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Ultrastructural Pathology, 25:159, 2001
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Readers’ Forum
To the Editor
Ultrastructural Pathology
Dear Sir:
We read with interest the article written by Zu et al.
[ 1 ] regarding Helicobacter pylori phagocytosis by
neutrophils. The authors provided excellent evidence
to conŽrm that H. pylori underwent phagocytosis by
neutrophils in vivo. Although his article preceded the
culture of H. pylori, H. W. Steer, in 1975, published
probably what are still the best electron micrographs
of the organism, including phagocytosis by
polymorphonuclear leucocytes [ 2 ]. In our experience,
H. pylori are easily found within polymorphonuclear
leucocytes using Genta stain [ 3 ] or El -Zimaity dual
stain [ 4 ] with hematoxylin ( Figure 1 ). We are writing
to bring Steer´s article to the attention of readers,
because his work sets the stage for H. pylori discovery,
but is infrequently read.
Hala M. T. El-Zimaity, MD
Gastrointestinal Mucosa Pathology Laboratory
and Departments of Medicine and Pathology
VAMC and Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas, USA
FIG. 1 Gastric epithelium. H. pylori are seen on the
surface epithelium and within in¯ ammatory
cells. El-Zimiaty Dual stain, £100.
David Y. Graham, MD
Gastrointestinal Mucosa Pathology Laboratory
and Department of Medicine
VAMC and Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, Texas, USA
1. Zu Y, Cassai ND, Sidhu GS. Light microscopic and ultrastructural
evidence of in vivo phagocytosis of Helicobacter pylori by
neutrophils. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2000;24:319± 323.
2. Steer HW. Ultrastructure of cell migration through the gastric
epithelium and its relationship to bacteria. J. Clin Pathol.
1975;28:639 ± 646.
3. Genta RM, Robason GO, Graham DY. Simultaneous visualization
of Helicobacter pylori and gastric morphology: a new stain. Hum
Pathol. 1994;25:221± 226.
4. El Zimaity HMT, Wu J, Akamatsu T, Graham DY. A reliable method
for the simultaneous identiŽ cation of H. pylori and gastric
metaplasia in the duodenum. J. Clin Pathol. 1999;52:914± 916.
Address correspondence to Hala M . T. El- Zimaity, M D, V. A. M edical
Center ( 111- D) , Rm. 3A- 320, 2002 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX
77030, USA. E- mail: hzimaity@ bcm.tmc.edu