
Office: 608-253-3241
Website: www.TrinityDells.org
E-mail: [email protected]
Vacancy Pastor: James Laatsch
Principal: David P. Sellmeyer 254-2258
Faculty: Enith Bailey
Laurie Jonas, Diane Luba
Secretary: Heidi M. Klave
Sunday School Supt.–Betty Gudenschwager
3 Sunday of each
All Saints’ Week
October 29 & November 2, 2014 A.D.
Almighty and everlasting God, You knit together Your faithful people of all times
and places into one Holy Communion, the mystical body of Your Son, Jesus
Christ. Grant us so to follow Your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living
that, together with them, we may come to the unspeakable joys You have
prepared for those who love You; through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and
reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
For Christians, we know how beautiful it is to live life with faith
in Jesus, so the mission of our congregation is to always be a part of connecting
people to Jesus.
HYMNS: Wed: 666, 655, 656
Sun: 677, 678, 946, 625, 622
SERMON: Pastor Laatsch
Revelation 7:9-17 p. 1323
1 John 3:1-3
p. 1311
Matthew 5:1-12
p. 1034
“But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable,
gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits,
impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is
sown in peace by those who make peace.”
Welcome to Trinity and our worship service. All are welcome to commune who:
Believe that Jesus Christ is their personal Savior from sin because He died on the cross
to pay for their sins.
Who have been taught and share in the Lutheran understanding that the Body and
Blood of Christ are truly present and received by the participants to grant forgiveness
of sins and strengthening of faith. (1 Corinthians 11:27-29)
Are repentant of their sins and desire, with the help of God, to change the way they
think and act.
If you are not a member of an LCMS church, please talk with pastor before communing.
A SPIRITUAL CONCERN: As Missouri Synod Lutherans, we have some
spiritual concerns especially for those taking communion.
Here are some examples of these concerns. Many people in our
world today live together without the benefit of marriage. There
may be people desiring to take communion that are from a
different faith. Our spiritual concern is based on 1 Corinthian
11:27-29 here we are reminded not to take communion in an
unworthy manner, because we will eat and drink a judgment upon ourselves. Our
spiritual concern is that this doesn’t happen to you. If this is a concern for you
please talk with the Pastor or Elder before the worship service. When coming up
for communion if you are not confirmed, make the sign of an X with your arms
over your chest so we know not to give you Communion but to share a blessing
with you instead. Thank you!
What’s happening with the Call Process?
AT THE VOTERS’ MEETING: It was voted to extend a Call to Pastor
Matthew Gehrke as Trinity’s next pastor. He will be visiting Trinity on Nov.
4th. Please keep him in your prayers as he considers this Call to Trinity.
Women of all ages will enjoy a weekend dedicated to crafting. Participants
may choose between creating cards and gifts using stamping or preserving
memories through scrapbooking or work on your Quilting, Knitting, or
Crocheting projects all weekend. When you arrive you will be given table
space to call your own for the weekend. The cost for this retreat is $99 per
person which includes housing, workspace, make & takes, and five meals. A
Saturday only rate is offered for $50. For more information or to obtain a
registration form, visit www.luwisomo.org or call (920) 622-3350
SUNDAY SCHOOL NEEDS teachers for various Sundays. For more info.
and to sign up see the bulletin board in the ramp hallway.
ORGAN FOR SALE: The organ in the narthex (that used to be used here at
church) is for sale. If anyone is interested please contact Orpha Reifsteck.
Confession & Absolution
Pastor: Beloved in the Lord… call upon His name.
Congregation: We confess that we are children of Adam and therefore have
lost the righteousness You gave us when You made us in Your image. We
have sinned against You in our thoughts, our words, and our deeds, and
deserve nothing but grief, shame, and eternal separation from You. Yet we
are heartily sorry for all that we have done amiss, and all that we have failed
to do. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, be gracious and
merciful to us, and restore us once again into Your image, that we may walk
before You free from blame and glorify Your holy name.
Pastor: Almighty God has indeed had mercy on us …in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Congregation: Amen.
The members of the Board of Elders
Sun 11/2 –Adult Study 8:30am,
are here to assist Pastor in the
Worship w/ HC 9:45am
spiritual care of the congregation. If
you have any questions, comments or
Mon 11/3concerns please feel free to contact
Tue 11/4– Altar Guild 6:30pm
one of the Elders. Your Elders are:
Wed 11/5- Bible Study 3pm, Confirm 5pm,
Dave Hammerly 254-4077
Adult Choir 6pm, Worship 7pm
Randy Gardner 219-0879
Thurs 11/6- SS Teacher Mtg 6pm
Glen Griggel - 253-2370
Fri 11/7 –
Patrick Leege – 432-1689
Sat 11/1Sun 11/2 –Adult Study 8:30am, Worship w/ H.C. 9:45am, Birthday Fellowship
Elder: Wed-Randy Gardner Greeter: Dave Leege
Elder: Sun-Dave Hammerly Greeter: LeRoy & Marge Zimmerman
Musician: Wed- Vivian Sellmeyer Sun- Enith Bailey
Wed – 67 Sun – 68 Total last week = 135
All Saints Day is a universal Christian Feast that honors and remembers all
Christian saints, known and unknown. The celebrated date is November 1st. It is a
day to glorify Jesus Christ, who by his holy life and death has made the saints holy
through Baptism and faith.
Members of the Lutheran church usually spend the day thinking about friends and
relatives, both deceased and living, and being thankful to God for them.
A saint, in the Lutheran Church, is anyone who believes in Jesus Christ, who tries
to live an exemplary life and is an example of what everyone else can aspire to.
In everyday use, the word saint is usually applied to the elderly, children who
behave well, people who work hard, and people who usually have cheerful
dispositions. The Lutheran Church considers all who believe in Jesus Christ, both
living and dead, to be saints.
Explain to children the meaning and importance of All Saints Day as a Lutheran.
Perform activities with them to help them understand the significance of this day.
For instance, sing hymns and read stories of people in the Bible and tell stories
about people you know who are good examples of saints according to Lutheran
Read more : http://www.ehow.com/how_2061626_celebrate-all-saints-day-as.html