Assisted Living May 2011 13180 Dorman Rd. • Pineville, NC 28134 (704) 540-8007 • Remembrance MOTHER’S DAY TEA Sunday, May 8 2:30 p.m. Laurels Dining Room R.S.V.P. (704) 540-8007 (2 guests) On Memorial Day, we honor the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our country. We want to take this opportunity to recognize all our residents and their family members and friends who are serving or have served our country. M is for Maternal instincts O is for Outward signs of love T is for saying Thank you H is for Honoring Mom E is for Everything she’s done R is for Remembering her support S is for Sacrifices she made D is for her Dedication A is for Always being there Y is for Youthful memories Birthday New Residents MERCEDES Saturday, May 7, at 2:30 p.m. Hats off to those who sport special head wear at the Kentucky Derby. The hat tradition, ranging from sublime to silly, dates back to 1875, according to the Kentucky Derby Museum. At that time, those attending the Derby considered it to be a social affair. So race organizers invited women’s clubs, whose members dressed in their finest attire. Enjoy mint juleps and residents modeling their handmade hats. Our men sporting fedoras, too. Happy Welc me “You are as welcome as the flowers in May.” Laurels Kentucky Derby Party and Hat Parade FAMILY NIGHT, the ACT Medical Group Will Be Introduced-6 p.m. MAY 11 R.S.V.P. (704) 540-8007 Barbara, Barry, Dianne, Fran, Georgine, Mary, Virginia and William WE HONOR OUR NURSES DURING NATIONAL NURSES WEEK MAY 6 - 12 OUR LAURELS HEALTHY LIFESTYLE PROGRAM Trivia Whiz Happy May Day May Day, May 1, is a festive occasion to mark the peak of spring, and many cultures celebrate with music and dancing. Here’s a bouquet of facts about May Day: Maypoles. The pole was thought to symbolize reverence for sacred trees. Maypoles typically were trees cut from the forest and stripped of their branches. Colorful ribbons were attached to the tops, and children would grab the streamers and dance in a circle. May queens. In some European villages, a May queen was selected from among the young women of the community to preside over May Day festivities. May queens were crowned on flower-covered thrones and drawn through town in decorated carts. The Healthy Lifestyle program continues to be a great success. The Laurels Activity Team is proud to get positive feedback from residents and families. We hear that few senior communities have such diverse and customized programs. The “Lifestyle” program is led by Mary Price, who is an occupational therapist, and Anita Brown, who was for many years a teacher with CMS. Lifestyles strives to meet the needs and special requests of different groups of residents. Many residents love our trivia, socials, music events and craft groups, but they often need more than these mainstream activities to stay busy! So, enrichment, customized and informed are the buzz words to best describe Healthy Lifestyles. Please contact Angela Burrow, Program Director, (704) 540-8007, if you want to join a session. LAURELS SUNDAY DEVOTIONS at 3 p.m. Enrichment Room Ministering Susan Weatherby and Randy Tucker “... and he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” —Proverbs 11:25 Resident Spotlight THANK YOU, RESIDENT BESS HUDSON, WHO IS DOING A FINE JOB AS THE LAURELS WELCOME AMBASSADOR. BESS LIAISES WITH LEASING, DINING AND ACTIVITY STAFF TO SUPPORT A COMFORTABLE AND STRESS-FREE MOVE IN FOR OUR NEW RESIDENTS. SHE VISITS THEIR ROOMS WITH A WELCOME BAG, INTRODUCES THEM TO THE DINING ROOM STAFF, WALKS THEM THROUGH THE CALENDAR AND GIVES THOSE HELPFUL PIECES OF INFORMATION TO HELP NEW RESIDENTS AND THEIR FAMILIES. BESS HUDSON Laurels Welcome Ambassador Bess has had a busy year so far. As well as being elected as the welcome ambassador, she served as our Mardi Gras Queen alongside King Al Peccatiello. Dear Residents and Families, CONGRATULATIONS, GRADUATES! To the graduates among our family members and staff we say, “Hats Off!” A special shout out to Kenneth Sims, who is off to Clemson in the fall. Kenneth is a loyal high school volunteer who uses his computer knowledge to benefit some of our residents. Kenneth epitomises volunteering. He is young, busy with family and friends and is a band member, yet still makes time where he is needed. Thank you and good luck! You will see that we are inserting mini bios of our managers into the newsletters. Rita, one of our Community Relations Directors, was the most recent. Our executive director, Leslie Hall, was introduced in the fall newsletter before she arrived in our community last Thanksgiving. We want you to get to know more about us, starting with our resume highlights. Most of us had no clue that Erin had worked among the jet setters in South Florida! Perhaps it was there she created the refreshing fruit soups served during the warmer months here in Pineville. Please address all questions, concerns and words of praise to the on-site Laurels’ managers. LAURELS MANAGERS – (704) 540-8007 Leslie Hall - Executive Director [email protected] C. Angela Burrow - Healthy Generation [email protected] Ty Cain - Community Relations [email protected] Rita Hill - Community Relations [email protected] Erin Morrissey - Food and Beverage [email protected] Ann Parrish - Resident Services [email protected] Tabrina Watford - Business Office [email protected] Jim Yeaman - Maintenance [email protected] “’Tis better to give than to receive.” Wit & Wisdom “People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.” —Iris Murdoch “If your heart is a volcano, how shall you expect flowers to bloom?” —Kahlil Gibran “It’s so nice to get flowers while you can still smell the fragrance.” —Lena Horne “A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin.” —H.L. Mencken “Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them.” —A.A. Milne “Big doesn’t necessarily mean better. Sunflowers aren’t better than violets.” —Edna Ferber Laurels Nurse Mary and resident Edythe both chose the profession of nursing. Edythe served during World War II, and Mary serves us every day at the Laurels. Residents and staff are proud of you both! May 6, we celebrate National Nurses Week, but we honor all our nurses every day. 1897: Irish author Bram Stoker publishes his classic horror fiction novel, “Dracula.” MAY 1904: Boston Red Sox’s Cy Young 1792: Twenty-four brokers meet pitches the first perfect game in the modern era of baseball against the Philadelphia Athletics. under a tree on Wall Street in New York, signing the “Buttonwood Agreement” and establishing the New York Stock Exchange. 1872: Victoria Woodhull becomes the first woman nominated for president of the United States. 1885: The first issue of Good Housekeeping magazine goes on sale. 1916: The Saturday Evening Post publishes its first cover featuring a Norman Rockwell painting. 1930: Ellen Church becomes the first airline stewardess on a flight from Oakland to Chicago. 1933: The first modern-day sighting of the Loch Ness Monster is reported when a couple spots the creature while driving around the large loch. 1954: Sir Roger Bannister is the first to run a mile in less than 4 minutes: 3 minutes, 59.4 seconds. 1962: Marilyn Monroe sings her infamous rendition of “Happy Birthday” to President John F. Kennedy. 1992: After 30 years, Johnny Carson is host of “The Tonight Show” for the last time. 1998: The finale of the hit TV show “Seinfeld” airs with 76 million viewers tuning in.
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