Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 FBC News Family Bible Church 725 US Hwy. 27 North Marshall, MI 49068 Go, I am with you "...go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” -Matthew 28:19-20 It is scary and exciting. It is scary and exciting that God has chosen to use the church to be his voice, hands, and feet in this world. You and I (the church) are called to be a reflection of Jesus to the world. We may be the only Jesus people will ever see. It is scary and exciting for these very reasons. As individuals who make up the church (not just the local church i.e. FBC) we are called to join in the work Jesus is doing in the world. This work takes place in our homes, workplaces, church, schools, teams, social circles, and wherever we go. The Great Commission calls us to go into all the places of the world. Pastor a few weeks ago spoke about us being missionaries in our country and in our cities. This past week almost 40 Fight Club men were called to "go" into the world and be on mission with Jesus. Every day they were tasked to find a specific person (often a stranger) and do something from encourage them to ask how they could pray for them. May 2015 This week was powerful to a number of men. Personally a number of things were brought to my attention. Maybe you can relate to one, two, or all three of these. I spend lots of time in my car, office, and home which limits my opportunities to "go" and be Jesus. I can sit next to people and never engage them in conversation which could be fruitful and life giving. I make lots of excuses why I do not do certain things. Let me give you an example. Our task on Tuesday was to find an elderly couple to ask them their names and encourage them as the Spirit led. I quickly understood, in my car, office, and home, I was not going to find an elderly couple. During lunch I sat near an elderly couple, yet never engaged them in conversation. As I shopped for some items for an upcoming event, I passed numerous couples and never engaged them in conversation. Each time, I had an excuse why I did not talk to them. At the end of this week and as I completed each task, ministering with Jesus, I have found myself more engaged with what Jesus is doing around me. In this new week I am looking at people with a renewed compassion and wonder of how I can be Jesus to those God daily puts in my path. Interested in trying it out? If you take the challenge, see what God does in and through you. You might be surprised at what happens. As the Bible instructs us, "Go!" for he is with us. On Mission with Jesus Challenge: Day 1: Pour courage and encouragement into a young man or woman in your path today. Day 2: Shake the hand of an older man or woman in your path today. Ask how you can pray for him or her. Day 3: Find someone in the newspaper and pray for them. Contact him or her if possible to let them know you are praying for them. Day 4: Find someone working their job today. Tell them how grateful you are for them. Day 5: Find a fire, rescue, or police officer. Tell them how much you appreciate how they serve your community. Day 6: Find an elderly couple. Ask them their names and encourage them as the Spirit leads. Day 7: Contact someone at church you do not know well. Ask them how you can pray for them. May the Lord use this month in a mighty way for his glory in your home and in all the places you go! Kris Thank You! Dear FBC, Thank you for the beautiful plant that was sent to me in the ICU. Pastor Gerten‘s visits meant a lot to me as well. Thank you for all that prayed for my recovery. God is good all the time, Ellen Keehn Dear FBC, Thank you so much for the box of food and supplies! I appreciate the support! It came just before midterms so I used much of it while staying up late studying. I have been doing well at CMU. Thank you again for all your prayers and support. Caleb Kiessling Dear FBC, I would like to thank everyone for their gracious words, thoughts, hugs and acts of kindness given to me over the past several weeks, as I have been making the transition to the next phase of my life. I have been honored and blessed to be a part of the Family Bible Church Family, I will miss all of you and will miss serving our Lord along side of you. I pray for great things for all of you individually and corporately. Should any one of you find yourself in my “corner of the desert” please try and connect with me, I’d love to play host and tour guide. Elizabeth Ledyard (New Address as of May 8th: 10847 West Olive Ave Apt 1090 Peoria, AZ 85345) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 2 FBC News Student Ministries Sr.High Parents, You know you need to… but often do not know how to… and maybe you feel anxious, fearful or uncertain to… TALK TO YOUR TEENS. We will be bringing in a 5 week series called “Creating Positive Relationships” or CPR for short with Lori Zettell-Walker leading the conversation. This series