Business News - Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce

The Official Publication of the Fall River Area
Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Inc.
MARCH 2015
see pages 12 & 13
2015 Fall River Chamber of Commerce Co-Title Sponsors
2015 Gold Sponsors
2015 Corporate Sponsors
2015 Silver Sponsor
Chair of the Board: Craig Jesiolowski, St. Anne’s Hospital
Chair Elect: Carl Garcia, Carl’s Collision Center, Inc.
First Vice Chair: Brian LeComte, Gold Medal Bakery
Second Vice Chair: Curt Nelson, Nelson Insurance & Financial Services
Treasurer: Roger Cabral, Bristol County Savings Bank
Clerk: Monte Ferris, Quality Inn Somerset & Venus de Milo
Immediate Past Chair: Scott O’Brien, O’Brien Plumbing & Heating
President and CEO & General Counsel: Robert Mellion, Esq
Corner Office............................................................................3
Chamber Business Calendar...................................................4
Welcome New Members.........................................................9
Upcoming Seminars...............................................................17
Business After Hours............................................................24
Term Ending in 2015
Linda Baker, Baker Sign Works
Dan Balboni, Complete Recycling Solutions
Anthony Medeiros, Mechanics Cooperative Bank
Rick Medeiros, Pawtucket Red Sox
Marty Montleon, Diman Regional Vocational High School
Jason Rua, Rua Dumont Audet Insurance Agency
John Sbrega, Ph.D., Bristol Community College
Term Ending in 2016
Steve Canessa, Southcoast Health Systems
Charlie Fellows, Lafrance Hospitality Company
Bill Perkins, People Incorporated
Doug Rodrigues, CPA, DE Rodrigues & Company
Lisa Stratton, The Herald News, GateHouse Media, N.E.
Matthew Schondek, Fall River Municipal Credit Union
Matt Zenni, Liberty Utilities
Term Ending in 2017
Jo Ann Bentley, Jo Ann Bentley - Architect
LoriAnn Taylor Branco, Center for Sight
Nick Christ, BayCoast Bank
Rebecca Collins, Collins Construction
Dr. Angappa Gunasekaran, Ph.D., Charlton College of Business at UMASS Dartmouth
Michael Lund, Borden Light Marina
Carl Sawejko, Sawejko Communications
Business News
Scan to view the
Chamber’s website
The "Business News" is published monthly by the Fall River Area Chamber of
Commerce & Industry. The opinions featured in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of Chamber staff nor of members of the Chamber Board of
Directors. This newspaper is printed at the Newport Daily News. All letters to the
editorial page must be signed and include a phone number. All submissions are welcome and should be sent via e-mail to [email protected].
Frank Marchione, President, FROED
Kenneth Fiola Jr., Esq., Executive Vice President, FROED
Business News
Robert A. Mellion, Esq., President, CEO, & General Counsel
Kimberly Coroa Moniz, Vice President
Ron D’Angelo, Manager of Business Development
Marilyn Almeida, Director of Operations & Finance
Kerri Ostapow, Manager of Communications
Christian Frederick, Intern
Mission Statement
The mission of the Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to be the
primary business and community information source for its members and the public; to
provide networking opportunities for its members; and serve as an advocate, on behalf of
its members, at the local, state and federal government levels.
Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Inc.
200 Pocasset Street | Fall River, MA 02721 | Phone: 508 676 8226 | Fax: 508 675 5932
Page 2
The Massachusetts Small Business Development Center
(MSBDC) Network provides one-to-one free comprehensive and confidential services focusing on, business growth
and strategies, financing and loan assistance as well as strategic, marketing and operational analysis. In addition, low cost
educational training programs are offered across the state
targeted to the needs of small business.
Melinda Ailes,
Senior Business Advisor
Alison Moriarty,
Administrative Assistant
Clifford Robbins,
Senior Business Advisor
Jill Beresford,
Senior Business Advisor
Daniel Lilly,
Government Sales Advisor
Nancy Lowd,
Senior Business Advisor
Anne Fenton,
Client Services Coordinator
Massachusetts Small Business Development Center Network
200 Pocasset Street | Fall River, MA 02721 | Phone: 508 673 9783 | Fax: 508 674 1929,
Corner Office
by Robert A . Mellion, Esq., CEO of the Fall River A rea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Inc.
Business News
monthly newspaper publication
- reaches 4,000+ per month -
Business Connection
monthly Herald News column
- reaches 45,000+ per month -
Voice of Business
weekly radio show
Wednesdays 1-2PM, 1480AM
- reaches 25,000+ per month -
World of Business
weekly radio show
Thursdays 4-5PM,
WHTB 1400
Workforce Connection
Chamber’s Official TV show
in partnership with
Bristol Community College
- Aired monthly on FRC Media Channel 95
Fridays at 5:30pm
Chamber Website
latest business & community news
- over 4,000 hits per month -
Chamber Social Media
social networking site
Tourism & Visitor
Information Center
Sponsored by:
Page 3
Business News
District in Massachusetts. The
spotlights in the Business News
Chamber also aided in securing
monthly newspaper and free parbroadband communication serv- ticipation at networking events.
ices for the Fall River Industrial
A local business may also benefit
The Fall
Park. Helping to build a new
by attending or producing a
River Area Cham- water tower to service the north- business seminar or workshop.
ber of Commerce ern part of Fall River, which will Most are free to attend for
and Industry was include the newly announced
Chamber members.
established in 1911 Amazon.Com distribution cenThe bottom line is that
as a non-profit organization cre- ter, was another Chamber the Chamber is a significant part
ated by businesses to serve as a
of the dark matter which makes
catalyst and advocate for busiAdvocacy is a large part of a positive difference for all area
nesses. The Chamber’s purpose the Chamber’s work. At the state businesses. Who would be there
is to help businesses be success- and federal levels, the Chamber
for businesses if the Chamber
ful. In the final analysis, the
is leading the charge to reduce
did not exist? The answer is no
Chamber is the only organizathe cost of energy. Passage of a one. It is why I humbly and sintion that makes every effort to
Massachusetts energy policy is
cerely ask that all area businessimprove the local business cliat the top of the priority list. The es support their Chamber of
mate and support area business- Chamber also is currently work- Commerce through memberes. We do so with no financial
ing to secure relief for Fall River ship. Membership in the Chamassistance from federal, state or
from the Federal CSO mandate. ber matters.
local government.
