithful
God who keeps covenant and
steadfast love with those who
love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand
Deuteronomy 7:9
Pa ge 7
F ai th Sp eaks
The Burnetts:
Dear family and partners in prayer,
May this letter find you fully assured in all the will
of God, and “Bearing fruit in every good work and
increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Col.
1:10b).The Lord has answered our prayers most
Since we arrived in Medellin in January, we have
been greatly blessed:
On Feb 6-8, the first From Embers to a
Flame conference was held with the Colombian Presbyterian Church. Pastors, elders and
leaders from fifteen churches came from different
churches. God willing, we will begin working with
them by teaching the workshops for Christian education from May 16 to 24. Pastor Roberto Argel is also
inviting many pastors, teachers and leaders from
different denominations to attend the workshops. We
are also working with Bobby Wilson to try and coordinate a second “From embers to a Flame” conferences with the churches in their region by October.
We will meet with the director of the Northwest
Region of Antioquia on March 12: Please remember
us in prayer for this time as we are going to have the
opportunity to learn more about the churches in a
region where the violence in Colombia has left so
much desolation. Pastor Dionisio is the director there
and he is planning to travel to meet with us in Monteria where we are going to train the teachers of the
Community of Christian Schools.
PRAISING GOD: for all of you, Gracias! Thanks for
partnering with us with your prayers! Your love,
support, and letters fill our heart with joy and
strength. After one month of searching, we have
found an apartment in Rionegro. It is a good central
location near the airport which services Medellin.
Special Prayer Request:
parts of Colombia representing the central region.
It was a three day retreat with time spent seeking
the Lord and meditating in His Word. On the last
day the director of the Central Presbytery, Pastor
Dimas Cañon, encouraged the entire assembly to
renew their vision and commitment to the Lord.
He later invited us to go to the main cities within
the central presbytery: Daveiba, Bogota Medellin
and Bucaramanga to train teachers in Christian
Education (especially for children).
Pastor Efren Martinez from Bucaramanga came to
us after the conference to talk about the revitalization ministry in his church and shared his desire to
keep growing in a biblical model. Pastor Efren
asked us to plan to have a retreat with his church
from June 19 to 22. This will begin a follow up
process for “fanning the flame”, where we will be
joining Bobby Wilson and the Embers ministry
from Briarwood to serve as coaches to participating churches here in Colombia.
Church Planting movement in the Caribbean: We met with the director of the Caribbean
region on Feb 10-11. Pastor Roberto Argel flew
from Barranquilla to meet with us and Bobby.
Thanks be to God for this godly servant who after
50 years as a pastor is still serving the Lord. He is
leading his church in the planting of 7 new churches and we were encouraged to see this work is
already underway. They also have a Bible Institute
where they want to implement the Third Millennium curriculum. The first day after returning home,
Pastor Roberto sent us an email where he said he
had already called all the elders and pastors of his
region asking them to pray for God to open doors
for church revitalization and growth in their
1. Please pray for guidance as we look at
developing a church revitalization coaching
ministry here in Colombia. This is a vital follow
up to the From Embers to a Flame ministry as
we have been told, only 10% of churches make
any significant changes without it.
Our work and adapting to the local
church here in Rionegro.
Gary & Jackie Burnett
The “Smiths”:
“For to me, to live is Christ and
to die is gain. “
Philippians 1:21
Considering all the incidents of unrest that
have been happening all across the Middle East,
I have been thinking about this verse a lot. I
wrote it out and posted it on the window in
front of my kitchen sink last year. It reeled me
back into the reality of why I am here, especially when I was distracted by all the work involved in raising a family, specifically the roughly 15 hours per week that I spent washing
dishes. The verse reminded me of how much
joy I have in Christ. Also, what honor it is to
have the opportunity to share the freedom
from bondage through Him to local women.
