Hi Guys! Look. You need to queue the crush campaign below into your autoresponder for this Big Blowout Weekend because it converts like gangbangbusters (10 times better than gangbusters). Thursday 4th June = 1 email Friday 5th June = 1 email Saturday 6th June = 2 emails Sunday 7th June = 3 emails Scarcity + Fear Of Loss + Urgency = $$$$$$ (aka the “crush campaign) Enjoy the money, Michael Cheney STEP 1. Grab your affiliate link STEP 2. Grab your Bonus Template page (contains free bonuses from me for your list) STEP 3. Grab your swipes below for this Big Blowout Weekend! (The formatting looks weird but trust me – just copy and paste these direct into your autoresponder and they will be perfect). ========================================================== EMAIL 1. SEND ON THURSDAY 4th JUNE 2015 Subject: The Mark Zuckerberg story you've never heard A lot has been written about Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook but; © Michael Cheney, 2015. 1|P a g e Did you know? He wears the same color T-shirt every single day. Why? Because he's too busy making money from Facebook to bother about fashion selection. Smart move. And you can bet your bottom dollar he doesn't waste any of his time watching viral cat movies on the News Feed either. Here's what this means for you; If you want to make big money (especially from Facebook) you need to know just two things; Thing 1: Where the money is on Facebook. © Michael Cheney, 2015. 2|P a g e Thing 2: How to get it. You'll find the answers here; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 Enjoy, [YOUR NAME] ================================== EMAIL 2. SEND ON FRIDAY 5th JUNE 2015 Subject: Where the money is on Facebook (and how to get it) {!firstname}, This all happened about a year or so ago. A friend of mine called me out of the blue and he was irate. © Michael Cheney, 2015. 3|P a g e (We're talking anger of gasket blowing proportions here). He was super frustrated, jealous and angry at the people making easy money from Facebook because he thought he'd tried everything and couldn't crack the code. "It's a conspiracy", he said as he hung up the phone. Oh boy. Well shortly after I spoke to him he disappeared into his "Facebook learning cave" for 18 months and has now re-emerged with something quite incredible. He's used everything he'd learned and conducted a weird "facebook money" experiment and it made $175,120! © Michael Cheney, 2015. 4|P a g e Pretty cool. So it's fair to say this guy knows where the money is on Facebook and HOW to get it and now he's showing you here; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 You should get this now. Enjoy, [YOUR NAME] ================================================= EMAIL 3. SEND BY 10:00 AM EST ON SATURDAY 6th JUNE 2015 Subject: We need to talk. {!firstname}, Look. © Michael Cheney, 2015. 5|P a g e The only reason you ever signed up to get info from me was to make money right? So you should go and grab this; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 YOU'LL DISCOVER WHERE THE MONEY IS ON FACEBOOK AND HOW TO GET IT Yes, you can do this without spending money on ads Yes, you can do this if you're just starting out Yes, you can do this even if you don't have your own product And yes - you can even do this if you're a "fresh-off-the-applecart" newbie. © Michael Cheney, 2015. 6|P a g e Do you want to make serious coin? Then you should grab this right now; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 Best, [YOUR NAME] ================================================= EMAIL 4. SEND BY 6:00 PM EST ON SATURDAY 6th JUNE 2015 Subject: $175k from a weird experiment? {!firstname}, In Version A it only made him $21,440. Then he activated Version B and it made him $175,120 They call it "The Fan Page Money © Michael Cheney, 2015. 7|P a g e Method" and you can learn how to do it here; [INSERT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK] YOU'LL DISCOVER * How To Unleash A "Money-Cloning Machine" That Duplicates Your Facebook Profits Without Duplicating Your Effort! * The Secret Free Software The Pros Use To Crush It With Facebook * The Fool-Proof Formula For Creating Fast-Cash Facebook Funnels * The Secret To Getting 40% Optin Rates And HIGHER Directly On Facebook * The Closely-Guarded Secret The "Facebook Mafia" Use To Get Hundreds Of Leads A Day From Facebook * And truckloads more besides... © Michael Cheney, 2015. 