Supporting local businessWhile much of what the
es is the basis of all we do at the Respectfully,
Chamber does on a day by day
Chamber. An example is our
basis is hard to observe the end
establishment of a Chamber
result is tangible. During the
Health Insurance Cooperative.
past 5 years, the Chamber has
Another value of membership is
successfully advocated for a
one of the Chamber’s cost savRobert A. Mellion, Esq.
reduction in the commercial tax ings electricity purchasing proPresident and CEO
shift rate throughout the Fall
grams that can lower your comFall River Area Chamber of
River area. The reduction on the pany’s monthly electric bill. An
Commerce & Industry, Inc
tax shift for commercial proper- additional benefit is unlimited
ties has saved local businesses
use of the Chamber’s member to
thousands of dollars each year.
member discount program.
The Chamber also partnered
There are over a hunwith the City of Fall River to
dred discounts on
establish a $10,000 commercial
services that area
personal property tax exemption companies or their
aimed at assisting small busiemployees use every
nesses. In 2013 the Chamber was day.
Airing every Wednesday from 1:00PM-2:00PM
instrumental in revising the ZonThe Chamber
ing Ordinances of Fall River so
also helps area comthat they are more business
panies make money
friendly and transparent.
through the referrals
Business attraction and
of member businessretention continue to be top pri- es. Additionally,
orities. That is why the Chamber many complimentary
worked to establish the formabusiness services are
tion of incentivized zones for
provided to members
express development such as the such as notary public
Waterfront District, a new Medstamping, certificates
ical Zone and the largest 43D
of origin, member
Chamber Media
March & April
(All meetings take place at the Chamber unless otherwise noted)
Goverment Affairs
3/23, MON,
Executive Committee
3/25, WED,
Board Meeting
3/26, WED,
State of Business Breakfast
McGovern’s 7:30am
4/8, WED,
4/10, FRI,
Education Committee
4/14, TUES,
Membership Committee
4/17, FRI,
Goverment Affairs
4/27, FRI,
Cultural Committee
4/27, MON,
Executive Committee
4/29, WED,
Board Meeting
4/30, THURS,
Events Committee
Business News
3/20, FRI,
Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry
200 Pocasset Street | Fall River, MA 02721 | Phone: 508 676 8226 | Fax: 508 675 5932,
Page 4
Space for
at the Fall
River Area
Chamber of
For more
Business News
Massachusetts Tax Foundation Report: The T Is at the End of Its Line
The MBTA’s fiscal and structural problems are so severe
and pervasive that marginal reforms will no longer suffice,
according to a new MTF report released today. The MBTA has
reached the end of its line and needs a comprehensive rescue
plan before there is any discussion of new revenue. The report,
The T: The End of Its Line, demonstrates that what happened
this winter was not simply a meteorological fluke that disrupted
the T’s operations – it was a stress test that brought to light
underlying financial, managerial, and structural weaknesses.
The report details an ever-widening gap between operating
expenses and T revenues – attributable in part to costly expansions – that has left the Commonwealth on the hook to pay for
more of the T’s operations out of general revenues. It also
describes the T’s similarly growing dependence on the state to
cover escalating maintenance and other capital costs, some of
which the T is unable to quantify.
The T’s dire state is indisputable, and all agree that it must
be fixed to serve the people and economy of the Commonwealth. As enticing as a quick fix may be, first and foremost the
state must determine the full size and scope of the system’s challenges and needs. “We know the T is broken, but we don’t know
just how broken,” says MTF President Eileen McAnneny. “We
also know that past reform efforts have not brought stability.
Despite understandable public frustration, we should resist seemingly simple fixes until we have a far clearer and more accurate
assessment of what needs to be fixed, which the T itself is
unable to provide at this time.” For example, the MBTA recently
acknowledged that the State of Good Repair (“SGR”) backlog
has more than doubled since 2009, growing from $3 billion to
$6.7 billion. The T’s prolonged silence on the doubling of the
SGR backlog raises serious doubts about the management of the
T’s asset database system, the criteria used to prioritize maintenance projects, the maintenance procedures employed, the T’s
capacity to complete $500 million of SGR projects annually, and
the lack of urgency to rectify these problems.
Page 5
Business News
Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
BOSTON, MA 02108-5170
FAX 617-720-07992
The MTF report underscores the need for careful evaluation
before policymakers jump at some proposals made in the wake of
the T’s winter collapse. It notes, for example, that while the T’s
debt burden is heavy, shifting that debt to the Commonwealth
does not solve the T’s structural operating gap nor would it
increase total capital capacity to fix its infrastructure.
Rigorous review and diagnostics of the T problems are essential
to crafting long-term and effective T fixes. Among other things,
the MTF calls for:
= Tying FY 16 state contract assistance to the release of updated state-of-good repair backlog data;
= Conducting a detailed audit of the MBTA’s maintenance protocols;
= Requiring an independent financial audit of the T and a
review and recommendations to improve T maintenance priorities and procedures;
= Halting expansion contracts for the remainder of 2015 (this
does not apply to the Green Line Extension, which is already
= Reforming T procurement practices, including a two-year
moratorium on limits imposed by state anti-privatizations laws;
= Reexamining the MBTA’s governance structure.
“Despite years of reports and warnings, problems at the T
have been allowed to reach the level of dysfunction that we have
now all experienced,” says McAnneny. “The financial burden on
the Commonwealth is too high and the importance of the T to
the state’s economy is too great to allow this decades-long problem to worsen.”
The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation is a nationally recognized, independent, nonprofit research organization whose purpose is to promote the most effective use of tax dollars, improve
the operations of state and local governments, and foster positive economic policies. Over the past 15 years the Foundation
has won 16 national awards for its work on health care access
and costs, transportation reform, business costs, capital spending,
state finances, MBTA restructuring, state government reform,
and municipal health reform.
Community News
Thomas M. Quinn III Hosted a Ceremonial Inauguration Event
Page 6
Business News
Although officially sworn into office as Bristol County District
Attorney during a private ceremony at the Fall River Justice Center on the
day of his appointment in mid-January, Thomas M. Quinn III hosted a
ceremonial inauguration event on February 25th at Bishop Connolly High
School in Fall River.
The event was attended by approximately 500 people from
throughout Bristol County, including mayors, police chiefs, legislators,
select board members, school committee members and leaders from various social service and business agencies. District Attorney Quinn was
honored to be joined on stage by Gov. Charlie Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, Attorney General Maura Healey, members of his family and a handful
of top prosecutors from his office.