It helped me consider it all joy: Consider it
pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever
you face trials of many kinds, because you
know that the testing of your faith produces
perseverance. Let perseverance finish its
work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4
Lately the verse has taken a new and deeper
meaning for me. It has helped me as my
heart grieved in meditation over the cost of
the call. I cried before the Lord, begging Him
to give us true and meaningful opportunities
to share His name. I thought and prayed, if
the price is so high that some have lost their
life for sharing the Gospel, then I want our
time here to count!! I am noticing that since
I’ve been praying that, He has increased my
opportunities to share. Please pray for me to
have deep conversations with those whom
The Lord arranges for me to meet.
Last week we traveled to attend a local
wedding in a city about a day’s drive away.
While in the city, we met with some old
friends of ours, other Kingdom workers.
They had previously shared with us that the
Lord had guided them to six different believers in their city, who had come to the Lord
in miraculous ways, and without the intervention or help of any Kingdom workers.
The new believers all had different stories,
but had similar needs for discipleship. Our
friends gave them an Arabic worship CD
that was produced by my home church and
features one of my younger sisters. They
told me the new believers are going around
town listening to Arabic worship music in
their cars! This December, my youngest
sister released a new worship CD. I plan on
sending copies to the new believers so they
may have 2 Arabic worship CD’s instead of
just one.
Knowing Gulf believers will be listening to
music made by two different sisters of mine
got me thinking about God’s larger picture.
The Lord is Amazing in His work. His hand
is mighty to reach to the ends of the earth.
In the 1970’s the Lord called my mother to
be a nurse at a missionary hospital here in
the Arabian Gulf. She was only 16 years old.
Because she was only 16, she wanted some
guidance from one of the elders in her
church, so she went and visited her uncle.
Continued on pg. 8
“For our sake he made him
Happy April
to be sin who knew no sin,
Keith Lovern
Shirley Connell
so that in him we might
Debbie Stephenson 4/5
become the righteousness
Haskell Thomas
of God. “
Sam Coffey 4/18
2 Corinthians 5:21
Jonathan Hunt 4/22
The “Smiths” continued:
To the glory of God, Faith
Presbyterian Church has been
called together to faithfully
proclaim the Gospel, to make
and equip disciples for Christ,
and to advance God’s
Kingdom in our families,
Choir News
Please join us for a beautiful time of
praise and worship through music.
The Choir rehearses Wednesday evenings, 7:15-8:30 pm.
community, and world.
Pastor Allison may be reached at:
Cell: 678-544-8544
E-mail: [email protected]
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you
richly as you teach and admonish one
another with all wisdom, and as you
sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs
with gratitude in your hearts to God.”
Colossians 3:16
After she shared with her uncle what she felt
the Lord had told her, he instructed her not
to breath a word of it to her father, who was
ill and favored her most of all his children. He
said it would be too much for him to handle.
He also told her to abandon this idea entirely.
The role and calling of a young Christian Arab
girl is to get married to a Christian man and
raise a household of believing children to the
Lord, he said. She obeyed and never spoke of
it again, but the Lord persisted. My mom did
get married and had 5 girls. Of those five girls,
I am here, serving the Lord in the Gulf with
my husband and my four daughters. One of my
sisters made significant personal sacrifice to
support us getting here and continues to pray
for us regularly. Another sister and her family
have communicated often that they pray for us
daily, and almost always host us when we return to the US to visit family. My other two
sisters have each released Arabic worship
music albums, which have been given to Gulf
Arabs who are now following Christ. Our God
is a God of faithfulness through the generations. His call can take many forms and can be
a blessing in lives of those he still wants to be
in relationship with. He is faithful.
~ “Mrs. Smith“
Church Membership
Faith Presbyterian Church is a
congregation of the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church (www.epc.org)
and the Presbytery of the Southeast
If you are interested in joining Faith Presbyterian Church (EPC), you may do so
by a profession of your faith in Jesus Christ, by a re-affirmation of your faith, or
by a transfer of your membership from another church. Please speak with the
Pastor or an Elder concerning your desire.