8|P a g e You should go get this now (hurry because it ends tomorrow); http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 Enjoy, [YOUR NAME] ================================================= EMAIL 5. SEND BY 9:00 AM EST ON SUNDAY 7th JUNE 2015 Subject: Re: Can I be frank? {!firstname}, Look. There's an unprecedented gold rush happening on Facebook right now. © Michael Cheney, 2015. 9|P a g e It's making LOT of people a LOT of money and... They call it "the Facebook Gold Rush". I personally know a lot of guys making $100k, $200k and $300k+ per month doing exactly this. This is going on RIGHT NOW and a few savvy business owners are cashing in like clockwork every single day but... Here's the rub:- You need to know the tricks to collect the "Facebook gold". But once you do, the money flows quickly and easily so... © Michael Cheney, 2015. 10 | P a g e HERE'S WHAT YOU SHOULD DO NEXT; #1. Grab this breakthrough report that shows you WHERE the money is on Facebook and HOW to get it; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 #2. Start cashing-in on the Facebook gold rush And hurry because the price increases TONIGHT (Sunday 7th June) at Midnight EST. Best, [YOUR NAME] ================================================= EMAIL 6. SEND BY 5:00 PM EST ON SUNDAY 7th JUNE 2015 SUBJECT: drop EVERYTHING (except your underpants) © Michael Cheney, 2015. 11 | P a g e {!firstname}, You need to drop everything right now and grab this incredible report on how to make money from Facebook because the price is going up in just a few hours later today; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 3 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY THIS #1. You will make money from Facebook #2. You will make money from Facebook #3. You will make money from Facebook Grab this now before the price goes skyward at Midnight tonight. http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 Best, [YOUR NAME] © Michael Cheney, 2015. 12 | P a g e ================================================= EMAIL 7. SEND BY 9:00 PM EST ON SUNDAY 7th JUNE 2015 SUBJECT: Your LAST chance for Fan Page Money Method {!firstname}, This is your last chance to grab the Fan Page Money Method at the low, low launch price; http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 (Hurry 'cos the price is shooting up at Midnight tonight - Sunday 7th June) 5833 PEOPLE CAN'T BE WRONG... "I made $1600 in one weekend thanks to the powerful strategies I learned" © Michael Cheney, 2015. 13 | P a g e "Learned More In An Hour Than I Had In A Year. Even A Beginner Can Take Action Right Away." "The BEST Way To Start Making Money On Facebook" "Truly ROCKS! I Already Have A Ton Of Leads I Can Market To" "Awesome! Easy To Follow, Has Helped Me So Much" "No-Fluff And Powerful! Shows You Step-By-Step How To Set Up Your Page And Make Money" "Offers New Insights Which Are Overlooked By The Majority" "My Business Is Growing From What I Have Learned" "Hands down the BEST way to earn money with facebook" © Michael Cheney, 2015. 14 | P a g e "Rare Opportunity To Make Money Easy And Fast" "I Was A Newbie - Now Making Money Like A Pro. Love It!" "Worth the price just to learn the hidden gems - it will help all business owners" "Absolutely Phenomenal. Blows Other Guides Out Of The Water!" "Remarkable Training! Will Help Market Our Feature Film" "Killer new step-by-step methods - the BEST training I've seen to make money on Facebook" "Immediate impact. More clicks, more subscribers, more results" "He rocks it! Gives you his own examples to follow" © Michael Cheney, 2015. 15 | P a g e "If you want to put money in your bank account you MUST buy this" "Leads you to where the money is step by step." http://jvz5.com/c/YOUR-ID/114617 Grab YOUR copy now before the price shoots up at Midnight EST tonight (Sunday 7th June). Best, [YOUR NAME] ================================================= © Michael Cheney, 2015. 16 | P a g e
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