The Master of Ceremonies for the event was District Attorney
Quinn's brother, Andrew Quinn, and those in attendance were lead in
prayer by both Rev. Dr. Robert P. Lawrence, who performed the invocation, and Bishop Edgar M. da Cunha, who presided over the benediction.
Gov. Baker presented a brief speech prior to administering the
oath of office to District Attorney Quinn. During his remarks, the governor called District Attorney Quinn the people's district attorney, referring
to the numerous phone calls and letters he received urging him to make
former Gov. Deval Patrick's temporary appointment of Mr. Quinn as district attorney a permanent appointment.
Lt. Gov. Polito also spoke of numerous meetings she had with
leaders from throughout Bristol County, who all spoke glowingly of District Attorney Quinn's vast experience in the criminal justice system. Lt.
Gov. Polito administered the oath of office to District Attorney Quinn's
legal Leadership Team; comprised of Deputy District Attorney William
McCauley; Co-First Assistant District Attorneys Patrick Bomberg and
Karen O'Sullivan; Chief of Homicide Division Dennis Collins, Deputy
Chief of Homicide Division Katie Rayburn and Deputy Chief of the
Superior Court Jennifer St. Laurent Sowa.
During his Inaugural Address, District Attorney Quinn took the
opportunity to thank Gov. Baker for crossing the aisle in making this
appointment, and for showing faith in him both as a prosecutor and as a
leader. The district attorney also thanked all the members of the public
and his family for their strong show of support during the intervening
weeks between former District Attorney Sam Sutter's resignation in late
December and District Attorney Quinn's permanent appointment three
weeks later. He specifically addressed the more than 100 members of his
office who banded together to send a joint letter to the governor and
make dozens of phone calls on his behalf without his knowledge or
request for them to do so.
The new district attorney also laid out an aggressive agenda for the
office, with a focus on continuing and amplifying upon many of the successes he was deeply involved in during his eight years as the Co-First
Assistant District Attorney during the previous administration. In addition
to continuing the important work of solving homicides at a rate that far
exceeds the national average, winning convictions in more than 90 percent
of murder trials, reducing gun violence through the use of dangerousness
hearings for illegal gun felonies and leading an office wide volunteer initiative that has resulted in more than 20,000 hours of community service
during the last seven years; the district attorney also said he will focus on
issues of domestic violence, bail reform and updating a nearly 50-year-old
state wiretap statute that is out of touch with today's emerging technologies.
Shown in the picture are (left to right) DA Thomas M. Quinn III, Sharon Quinn, Mass. Gov. Charlie Baker and Mass. Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito
Business Seminar
Business Risks:
Keeping a Successful Business Successful
On Tuesday March 31st RDA Insurance and
Nelson Insurance & Financial Services held a seminar at the Chamber in the Board Room 2nd floor at
8 am registration at 7:45 coffee and muffins were
Business News
Many business owners spend years getting their
business “off the ground.” Once the business
begins to succeed many owners fail to address common risks that all business entities face. This presentation identified the risks associated with new and
existing businesses, and solutions to deal with these
risks. Some of the topics that were discussed: identifying the pitfalls of workers compensation insurance, lost business income, a businesses exposure to
cyber attacks etc.
Chamber businesses of all sizes were encouraged to attend.
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Welcome New Members
Minuteman Health
Iz Schwartz Appliance
Roger’s Coney Island, Inc.
Commonwealth Firearms & Training Center
Jay’s Wine and Spirits
Page 9
Community News
Financial Literacy Taught at St. Philomena’s School
Business News
On Wednesday, February 25th St. Anne’s Credit
Union’s Kelly Baldwin (Marketing & CRA Officer) and
Kayleigh Holt (Marketing Assistant) visited two second
grade classrooms at St. Philomena School in Portsmouth,
RI. The two Credit Union employees were at the school to
teach the students about saving, spending, donating and
investing. The second graders had a lot of great questions
and were able to share some of the things they are saving
for and some of the ways they have donated their time or
money in the past. At the end of the lesson each child
received a Penny the Pig savings bank in the hopes that they
can start being smart savers now. The opportunity to visit
St. Philomena School came about due to the fact that St.
Anne’s Board of Director Colleen Brady-O’Neil’s son
Stephen is currently a second grade student there.
Shown in the picture are (in the back row left to right) Kayleigh Holt, Marketing Assistant; Kelly
Baldwin, Marketing & CRA Officer; Mrs. Hedden, St. Philomena School 2nd grade teacher; along
with Mrs. Hedden’s class.
For more information
contact The Fall River Area Chamber Of Comme
Page 10
Business Advice
What to do with rollover funds
At some point, many people with retirement
or employer-sponsored investment accounts will
be faced with the decision of what to do with
rollover funds. This can happen when you
change jobs and cash out a 401(k), or when you
retire. In either case, it’s important to think
through your options. Ideally, it’s best to choose
a strategy that meets your retirement needs, minimizes the impact of taxes, and avoids penalties.
Leave it where it is.
You may want to keep funds in your employer’s plan until you
reach the plan’s retirement age, if that’s an option. This may be ideal if
you want to take advantage of certain investment options or managed
money services available in your existing plan. Your funds will remain
tax-deferred and can later be moved to a new employer’s qualified plan
or an IRA.
Take the taxable distribution.
Depending on your situation, you may choose to withdraw the
Pictured: Berto Cabral
Please note this is a general overview, and tax funds from your 401(k). Although you will have immediate access to
your savings, there are a few things to consider when taking a lump-sum
laws can be tricky, so be sure to talk to an accountant and/or tax attordistribution.
ney before making any financial decision.
First, your money will no longer have the potential to grow taxdeferred. Second, it will be subject to ordinary state and federal income
Roll it over.
One possible option is to directly roll your entire distribution into taxes. Additionally, if you are under age 59½, a 10% IRS penalty may
a new Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or an employer-sponsored
Please note: Rollovers must be completed no later than the 60th
401(k). Either one would allow you to continue to defer taxes and enable
day after the day you receive the distribution.
you to continue building your retirement savings for the future.
No Boundaries—to Employment
Rita lost her remaining vision and partial hearing in her
left ear. Still, she has never let her disability deter her
from accomplishing her goals. Currently a program
analyst for the US Food and Drug Administration in
Atlanta, Rita provides recommendations on streamlining procedures to increase worker productivity. She also
helps the Web Management and Accessibility team take
usability to the next level by focusing on making program Web pages easier to navigate for individuals who
Pictured: Mitchell Zhan
use assistive technologies. She also chairs the Commissioner’s Advisory Committee for Employees with Disabilities and serves on the
Diversity and Quality of Work Life Committee in the Atlanta district.