will be on Sunday nights from 6:30 – 8:30 from May 17 – June 14. This is a program she has done in South Africa with the teens there. MISSION OF CPR: Building character in young people, empowering them to develop healthy relationships, benefitting their communities and society. VISION OF CPR: Through engagement with youth, their parents and communities, Creating Positive Relationships will profoundly impact cultural views on relationships and sexuality and empower young people to make positive choices. Overall Goals Develop positive character qualities and healthy relationships Learn communication and assertiveness skills Encourage abstinence or secondary abstinence Day 1 – Components of a healthy relationship, abstinence plan, defining sexual activity and the safe zone in dating relationships Worship Arts Day 5 - Recognize healthy communication skills, articulate different types of arguing, recognize characteristics of a committed relationship, challenge students to choose and maintain an abstinence goal Jr. High It is hard to believe but our Trek year is wrapping up this month. The students have journeyed through the Bible from Creation to the letters of Paul. They have spent time in the Word, in small groups discussing, praying for each other and also sharing in games and snacks. Thank you to Matt and Jessi Walker and Noah Smith for their leadership during the year! Although Trek youth group will be done until the next school year, the junior highers still have opportunities to connect and grow. Sunday mornings we invite your student to join us at 9am to learn to study the Bible. There will also be a number of summer events for your students. The calendar will be released soon. Until then here are a few gatherings and events: Every Sunday at 9am in the room next to the kitchen: Education Hour led by Rob and Jay Surber May 5th-Last night of Trek. Bonfire with hotdogs and smores. Games and more! May 12th-Awana Closing Ceremony June 5th-NF and Beacon Light Concert, Tickets $15 Day 2 – Create a personalized compatibility chart, define and recognize chemistry in a relationship May the Lord use this month in a mighty way for his glory in your home and in all the places you go! Day 3 – Articulate the qualities of a positive relationship, examine effects of sexual involvement, STI’s Kris Day 4 – Identify healthy/unhealthy relationships, discuss date rape, responses to dating situations Local Michigan Artists Showcased at Family Bible Church Michigan’s own Nate Feuerstein, known by NF, is set to be featured at Rev Fest 2015 on June 5, 2015 at Family Bible Church. NF captures a wide variety of hip hop enthusiasts but focuses his music on portraying a positive message centered on his relationship with God. NF was recently signed with Capitol CMG, the same label that hosts artists such as: TobyMac, Amy Grant, Micheal W. Smith, Matthew West and more. His newest album is available at the Family Christian Book store, it was the #1 Christian album and #9 Rap album on the Billboard charts. Beacon Light will be the opening act at Rev Fest. Beacon is making his mark in Hip Hop spitting a biblical perspective on real issues-self harm, racism, divorce and sexual abuse to bring hope to listeners. He has played at major Christian festivals including performances alongside Lecrae and Andy Mineo. He also serves as a worship leader at The Edge, a Hip Hop church in Grand Rapids. Event organizers Paul and Nina Baranowski view the Rev Fest as not only a fellowship event for the Christian community, but as an opportunity for all of us to REACH out to non-Christians. Rev Fest allows each one of us to plant seeds by inviting non-Christians into our church to hear the message of Jesus Christ. We hope that you can support this event by either attending or by planting a seed, consider sponsoring someone without the financial means to attend, purchase a pair of tickets for a stranger or non-Christian friend, family member or acquaintance, or by simply sharing the Rev Fest 2015 event on Facebook. Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 3 VBS 2015 June 15-19 9am-noon ORPHAN PACKAGES ARE DUE! NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER THURSDAY Volunteers are still needed in the following areas: Classroom leaders Crafts Games Picnic Please contact Joann Wendling 517-812-6670 or [email protected] Collection for packages will be May 17th and 24th in the west narthex. The Matipane Team will be taking the packages so no shipping is needed. **Please no lithium batteries or nail polish. WOMEN’S GATHERINGS Thursday May 14 MAY 7 @ 6:30pm COUCH TO 5K Meet at the Fountain for a prayer walk through town. If you do not plan on walking, please bring a chair. THANK YOU! Friday May 15 Movie Night and Pampering 7pm at the church Watch for details in the bulletin May Birthdays Drew Deitrich 2 Elliana Olds 11 Bonnie Laing 27 Abby Fox 2 Lauren Robinson 11 Lisa Grenier 30 Emzy Collins, Jr 