Welcome Card October 26, 2014 -

Dave Buller, Pastor
Rachelle Petersen, Family Pastor
Welcome Card
 New Address
7620 SW 21st Street
Topeka, KS 66615-1500
(785) 478-2929
a Mennonite Brethren Church
October 26, 2014
Mr ___ Mrs ___ Ms ___
Name ___________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
City / State / Zip ___________________________________
Home Phone _____________________________________
Work or Cellular Phone _____________________________
October 26, 2014 - 10:45 a.m.
Scott Petersen
*Worship in Song
Worship Team
Dave Buller
What happens after Jesus Comes Back?
Email ___________________________________________
Please indicate: Married ___
Single ___
Name(s) of children living at home & birth dates:
*Closing Song
*We often stand as part of our worship service.
However, feel free to remain seated at any time.
The service is also on screen via live video feed in the Family Room.
Please limit entering or leaving the sanctuary
During times of prayer whenever possible.
October Verse
I am a: Guest ___ Attender ___ Member ____
We wait in hope for the LORD;
He is our help and our shield.
In him our hearts rejoice,
For we trust in his holy name.
Psalm 33: 20-21
Is this your: 1st visit ____ 2nd ____ 3rd ____
I came as a guest of ________________________
Your Age Group
1-17 18-23 24-30 31-35 36-40
41-45 46-50 51-60 61-70 71+
Are you in school? Current School Grade:
Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 College Votech Other _________
Hosts Today:
Childcare Workers:
Next week (November 2nd)
Childcare Workers:
Gerry & Kim Geels
Phyllis Pankratz
Kimmy Bation
Lawrence Foth
Calvin & Ruth Ann Hershberger
Lawrence Foth
Rene Hart & Kara McClendon
Connect to God, others, and your mission.
Welcome to Cornerstone!
We are glad you are here today!
Sunday, October 26, 2014
SUNDAY SCHOOL ......................................................................... 9:30 am
WORSHIP SERVICE .................................................................... 10:45 am
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY .............................................................. 9:30 am
Please fill out the Welcome Card and put it in the offering.
Make plans to join us at 9:30am Sunday mornings for practical Bible
studies. It’s one of the best ways to grow in your relationship with
Jesus and find out more about Cornerstone.
Sunday School Classes at 9:30 a.m.
Kids 5th – 8th grade meet downstairs in B4
Pre-K & Kindergarten – 4th grade meet in Room 1 in the gym
18 months – Preschool meet in Room 4 in the gym
Adult Bible Study – meet in Quilt Room
The Counselor Video Class – Meet in SW corner of gym (Media room)
Wesleyan Perspectives –
For over 2 centuries, John Wesley’s
understanding of the Bible have
enriched the Church and society. Join
us as we take a closer look at some of
those important biblical perspectives
Thursday, October 30, 2014
HOST 55+ COFFEE WITH SOUTHERN HILLS ................................ 9:00 am
October 31st – November 3rd
Dave attending Prayer Conference
SUNDAY GUEST SPEAKER .................................................. Clark Johnson
Trail Life/American Heritage girls / Preschool Pathfinders
& Women’s Bible Study
Mondays ................................................................................... 6:00 pm
Tuesday Night Basketball .......................................................... 8:00 pm
Wednesday Morning Coffee ..................................................... 9:30 am
Men meet at Hardees @ 21st & Wanamaker
During October Women meet at Barnes & Noble
6130 SW 17th (next to Kohl’s)
All God’s Children Preschool……(Mon & Wed & Fri)… .. 9:00 – 11:30 am
October Collections for Topeka Rescue Mission
If you could ask God one thing, what
would it be? Our questions reveal more
about our faith than our curiosities.
When Jesus asks the questions, He
sheds light on who we really are and
what we truly believe. Find out how His
questions reveal our hearts in The
Last Sunday 97
Last Sunday $5,057.00
Parking Lot
Welcome Card
This Week
During October we will collect Box dinners (including Mac & Cheese).
Place donated items in the bin in the library.
Looking Ahead
Monday, November 3, 2014
SERVE SUPPER @ TRM .................................................................4:45pm
4 volunteers are needed to help serve supper at the Topeka Rescue
Mission. Let Ruth Ann Hershberger know if you can help in this way.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Oct. 26 – Karmyn Faul
30 – Debbie Garza
Nov. 1 – Verla Dick
‘HEAVEN’ with Billy Graham .......................................................6:00 pm
Pick up postcards to give your neighbors & friends (on the Welcome
Table). A light meal will follow the movie.
Anniversaries this week:
Oct. 28 – Jodie & Carrie Clark
SD YOUTH CONFERENCE (SR HIGH) .......................................HILLSBORO
November 21-23, 2014
I’d Like Information On:
beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ.
growing in my relationship with Christ.
serving others and getting plugged in.
becoming a member of this Church Family.
How can we pray for you?
Please check one:
___ For Pastoral Staff & Elders only
___ May Be Published.
Drop completed card in the offering bag. Thank you.