Outside of the office, Rita mentors youth with disabilities and frequently
volunteers with the blind community. “I tell people it’s important to have F-EA-R,” which she says stands for: Focus and follow through; Education; Attitude;
and Risk. Rita admits that sometimes the FEAR factor is hard for her to follow,
too. Overall, she says it’s important for individuals with disabilities to focus on
what they can do.
Looking for someone with Rita’s drive? Massachusetts Rehabilitation
Commission works with people with disabilities who want to work. We have
candidates who are trained and motivated, who may be your next best-qualified
candidate for your open position. If you are recruiting, call your local MRC
office; in the Greater Fall River Area, call (508) 678-9041.
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Business News
An intern, an energetic five-year-old and a current receptionist at the
White House. These individuals, among others, have been featured in’s “No Boundaries” Photo Project. Introduced four years ago, the
series has profiled 12 individuals with disabilities, capturing the diverse skills, talents and life stories of each. Since then, their photographs have appeared in disability marketing materials, including fact sheets, posters and public service
announcements. This spring, four individuals with disabilities who showcase
employment success will be profiled.
One of the individuals featured in past projects is Rita Harrison. Harrison lost her vision gradually as a result of Retinitis Pigmentosa, an eye disease
that deteriorates the retina. Growing up in Minneapolis, people in her community didn’t know how to deal with individuals who were blind. At the age of 15,
she was asked to leave school, and instead of graduating with her class, Rita
earned her General Education Development credential. After much persistence,
she was accepted to a small business college where she earned a Certificate in
Business Administration.
Rita began her professional career as a procurement clerk for the US
Department of Agriculture in Minnesota. Since computer-aided assistive technologies didn’t exist in the early 1980s, she used a movable copyholder and reading glasses to help her prepare, track and distribute documentation for the
agency. Rita recalls how amazed her managers were at her productivity. Later she
learned they had watched a video about employing someone who was blind –
but they had low expectations about the person’s ability to complete job-related
Following intensive rounds of chemotherapy for breast cancer in 2000,
Benefits of Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce Membership
Chamber membership is more than having a voice for local businesses.
The Chamber can be a rainmaker for your company. That is why the
benefits we offer at the Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce and
Industry are specifically tailored to increase a member company’s productivity, efficiency, access to information and influential people, and
above all, generate new revenue streams.
The Chamber Health Insurance Coop is a group purchasing program
that makes health insurance more affordable for Chamber member
businesses with 1 to 50 full-time employees. Any small business that is
a Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce member is eligible to participate the Chamber Health Insurance Coop. The Chamber can also refer
your company to an experienced insurance broker who can assist in
identifying the best plan that meets your needs.
Our outstanding Member-to-Member discount program is the talk of
the region. It allows business owners and employees from each Chamber member business the opportunity to receive at a discount from participating businesses just by presenting their membership card. The
Chamber has also negotiated many affinity partnerships designed to
save your company many in advertising, e-commerce, office supplies,
legal fees, etc. Massachusetts has the highest cost of energy in the United States. While advocating to reduce the cost of energy the Chamber
has also made available several energy cost savings programs for small
and large businesses. An example is a cost saving collaborative option
made available through the SouthCoast Electric Power Group
(SCEPG). SCEPG is administered by the Chamber for large scale energy users.
Center and SCORE. Both agencies have offices in the Chamber building. The Chamber also provides referrals to SEED, MassDevelopment
Corp., and the Fall River Office of Economic Development (FROED).
The Chamber partners with a variety of business professionals to present seminars, forums and trainings. They are all focused toward the
needs of your company. All seminars are either free, or offered at a
reduced cost to Chamber members.
To help you grow your business the Chamber offers a variety of business networking and social events throughout the year. These events
are free to Chamber members. They are designed to generate less formal occasions for introductions, information sharing and provide new
business leads and growth potential.
Each member receives a free listing in our membership directory that
also serves as a regional tourism guide. Additionally members get a free
listing on our website directory at We also
offer an updated printed membership list upon request.
There are many ways to link your company to the Chamber brand.
High impact marketing opportunities include the “Voice of Business,”
a Chamber produced weekly radio program on WSAR1480AM; the
“World of Business Segment” radio program, on Radio Voz do Emigrante/WHTB1400AM, which connects the Chamber with the SE
Massachusetts and Rhode Island Portuguese speaking community; the
“Workforce Connection,” a Chamber cable access television program;
the “Business Connection” a monthly editorial page in The Herald
News; the “Business News,” our monthly newspaper publication; sponsorship of events; placement in our website directory and many other
media partnership opportunities.
Business News
The Chamber receives requests every day for business referrals and references regarding health insurers, manufacturers, service providers,
restaurants, tourist attractions, builders, realtors, attorneys, accountants,
plumbers, retailers, etc. The Chamber refers and promotes members in
good standing. The Chamber also frequently learns of opportunities
that may not be known to the general population. Make sure the Cham- MUCH MORE
ber promotes and links your company to referrals and other opportuni- Notary public services are provided by the Chamber free to members.
ties by being a Chamber member.
Certificate of Origin stamping is another free benefit. The Chamber
also provides free employment and classified ad listings for Chamber
members on our website, and there is so much more!
The Chamber assists new or existing businesses with grand openings
and ribbon cutting ceremonies. We add to your special event by pubThe Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry serves as the
lishing it in our monthly Business News newspaper that is circulated
Voice of Business since 1911. For information on member benefits call
throughout the Fall River to Providence metro region.
508.676.8226 or visit
The Chamber works every day to connect individuals and businesses
with our partners at the Massachusetts Small Business Development
Page 12
2015 Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry Membership Drive
business and we can introduce you to dozens of entrepreneurs that
may just be able to help your business or know others that can. Taking
part in the Chamber, like with anything else, is all in what you make of
it. Take a chance this April and see for yourself why people are starting
to realize that this is no longer our Chamber-it’s your Chamber now,
and we are all here for the betterment of all businesses, large or small.
Please go to and click the “member center”
tab and select “join the Chamber”. You can print that form and when
completed, send it right over to the Chamber. Your membership will
help keep us strong and allow us to continue the fight into proper zoning in the city, improving the tourism structure in the region and providing a level of advocacy that businesses cannot afford to do themselves because they are trying to make their businesses successful.
For more information on joining the Chamber, please call Ron
D’Angelo at 508-676-8226 or via email at
[email protected].