1 Samuel Kiessling 2 Doris Locke 12 Charles Kazmar 31 Lillie Edlund 2 Nicholas Meister 3 Mary Marshall 14 Birdie Joseph 2 Fred Chapman 4 Seth Jones 15 Ethan Smith 2 Max Rutz 5 Brendon Parks 15 Garrett Moore 5 Rob Surber 5 Mary Doane 17 Joann Wendling 6 Cathy Rosich 6 Kenyan Smith 17 Sharon Hills 7 Matthew Peters 21 Caye VanZandt 7 Emily Doane 22 Emberlyn Faulkner 8 Matthew Parks 23 Dan McFadden 8 Mary Fedders 24 Denise Glassburn 9 Stacy Meister 24 Alyssa Kersjes 9 Elayna Moreau 26 June Birthdays Education Corner The whole month of May the children will be studying “Isaiah, Prophet to Judah”. Isaiah, a prophet from Jerusalem, prophesied to the kings of the Southern Kingdom, Judah. Because God loved His people, He sent prophets to warn them to repent but also to give them hope. The people did not listen. God’s promised Messiah comes out of David’s family and is described in Isaiah’s prophecy. Some questions to start conversation with your children after each lesson would help solidify their understanding of what they just learned: May 10 - How could Isaiah stand before God? May 17 - Who is our Immanuel? May 24 - How should we pray? May 31 - Why did God’s servant have to suffer? This Units Key Passage is: Isaiah 53:6 “We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all”. Read this passage with your children and encourage your children to memorize it as they go through this unit! Children’s ministries will be seeing a couple of great changes to check-in on Sunday mornings. Our morning check-in will change locations starting May 17 and will be located just past the kitchen down the education wing. This change is to bring about positive change to promote a more secure environment for the children of FBC. As we make (Continued on page 4) Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Our Mission Reaching as many as possible; Developing fully committed followers of Christ; May 2015 Serving Christ and the World Family Bible Church 725 US Hwy. 27 North Marshall, MI 49068 Phone: 269-781-8400 Fax: 269-781-5119 Service Times: 9:00a.m.-Traditional 10:30a.m.-Contemporary We’re on the Web! (Continued from page 3) this change we ask for your understanding and prayers - Thanks! Calendar of Events May 3– FBC Renewal Class 9am 7—National Day of Prayer 6:30pm at the Fountain 10– Happy Mother’s Day! 11—Ladies Prayer Group 1pm @Shirley Works home 14—Women’s Couch to 5K 15—Women’s Movie Night and Pampering 7pm @ church 16– Light House Food Pantry 10amnoon 17—Matipane Missions Support Meal after 2nd service 25– Memorial Day– Office Closed 29– Fight Club Graduation 7pm 31-Graduation Sunday during second service During Sunday School the children will begin their morning all together with a paper activity, bible drills, etc. During the check-in process. Our morning will proceed with song, pledges, and offering in the youthroom at 9am and the children will go to their classrooms for lesson as usual. During Creation Kingdom the children will begin in their classroom with crafts during the check-in process. At 10:30 each class will walk with their leaders to opening in the youthroom where they will sing, say pledges, take offering, and grade-school will have their lesson after preschoolers have been dismissed. Preschoolers will have their lesson back in their new room that will be located next to the kitchen. Once the grade-schoolers return to their classroom they will continue to work, as a class, to memorize the key passage and spend time in prayer. The new element of our classroom time for the children will be “mission” focused. During this time the children will watch a video on missions, have a discussion, be encouraged to have a “Jesus conversation”, and be given a different idea on how to serve throughout the week. These encouragements will look different every week and are not a means to limit but to encourage the kids to witness and serve to bring God Glory throughout their week. If you would like more information on the changes taking place, please feel free to stop and ask me. I always welcome questions and always love to talk! A look ahead for Awana: 5/5 Catch Up/Awana Store Night— get those last verses in and spend those Bible Bucks 5/12 Awana Ceremony—families are encouraged to attend, clubbers must wear their uniforms. Children's Ministries still has volunteer positions that need to be filled. If you are interested in serving in the Children’s Ministries, have been attending for 6 months or more, and have a personal relationship with the Lord we would love to have you join our team. Current needs for Sunday School (9am service): Rotational Preschool teacher Nursery Opener Current needs for Creation Kingdom (10:30 service): Preschool helpers Nursery 4th/5th leader We are already gearing up for VBS – See Joann Wendling or myself if you are interested in helping! Because Kids Matter to God, Lisa Marsman
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