Page 13
Business News
The Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry will be
conducting its annual Membership Drive Thursday, April 30.
While many people assume that the Chamber is funded through
local, state or federal tax dollars, the Chamber receives no financial support from any government agency and relies strictly on its membership
to stay strong and viable in the community.
Benefits of Chamber membership include Chamber Healthcare
Co-op savings, free Notary Public and Certificate of Origin Services,
business referrals, the popular member to member discount program,
free attendance at monthly networking events, free Business Spotlight
in our monthly newspaper the Chamber Voice and much more.
Newly joining members will secure significant discounts off
website development, professional headshots, auto-detailing and repair,
radio and newspaper advertising and gym membership as well as gift
If you are a business in the Fall River Area-that includes
Seekonk, Swansea, Somerset, Rehoboth, Tiverton, Westport and other
towns, the Chamber can help you improve the way you market your
Business News
Mechanics Cooperative Bank Launches Community Grant Program In Support of Local Non-Profits
with $25k in Prizes!
Matthew Schondek, President and
Chief Executive Officer of Fall River
Municipal Credit Union, is pleased to
announce the promotion of Stephanie
Medeiros of New Bedford, MA.
Ms. Medeiros has been promoted to Operations Manager. Ms.
Medeiros has been with the Credit
Union since 2010 and has her Master
of Public Policy degree from UMass
Dartmouth. In her former role as Branch Manager, she oversaw the daily
operation of the Lakeville and Assonet offices of FRMCU.
In her new role as Operations Manager, Ms. Medeiros will be
responsible for overseeing the Account and Loan Services Departments.
This area of the credit union deals with deposit and loan account processing, debit card and ATM activity, aiding customers with inquiries and
required account reporting. Ms. Medeiros will also oversee the collection
efforts of the credit union.
“Stephanie Medeiros’s appointment to the role of Operations
Manager will continue to enhance member relations.” stated Mr. Schondek. “Stephanie is a very hard worker who will work to guide her staff to
respond positively to member needs and
Ms. Travassos has also been promoted to Assistant Branch Manager
and has worked for FRMCU for six
years, most recently as a Head Teller.
In her role as Assistant Branch
Manager, Ms. Travassos will be interacting with members on a one-to-one
basis as well as assisting the branch manager with the daily responsibilities of running a branch. Her day to day responsibilities will also
include helping members with account openings and loan applications and to make the member experience at FRMCU first rate.
Fall River Municipal Credit Union is celebrating 85 years of
serving the greater Fall River Community. FRMCU where we are
focused on you the member.
Fall River Municipal Credit Union is celebrating 85 years of
serving the greater Fall River Community. FRMCU where we are
focused on you the member.
Million Award
Business News
Fire Systems Inc., a fire alarm Engineered Systems Distributor, was presented with the 2014 MultiMillion Award for having had more than a million
dollars in system equipment sales. Notifier, a division
of Honeywell, the world’s largest manufacturer of
commercial/industrial fire alarm systems, has presented Fire Systems Inc. with annual awards for more
than 10 years due to high sales volume and exceptional service of Notifier products.
Fire Systems Inc., a life safety systems company
celebrating its 30th year in business, has offices in
Dartmouth, MA and East Providence, RI and has
been the areas’ leading distributor of Notifier products since 1987.
(L-R Gary Lanowy, Vice President Sales; Cheryl Barrett, CFO: Charles Barrett,
Page 14
Chamber Member Spotlight
Big Ezy
Big Ezy has been a non-profit charity orginization for
almost 3 years. They help area artists with entertainment
skills, bookings, management and promotions.
Producing two community talent shows they are now
working on their third. This Community Talent Extravaganza
is offered to local young performers and it has been very
successful with the area children.
Big Ezy Entertainment is providing a service that sets
them apart from others. They provide this service to help
area children stay out of gangs and stay off the streets. They
are also helping to make positive changes with our communities young people.
Along with helping young artists show their talent they
offer tremendous prizes to the top performers and pride
themselves on their impartial judging at their Community
Talent Extravaganza Events.
Big Ezy is looking forward to the future. They hope to
own their own facility were they can expand to help more
local artists. Helping these artists with their music, choreography and design skills is their purpose and mission.
For more information about Big Ezy contact Patricia
Nunes at [email protected].
Business News
Southcoast Health and Townsquare Media team up to present
second annual Radiothon fundraiser to benefit pediatric care
benefit the children of the region for many years to come.
Southcoast, in collaboration with Boston Children's Hospital, provides pediatric care to children and families across the South Coast
region. The pediatric program includes the kid-focused emergency room
and inpatient hospital care at St. Luke’s, and consultation provided for
pediatric patients at Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River and Tobey
Hospital in Wareham.
For more information or to make an online gift to the Townsquare
Media and Southcoast Health Radiothon, please visit Donations can also be made by calling 508973-1111.
About Southcoast Health & Southcoast Hospitals Group
Southcoast Health is a community based health delivery system
with multiple access points, offering an integrated continuum of health
services throughout Southeastern Massachusetts and East Bay, Rhode
Island. It includes the three hospitals that make up Southcoast Hospitals
Group — Charlton Memorial Hospital in Fall River, St. Luke’s Hospital in
New Bedford and Tobey Hospital in Wareham.
Southcoast provides advanced clinical services, such as
open heart surgery, angioplasty and heart rhythm services, comprehensive
cancer care, neurosurgery, weight loss surgery, plastic surgery, hand surgery, orthopedic surgery, advanced imaging services and is the only
provider of maternity services in the region.
Southcoast is a not-for-profit charitable organization that depends
on the support of the community to provide services. More information is
available online at Connect to Southcoast through
social media at
Southcoast® is a registered trademark of Southcoast Health System Inc.
Page 15
Business News
Southcoast® Health and Townsquare Media (Fun 107 and
WBSM) are proud to announce that the second annual Townsquare
Media and Southcoast Health Radiothon will take place at St. Luke’s
Hospital in New Bedford on Friday, March 20, from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The event will help raise funds to support Southcoast Health’s regional
pediatric program.
“One of the core reasons Fun 107 and WBSM exist is to serve our
South Coast community … our fellow neighbors. What better way than to
make sure our children have access to world class healthcare close to
home? Every penny of our Radiothon will be spent providing healthcare
to kids. Our advertisers and listeners love supporting the Radiothon
because all of the money they donate benefits people right here on the
South Coast,” said Michael Rock, Operations Manager for Townsquare
Media New Bedford.
Broadcast live by Fun 107 and WBSM, the Townsquare Media and
Southcoast Health Radiothon will feature compelling stories from Southcoast patients, parents, doctors, nurses and staff, as well as guest commentary from community leaders and business owners. Generous sponsors, physicians and local celebrities will be answering the phones during
the Radiothon – many of whom have already pledged their support to this
“We are excited to partner once again with our friends at Fun107
and WBSM to broadcast the Radiothon to our communities,” said Jack
Dresser, Senior Vice President for Philanthropy and Volunteer Services at
Southcoast Health. “The generous support of the listeners will help us do
so much more to improve the lives of children who come to our hospitals
and clinics for care. We are grateful for each and every donation we
receive through this Radiothon.”
The Radiothon’s goal is to raise funds to support Southcoast’s
regional pediatric services. All monies raised stay in the community from
which it came, helping to create a long-term healthcare structure that will
Business Advice
By: Michael L. Miozza
Keys to Workplace Environmental and Safety Law Facility
Housekeeping and Organization: Developing a Systemic Approach
I recently visited a very large out-of-state manufacturing company to conduct a safety assessment. This company manufactures a
product for a well-known national chain. As I walked around the
facility, I was amazed at how unorganized and dirty the facility was.
Trash cans overflowed, debris was strewed in the aisles, and a half
inch of dust collected on pipes and machinery. You could immediately tell this was years of neglect. Poor housekeeping can cause slip,
trips and falls and can also lead to fires.
As I walked around I wondered if the national company had
ever been in the facility and what did they think. Then I put my
OSHA hat on and thought what an OSHA compliance officer would
think of this dirty, unorganized facility. I’m willing to bet he or she
would conclude that if the company did not care about the cleanliness of the facility they certainly could not care about employee safety. Additionally, OSHA has a standard that states the employer shall
establish and maintain good housekeeping practices to eliminate hazards to employees to the extent practicable. It is likely this facility
would receive an OSHA citation.
In my career I have been fortunate to work for companies that
have addressed facility organization and cleanliness by implementing
the Japanese housekeeping program called 5S. 5S is a workplace
organization method that uses a list of five words - "sort", "straighten", "shine", "standardize", and "sustain" and it has been my firsthand experience that is very successful when implemented correctly.
Below is a brief bulleted list that describes each word.
Business News
The first word is “sort” means:
•Remove unnecessary items and dispose of them properly
•Make work easier by eliminating obstacles
•Reduce chance of being disturbed with unnecessary items
•Prevent accumulation of unnecessary items
•Evaluate necessary items with regard to cost or other
•Remove all parts not in use
•Segregate unwanted material from the workplace
The second word “straighten” can also be translated as "set in order"
or "streamline" and means:
•Arrange all necessary items so they can be easily selected
for use
•Prevent loss and waste of time
•Make it easy to find and pick up
necessary items
•Ensure first-come-first-served basis
Page 16
•Make workflow smooth and easy
The third word “shine” can also be translated as
Pictured: Michael L. Miozza
"sweep", "sanitize", or "scrub"
•Clean your workplace completely
•Use cleaning as part of the facility inspection
•Prevent machinery and equipment deterioration
•Keep the workplace safe and easy to work
The fourth word “standardize” means to:
•Standardize the best practices in the work area.
•Maintain high standards of housekeeping and workplace
organization at all times.
•Maintain orderliness. Maintain everything in order and
according to its standard.
•Everything in its right place (a place for everything and
everything in its place)
•Every process has a standard.
The final word “sustain” means to:
•To keep in working order
•Perform regular audits
•Training and discipline
All types of businesses can benefit from having a 5S program.
Realistically you probably will need to spend some extra money to get
your 5S program going. Start off small by implementing the program
in one department. When employees see a disorganized, messy area
turn into an efficient and effective operation they will jump on board.
With an investment into a 5S program the results you can expect
from the program are: improved profitability, efficiency, service and
safety. There is much information on the internet to explain the benefits of 5S implementation. It’s worth the look.
Michael L. Miozza has directed the environmental, health and safety systems for several
major corporations and has over twenty years of experience in the area of regulatory
compliance.He is nationally recognized as a Certified Safety Professional and a Certified
Professional Environmental Auditor. Michael is the founder of Health and Safety Solutions, Inc. a provider of health, safety and environmental compliance solutions. Michael
is the author of the book, “Safety Doesn’t Have to be Difficult!” found on Amazon.
For more information, please visit or call (508) 4157127.
Business Seminars
Establishing & Managing International Channel Relationships
Most exporters depend on channel partners, such as distributors
or sales reps, to generate sales in overseas markets. In fact, an exporter’s
success in an overseas market is often directly tied to the effectiveness of
the company’s channel partner in that market.
Effectively negotiating and structuring contracts with these partners is equally critical for achieving profits and growth while minimizing
confusion, disputes and poor performance. This webinar will provide tips
for finding reliable overseas partners and providing the support and
motivation they need in order to effectively generate sales.
The webinar will also provide guidance for achieving a win-win
agreement and relationship with overseas channel partners. Specific topics to be discussed include identifying, qualifying, managing, supporting
and motivating overseas channel partners; effectively managing contract
negotiations; sales and performance requirements; exclusivity; essential
contract elements; dispute resolution alternatives and more.
The program will also include real-world examples and best practices from an exporting firm who will discuss its strategies for success.
This webinar will benefit top management, international sales and marketing staff, export operations staff, and in-house counsel.
Speakers include:
Pamela Hoffman, Principal – Hoffman Channel Sales
Richard Meyerhoff, Vice President of Global Channel Management & Sales
L-3 Communications
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2015
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. EST
Location: Webinar
Cost: $50
Contact: Massachusetts Export Center at 617-973-8664
Don't Be That Boss: How to Avoid Common Employer - Employee Mistakes
Learn how to avoid some of the most common mistakes that
small businesses owners make in managing their employees.
Through fictional and entertaining case studies followed by interactive group discussions, this legal workshop will focus on mistakes that
business owners make when they hire new employees and mistakes that
they make in handling their problem employees. It is intended both for
owners of existing businesses and for those who are thinking about starting a new business.
The speakers will be Jan Glassman and Joel Sowalsky from Daily
General Counsel, PLLC.
Business News
Date: Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Time: 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.
Location: Enterprise Center at Salem State University, 121 Loring Avenue,
Suite 106, Salem
Cost: Free
Contact: Laurel Costello at 978-542-6343 or [email protected]
Page 17
Business News
CliftonLarsonAllen Announces Staff Promotions in
New Bedford Office
Business News
CliftonLarsonAllen is pleased to announce career milestones for four of our professionals in our New Bedford
office. The following individuals have been promoted and
have new titles:
• Jessica R. Sawyer, Director, Commercial Services
• Nicholas S. Pawlowski, Manager, Commercial Services
• Christopher M. Jacobsen, Manager, Manufacturing
• Jessica R. Platt, Principal, Commercial Services
We are proud of our people as they grow in their
careers and serve our clients with more knowledge and
About CliftonLarsonAllen CLA's 3,600 people are
dedicated to helping businesses, governments, nonprofits,
and the individuals who own and lead them. From offices
coast to coast, our professionals practice in specific industries to deliver audit, tax, consulting, and outsourcing capabilities best aligned with our clients' needs. Integrated wealth
advisory services address their personal financial goals, and
our international resources help organizations successfully
enter and compete in all markets, foreign and domestic. For
more information, visit Investment advisory services are offered through CliftonLarsonAllen Wealth
Advisors, LLC.
Page 18
Business News
Wednesday, 3/25, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: Bristol Community College - G Bldg.
Sponsored by: ABC Disposal
Thursday, 4/9, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 4 S. Main Street, Fall River
Sponsored by: People Inc.
Thursday, 4/30, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 999 Reed Road, N. Dartmouth
Sponsored by: My Brother’s Keeper
Thursday, 5/28, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: Battleship Cove
Sponsored by: St. Anne’s Credit Union
Wednesday, 6/24, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 333 Milliken Blvd., Fall River
Sponsored by: Fall River Municipal Credit Union
Thursday, 7/9, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 13 N. Main Street, Fall River
Sponsored by: Dunny’s Saloon
Thursday, 7/30, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: Tipsy Seagull
Sponsored by: Borden Light Marina & Tipsy Seagull
Wednesday, 8/26, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 330 Swansea Mall Drive, Swansea
Sponsored by: BayCoast Bank
Thursday, 9/24, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 100 Old Faunce Corner Road, N. Dartmouth
Sponsored by: Toyota of Dartmouth
Wednesday, 10/28, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: 79 N. Main Street, Fall River
Sponsored by: Bank Five
Thursday, 11/19, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: Venus de Milo, 75 Grand Army Highway, Swansea, MA
Holiday Fund Kick Off
Thursday, 12/17, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: White’s of Westport, 66 State Road, Westport
Sponsored by: White’s of Westport
MassDOT RMB & AAA Public
Private Partnership Brings RMV
Services to Somerset
Friday, March 6, 2015, Massachusetts
Department of Transportation (MassDOT)
Registrar of Motor Vehicles Celia J. Blue
and executives from AAA Northeast (AAA
NE)Gathered in Somerset to announce the
latest AAA Registry Services location to
begin providing RMV license and registration renewal services to members.
“The Registry is committed to public private partnerships and consumer convenience; increasing the number of AAA locations offering core Registry services will help accomplish both of these
important objectives,” said Mass DOT Secretary & CEO Stephanie Pollack.
“Our model for delivering extraordinary customer service relies on
meeting our customers where they are,” said Registrar Blue. “AAA is a wellknow and trusted organization; our partnership will save time for all customers as AAA members take advantage of these new services.”
“The expansion of the AAA/RMV partnership into six additional
AAA offices provides added convenience and choice for Massachusetts’
motorists, “according to AAA Northeast President and CEO Mark A. Shaw.
“Launching the service in our Westwood, Rockland, Newburyport, Burlington, Somerset and Newton offices should be beneficial to all RMV customers across the Commonwealth,” he added.
AAA members may renew or get a duplicate license or ID card, register their passenger vehicles or commercial vehicle under 55,000 pounds.
New AAA services include the commercial renewals, as well as registration
amendments and transfers, and duplicate titles. For a complete list of transactions, visit AAA offers its members the only in-person, RMV services available on the weekend, Saturday mornings from 9am1pm.
RMV services are now available at AAA NE locations in Burlington,
Framingham, Newburyport, Newton, Rockland, Saugus, Somerset, South
Dennis, Westwood and Worcester. Transactions at the Boston AAA location
are no longer available. Expansion locations were selected based upon customer volume and proximity to existing RMV branches.
The expansion of public-privatepartnerships is included in the
RMV’s recently released 10 Point Customer Promise. The customer promise
comprises current, ongoing and future initiatives that the RMV has in development to better the Registry experience. At the core of the promise is the
effort to diversify our service delivery channels and provide extraordinary
customer service. Point six focuses on meeting customers where they are
through the continued pursuit and expansion of public-private partnerships
with industry partners like AAA, dealerships, driving schools, health care
providers and insurance agents.
More info: contact Kimberly Coroa Moniz
@ [email protected]
Page 19
[email protected]
Page 20
Business News
Business News
Fall River Area Leads
and Referral Groups
Bristol County Business Connect
Meets Friday Mornings 7:30am
Location: Rockland Trust
100 Slades Ferry Ave
Somerset, MA
Community News
YMCA SOUTHCOAST launches 2015 Annual Campaign to Help Strengthen Community
“Together We Can Do So Much More”
With great excitement and determination,
YMCA SOUTHCOAST has launched its 2015
Annual Campaign to ensure that everyone has
access to vital community programs and
resources that support youth development,
healthy living and social responsibility.
Every day, the Y works
to support the people and
neighborhoods that need it
most by addressing community issues such as
school readiness, chronic
diseases, youth/teen safety
and food insecurity.
“Throughout our communities, countless people
know the Y, but there’s so
much more than one might
think,” said Gary Schuyler, President and CEO
of YMCA Southcoast. “The Y is more than a
gym, it’s a cause. As a charity, we’re dedicated to
nurturing the potential of every child and teen,
improving the nation’s health and well-being,
and giving back and providing support to our
Last year, YMCA Southcoast awarded more
than $833,000 in YCares Financial Assistance to
individuals and families who would otherwise
would not be about to participate in Y programs.
This year, the Y hopes to raise an additional
$350,000 to help kids have a safe place to learn
and build confidence after school; help families
reconnect and grow together; and give people
access to wellness programs that help them reach
their full potential.
To learn more about how you can support
the Y’s cause and contribute to the 2015 Annual
Campaign, please visit one of our branches in
Dartmouth, Fall River, Mattapoisett, New Bedford, and Wareham or online at
The Y is one of the
nation’s leading nonprofits
strengthening communities
through youth development,
healthy living and social
responsibility. With five
branch sites serving more
than 37,000 people, YMCA
working to meet the needs of our community for
over 150 years. The Y engages people of all ages
– regardless of income or background – to nurture the potential of children and teens, improve
the nation’s health and well-being, and provide
opportunities to give back and support neighbors. Everyone is welcome at the Y and financial
assistance is available. For more information
about YMCA SOUTHCOAST, visit one of the
branches in Dartmouth, Fall River, Mattapoisett,
New Bedford, and Wareham or online at
Page 21
To take advantage of the savings, simply present your Buy SouthCoast card or Membership card and ask for the Chamber discount on your transaction with any participating
merchant. All of the below listed discounts are offered through the Member-to-Member
Discount Program. If the discount is marked with an asterisk (*), then it is also offered
as a Buy SouthCoast discount. For more information about the Member-to-Member
Discount Program or Buy SouthCoast, contact the Chamber at 508-676-8226.
Beacon Light Tavern
15% OFF Food Only
(508) 675-5044
Bless You Handkerchiefs
$500 OFF $499 TV Furniture Purchase or More
Blount Clam Shack & Company Store
10% OFF
Capone’s Chicago Style Pizza
10% OFF
(508) 672-6700
Halftime Sports Bar & Grille
*15% OFF food only
Complimentary event space
(508) 235-1106
Accurate Service, Inc
10% OFF storage
Admat Advertising
10% OFF Year online AD
Jerry Remy’s Bar & Grill
10% OFF food only
(774) 365-6905
At Your Service
*10% OFF
Nik’s Pizza
10% OFF
(508) 674-8440
Baker Sign Works
*10% OFF $500+
Patti's Pierogies
10 percent off international platter
(508) 679-4001
Business News
3rd Eye Photography
10% OFF and Free Initial Consultation
Battleship Cove
*20% OFF
10% OFF all purchases
Blackstone Valley Office Systems
Free Ipad Mini with any Lease or purchase
Popeye's Chicken & Biscuits
*10% OFF
Camara's Heating & Air Conditioning
10% OFF
Tipsy Toboggan
10% Discount
Canteen Kitchen
50% OFF Franchise and Royalty Fees
(508) 672-4822
Armand’s Carpet & Linoleum
*10% OFF carpet, vinyl, ceramic
Page 22
Cape Cod Dinner Train
*$10 OFF Elegant Dinner
Cayton Electrical Services
10% OFF
Use Code 49B7000
Comfort Inn & Suites
*10% OFF Room Rates
Fall River Modern Printing Co., Inc.
15% OFF
Children’s Museum of Greater Fall River
10% OFF Admisson
(508) 672-0033
Command Security Corp.
10 % off guard/concierge services
Common Sense Environmental
$100 OFF
Corporate Image Apparel Inc
10% OFF
D.E. Rodrigues & Co., Inc.
*FREE Initial Consultation
Dave’s Tire & Auto Service
*10% OFF parts with repairs
10% OFF Tires
Delken Dry Cleaning
*10% OFF
East Commerce Solutions
*10% OFF
Empire Hyundai, Inc.
10% discount on all parts and labor
15% discount on all accessories purchased at the parts
counter or service desk.
10% OFF Rental Vehicle
Fikes New England
10% OFF janitorial/office/general supplies
Fire Systems Inc.
10% OFF of parts
Gaspar’s Landscaping
*10% OFF
Guardian Pest Control, Inc.
10% OFF
General Fitness
*20% OFF all memberships
Gentlemen's Quarters
10% off services or products with initial visit only
Health & Safety Solutions
*10% OFF
Interactive Palette
10% OFF
Labor Ready
$50 OFF first order
Lazer Gate
10% OFF
Mallard & POPS Printing
Ask for Chamber Discount
All listed discounts are included within the Member-To-Member discount program. An asterisk (*) indicates a Buy SouthCoast Discount.
Meganet Communications
Somerset Decorating
Two Guys Barber Shop
*10% OFF, 1 Month Free
10% OFF
Save $2.00 on a Haircut (Regular price $14.00/Savings
Price $12.00)
Center for Sight
(508) 677-6717
*$50 OFF pair of eyeglasses
O’Brien Plumbing & Heating Co.
South End Sunoco
New England Clean Surfaces
10% OFF
20% OFF all labor work
10% discount tile and grout
Minimum $100 of work
cleaning and/or scaling
2322 S. Main St Fall River, MA
Pawtucket Red Sox
Stellar Web Production
*Buy 25 Flex tickets, save $25
*20% OFF hourly fee
Payroll Express
Sullivan Tire & Auto
We will beat our competitors pricing
*Full service regular oil change $19.95
Best Price Around
Performance Auto Center
Spindle City Auto Glass
*10% OFF
10% Off any services (Not included with any other offer)
(508) 677-3063
*$100 OFF Radiesse cosmetic
Eye Health Vision Centers
$500 off regular and customary price.
$100 offlowest discounted price
25% OFF advertising for new clients, Townsquare Media
Strive Gymnastics & Fitness, LLC
10% OFF*
Boys & Girls Club
15% OFF senior membership
Precision Mechanical, Inc.
10% OFF
Sylvan Animal Clinic
10% OFF All Services
Radio Voz do Emigrante
15% OFF
The Gutter Cleaning Company
5% OFF Servic (Must be mentioned at time of booking)
ReMax, Dawn Rusin
$500 off $100k+ closing costs
ThinkTech Computer
FREE 27-Point Network Audit
Saber TV
$50 off any $499 or more furniture purchase
TNT Cleaning Services
Two free residential rooms carpet cleaned/
10 % off any cleaning services with a contract
Sam’s Club in Fall River
$25 Gift Card with new or renewal plus membership
Town Car Travel Limousine
10% OFF
FREE Consultation
Somerset Chrysler Dodge Jeep
*First Month FREE
10% OFF Parts & Labor
Page 23
Business News
Sinel, Wilfand & Vinci, CPAs
For more information on Chamber
Membership or including your
business in the Chamber’s Member
to Member Discount Program
contact Ron D’Angelo at
To register call the
Chamber 508.676.8226
4/9, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: S. Main Street, Fall River
Sponsored by: People Inc.
3/25, 5:00pm-7:00pm
Location: Bristol Community College
777 Elsbree Street, G Bldg.
Sponsored by: ABC Disposal
After Hours
Fall River Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Inc.
200 Pocasset Street Fall River, MA 02721-1585
Business News
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 46
Fall River, MA
Current Resident or